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[词典讨论] 朗文词典一些可能的不足,兼部分常用词典释义的简单对比

  • TA的每日心情
    2023-12-7 15:47
  • 签到天数: 12 天


    发表于 2023-5-15 01:16:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    2 |; R: _6 X& f( m! f, C' w注2:移动端不好编辑,所以排版有点糙。* H) I/ n! b8 X% X) V# e( W

    6 H. E6 i9 m8 x
    , F2 b" J# R9 L+ h+ V1.关于单词recur+ i. ?$ P" o9 R9 m1 V5 _

    0 u/ M: I5 d9 ?5 }/ J. x% T/ O. F2 F' M+ s# d! F8 ~
    LDOCE5++ V2.15的解释是:) r: x! q* |4 e* d7 l* f) N2 O. A2 g
    1.  if something, especially something bad or unpleasant, recurs, it happens again.
    3 ]3 O8 e0 {! H( b$ Q" E1 W2.  if a number or numbers after a decimal point recur, they are repeated for ever in the same order.
    % r1 i, A, K* a
    , n% r8 r6 j. E& a8 F0 @3 `
    4 `8 [- Q1 d/ _9 o# X, O& v+ j而ODE Living Online:1 [9 Z  H0 ?& Q# K
    1.  Occur again periodically or repeatedly.$ R6 h- x' b5 i; E( u* n  n
    1.1.  (of a thought, image, or memory) come back to one's mind.
    . P1 t/ v( `) j; L1.2.  (recur to) Go back to (something) in thought or speech.
    1 W4 R" T3 L+ b( z4 k
    ' r  V3 b* o, }& l( ?7 n
    & C- p3 b" [2 Y: n% G, `Collins COBUILD overhaul V2.30:* N& i' d+ L! N( Z- x( `( T  O
      If something recurs, it happens more than once.
    5 _; C: h( {7 U. v: |- H) K" E0 p/ F6 P! t
    5 V  o- k5 |2 e0 P; ~& f9 M
    韦氏(版本未知):/ ?' I" y8 n* N' [- k
    to happen or appear again : to occur again& v  y- ?& L7 k
    1; ~. e% P* j+ R' {8 h
    : to have recourse : resort
    # v8 T8 ^5 I( b  q: M( j" q2
    * t2 b' T# c4 h4 I* X3 F: to go back in thought or discourse9 E& r7 W- C: D* F0 S) ~5 P
    34 r3 Z! S& U$ [6 B7 `
    a : to come up again for consideration# Q$ Y9 D8 c# J: b+ l" K! M  C
    b : to come again to mind) Q$ _! h8 C$ h# e& W4 Q* }+ q, n" \
    3 E, C3 `8 {1 H/ o. d7 T( g9 f) M" @: to occur again after an interval: occur time after time
    8 n; x$ t9 w! m; S! t! V' p
      x- a) O; Z. k" S* D, v9 V  R. I( r2 S+ V1 y" B3 B
    3 G8 U/ c( M) }( a% y此外,朗文比别家多了数学术语的解释,少了一些细项的解释,不过这些都可归并至主义项(除了韦氏recur1,这是古意),不解释基本也不影响对材料的大致理解。2 Z; A5 C) r  P' r( O! I8 b. y

    7 m1 b- w9 ]+ S& `- I
    . O: c" u4 [5 X4 @& k: m! B0 J0 y6 _1 @% |6 u
    2.单词bulk,n.1 c  i7 t! N4 k& B
    - d7 @% f! m' Z% x7 ?: I2 n/ R( w# j
    4 c" {, d" k, Y
    - E! n. {, ^, Q- m8 s! s# v9 _1.  the bulk (of something):the main or largest part of something.( G* i1 y; O5 V+ d1 d4 r1 @
    2.  a big mass or shape of something.) N+ p: y3 V- n; Y7 C
    3.  the size of something or someone.0 C8 ]) d! m* R0 T  e$ l
    4.  in bulk:if you buy goods in bulk, you buy large amounts each time you buy them.! b& X" m& F2 T- d
    # e% U5 P/ v9 P" {8 M& L! b  v

