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[索引] 有關 The Britannica Dictionary



发表于 2023-4-4 04:37:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
/ A% H) ^* E$ H$ [3 o: kThank you for contacting Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster still publishes an Advanced Learner's English Dictionary and an Essential Learner's English Dictionary. For many years, we also ran learnersdictionary.com, a free website based on our Advanced Learner's English Dictionary. Today, that website is run by our partners at Encyclopedia Britannica, and it is called the Britannica Dictionary (located at https://www.britannica.com/dictionary). However, while the branding of the website has changed somewhat, the content has not -- you can still access our Learner's definitions, find core vocabulary, read the Word of the Day for learners, and take vocabulary quizzes.
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5 @4 ~& ?+ }; M2 G" J7 uWe hope this answers your question! If there's anything else we can help you with, please feel free to reach out.( W/ l$ @8 E! G7 [. H5 I

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# N$ N2 U; u8 b& X( {7 tCarolyn Polis
  T" y4 I& w9 a. t, g9 S- u: U3 |$ z
1 F) j% e+ m2 T$ C2 r/ J% @Correspondence Coordinator, d. F' e& D( b; T
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Merriam-Webster2 d7 M* u4 H$ K$ }, _4 }! E

3 j2 Q9 G5 C! i- J0 z3 e$ ?4 NSpringfield, MA




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    发表于 2023-4-7 19:02:10 | 显示全部楼层
    你可以再问下Merriam Webster的 spanishcentral.com 为什么取消了,好可惜。
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