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[词典讯] 遠東英漢大辭典 / 远东英汉大辞典



发表于 2014-8-12 22:44:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 Oeasy 于 2017-8-16 11:14 编辑 " H. n1 G7 G% t# ^# Z2 z0 @

4 Q6 N* o4 F! v% q" ^4 Y1 A
  @! ]5 n* Y* M2 m0 g+ J/ g9 [8 u, d( V( K

7 f! E6 S7 K& D2 U% r$ O! E- ?# q( }4 M4 S$ T! |7 {. H
http://www.fareast.com.tw/bookna ... ��漢大辭典.html
1 T* C& M6 N% ^! R
4 l- A+ W) s5 p+ u& [) X1 I- |8 l样张:http://www.fareast.com.tw/samplepage/EC_EC.htm
5 S. N2 D4 L5 Q, d% B! }# \1 }# o' O

- e" z& n5 q# r8 N2 K( u : S7 T* j5 e% u/ v! ?
適合程度:大專以上一般程度用4 r9 j5 b6 j& @' C8 V, c3 m
大專以上一般程度用2 g0 A. K% ~7 [# d' r% |0 z* S* g

$ {* d) R& C3 j1 Z
7 L6 g9 ~% [* l4 z' [* Ehttp://weibo.com/1312385133/xn5Z94ZAp
$ x0 v2 ?- k/ m" F. H8 o
曾泰元 * V9 k1 ~- q; |" T+ g8 c
2011-9-7 17:44 来自 微博 weibo.com: L" x6 l% n. Z- X5 w
梁實秋在詞典編纂方面最為人熟知的,應該是主編了《遠東英漢大辭典》。這本詞典正確的出版年份是 1975 年 (民國 64 年),許多學者都搞錯,照片為這本詞典最初的樣子。梁實秋自己都在序言裡委婉地承認,他只是個掛名的主編,出力最多的當是朱良箴、董昭輝、王進興,以及最後綜覽全稿的總校對傅一勤。 ​​​​
- \: o* O1 U: Y8 R& D( A% N

( ?8 ^) m% W% u' r, d: S& Q$ k8 C8 S4 C/ E$ s$ F# Z# C  C1 Q+ D
7 l: z% b: ~  z9 s

/ G  |3 D/ Q3 k% u- i7 a6 I4 \  R  O' B


发表于 2015-12-21 18:12:18 | 显示全部楼层
Oeasy 发表于 2014-8-13 16:41) i% m/ ]. R( [& e% \* s0 @' i7 L0 m
三四十年前,台湾的英汉辞典,以及其他很多方面,还是领先于大陆的。现在呢,落后得不止一点半点了 ...
- ?, s( N) y' g- M5 X
  • TA的每日心情
    20 小时前
  • 签到天数: 2039 天


    发表于 2014-8-14 09:10:16 | 显示全部楼层
    belleyeah 发表于 2014-8-13 21:33   h+ k/ A# E/ e1 p" w: ]' X) a
    + J; A! z) |  g! D' p$ @/ r
    手上的远东英汉大辞典是1971年版的32开内部交流版,没有找到参考书目。# K8 ~/ a7 E/ O9 e( x1 ]8 L
    手上的The World Book Dictionary 是1981年版的内部交流版。
    . o9 P# j- m7 U7 l8 \$ P: b  ^/ {/ N1 G$ \' {3 e. R  u
    * y! W9 T( k* ^5 U8 W7 k例句有不同之处。8 _& t4 v: T" c4 W4 |

    ! m" G: J* ^# w9 r$ Q( F2 {, c2 U4 e2 T2 O# b
    整理了一下思路,关键词:Barnhart 父/子。. P0 I% i+ }' L) i
    1、WBD 主编! L7 N' `1 A( x, p. t) P3 ]/ [6 T
    2、Thorndike-Barnhart 系统词典5 v6 C* a* L& _/ s% d, s
    3、The American College Dictionary,1947 主编  B3 C& o. C+ C% d- r4 o
    # k* u" h. |) \  e% N1 S6 w& J+ p6 {8 b
    推测一下,早期的《最新实用英汉辞典》至成型的《远东英汉大辞典》整体上应该以上述几种词典为主,或许应该称为Barnhart 父/子词典为蓝本。姑妄言之。
    & F9 `- f" n1 Q4 m3 i% _
    ; ]9 @2 Q, U7 h, G+ F: B( E从wbd的copyright 及《远东》的序言相互参照中应该可以印证一些。
    / I% m' T& L6 {( p
    % G8 Z& {! B! \( m- r, l2 @
    - D+ m) ]& T8 F$ `以前做过的笔记:1 E& \! m7 L* L4 M