    ) V  X& y) R6 f( @4 X# \7 {牛津(同上):, Q3 ~! S  L: R* v
    The mass or size of something large.& U& E9 B  i7 w  y/ n4 z+ b
    1.1  Large size or shape.
    3 g6 R0 V" n9 e0 E' S9 f5 }1.2  A large mass or shape.- ~. k* Z9 Y0 T3 |8 L
    1.3  Large in quantity.2 t' m+ z' P( O7 M% D; K! N
    1.4  Roughage in food.
    " O: o; g: t1 d5 i1.5  Cargo in an unpackaged mass such as grain or oil.
    : w( \9 a! x8 X# H! C  {% U1.6  The thickness of paper or a book.
    / k+ z$ f, _- j2 s
    , v0 y, P6 U8 B/ {! f  g) \" s+ r  F+ F2  the bulk of:The greater part of something.
    % S- [6 k# p' z0 R2 w# |: [8 k6 C/ B+ ^9 L/ t. p) X

    3 S3 T$ U, ^# z7 |柯林斯(同上):
    ! p5 ]: ?, t( E1 X- b! o1.  You can refer to something's bulk when you want to emphasize that it is very large.  ~' O& X- s1 L9 |3 K! [
    2.  You can refer to a large person's body or to their weight or size as their bulk .
    . @, ~# _  Y/ N- A3.  The bulk of something is most of it.
    8 u. I$ }2 Z# X* j% W- k% s* ?4.  If you buy or sell something in bulk, you buy or sell it in large quantities.
    & T# E5 \1 \6 D1 K+ W9 ~' m8 v; G* c! |& i2 X

    2 {2 g1 X* J3 z; @韦氏(同上):
    % {  S' z& s" w' p8 r3 s1
    8 Y7 u+ z+ ?# i4 ma : spatial dimension : magnitude
    - I0 {" U$ i$ ]0 `4 m# `- {0 ob : material that forms a mass in the intestine; especially : fiber 1d# g7 c. h6 h% A1 G. w
    2& _2 [: m- x# ^1 J! @/ o
    a : body; especially : a large or corpulent human body7 W$ W$ o( t) C0 N, A, D* M
    b : an organized structure especially when viewed primarily as a mass of material2 I! B1 \# ~2 n. R2 V
    c : a ponderous shapeless mass5 l0 u+ p3 q# S$ t) n& B
    + r8 X+ s: a* P  vthe main or greater part! z2 G3 c; Q2 }8 N" W- I! E
    : T2 w  _& H' j; q$ \  _$ f
    in bulk/ L/ q( M4 f, s7 W; y; `" r
    1 not divided into parts or packaged in separate units, P7 W+ i+ Z7 |
    2 in large quantities
    & @- R0 o8 |" _1 k4 l0 g# M( Y7 [5 q/ i
    / O6 [# F2 v) A: w
    可以看到相比牛津和韦氏,朗文没有收录诸如散装货物,粗纤维之类相对冷僻的义项。' [2 C; ^9 G, d7 `/ d% a$ c! M$ o9 W8 ?
    ' z0 a4 T* }2 l0 z! _' n& {
    + F  k( W8 V3 S8 N4 T' w& S
    6 r$ }5 o. z! k8 K+ d/ j
    3.单词orbit,n.% E4 }4 c: J5 ]0 l* D; Z

    9 F# F. U6 J- V+ F& ?. m" }! ?0 U3 Y, _2 R6 E' }7 `
    朗文(同上):! t5 l( g8 V. v5 l, i3 q& H4 |
    1.  the curved path travelled by an object which is moving around another much larger object such as the Earth, the Sun etc.
    * y. D: y4 [5 [% _# W2.  the area of power and influence of a person, an organization etc.' {  Z5 C! A6 B( ~, N( S

