mossmoss13 发表于 2024-3-4 17:13:57


本帖最后由 mossmoss13 于 2024-3-4 19:58 编辑

Just what is reading, anyway? What is it for? Why is it something to argue and worry about? Reading isn’t synonymous with literacy, which is one of the necessary skills of contemporary existence. Nor is it identical with literature, which designates a body of written work endowed with a special if sometimes elusive prestige.
请问最后一句是什么意思? which designates a body of written work endowed with a special if sometimes elusive prestige. if sometimes 是不是一个插入的短语, which designates a body of written work endowed with a specialelusive prestige .

Bartleby 发表于 2024-3-5 13:27:45

literature 那些所谓的文学作品,讲好听点,称呼他们是文学作品,感觉好高贵。



Bartleby 发表于 2024-3-5 13:29:16


winn 发表于 2024-4-18 11:03:47

我理解 if sometimes 相当于 even sometimes,是‘甚至有时候’的意思。
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