jndesign 发表于 2019-12-10 09:21:28


比如想查某个词组是XX up,怎么实现呢?
想得出列表比如,go up……

VimVim 发表于 2019-12-10 17:35:19

?? up

VimVim 发表于 2019-12-10 17:34:35

F1/ 09 Full-text search

"Mode" - search mode. GoldenDict allow next modes:

"Whole words" - for every word contains more then 4 characters in search line the exact match will be found. The "Max distance between words" element define the maximum unmatched words number between matched words. It is the fastest search mode. The search line must contain at least one word from 4 or more characters.

"Plain text" - mode like "Whole words" but every word in search line can be treated as word fragment.

"Wildcards" - the search line contains a Unix-like template. Such template can contain wildcard symbols '?' (matches any one character), '*' (matches any characters number) or ranges of characters "[...]" To find characters '?', '*', '[' and ']' it should be escaped by backslash - '\?', '\*', '\[', '\]'.

"RegExp" - the search line contains a regular expression.
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 请问goldendict如何设置模糊搜索呀?