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[词典讨论] 从 species 的例句看学**型词典[...]



发表于 2017-11-12 11:32:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

& |( t* N7 Y1 ?0 I缘起,一朋友发的消息:- f: o7 z/ D) h
######https://www.economist.com/news/s ... reveal-about-sexual! T5 o/ Y5 U$ C" a
>记得你先前发的一个限定词的文章,当中写了“所有可数名词的单数形式前面必须有一个限定词”,昨天看经济学人的时候读到一句话: It's no surprise that many species of animal choose, on the basis of odour, mates with dissimilar MHC genes. 当中的 animal 用的就是单数,且 animal 作为名词只有可数名词。查了 species 确实有这样一个用法: There are many species of dog(s). 狗有许多种。
* J8 q# u7 R2 }
7 d( c9 h+ T( q9 f3 a: H. g/ g* ]$ O7 o牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第 7/8 版)4 g; `) j% ], x. Q
https://cn.bing.com/dict/search?q=species4 S8 t  w- X" I# d1 x+ [
>There are many species of dog(s). 狗有许多种。# j/ i6 f8 @' _% r1 ~
6 k2 W# t5 G0 B/ {- Y# A; Q! ^5 s
问题来了,为**要有这个例句?为** dog(s) 是 dog(s)
0 C+ h1 X" q- N! N6 N☞ [2017-10-07] determiner(限定词)@牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第 8 版) http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/DzpC_9m7IrIrIGh0Xmb7FQ
$ N, l4 l& ^5 }. |, S# s8 b* \" H. u+ E3 [  a! r
>可数名词有单、复数两种形式。作单数时,前面一定要有限定词(determiner),如 a、the、both、each 等;作复数时,前面有无限定词均可:% l7 C4 }5 O4 Q% W3 \2 D
$ }- x8 v$ t) J, o6 M+ B9 z" U( U
- No determiner? https://forum.wordreference.com/threads/no-determiner.3219458/9 d6 B! U5 a- C& V
9 b4 U$ {- @0 H9 W0 v" r, M
many species of animal/dog/tiger 肯定是对的,那为** animal/dog/tiger 前面没有传统意义上的限定词?我觉得或许 species of 和 lots of 一样,本身也可以做限定词吧,暂时没找到相关书籍或文献解释这个。; u; z. J$ i1 p
4 t0 r3 `( ]7 B3 g
不过,从 There are many species of dog(s). 这个例句可以看出,OALD 的编辑在选编例句的时候,肯定想到过 species of + 单数可数名词这个问题,其他词典都没有。
: K( e; ~9 ~3 E# d
' W2 W! L0 Q  m
; _8 a* k8 U. E8 I: ?
  d5 U) R; l4 |+ U8 k4 Q" Z! L* S
' X. |5 v! Y! Y" t3 }- b7 H! p8 k
  • TA的每日心情

    2018-6-15 18:18
  • 签到天数: 249 天


    发表于 2017-11-12 12:27:49 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 afreeelf 于 2017-11-12 13:48 编辑
    * v% j& u4 p; }; a
    : W& \* Y$ j# U# @7 C, A. ]kind of后面就通常不接限定词,species应该和它一样吧     话说species单复数同形     另外:


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  • TA的每日心情
    2 小时前
  • 签到天数: 1014 天


    发表于 2017-11-12 20:29:55 | 显示全部楼层
    afreeelf 发表于 2017-11-12 12:27
    , W1 F* e$ s7 _# h8 m2 Q) mkind of后面就通常不接限定词,species应该和它一样吧     话说species单复数同形     另外: ...

    + Q( O- n9 f( H  |6 A还真是。
    0 P8 c( j/ Q  r3 y- P同样查了列出来的三个单词,在牛八当中出现的例句有:! T. Y9 h4 L; P" A
    There are three main types of contract(s). 有三种主要的合同。% K" t! ]8 G% |# i% d0 F1 g* K& m! L1 B+ n
    three kinds of cakes/cake 三种蛋糕
  • TA的每日心情

    2018-6-15 18:18
  • 签到天数: 249 天


    发表于 2017-11-12 20:52:50 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 afreeelf 于 2017-11-12 20:57 编辑
    + ?! J$ w8 c4 ?- D8 V
    fellboy 发表于 2017-11-12 20:29: i& N6 h# W& z* }7 z
    5 p5 d  Y  m% I0 s% I% Z, K9 T同样查了列出来的三个单词,在牛八当中出现的例句有:
    $ E. f- t) [# C7 }- ^4 ?There are three main types of contract ...
    ( E; V1 _8 ~# V
    " `; F  D4 _- f3 Q) s


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    发表于 2017-11-12 22:20:37 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 spearonsquare 于 2017-11-12 22:21 编辑
    ; H6 n3 r9 G# T8 g8 Z' P5 Y: R6 T5 ~2 F  r; H" F6 W3 h
    http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservic ... t/learnitv310.shtml
    * U, n- ^% u4 |0 A0 f( N9 r6 V( g0 m8 m; \0 @" ?1 G  ^9 o

