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[词典讯] World Book Encyclopedia



发表于 2017-8-16 09:26:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
➤ 词典名录 https://www.pdawiki.com/forum/thread-21149-1-1.html. o  J) j- F! h
☑ 感谢各类词典编纂、编译、编辑、出版人员,感谢诸多词典爱好者的交流、分享、切磋。- a7 q- K  `9 a9 B
☑ 本帖将持续更新相关信息,旨在分享词典背景知识、评测、心得等,也是楼主本人的知识整理。5 s6 m  I  _9 }* x7 C4 C
☑ 本帖没有任何资源下载链接,请勿跟帖索取,我也没有相关资源可供分享,期待您的分享。
/ }8 i( o1 Y7 B/ X☑ 真的需要,可以购买纸版、官方 app(如果有的话)或者另寻他法。
7 y9 ], ~7 _4 s5 l3 r  f0 X☑ 以下每个字都是广告。" \( x9 r8 a  e' i6 X! E
; i! |- e; ?: }3 N5 z
. \' A/ L  b( B; l, H1 D0 T2 m$ q) A0 i9 }6 A% `5 z/ r- p  t
World Book Encyclopedia 2017 https://www.worldbook.com/world-book-encyclopedia-2017
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Ageless Light —Ageless Knowledge
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This edition’s Spinescape® is a night-sky photo taken of Lake Tahoe in the Sierra Nevada mountain range on the border between the U.S. states of California and Nevada. The scene shows dawn overtaking night and symbolizes the enlightening impact of knowledge on confusion and ignorance. With this 2017 edition, The World Book Encyclopedia marks the centenary of the publication of its first edition and celebrates 100 years of serving readers everywhere who strive to learn and to know.: `( L" W6 a, v/ T5 o# `1 ^3 ^

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% p) Z" f7 w% }7 ]& g: o$ ~$ K( ?
- h& V1 Z# D5 f  n9 f7 W% r* k
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