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[专有词库] 【Mebook】《空中英语教室》2002年度合集(3.7GB)(ISO)



发表于 2009-2-20 15:52:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
# F* x8 D/ |. g! t1 I
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[url=空中英语教室2002mp3-01-02.iso (585.08 MB)]空中英语教室2002mp3-01-02.iso[/url] 585.1MB
空中英语教室2002mp3-03-04.iso 603.9MB
空中英语教室2002mp3-05-06.iso 600.5MB
空中英语教室MP3-07-08.iso 667.9MB
[url=空中英语教室mp3-09-10.iso (641.63 MB)]空中英语教室mp3-09-10.iso[/url] 641.6MB
[url=空中英语教室mp3-11-12.iso (648.97 MB)]空中英语教室mp3-11-12.iso[/url] 649MB
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: c2 r/ G* R7 Y6 v/ b" X; _《空中英语教室》在台湾发行已有38个年头,其覆盖面除台湾地区之外,还包括香港、日本、南非、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、美国等世界各地华人集中的地方。38年前,国语大师林语堂移居台北,开明书局委托他编写一套中学英文教材,还要制成录音带。林语堂听到彭蒙惠的广播教学,对她的发音大表推崇,立刻向开明书局推荐由彭蒙惠制作这套录音带。因为这套书,林语堂和彭蒙惠成了好朋友,彭蒙惠也邀请林语堂上节目,幽默的对话吸引了广大听众。后来,彭蒙惠便成了台湾家喻户晓的人物,她决心自己制作一个英语教学节目——《空中英语教室》(Studio Classroom)。节目的内容是她从一些美国著名杂志中摘录的文章,经过加工,用讲解、聊天的方式和听众分享。这样《空中英语教室》就问世了。事实上,在作《空中英语教室》之前,她特别收听了台湾的英语教学节目,也参考了许多英语教学书籍。她发现,这些教材比较古板,例如教一个单词Chair-This is a chair.教语法的时候,几乎都是讲解规则,这种教学方式实在不能引发听众学习英语的兴趣,她决定要用一种最有趣的方式吸引人们学习英语。她想,如果把单词和语法都融在一起,读一篇文章,有单词,有句子,有语法,更多地让听众学到新的思想,比如英美社会的文化习惯等重要的其他内容不更好吗?而且她想让录音间成为一个教室,有互动对话,还可以邀请听众上电视节目,不但可以增进参与意识,还可以刺激听众多说多听。果不其然,节目的播出反响热烈,节目的内容编成了教材,被抢购一空。目前,《空中英语教室》发行量连年上升,收听的人数逾百万人。
  k) k, M; C- Z/ X, g( g8 f[img=http://www.studioclassroom.com.tw/img_home/img_products/sc_products_sc.jpg]IPB Image[/img]
1 m4 Q# R; |5 q8 d: d( e$ P+ aStudio Classroom has been the most popular English teaching magazine in Taiwan since 1962. With Doris Brougham, a teacher for more than forty years, as the chief editor, the content of the magazine is practical and down-to-earth.
. n0 \) `! \5 c, _The lively teaching, which has been praised by English lovers, was once awarded the Best English Teaching Program in Asia, and won the Golden Tripod Award for the language-learning category in 2003 (Studio Classroom is the only magazine to be honored with both the Golden Bell Award and the Golden Tripod Award). Besides broadcasting, multi-media teaching through television and the Internet enables students to learn without the limits of time and place. There are currently Studio Classroom teaching programs on the air in Mainland China, America, Canada and Europe.
( J8 U) O( n3 B. w% `
$ G7 x' A0 V$ j- C4 ]Features:2 B0 K8 n: N9 `
Content: News and fads, technological advances, outdoor activities, career, health, celebrity profiles, American lifestyle and short stories & F" [* K$ C5 U- f9 R
Suitable readers: High school graduates and those who pass the intermediate/intermediate-high level of the GEPT $ J: s* \# y2 m; H2 M
Volume of circulation: 210,000 copies
; q  q" P9 O  s* o( J+ j( HBroadcasting: On the air on public and private radio stations from Monday to Saturday ) C5 i: n0 ^5 _! X; p
Television Teaching programs: On the air on Good TV, some public welfare channels in Taichung and Tainan, Taipei City municipal TV stations, and Chunghwa Telecom MOD service.
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