    8 P8 l  t& @6 Z; m7 k: Z4 E" a8 J: E. D6 P0 w7 I
    近几十年来英语教学词典也有了很大发展。较早有名气的,该属美国桑代克-世纪成套词典。它是由Thorndike-Century Junior Dictionary, 1953年;Thorndike-Century Senior  Dictionary,1942年等数部词典组成,分别供不同年级学生使用。由哥伦比亚大学著名教育学权威Edward L. Thorndike设计主编。鉴于该词典的释义、例证引用了《世纪词典》中的许多材料,故取名<桑代克-世纪词典>。在这个基础上,后来还出版了一套Thorndike-Barnhart 学生词典。
    5 ?) m4 F8 x9 @+ `见《英语词典初探》:李荫华
    % `6 ~* {, X6 ?4 i, h/ @* e2 r1 i* P5 U; X3 G" @
    接下来再来看看The World Book Dictionary《世界图书词典》。原称The World Book Encyclopedic Dcitionary,1963年初版主编Clarence L. Barnhart和他的儿子Rober Barnhart。
    ! h2 G( P. N2 n% A4 B. L; d6 ~- X$ `- A9 [" x" I: `" M6 {
    老Barnhart早在1929年就参加了Edward L. Thorndike主持的辞书编写工作。1951年出版了收词八万以上的 Thorndike-Barnhart Comprehensive Desk Dictionary, 但其成就远不及他与1947年奉献于世的《美国大学词典》。他编著的其它辞书中,著名的还有:三卷本The New Century Cyclopedia of Names, 1954年,等。
    / E  o* i+ f$ u4 k6 S$ V7 @
    % r5 y) H% `3 H# n% V+ YThe World Book Dictionary从Thorndike-Barnhart系统各词典中直接采用了不少资料(而Thorndike-Barnhart系统词典的许多资料又是从新世纪英语词典移植去的),致使编者在版权页上还为此作了说明,并宣称:该书是“桑代克-巴恩哈特系统词典的组成部分之一”* B5 m+ b5 E: k, X0 Y. L/ ]* C7 R
    8 B  K: c1 I0 i: G
    《美国大学词典》(The American College Dictionary,1947)是战后不久美国出版的一部重要词典,当时声誉很高。主编恰恰是C. L. Barnhart,出版者是兰登书屋出版公司。

    ! D! `$ h& _  T* q( G% s$ V  \
    * Q: A- E$ ~  _9 w5 C


    谢谢!清楚明了。词典的版本考也很有意思啊。:-)  发表于 2014-8-14 10:00
  • TA的每日心情

    2018-6-16 00:08
  • 签到天数: 197 天


    发表于 2014-9-21 08:47:06 | 显示全部楼层
    以前读研的时候,在跳蚤市场见过远东,本以50元购买,而不得。现在后悔的不行了哈。虽然陆谷孙的已经取代为英汉联合国词典,但此词典确实有他的独到之处,况且梁实秋的中文功底和英文功底,是公认的。吾国吾民,不是哪一个同志都可以用英文写的哟。5 K6 G9 s9 o7 X$ h" N4 f% w
    3 w& f6 m! G& U# T8 C6 T
    非常期待哈。老大牛逼。0 G2 d. \* O9 u3 P- E6 g* A

      R! a/ ]1 e6 Z5 T+ J, T掌上百科,自从o大横空出世之后,带来了革命性的巨变。嘿嘿。


    发表于 2014-8-12 23:05:50 | 显示全部楼层


     楼主| 发表于 2014-8-12 23:08:59 | 显示全部楼层
    bt4baidu 发表于 2014-8-12 23:05 - r! o' D, n6 [3 [, t: u3 c

    ' @$ n- [( A& ]1 I0 O
    1 A( _  w5 G7 p% q4 g( T# L2 h. ~& O' I# o, A5 `6 \+ B
    ! b2 O* F& o0 K* F# S5 ?; N; V4 b
    . K6 p. ~/ t; ^+ ?- J5 }: l/ Q3 _  E
  • TA的每日心情
    20 小时前
  • 签到天数: 2039 天


    发表于 2014-8-13 01:23:52 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 jazzmood 于 2014-8-13 15:28 编辑
    + T' |  h0 A0 A+ j6 L
    Oeasy 发表于 2014-8-12 23:08 & p/ n/ S/ |1 e' H  _% N4 @

    0 x8 v% T  O, K" X5 n. j- J( ?: m% o8 H  j' d7 n
    配几张图,对比一下world book 和 远东英汉大辞典,词语辨析部分。. f& y; t! v+ {" m7 D. u) O  {9 B2 K
    * Q0 q" Y2 m+ @: t

    ! e' A9 U4 f4 p" b/ l  _  u( Z5 K! ?6 s
    2 h! e; a; B) k0 b: q
    " X- X. o* i& I

    : {) g1 [+ q* Z/ H: [$ B
    " e3 k  F* o" O' x" @# V  m. J5 K" pThe World Book Dictionary 的版权信息: Y9 X+ t5 d# P3 i2 h. t

    ) o* e" i: ]8 u3 {: E; c$ }4 I4 g2 K* F; p* D
    6 f7 w5 z2 L$ G4 H8 r
    & R& @9 Z3 I! N/ }1 t/ r: g( g9 u" Q! ~( t3 J) G
    1 D4 ~5 _0 R3 a% R


     楼主| 发表于 2014-8-13 16:41:22 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 Oeasy 于 2014-8-13 17:01 编辑
    " @2 R& S" n! }. j; W; `
    jazzmood 发表于 2014-8-13 01:23
    & M1 E; c8 _* c3 R. I" d' l配几张图,对比一下world book 和 远东英汉大辞典,词语辨析部分。
    ( A' [4 {1 m2 o

    4 J1 G$ G- _3 W6 v% P) A
    $ J; K+ i9 ?/ S/ \
    7 ^4 S1 j9 F3 G2 ]$ v; {% X9 s$ i- Q  }2 ?三四十年前,台湾的英汉辞典,以及其他很多方面,还是领先于大陆的。现在呢,落后得不止一点半点了。! x! H# U  r+ w7 l7 h$ k
      ^( h5 V! o7 A( b3 T
    " u5 k- R4 P9 O& e" X
    & b9 K+ f. L  C0 ?# m
    by 颜元叔 ……" f9 Q) A* b+ S. J- u
    我手边这部大陆编《新英汉词典》,这部大陆版《辞源》,编得如此周全,印制如此精致,细小的铅字用放大镜看都划划清晰,而且从来没有看到一个 错字:我为他们的心血表现而发抖!我们可以把这两部辞书掷在以精致称着的日本人的辞书之侧,而开始不觉愧色——而我们台湾,40年来,哪部英汉辞典不是翻译剪贴自日作!惭愧哪,台湾经验!

    3 B' J- B& C* Z" v

    ) t/ u" o5 n, u$ n) z英汉、汉英双语词典的编纂与研究历程 http://www.cnki.com.cn/Article/CJFDTotal-JMDZ200502017.htm) [( J2 h" q4 n8 b" d" p7 `! S. X# K

    4 G7 q% y* g% x
    这段时期的后一阶段, 即20世纪40年代, 我国编纂出版了两部词典: 一部是《英汉四用词典》 (它的全名是《英汉求解、作文、文法、辩义四用词典》, 1949年4月由上海世界书局出版, 1970年在香港出修订版; 另一部是梁实秋主编的《远东英汉大词典》, 1949年由台湾远东图书公司初版。初版时书名为《实用英汉词典》, 收词仅1万条, 1952年修订出版, 词条扩充到8万条, 1960年又重版, 收词实为11万多条。《英汉四用词典》和《远东英汉大词典》这两部词典均仍属中型综合性英汉双语词典。《四用》与《远东》都各有其特色。《四用》编者尝试使它有自己独特的体例, 服务对象明确, 读者查阅时可以/对号入座, 一目了然。这种四用的编排方法, 确有其方便的地方, 但却弊大于利。因为词的释义与例证分开, 反而给读者带来不便。后人再编纂的双语词典就少有效法这种体例, 而该词典本身的读者也越来越少, 现在处于基本上被淘汰的状态了。《远东》则不同。半个多世纪以来, 《远东》广泛地在台湾、港澳、中国大陆以及东南亚各国的华人中使用, 经久不衰, 甚至被联合国采用长达40年之久。它拥有众多读者, 具有颇强的生命力, 在全世界双语词典编纂界影响大而深远。究其原因, 它有四大特点: ( 1) 收词丰富、广泛、新颖, 并十分接近美国词典的传统, 注重百科性。( 2) 释义平易、准确、全面, 均用浅显的白话文, 并附有丰富的例证。( 3) 注意对英国英语与美国英语的不同解释的阐述、对语法修辞问题的阐述、对一般写作规则的阐述。( 4) 采用的注音是英美兼注的国际音标的双重注法。但《远东》也存在一些缺点, 如某些释义和汉译文不通顺; 旧词新义注释贫乏; 没有注词源等等(徐振忠, 192-199)。

    . t& k1 k  w8 |6 k1 y/ T$ z) r7 O  E* W4 }) @/ \5 y
    " e! N! \' ]) ]0 w6 X! a/ X* O
    * f) n* ]. e* y
    : e6 o6 I! x7 p$ ~2 F3 W


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    发表于 2014-8-13 20:31:28 | 显示全部楼层
    Oeasy 发表于 2014-8-13 16:41
    2 p& Z2 L/ j! |三四十年前,台湾的英汉辞典,以及其他很多方面,还是领先于大陆的。现在呢,落后得不止一点半点了 ...

      x' K2 S' r5 _+ C: H终于看到 梁实秋的词典长什么样了,谢谢jazzmood和O大的论文~6 ^# l% t$ L. F' |
    & q0 z* n( Q! |% {
    : q! d* G- r* T2 ?" T猜测习惯余光中老师和夏济安老师文笔的读者大概不会喜欢梁的文字吧' l9 _: T, }3 h5 I- `
    4 z7 {* m$ P5 v+ S0 |: o6 b: ?) e% B9 Z
    而且梁实秋“批”鲁迅翻译的毛病似乎全能在梁译莎翁作品里找到# Y/ K, G! l6 r, G% R
    2 ^- e: h( K- d9 c
    .............................................................................................7 ~/ v$ W; S7 L" {
    上面贴的able的第3个释义,不懂怎么译成了 彻底完成的7 k, k! w4 u% M; @


    发表于 2014-8-13 21:33:49 | 显示全部楼层
    jazzmood 发表于 2014-8-13 01:23 6 R# R" B* x+ o: J+ T+ I
    配几张图,对比一下world book 和 远东英汉大辞典,词语辨析部分。

    # U, s, E# s$ j蓝本是WBD啊。不知道远东英汉是不是贴出了参考书目?
    7 r. N' R3 p/ ?( u/ Y


     楼主| 发表于 2014-8-14 09:52:07 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 Oeasy 于 2014-8-14 10:17 编辑 8 ?. z! Q6 \1 z& N  R0 [

    9 q# J! v% y9 Q( f" g
    belleyeah 发表于 2014-8-13 21:33
    7 v5 Q4 Q6 c1 k3 t3 C7 _蓝本是WBD啊。不知道远东英汉是不是贴出了参考书目?

    & c) `' o8 S* W8 f; Z2 W! V3 l. X9 p
      Y  H4 o9 K" a" g{:5_227:}
    & l& ]1 r+ e6 v( u; T+ Z
    3 B0 {5 Z& s* F% P$ O敢贴出参考书目的词典,可没有几本噢,这不是自讨没趣嘛。
    0 r' x4 T$ n0 e' V+ R- _9 o
    : R! f+ L* M8 s6 ?& \; ^9 O《英汉大词典》(第2版)就贴出来了,一共148本,你说蓝本是哪一本?
    / R  D- ~* L+ v% r, t" Y
    ( O" [" T3 I7 ~8 ^5 f& ]
    1. The American Heritage Dictionary, Second College Edition (Houghton Mifflin Company, 1982)8 Q( b  X0 a$ P( j# {- w
    2. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, ed. William Morris (Houghton Mifflin Company, 1980)
    $ |7 t# d) [& w+ D) W8 i$ M4 ^& ?8 ~3. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition, ed. Joseph P. Pickett (Houghton Mifflin Company, 2000)
    $ b! z* D9 `, r& _5 @4 x3 e$ W4. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition, ed. Anne H. Soukhanov (Houghton Mifflin Company, 1992)
    " `  _4 O3 P$ ~5. America in So Many Words: Words That Have Shaped America, ed. David K. Barnhart & Allan A. Metcalf (Houghton Mifflin Company, 1997)
    9 Y2 U* i6 J6 O6 G9 Y# w: x, g6. The Australian Oxford Dictionary, ed. Bruce Moore (Oxford University Press, 1999)! g2 e, N) I* o" Z. _
    7. The Barnhart Dictionary Companion: A Quarterly to Update General Dictionaries, ed. Clarence L. Barnhart, David K. Barnhart (Lexik House, 1985-1994)
    4 b5 V/ _, a" ~8. The Barnhart Dictionary of New English 1963-1972, ed. Clarence L. Barnhart, sol Steinmetz, Robert K. Barnhart (Longman Group Limited, 1973)0 U; m4 D5 r8 V
    9. The BBI Combinatory Dictionary of English: A Guide to Word Combinations, comp. Morton Benson, Evelyn Benson and Robert Ilson (Jon Benjamins Publishing Company, 1986)
    ( w8 f' L9 K" h( F* [10. Black’s Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition (West Publishing Co., 1979)6 \/ ?5 Z" E# v, x% l! H: c; D
    11. Brewer’s Dictionary of Modern Phrase & Fable, ed. Adrian Room (Cassel & Co., 2000)
    6 \7 Y, ~# }- P: [' }) h+ P/ i12. Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, Revised Edition, ed. Ivor H. Evans (Cassel Ltd., 1981)4 I: |1 Z1 Z- L1 |
    13. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language, ed. David Crystal (Cambridge University Press, 1995)) l3 q( \+ t% h7 e6 n0 x
    14. Cassell’s Foreign Words & Phrases, ed. Adrian Room (Cassell & Co., 2000)' ~* Z* p; N/ _! w) V. i
    15. The Chambers Dictionary, New Edition, ed. Catherin Schwarz (Chambers Harrap Publishers Ltd., 1993)  o4 [- F) C9 S  `: {% C
    16. Chambers Encyclopedic English Dictionary, ed. Robert Allen (Chambers, 1994)$ k" p4 M' R" c  F
    17. Chambers 20th Century Dictionary, New Edition, ed. E. M. Kirkpatrick (W. & R. Chambers Ltd., 1983)8 o- C. g; ?! l$ o5 Z# e  W8 W
    18. Chambers Universal Learners’ Dictionary, ed. E. M. Kirkpatrick (W. & R. Chambers Ltd., 1980)
    * ^. A9 a5 {" O" f5 h19. Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary, Collins Birmingham University International Language Database (Klett, 1987)
    ( v7 m& \' @& E* U+ L( e/ `7 S( |20. Collins Dictionary of the English Language, ed. Patrick Hanks (William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd., 1985)
    0 x, E1 {3 ~+ R- b) a21. Collins English Dictionary & Thesaurus, 21st Century Edition, ed. Diana Treffry (HarperCollins Publishers, 2000)
    8 @! [" {, z) L8 p5 `22. Collins English Dictionary, Third Edition Updated, ed. Martin Makins (HarperCollins Publishers, 1994)7 w+ h" r/ X9 l1 m% B! X. b. f# y- \$ [
    23. The Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary, Vols. 1-2 (Oxford University Press, 1971)! p8 b% O+ a! j/ F/ W% y) k
    24. A Concise Dictionary of English Idioms, Third Edition, rev. & ed. Brian Phythian (Hodder and Stoughton, 1973)- y8 k6 y* l, r: s: i6 _+ b
    25. A Concise Dictionary of English Slang, ed. William Freeman (English Universities Press Ltd., 1955), n' `" c+ w0 G# _6 X% w
    26. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English, Seventh Edition, ed. J. B. Sykes (Oxford University Press, 1982): M  p. U/ ?0 B7 u2 Q7 }- r
    27. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English, Sixth Edition, ed. J. B. Sykes (Oxford University Press, 1976)% G6 ]4 M5 F! L2 f
    28. Concise Oxford English Dictionary, Tenth Edition Revised, ed. Judy Pearsall (Oxford University Press, 2002)
    # v% c+ j; S6 d: B% b3 S29. Dewdroppers, Waldos and Slackers, ed. Rosemarie Ostler (Oxford University Press, 2003)
    " H. d+ e' q& t; {# v, `# n30. Dictionary of American Slang, Second Supplemented Edition, ed. Harold Wentworth and Stuart Berg Flexner (Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1975)) `) f) O" d" T, ^: a$ q, L+ S  a
    31. A Dictionary of Australian Colloquialisms, ed. G. A. Wilkes (Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., 1978)
    ) f; I! C/ \5 n+ x32. A Dictionary of Banking, ed. F. E. Perry (Macdonald & Evans Ltd., 1979)) z0 Z: L* {& x( w8 b% X
    33. Dictionary of Banking and Finance, ed. Lewis E. Davids (Littlefield, Adams &Co., 1978)
    ! G0 ^" s8 p+ h+ W6 G34. Dictionary of Business and Management, ed. Jerry M. Rosenberg (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1978). L3 q7 q) I9 r! e# w
    35. Dictionary of Economics and Business, Enlarged Edition, ed. Erwin Esser Nemmers (Littlefield, Adams & Co.m 1978)
    : g+ r7 [& C# y8 U$ @5 a: G+ A36. A Dictionary of Economics and Commerce, ed. J. L. Hanson (Macdonald &Evans Ltd., 1977)% U) g# [6 Q( G0 Y
    37. Dictionary of Economic Terms, Fourth Edition, ed. Alan Gilpin (Butterworth & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., 1977)
    ! m8 n( H3 [2 d3 Q9 I4 w38. A Dictionary of English Idioms, Part I: Verbal Idioms, ed. B. L . K. Henderson (James Blackwood & Co., Ltd., 1954)9 f  K1 O8 O  F/ H, E. Y# W" V3 Z
    39. A Dictionary of English Idioms, Part II: Colloquial Phrases, ed. B. L . K. Henderson (James Blackwood & Co., Ltd., 1956), C& s4 k  o3 Y7 W# a3 y% m& _3 q
    40. Dictionary of English Phrasal Verbs and Their Idioms, ed. Tom McArthur and Beryl Atkins (Collins, 1976)
    ( Y* ~* B% E; T2 E- ^1 _41. A Dictionary of Euphemisms & Other Doubletalk, ed. Hugh Rawson (Crown Publishers, Inc., 1981)
    - [" c/ \7 [5 k2 u2 y* p- o0 L42. A Dictionary of Law, ed. L. B. Curzon (Macdonald & Evans Ltd., 1979)
    1 `4 e% c: i* O. Q, S43. Dictionary of Science and Technology, ed. T. C. Collocott (W. & R. Chambers Ltd., 1971)% Q3 Z: h3 w7 y$ m- f# J1 ]0 E
    44. A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English, Eighth Edition, ed. Paul Beale (Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., 1984)# R$ K0 B5 _, G  |, p; Y  g" c9 D
    45. Dictionary of the Future, ed. Faith Popcorn and Adam Hanft (Hyperion, 2001), H- P* x. q; s% N) a8 A6 K
    46. Dude, Where’s My Country?, ed. Michael Moore (Warner Books, 2003)
    6 y7 C! W  l( D( v! w& V; h47. Economics Dictionary, Second Edition, ed. Donald W. Moffat (Elsevier Science Publishing Company, Inc., 1983)7 l- c- F' T% s! R& m4 x
    48. Encarta World English Dictionary, ed. Kathy Rooney (St. Martin’s Press, 1999)* a& z2 Q& U; y6 K: p" F
    49. English Colloquial Idioms, ed. Frederick T. Wood (The Macmillan Press Ltd., 1975)
    $ i# s' S, @7 Q( r4 `* N# o( D50. English Prepositional Idioms, ed. Frederick T. Wood (The Macmillan Press Ltd., 1967)
    ! r3 l# E7 o+ _) u51. English Pronouncing Dictionary of Proper Names, ed. 大塚高信;寿岳文章;菊野六夫(T. Otsuka and Sanseido Co., Ltd., 1969)
    8 _9 U& O% R: T8 Y0 {52. English Verbal Idioms, ed. Frederick T. Wood (Macmillan and Co., Ltd., 1964)% v7 A" b) M: S4 i
    53. Everyman’s English Pronouncing Dictionary, Fourteenth Edition, ed. Daniel Jones and A. C. Gimson (J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1981)
    ; K( W. P" j- N. A2 s54. Everything But the Burden: What White People Are Talking from Black Culture, ed. Greg Tate (Broadway Books, 2003)" }  E1 ~6 o( M7 m
    55. The Fact On File Dictionary of New Words, ed. Harold LeMay et al. (Facts On File, 1988)# l! E5 h1 n, x/ Y' A' R1 u
    56. The Facts On File Encyclopedia of Words and Phrase Origins, ed. Robert Hendrickson (Checkmark Books, 2000)
      }% q6 ~6 ]2 e" c* \57. Family Word Finder, A New Thesaurus of Synonyms and Antonyms in Dictionary Form, Prepared by the editors of the Reader’s Digest in association with Stuart B. Flexner (The Reader’s Digest Association, Inc., 1975; The Reader’s Digest Association (Canada) Ltd., 1975)
    * m' X& u+ K( `8 o  n! {9 @58. Fifty Years “Among the New Words”: A Dictionary of Neologisms, 1941-1991, ed. John Algeo (Cambridge University Press, 1991)* G6 [: B$ y* \! `  h
    59. The Film Encyclopedia, ed. Emphraim Katz (Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1919)
    0 ?/ n9 D, T& I" L1 j. f: A3 o  y60. Funk & Wagnalls Standard College Dictionary, New Updated Edition, ed. Sidney I. Landau (Harper & Row. Publisher, Inc., 1977)
    0 l' d6 T4 A' A) e7 G2 B4 m6 C2 `61. Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary of the English Language, International Edition, Vols. 1-2, ed. Albert H. Marckwardt (Funk & Wagnalls Publishing Company, Inc., 1973)
    " Z6 {8 W) e# C' H; ~62. A Grammar of Contemporary English, ed. Randolph Quirk, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech, and Jan Svartvik (Longman Group Limited, 1973)8 ^2 L0 O" H- h2 m
    63. Grolier Academic Encyclopedia, ed. Bernard S. Cayne (Arete Publishing Company, 1983)
    ! l# ~" ^! H% i- U5 R( c# K7 V* Z64. International Dictionary of Education, ed. G. Terry and J. B. Thomas (Kogan Page Limited, 1979)
    ( N7 j1 R% Q1 A, D$ R65. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, Vols. 1-18, ed. David L. Sills (Crowell Collier and Macmillan, Inc., 1986)
    5 E& x6 H" j$ q/ b66. The International Who’s Who 1983-1984, Forty-Seventh Edition (Europa Publications Limited, 1983)
    . _9 o0 f6 [/ S! }7 @& x% l6 u5 h67. Kenkyusha’s New English-Japanese Dictionary, A New Edition, ed. Tamihei Iwasaki, Jujiro Kawamura (Kenkyusha Ltd., 1960)( y, {) d% E# V1 ]" a% I9 C
    68. Kenkyusha’s New English-Japanese Dictionary, Fifth Edition, ed. Yoshio Koine (Kenkyusha Ltd., 1980)2 Z  ]4 e- b  d, A% t' E" b- F
    69. Kenkyusha’s New Dictionary of English Collocations, ed. Senkichiro Katsumata (Kenkyusha Ltd., 1958), \) ?6 C) Q( Y$ U1 w" n
    70. Law Dictionary, ed. Steven H. Gifis (Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 1975)
    $ m$ i) [3 z7 |% a71. Lexicon of Tax Terminology, ed. Richard A. Westin (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1984)* \; y9 ~6 u! h5 G7 ~4 z
    72. Lexis, ed. Jean Dubois (Librairie Larousse, 1975)
    % b2 V, H3 A/ v& m8 v+ l& C73. Longman Dictionary of American English (Longman Inc., 1983)
    8 D( `, C  w5 I: x1 ?) M74. Longman Dictionary of Business English, ed. J.H. Adam (Librairie du Liban, 1982)
    . T/ |9 _, ^* D& Y  C- o75. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, ed. Paul Procter (Longman Group Limited, 1978)& [$ A; Q7 |* G: M: R
    76. Longman Dictionary of English Idioms, ed. Thomas Hill Long (Longman Group Limited, 1979)
    / u+ z: s% e, p4 `- ]" u77. Longman Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs, ed. Rosemary Courtney (Longman Group Limited, 1983)& [* w5 H& @9 E$ S
    78. Longman Dictionary of the English Language (Longman Group Limited, 1984)
    " N. ^- z& X; g- P  @, y79. Longman Lexicon of Contemporary English, ed. Tom McArthur (Longman Group Limited, 1981)
    1 }1 W' e/ ^4 W80. Longman Modern English Dictionary, ed. Owen Watson (Longman Group Limited, 1976)( S2 b  o! A0 B  f
    81. The Longman Register of New Words, ed. John Ayto (Longman, 1989)
    4 s* v0 P# {3 x' M4 w) S82. Macmillan Contemporary Dictionary, ed. William D. Halsey (Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1979)9 C, z6 Z$ f9 T( U" H, d6 g3 s
    83. Macmillan Dictionary of Marketing & Advertising, ed. Michael J. Baker (Nichols Publishing Company, 1984)  l* L# v9 [7 R) J
    84. The Macmillan Dictionary of Modern Economics, ed. David W. Pearce (Aberdeen Economic Consultants, 1981)% _1 N/ V% |- C$ C# O
    85. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Eleventh Edition, ed. Frederick C. Mish (Merriam-Webster Inc., 2003)
    ( W6 Y/ F, ~& P; F( R' x" Y86. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition, ed. Frederic C. Mish (Merriam-Webster Inc., 1993), P; U1 o6 z9 T* b1 T
    87. The McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Modern Economics, Third Edition, ed. Douglas Greenwald and Associates (McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1983)4 H+ S8 k: }% T
    88. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, ed. Daniel N. Lapedes (McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1974)& d5 Z! I! I/ y& R: V' y
    89. The New Columbia Encyclopedia, ed. William H. Harris and Judith S. Levey (Columbia University Press, 1975)
    ( \0 _* D+ i$ r$ J90. New Dictionary of American Slang, ed. Robert L. Chapman (Harper & Row Publishers, Inc., 1986)8 L1 j/ y) a- m5 Y2 H+ k
    91. Neologisms: New Words since 1960, ed. Jonathon Green (Bloombury Publishing Limited, 1991)& t- \1 _( @* F+ P9 s1 J+ K* j
    92. The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vols. 1-30 (Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 1980)
    1 G! G- k; |; M; S& s/ C- w6 {4 b93. The New Oxford Dictionary of English, ed. Judy Pearsall (Oxford University Press, 1998)
    7 ?3 M9 z% _0 B5 c. ]94. New Words, ed. Orin Hargraves (Oxford University Press, 1994)2 q: P. r" u9 W, y/ Q! J' ^
    95. 9, 000 Words, A Supplement to Webster’s Third New International Dictionary (Merriam-Webster Inc., 1983)
    , z  o* g6 v  k) e. j0 U96. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, ed. A. S. Hornby (Oxford University Press, 1974)8 _/ D! _/ i' Y8 w! ^- M
    97. The Oxford American College Dictionary, ed. Christine A. Lindberg (Oxford University Press, 2002)% `/ I( c! r3 T5 ~+ Y+ k( l, s
    98. The Oxford Companion to American Literature, Fourth Edition, ed. James D. Hart (Oxford University Press, Inc., 1978): ]' k$ k3 O' ?3 C6 @) |
    99. The Oxford Companion to English Literature, comp. &ed. Sir Paul Harvey, Fourth Edition, rev. Dorothy Eagle (Oxford University Press, 1978)
    ( ]0 n! K, f$ o0 D' Y  q100. The Oxford Companion to Law, ed. David M. Walker (Oxford University Press, 1980)+ c/ m: @& n4 d  X5 @
    101. The Oxford Companion to the English Language, ed. Tom McArthur (Oxford University Press, 1992)9 i1 U! z( }4 m6 A0 _
    102. Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English, Vol. 1: Verbs with Prepositions & Particles, ed. A. P. Cowie and R. Mackin (Oxford University Press, 1975)! b/ K; V7 W7 K
    103. Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English, Vol. 2: Phrase, Clause & