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[词典讨论] 论坛中有2版朗文6双解,差别很大,请大神鉴别!!

  • TA的每日心情

    2018-6-17 08:57
  • 签到天数: 49 天


    发表于 2021-9-28 15:28:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 mahuangyihao 于 2021-9-28 15:29 编辑 0 E: h. c- [" j; G. W- T: {& \" }

      z1 j5 N, L& k: [本帖讨论的是论坛里面提供的朗文双解第六版的2个版本
    . L/ A1 Q# i* n1 R! Z4 l% {* e. v% M2 Y* |8 i$ y( h
    4 o& ?1 E- e4 d# S5 f  M' S7 a; j4 D; o
    下面2版的例句翻译完全不一样,论坛里有第五版的PDF。我对比了一下:2 ~, q! A; r4 i# w2 h

    " v: `, N3 l- B  w3 V& e& L) jA版例句翻译与第五版相同(我不是说A版是第五版,只是针对这个词条)。
    - d) r  N1 l/ X. q, T
    5 _# m; I, U4 M1 JB版的中文释义和例句翻译有缺失。B版内容与论坛anki版中的一个帖子的资源一样https://www.pdawiki.com/forum/fo ... &extra=page%3D1,这个帖子是18年的。
    . t. @7 Y* D& U8 e0 H# d  c6 C- W/ h
    我手头没有第六版双解的纸质版,请问下各位大神,这个是什么情况?- }0 q+ E! y# c0 x( Q+ \
    * R/ m( R+ j( M6 g( a1 M

    2 Z! n6 f+ l9 Z0 z# R+ |  R& Y9 c- X# p  o1 Q/ h+ A
    A版是hanyl05的版本- W4 x! Z4 ~  J

    ; Z; o3 H  G7 C+ O; aodds /ɒdz $ ɑːdz/ ●●○ S3 AWL noun [plural]  ; E, X3 d" ]) ~) P
    Entry menuExamplesThesaurusCollocationsPhrases
    . b, X$ W5 `, E0 K& `1PROBABILITY可能性 the odds how likely it is that something will or will not happen〔事物发生的〕可能性:6 W% R& Q9 a3 R0 j- G
    The odds are (=it is likely) that he will commit the same crime again.
      D# p- c4 V  e+ W% b- s5 ^% V他可能还会犯同样的罪行。! V7 M& i: p9 O( x6 S
    odds of* y9 r/ T9 R  C3 X9 z. D
    You can narrow the odds of a nasty accident happening in your home by being more safety-conscious.# n# y9 K: o4 P& O6 m' d1 p
    6 V, N6 R/ l) Q7 v4 f0 \0 E3 |, Lodds against4 ~2 t! X* D4 M% j0 n$ T6 k  I
    The odds against a plane crash are around a million to one.( f" R  x  m, Q( b! j
    8 Z( H. `6 f' y6 Q3 W I’m afraid that the odds are heavily against her winning (=it is not likely).
    ! M; Q3 |) ?( t# M; I恐怕她获胜的可能性很小。
    $ s& [. r" Q- a/ ~ What are the odds (=how likely is it) that they will mess up?
      t& S  m4 G6 K( s/ C他们失败的可能性有多大?2 y- c: `- e3 g/ [1 k+ B8 d
    a new company that has beaten the odds and succeeded (=it was not likely to succeed, but it did)7 T7 x% G$ A7 v! `9 n# C, ]9 Y
    战胜逆境并取得成功的一家新公司7 [" n/ g" b. p9 ~

    # U1 g" u9 H- A/ E1 m, Y6 J) u. O% p5 K( s

    6 w: X- h1 y. LB版是joewong的版本' m) k; ~% ^  I" u! }
    . W, B, _5 b4 B  T# O9 M& _. ?
    odds /ɒdz $ ɑːdz/ ●●○ S3 AWL noun [plural]  ; U5 c8 i- U0 O  N; F( f
    4 I& T/ ^1 P/ R1PROBABILITY the odds how likely it is that something will or will not happen :/ R% \5 e; c8 Z/ l& A
    The odds are (=it is likely) that he will commit the same crime again.
    - n3 \/ D# a( H' hodds of
    & o+ o8 L- ~  S! R- } You can narrow the odds of a nasty accident happening in your home by being more safety-conscious.6 Y  R/ |2 z, g3 J8 V: {$ w
    →通过增强安全意识,就可以减少危险的意外事故在家中发生的可能性。! P) C' \8 @3 Y, `1 M! \7 d9 `) i
    odds against( p% S* t3 Q5 ?6 V9 G
    The odds against a plane crash are around a million to one.
    8 k; E$ a& z1 U# m# g0 a→发生空难的可能性极小,大约为百万分之一。7 @; F5 `( x% A! A2 \
    I’m afraid that the odds are heavily against her winning (=it is not likely).
    + u- `1 P! z. O7 ~0 m, R$ x$ `# i* v6 p→恐怕她获胜的可能性很小。
    ) \/ M* d( o1 I What are the odds (=how likely is it) that they will mess up?; l2 g% j- x/ f5 ~" K# ~9 n# j9 b* I
    →他们把事情搞砸的可能性有多大?, Y1 g! _" C& e+ v/ q
    a new company that has beaten the odds and succeeded (=it was not likely to succeed, but it did)
    " G5 W) J! k0 m- Q→战胜逆境、取得成功的一家新公司
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-18 00:54
  • 签到天数: 1014 天


    发表于 2021-9-29 10:27:31 | 显示全部楼层
    hanyl05的版本双解部分为:朗文当代高级英语辞典(第四版)2 n5 _+ Y# C6 k+ n4 b2 U
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-12-2 11:34
  • 签到天数: 75 天


    发表于 2021-9-28 17:30:39 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-18 00:54
  • 签到天数: 1014 天


    发表于 2021-9-29 10:15:42 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-3-24 12:33
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2023-8-12 11:43:49 | 显示全部楼层
    king_wang 发表于 2021-9-28 17:30
    3 Z1 N- b! ~% N, o6 P/ b我用的是hanyl05的版本。

    + O9 T) M8 V! J: B- S请问你有没有朗文6双解mdx,mdd版词典,求分享
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-12-2 11:34
  • 签到天数: 75 天


    发表于 2023-11-28 22:06:55 | 显示全部楼层
    爱的世界 发表于 2023-8-12 11:43
    " Y) T* y* d4 K* g, G0 j- x请问你有没有朗文6双解mdx,mdd版词典,求分享
    . _( G4 W5 S+ x1 C: s
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