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[词典讨论] 21世纪的degreed

  • TA的每日心情
    2023-2-15 04:29
  • 签到天数: 72 天


    发表于 2023-9-3 15:34:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    degreed [di'ɡri:d] " d# \( A) x2 Y. Q/ E
    adj. 1.degree的变形
    4 `, x, N$ Y" w0 ]2.有一个以上学位的 - H. e7 t2 b0 q# q9 u$ @

    . O& H: z+ z8 n0 O2 Q
    # d/ @) B. d5 y; {$ p) m3 z. N我看了下,似乎是来自WBD( \4 \2 M4 b; V0 ^" T6 k, P  @0 K
    having one or more academic degrees:
    / j* T  |8 f: m; f➾This degreed man must be able to boast a minimum of 3 to 5 years of successful engineering-sales activity (New York Times)./ ?- `; R2 R! M
    2 A& q3 U9 V' V# f+ W+ J
    但是one or more本来就是英语规避单复数问题的套话,翻译成“一个以上”岂不是让人迷惑,OED就简单了
    4 R" i$ ?& d- A' v2 f" d' L  {
    # z. o: ]. x6 K4 A4 ? 1. Having an academical degree. Also absol.& i" z! G8 V# A' ]

      [/ {- d# k& J0 D4 P# {& W
    9 v) X9 j$ }1 r- R
    ( a/ {2 \3 K- p1560   in J. Strype Ann. Reformation I. xvii. 215  Such as be degreed in the Universities.) G* V9 o$ o2 S9 Y  k# `

    + G- S4 F' c6 v% P% V  h+ x1905   Daily Chron. 11 July 3/2  The unfairness to the rate-payer,..to the class-teacher, to the non-collegiate, to the academical degreed.
    " [' Z, g% `  b7 e) h0 M7 X) h) R- @
    1962   Guardian 17 Jan. 6/6  Degreed women are..very much the exception.
    ( U. p4 \/ r; |+ m6 `& E4 V. A1 g) ?) J, P. U( [: H( C
    1967   Guardian 28 June 6/5  Abstracts of papers by much-degreed ladies from the University of Saskatchewan.1 @: z3 V. y) s! K% ?) H' e


    发表于 2023-9-5 15:19:40 | 显示全部楼层
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