    & @. O1 q# D" a3 N**I have always had problems using the words kind and type. Is there any difference and can you give me some examples of usage?
    # M' [6 \) u! ~/ S. u# t! c5 R& v4 F: c2 g5 Z" r
    - w; l$ B" @' N" I9 \# @  M$ \8 q' M$ N3 _- D5 O2 e
    kinds of / sorts of / types of / varieties of4 {$ R/ U2 K& ]4 o
    % _& s" c" m, O6 L  G
    Kinds, sorts, types and even varieties can all be used interchangeably, (although varieties may be used more in more scientific sorts of contexts, e.g. varieties of tomato) The first three are very common and can be used in singular and plural forms. Compare the following and note that all the examples today are taken from a global music theme:  i0 c, l/ d/ m$ {, Y
    ' R$ y% E; U/ }8 z. l! o# U
    What kind(s) / type(s) / sort(s) / varieties of music do you like most? ~ I like all kinds / sorts / types: hip-hop, R&B, pop, rock, rap and classical.
    # P3 C3 d# e# E7 W+ s- n 2 G6 H+ W0 ]7 a1 q( ^5 |
    Global Music – or World Music as it is known in Britain – is the synthesis of different kinds of music from around the world, often using traditional instruments in an original way.. X$ Z* H( x& h8 u
    5 u1 e- c# |' Z( q8 p: n
    If you want to know what type of instrument a morinhoor is, how to find music from Yakutia or how to buy an organo pinareno from Cuba, Global Music websites can help you( \5 |, v6 b9 z$ z# c) K
    * o+ z$ i$ X1 A) ~; G, J
    various / different / many / all - kinds / types / sorts varieties
    # R4 m4 S( J2 R  Z2 F2 J% ?- M3 ~8 m& R - w& S8 g2 A, U  A# l
    These nouns collocate readily with different, various and many as well as with all:
    : S0 J* R/ s- ?. @2 ^   }9 ^+ Z5 c' M: A3 I3 l; h
    There are various kinds / types / sorts / varieties of jazz, originating with ragtime, blues and swing of the 20s and 30s and then the later varieties of hard bop, soft bop, funky, third stream and free styles of the 50s and 60s.* b5 `# t' s# ?$ E2 f; `
    " x4 X! {/ T/ `8 z% h+ q; T
    sort of (a) / kind of (a) / type of (a)
    - \( a  F, O9 N 7 \7 ^' [# v; X$ O7 G/ A& ]5 X5 a9 s5 x
    Sort of / kind of / type of are usually followed by an uncountable noun or a singular countable noun with no article, but a / an is sometimes retained in an informal style:' p2 O: ]( `9 i4 {

    . Q# m/ p7 d" ?* V, u; a0 UWhat sort of (a) / kind of (a) / type of (a) dance is that?3 j& b2 B' N7 [) ]3 l! q* o

    ; D) r+ [5 w+ Y2 Y$ S6 h: U8 UWell, it’s a sort of jig or reel, danced to very fast time. I don’t know exactly what it is because there are several types of jigs – single jigs, double jigs, slip jigs and hop jigs.
    6 ~  H4 d7 I7 e4 x
    ! }$ _  f! ^5 O/ Z. z  H- y5 S: `+ sNote that when the indefinite article is retained, it sometimes has a derogatory meaning:6 a" K6 Y) M+ Z% {3 g7 L- r

    * V& k+ `0 _! }1 ?8 ?! hWhat kind of a DVD player is that? You don’t seriously expect me to listen to electronic music with no surround sound, do you?( N4 S4 }2 j+ b# `' U( ?- L' x

      x# Z4 b3 x& b% ?2 ^% Q/ H0 n0 bsort of / kind of5 \' j5 O8 x5 _3 g" `" z+ g' I; v

    4 F! q* h* [# }/ Q8 ]5 ZSort of and kind of, but not type of, are used in another important way in informal spoken English when we want to demonstrate to the listener that we are not speaking very precisely but simply indicating a general idea. They are used to modify many different parts of speech including adjectives, verbs and clauses, see below:
    # S* m4 z7 C9 O7 s % o  U2 H5 r& r! c% e
    Why don’t you like this kind of music? ~ Well, it’s sort of loud and tuneless.
    6 Q8 B, A  R2 Y  Z! F, O
    4 F. o7 A8 ~5 N, t" _They may also be used as fillers, i.e. to fill a gap in the conversation and to give the speaker more time to think:3 A/ t5 M) p% T! m( A4 R
    , ]8 `: Y, s9 e4 M6 G) R5 [) k
    How would you describe your singing voice on this track?
    3 L9 E9 {! G) ^; k1 z+ Y . @: y3 f5 ~3 L! k
    Well, I… I kinda howl like a wolf, and then ...kinda...kinda...squeal like a pig, but it seems to work, sort of.
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