    5 q! M5 s" _8 f4 q+ {- i& l2 [# {4 L" f: }2 a8 X
    牛津(同上):; o9 s4 }9 d7 s6 v5 A& V1 j: ]
    1.  The curved path of a celestial object or spacecraft round a star, planet, or moon, especially a periodic elliptical revolution.+ Q( h$ K: B- a3 e  i$ `
    1.1  One complete circuit round an orbited body." r4 P6 B. ]0 @1 r4 [6 A7 O
    1.2  The state of moving in an orbit.
      `0 m+ z$ n8 I2 o# ~- ?9 ?6 g9 e1.3  The path of an electron round an atomic nucleus.7 Q& R9 K) e8 ^7 I$ A4 Z
    6 F$ A2 `4 m9 {( p8 h) P# t5 K
    2.  An area of activity, interest, or influence.
    3 J+ d0 A- z1 ]* G
    8 [  d; ]: M# z  x2 x3 o3.  The cavity in the skull of a vertebrate that contains the eye; the eye socket.* i, k, I5 ~+ J# H: E
    3.1  The area round the eye of a bird or other animal.
    1 y* j" t5 u7 w! v/ Y2 ]' k  k
    % y5 F* |. O  d( b2 x0 p4 `( f$ j8 [' A
      x& Q( q, I. s! k8 g! Q0 g1.  An orbit is the curved path in space that is followed by an object going round and round a planet, moon, or star.
    4 @7 S: x3 ~3 a( @) Y# t+ c4 _3.  The orbit of a particular person, group, or institution is the area over which they have influence.2 B8 x7 t$ L5 i4 C, J4 X6 [: p
    4 n4 K5 X7 |2 b
    3 q' J1 L6 _% \3 ^' X
    3 P! Y- S9 o% }5 c: ?orbit1
    3 g9 {6 O6 ?( K. S" C( g- v: the bony socket of the eye
    * b# W( K% Z- N# e4 s6 n. Sorbit25 r7 ], g" V. @+ f1 h' N
    , o. B$ `. y) F. j" ^a : a path described by one body in its revolution about another (as by the earth about the sun or by an electron about an atomic nucleus);   Z7 W" w9 M6 l7 w  X/ b
    also : one complete revolution of a body describing such a path
    $ x5 z* o6 w3 b6 D( h4 e: eb : a circular path
    - z/ }# Y8 S. `2
    & D+ G6 {$ `5 V% R5 C# J% C/ {2 f: a range or sphere of activity or influence
    " m% L7 ^3 ?: _% T4 n7 G! E3 M) }( a
    # o. Z+ p' M9 P: x3 W; E- ?$ u* H' D2 `0 q( ]% g8 y1 I
    ' t% j# j  M8 C应当说,上述版本词典中,牛津和韦氏相对收义最广,两者释义风格也各具特色,而柯林斯和朗文则不以此见长,风格更偏于实用。- g" x* j1 a( j0 c( `0 ?& s
    8 P4 ~: @, @' r2 G0 K  {' \
    1 g; c% f! y8 L4 A' ?- y
      b  ]- @5 X7 a; j$ o; h0 j

    % W/ X3 _( A1 C% ?  F! |# ?6 L, N6 ?8 H' z+ ?% t# I
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-9 16:31
  • 签到天数: 440 天


    发表于 2023-5-15 18:55:22 | 显示全部楼层
    白夜 发表于 2023-5-15 16:36! l- P3 Z6 ^" ~# [$ p0 i
    ! R' U( F* U2 R7 \# O- ^4 n7 ], o* Y) Z
    那个Cobuild最离谱,没if这 ...

