Oeasy 发表于 2018-7-9 22:05:31

[挑错专贴]@牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第 9 版)[高分悬赏]

本帖最后由 Oeasy 于 2018-7-9 23:23 编辑

挑出一处《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(第 9 版)毛病,加米 3000 (合 600 积分)!

- [词典讯] 牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第 9 版) 到手了 https://pdawiki.com/forum/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=29209


- [勘误] [挑错专贴]@牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第 8 版) https://pdawiki.com/forum/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=21698 {此帖不再更新}
上贴里的一些瑕疵,《牛 9 》都有修订。比如:https://pdawiki.com/forum/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=21698&pid=493096

**black pudding**
第 8 版:a type of large dark sausage made from pig's blood, fat and grain 黑香肠(用猪血、乳脂以及谷粒制成)
第 9 版:a type of large dark sausage made from pig's blood, fat and grain 黑香肠,血肠(用猪血、油脂和谷粒制成)

**fat cat**
第 8 版:阔老
第 9 版:阔佬

☞ 牛 8 这处问题,牛 9 会改吗? https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/9tIt5Dlmkg-YUZhRJo1rrw
He kicked Gomez in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. 他踢了戈梅斯的肚子,把他踢得喘不上气来。

第 9 版未改。

379194366 发表于 2018-7-31 18:33:15

小野老师爱吃鱼 发表于 2018-7-15 21:50

我认为牛津9th,第116页,attack词条下 ...

至于panic attack我有不同看法,这里的panic attack可以理解成精神疾病发作的意思,算是mental disorder,和an attack of nerves这种不太一样。

Japhet 发表于 2018-7-9 22:46:08

本帖最后由 Japhet 于 2018-7-9 23:12 编辑

谈不上挑错,不过我发现OALD(6-8版)中的“Macbeth”一直译作“麦克佩斯”,第9版终于改为现在通行的“麦克白”,应该是主译换成李旭影的原因。“麦克佩斯”是朱生豪先生的首译,建国后修订为现在通行的“麦克白”, OALD(6-8版)一直延续这个译法难道是跟石先生有关系?

Toyger 发表于 2018-7-9 22:16:13

本帖最后由 Toyger 于 2018-7-9 22:17 编辑


小野老师爱吃鱼 发表于 2018-7-10 09:07:09


小野老师爱吃鱼 发表于 2018-7-11 10:32:04




小野老师爱吃鱼 发表于 2018-7-15 21:50:26

本帖最后由 小野老师爱吃鱼 于 2018-7-15 21:53 编辑



我认为牛津9th,第116页,attack词条下,名词词性下,第五个词义中『a panic attack 一阵恐慌』是错的,应该放在第六个词义(a sudden period of feeling an emotion such as fear 情感的一阵突发)下,我有两个理由:

(1)panic 是 emotion 不是 illness,所以应该放在第六个词义下。
(2)请看第二张图片,朗文6th,把『a panic attack』也归在了 emotion 一类,而不是 illness。

所以,我觉得牛津 9th 把搭配『a panic attack 一阵恐慌』放错了位置。

小野老师爱吃鱼 发表于 2018-7-26 20:55:57

本帖最后由 小野老师爱吃鱼 于 2018-7-26 20:57 编辑

Oxford 9th,Page 255,词条brighten下,第4个词义:

Oeasy 发表于 2018-7-27 00:02:04

小野老师爱吃鱼 发表于 2018-7-26 20:55
Oxford 9th,Page 255,词条brighten下,第4个词义:

bind, botch 等条目有类似标注。

小野老师爱吃鱼 发表于 2018-7-29 15:52:13


1. chewing gum 不是为了嚼碎了咽了(to bite food into small pieces in your mouth with your teeth to make it easier to swallow),不是第一个;chewing gum 是为了(to bite sth continuously, for example because you are nervous or to taste it )尝味道

2. 狗咬骨头是为了咬碎了咽了。

3. 请参考朗文6th。

Japhet 发表于 2018-8-6 16:13:19


fellboy 发表于 2018-8-18 16:00:08

本帖最后由 fellboy 于 2018-8-18 18:29 编辑

straight man 词条的翻译是:(表演中)捧哏的配角 a person in a show whose role is to provide the main entertainer with opportunities to make jokes
认为翻译得不妥。首先,通常我们认为捧哏本身属于逗哏(the main entertainer)的“配角”;其次,捧哏经常是应用于曲艺界,这样就缩小的该词的适用范围。

因为没有《牛 9》纸质版,但是声明《牛 8》不作更新,担心会因“挖旧帖”受到处罚,所以就来这儿了。但确实考究不够严谨。
如果碰巧《牛 9》也出现这样的错误,接受不加米粒。^ ^


看了 wiki 上对 straight man 的解释是这样的:
When a comedy partner behaves eccentrically, the straight man is expected to maintain composure. The ability to maintain a serious demeanor in the face of even the most preposterous comedy is crucial to a successful straight man. Whatever direct contribution to the comedy a straight man provides usually comes in the form of deadpan.
这倒是能解释得通为什么是 straight 了。
14. NORMAL 正常的, informal someone who is straight behaves in a way that is accepted as normal by many people but which you think is boring 一本正经的
15. NOT FUNNY 无趣的, a straight actor or character does not try to make people laugh〔演员或角色〕正统的,严肃的
straight from Online Etymology Dictionary: Theatrical sense of "serious" (as opposed to popular or comic) is attested from 1895; vaudeville slang straight man first attested 1923.

thaad 发表于 2018-8-21 21:58:10


swmail2016 发表于 2018-10-28 19:48:37



dsl7223319 发表于 2018-11-18 14:46:44


英语原著 发表于 2018-12-5 20:49:13


kandict 发表于 2019-1-28 14:41:39


Process 发表于 2019-1-31 14:01:57

379194366 发表于 2018-7-31 18:33
至于panic attack我有不同看法,这里的panic attack可以理解成精神疾病发作的意思,算是mental disorder ...


The sudden onset of intense anxiety, characterized by feelings of intense fear and apprehension and accompanied by palpitations, shortness of breath, sweating, and trembling.Also called anxiety attack 恐慌发作:突然产生的强烈焦虑,症状为感到强烈的害怕、恐惧并伴随心悸与短促的呼吸、出冷汗与颤抖也作 anxiety attack


Oeasy 发表于 2022-12-16 20:38:45

bycatch 条。
牛9/8:Thousands of small fish are thrown back into the sea as bycatch. 成千上万误捕的鱼扔回大海中去了。
牛7:Thousands of small fish are thrown back into the sea as bycatch. 成千上万误捕的小鱼扔回大海中去了。

牛9/8 把“小鱼”的“小”字去掉了,原文中的 small 呢?

Oeasy 发表于 2022-12-16 20:41:50

psychological 条:
Abuse can lead to both psychological and emotional problems. 虐待可造成心理和情绪上的问题。

emotional 条:
emotional problems/needs 情感问题/需求

个人觉得 emotional problems 还是译作情感(上的)问题好。

entropy 发表于 2022-12-16 23:28:54

本帖最后由 entropy 于 2022-12-16 23:43 编辑

fake v.
She faked her mother's signature on the document.

wed v.
The couple plan to wed next summer.
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