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[词典讯] Larousse English Dictionary [1997]



发表于 2015-12-16 09:12:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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6 a% X3 X/ s* q+ o( i4 ^% w2 b- N7 O5 O
% g" z7 g4 h# z4 }8 V2 L
This truly international dictionary offers generous coverage of North American, Australian, and British English, as well as language used by English speakers throughout the world. With over 55,000 references and 65,000 examples of context and usage; 2,000 encyclopedic entries; and more than 1,000 abbreviations and acronyms; this all new dictionary is specially designed for non-native speakers, international executives, and students of English. A 32-page supplement presents useful information on daily life in the U.S.A., Britain, and Australia.

  t% \( f7 }$ Y- E& B: s+ Y5 g8 Z0 Y. L
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【作 者】Faye Carney总主编;崔刚 等译
, h, B; V7 |6 D6 [. \! U【形态项】 16449 G. p. ?/ w- {# w8 s! o( y/ D
【出版项】 北京:北京出版社 , 2005.05+ }2 q! f3 L# R
【ISBN号】7-200-05162-4( S3 p( H% e! [9 ]
1 x  T' k6 a6 i4 F: z) H【原书定价】98.00/ _( o) J' S- B' B
【主题词】英语(学科: 汉语) 英语 汉语 双解词典
1 P  r1 I# }" j/ C; I【参考文献格式】 Faye Carney总主编;崔刚 等译. 拉鲁斯英汉双解词典. 北京:北京出版社, 2005.05.2 _# ]- M( {2 E5 f
! j+ f' U/ Z$ O7 g# d/ U, L( c本词典共收55000余词条、65000个语境、2000多百科词条、1000多缩略语,并广泛收录了商业与财经词汇,各国重要的历史与文化现象,美国、英国、澳大利亚的日常生活指南。+ ~# B; g( K& V0 M
/ S. ^/ U! \; Y  w+ o
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    发表于 2015-12-16 09:43:27 | 显示全部楼层
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