    - {/ M" `4 h9 L5 e1 X, e% a是这么回事0 O- Q" Y. }! [4 q  m) L1 Q
    : ^$ d" B. f% ?3 e
    正确用词典应该由牛津高阶第四版入门,然后COD8版,韦氏国际词典第三版终极。! y* [6 p1 X7 j2 b  l
    5 @0 N& a! _2 O3 L6 Y9 w
    + j8 [# E" `1 z1 x; K
    + a9 C5 }" H, g* S( @也算是学习英语的爬行阶段。
    1 B1 @/ [. z. e+ V+ V! `: |- O0 U& f3 {- L& l
  • TA的每日心情
    昨天 07:52
  • 签到天数: 866 天


    发表于 2023-5-15 11:56:53 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 fydy01 于 2023-5-15 12:01 编辑 $ Y  b0 U8 _0 e

    . [- u7 R. e+ N* @1 j; ~1、学习型词典相比母语者词典,词条释义的义项一定会有很大缩水,一定不全。无论哪家词典,即便是牛津高阶也一样;5 u$ E6 V- z' _. a
    2、所有英系词典中,数牛津词典的词条释义最精准,最可靠。不过这也在情理之中,毕竟它家做词典的历史最长,底蕴最深厚;; U- K2 `! C- @7 E; o+ w5 T9 f
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-5-25 16:13
  • 签到天数: 1576 天


    发表于 2023-5-15 11:41:16 | 显示全部楼层
    朗文的第一版,释义1。to happen again, or more than once. 例句:if the pain should recur, take this medicine. ///韦氏essential例句:the disease/problem might recur. a recurring injury/nightmare.
    1 {9 A% D: p* Z  @; W应该说现在版本的朗文解释也没啥毛病。我相信这些语言专家当然会很好的理解自己的母语。


    发表于 2023-5-15 16:36:22 | 显示全部楼层
    7 }& G; t% l4 w* k$ L, c: u3 c0 M7 ^& U( Q
  • TA的每日心情
    2022-9-25 21:09
  • 签到天数: 1136 天


    发表于 2023-5-16 11:08:39 | 显示全部楼层
    + Q- Q7 S3 Z$ L  \没有什么好不好,只有适不适合自己。


    发表于 2023-5-17 10:01:02 | 显示全部楼层
    iWeb,与 recur 搭配的名词,按频次排序。
    3 ~! b1 k8 x8 I4 t) r, E1079        3.06                   problem       
    * A9 Y! ?' f  d( d5 A861        4.33                   payment                
    3 {! L8 o' _! e) R+ w1 o$ E793        4.75                   cancer                
    8 @, |; Q; Y# i5 e- u' |# E8 t612        4.94                   symptom                
      ], O8 F7 a! c% N$ W602        4.79                   theme                
    2 f# Z5 r3 _0 [6 `: Q477        2.18                   event                 " C: D" k& ?" f5 K5 \. M
    432        4.47                   failure                
    ! V. q+ D1 w% z% X( q0 |* W427        3.20                   treatment                 4 t0 k  X  C: N8 R  q
    422        4.95                   infection                
    ' z0 z! J) J8 y9 |# Z3 }" w. I  I: M368        3.41                   disease                
    + ]2 ]- V& G( J2 t" B318        5.88                   tumor                
    & N; L* V" V0 @5 |311        2.19                   condition


    发表于 2023-5-19 14:26:31 | 显示全部楼层
    提示: 该帖被管理员或版主屏蔽
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-2-18 02:00
  • 签到天数: 145 天


    发表于 2023-8-7 19:48:23 | 显示全部楼层
    godad 发表于 2023-5-15 18:558 c! ]6 v* A9 E+ o9 J9 l+ C  p
    是这么回事. x: O) n" X# l8 G
    : p% L& P/ I$ u6 @4 d3 o) b
    ! ?' _8 T; W1 K( _
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-9 16:31
  • 签到天数: 440 天


    发表于 2023-8-8 06:21:42 | 显示全部楼层
    janus183 发表于 2023-8-7 19:48; _' B% J: Q5 D" M) h
    8 V/ V. s& H% ~
    8,9 之间变化有点大
    8 Z2 |! B* r% n5 J: p+ ]2 F" C. d# s. D4 U9 b
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