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楼主: henices

[建议/讨论] 限制 非翰林院 mdx 收费贴的 售价

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  • TA的每日心情
    2023-1-18 23:24
  • 签到天数: 211 天


    发表于 2019-1-3 11:44:17 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 kyletruman 于 2019-1-3 12:14 编辑 6 ?8 Z7 P" |) D3 u! A
    henices 发表于 2019-1-3 09:10
    8 x! L5 `8 }) F( f2 s; s0 L禁言主要依据:   将论坛已有的资源  做高价贴出售  并且搞成是原创 mdx  的样子。7 \, q/ P# x$ U  v. Z6 @
    % H) r7 K9 `# l9 e0 `$ a
    这是比较严重的行为了 ...

    1 U2 s( ?; l( }  ^Stedman's Medical Encyclopedia) V1 b+ B5 S6 w4 o; A/ c# ]
    " @8 ~* M0 \1 H: M' N+ @& L(出处: 掌上百科 - PDAWIKI)
    , X4 s- T% D0 s4 Q" T' I: [& ?; P6 ~$ u 转载mdx 帖,凡是设置主题售价的,都可以移动到 回收站 版块 违反版规 标签下面,Indy(UID: 297213)已经被扣200浮云,禁言1个月(考虑到他有几个公开分享的原创mdx,虽然质量不高,但是分享精神可嘉,公开分享mdx总比mdx作品展示帖强,有利于活跃版块氛围;然而转载他人制作的mdx却设置主题售价,的确不合理,加扣200浮云,再次考虑到Indy(UID: 297213)是外国人,不懂汉语,情有可原,禁言时间缩短为一个月)" o+ D( W, U* r1 z6 \7 I4 T- ^

    ' }# h" e) ?0 h. O- z4 j. FPS: 交流专区 部分本不应该设置主题售价的帖子却被设置主题售价,这种帖子我是移动到 回收站 版块 违反版规 标签下面的,比如:非资源分享类主题不能设置主题售价,违规的全部移动到 回收站 版块
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-2-24 18:44
  • 签到天数: 339 天


    发表于 2019-1-4 00:21:25 | 显示全部楼层
    经本人私下邮件确认 该用户 Indy 的确是其所发的几本词典的原作者 因此予以解封并撤销其他管理组成员的所有扣分( _9 v/ m+ g! s3 |
    另外论坛上之前存在的相同资源均为其他用户的转载行为 应原作者 即该用户 Indy 的要求 全部删除
    ) w$ R5 g( ]* T1 f$ D* ?9 |
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-3-1 12:06
  • 签到天数: 210 天


    发表于 2019-1-4 00:43:42 | 显示全部楼层
    BLKSerene published in 2019-1-4 00:21
    ; L+ p; D" \) I0 f* [ by my private email confirming that the user Indy is indeed the original author of several of the dictionaries he has issued, so he unblocks and revokes all members of other management groups...
    ( {" N! Q* {, a# O7 y" m. E
    Dear lovely BLKSerene,
    ; D8 L" W# m, d) D0 a& hThank you very much.
    7 K# F; [- b; |# ^5 ~% D: h
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-1-18 23:24
  • 签到天数: 211 天


    发表于 2019-1-4 01:06:32 | 显示全部楼层
    发布收费词典,不管收费高低,必须有详细的词典说明和截屏展示 (扣浮云20朵,禁言 30 天 - 永久禁言)
    9 u0 u. K1 T  L& `, z: J
    发布收费词典,不管收费高低,必须有详细的词典说明和截屏展示 (违者扣浮云20朵,禁言 7 天 - 永久禁言)
    - b1 {: U0 o$ \* ]


    已经修改。  发表于 2019-1-4 13:29
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-1-18 23:24
  • 签到天数: 211 天


    发表于 2019-1-4 01:11:28 | 显示全部楼层
    Indy 发表于 2019-1-4 00:43
    9 k7 }5 A- L' B+ _5 o" f; iDear lovely BLKSerene,. j5 s. b* C, |" [" v' d. F3 }. @2 h
    Thank you very much.
    9 S' j/ E, ?3 [/ K8 {
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-2-24 18:44
  • 签到天数: 339 天


    发表于 2019-1-4 01:22:33 | 显示全部楼层
    kyletruman 发表于 2019-1-4 01:119 ]/ \- v! M6 R8 F' ]- C6 Y5 R. y( q
    请把你所有的mdx分享帖给出mdx截屏展示,如果mdx制作过程中有哪些心得体会,请把它写在mdx分享帖内部,免 ...
    / m/ `  m' ?4 e0 L, _1 \5 T
    你用英文回复 ta。。。机器翻译说不准又翻译错了


     楼主| 发表于 2019-1-4 10:17:51 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 henices 于 2019-1-4 10:47 编辑 3 {! U. Q, g9 v$ T
    Indy 发表于 2019-1-4 00:43# u& z" T0 d  W; q6 ^9 `
    Dear lovely BLKSerene,& J$ b/ X8 ]0 [8 i
    Thank you very much.

      e# q" V+ w7 F# q8 HHi Indy:! k* y- G# N& _" v2 `
    + A; i7 \( V! y/ |' |6 ?4 m. x, J
    I appreciate you for sharing us many mdx dictionaries.  ]/ {4 b. z- P7 j

    3 O. d( U9 W) v" Y  C$ KI'm the person who banned your account, @BLKSerene confirmed that you are the original author of that mdx dictionary. I apologize for my wrong behavior.
    / H1 U2 \: b6 M: W: s3 m9 ~' a5 e, z3 w% [+ {, {, Z+ M4 c- D
    But lots of users complained about the quality of your dictionaries as well as the high price.' a& D( L5 @# Z" ^

    " `. P8 I' \* F' mex: https://www.pdawiki.com/forum/fo ... 32308&extra=&page=1/ }' u# |9 l. L
    In this post,  you splited one attachment into too many small attachments, each attachment with a very high price. your user group is "状元", the maximum size limit of single attachment is 5 MB,  I don't think this is a correct behavior.8 l. Y3 a5 X$ S
    1 V  s, e) U4 i4 X
    According to the new rules of the forum,  you should carefully describe the content of your mdx dictionary,  you should tell us how many entries is in the mdx dictionay,; K! |% v+ J1 T; J
    and you should also use some pictures to demonstrate what your dictionary looks like.
    % G! |4 B6 S! l5 o& C. u& ^# z' S$ ^5 `3 X6 S" x' l; W
    Sorry for my poor english, I hope you can understand what I said.+ m5 k3 c0 }" [$ H6 i3 X
    6 h  h( m4 h& I% h8 i
    Again, thanks for your contribution.' q: o% l( z; H. x& B3 k
    $ N$ A, L! k9 V1 e3 j

    6 a8 Q6 D/ m# `  w% z' S$ [3 S! u) v& z6 N1 e! V
    . c0 {; c' Y. X" b5 A% u
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-3-1 12:06
  • 签到天数: 210 天


    发表于 2019-1-4 14:25:01 | 显示全部楼层
    henices 发表于 2019-1-4 10:17* r& Y7 D( ~* |$ |+ _
    Hi Indy:8 {. J0 H. ~2 c- a2 a2 x
    7 I8 T/ T" y! N4 d: E
    I appreciate you for sharing us many mdx dictionaries.

    ( W4 k/ P: U5 l6 rThank you for the information.9 f( ^% n+ i8 F4 p  y
    Honestly, I didn't know the rules. But from now I will share my dictionaries at a lower price, so all users can have them without any complaint. # R" s$ [" J9 }* |4 Y& \# w




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