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[词典校勘] 牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第9版) extraordinary rendition翻译有误

  • TA的每日心情
    2023-12-11 22:15
  • 签到天数: 53 天


    发表于 2020-2-17 02:39:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    在豆瓣看到的 https://book.douban.com/review/10553706/#comments
    3 q0 R* c, h5 J+ ~) w6 {有豆瓣用户指出翻译错误,意思反了
    * ?' ^6 d$ k2 v2 P7 h查了一下果然是。
      C% {+ V/ m  _! \1 j# K* j& b" yextraordinary rendition
    7 k" Z" ~  A4 S0 J" g剑桥4的解释4 S* J. ?% G/ W# }) H# F) K
    the act of taking prisoners to another country in order to do things to them that would not be allowed in your own country, for example, torturing (= hurting) them in order to make them give you information非常规引渡; ?$ \3 A9 k' o- F# k5 b! t
    6 l8 ?! K$ a. o. ythe practice by a government of arranging for someone who is thought to be a terrorist to be taken to another country where more severe ways of getting information, for example torture, can be used 非常规引渡〔指一国政府将恐怖分子嫌疑犯送至可严刑逼供的国家的做法〕9 ~& b' b% K; t
    ODE living online
    3 Z! p1 \$ \+ K (especially in the US) the practice of sending a foreign criminal or terrorist suspect covertly to be interrogated in a country with less rigorous regulations for the humane treatment of prisoners.( _0 @) A9 G. A8 Y; S6 M: c# X" e
    , \) c' }, m* t8 a) }/ h/ @2 U1 e
    # m  k; l9 t& G, W2 M- \7 Y4 I而牛津高阶9. M! y  g/ P& p+ c( Z
    (also exˌtraordinary renˈdition) [U] (especially in the US) the practice of sending foreign suspects to be questioned in another country where the laws about the treatment of prisoners are less strict (尤指在美国)非常规引渡(将外籍嫌疑犯引渡到其他对待囚犯较宽松的国家受审)
    5 }& V2 I" H# L4 E7 t
    6 K& l. r1 D# M. G感觉这个英文解释就有点歧义6 \" L  A+ E5 e& l5 i5 e5 K

    " X* \4 t( u. T4 T谁有牛津高阶4也可以查查


    发表于 2020-4-28 03:49:54 | 显示全部楼层
    9 \* k+ c6 @0 \3 X+ Werroneous extradition - 引渡者是無辜的
    " ^% U3 N& [/ @& M4 Z5 q7 f4 Mtorture by proxy 或 torture flight
    . U) F% h1 g2 _; a- x; L3 O* s可疑人被引渡到人權非常不好的地方
    . b2 ~' b- A4 y. l, ?: X
    : b" ^/ ]& h: b9 G$ N非常規引渡
    8 @- `, q+ x, t未經正式指控、審判或法律許可的嫌疑人或
    ( A6 T' x- R+ x- t1 h; e恐怖份子引渡回國監禁或接受調查審問
  • TA的每日心情

    2020-2-23 10:00
  • 签到天数: 100 天


    发表于 2020-2-17 09:03:21 | 显示全部楼层
    ( V: k$ m& t# Y4 m9 x
    / Q2 E& ?3 E- \0 B) C. h& T) |这个问题应该是翻译者比较仓促,我相信他最初的理解是没有问题的。
  • TA的每日心情
    2022-1-21 00:52
  • 签到天数: 699 天


    发表于 2020-2-17 10:56:47 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 cocowind 于 2020-2-17 11:12 编辑
      p- {" C9 B- H+ A# e- s& a6 g8 q6 g$ ~, F8 C8 T
    21世纪大英汉词典 该词条有 [古语]逃亡奴隶的引渡 的含义8 i& T6 i7 {: ]" A6 G1 ~

    6 T3 z6 y2 L5 F9 L$ }4 e" @; M( m5 I7 R3 ^7 o4 K# ~
    Macmillan British English 2019 上介绍得最为详尽
    " b" J& d% y6 q( @6 u6 x) y) v; k* [/ R' t3 F9 W+ _$ C0 _; \
    ) `' e" s1 \6 r
    In 2005, a new sense of the word rendition was born. In the same year that the media talked about Sir Paul McCartney's rendition of a famous Beatles song at the London Live8 concert, the same word was being used in a serious context which in no way related to the conventional definition of 'a particular performance or interpretation of a piece of music or drama'. In December 2005, the sense of rendition that dominated the media was nothing to do with entertainment, but rather the process of capture and extradition of suspected terrorists.: V9 `" x+ l. o3 @7 F) B
    some 100 to 150 people have been renditioned since 9/11
    7 r& U- L, M, Q; j6 m/ BIn the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, in November 2001 President Bush issued a military order which, contrary to national and international law, included the right to indefinitely detain any non-US citizen anywhere in the world. This controversial practice, described as rendition, involves grabbing terrorist suspects in one country and flying them to their home or another country where they are wanted for questioning.* z. Y6 H$ f/ H( T8 u' [; U0 n
    Rendition in this sense occurs as both an uncountable and countable noun, with the uncountable noun referring to the process and the countable form to an instance of it. Renditioning is an alternative process noun. Rendition is also used as a transitive verb, mainly in the passive form as in be/get renditioned (to somewhere), and the form renditioned therefore frequently occurs as a participle adjective. Terrorist suspects who have been renditioned are sometimes described with the attributive adjective rendered, as in rendered suspects were detained at…, and render is sometimes also used as an alternative verb form.
    + X$ v+ o$ a/ e  zSome 100 to 150 people have been renditioned since 9/11, the CIA claiming that the procedure is restricted to those considered to be the most serious terror suspects. Rendition continues to be a highly controversial practice however, mainly because it allegedly involves the extradition of suspects to countries where torture forms a legal part of interrogation procedures. Opponents often describe the term rendition as a euphemism for torture-by-proxy.
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-7-21 11:43
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2020-4-27 19:02:11 | 显示全部楼层
    不巧,适才就豆瓣原帖给出个人见解:“问题的根源在于 9 版原词条的英文释义不到位,甚至有干扰之嫌……”


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    发表于 2020-6-24 14:34:44 | 显示全部楼层
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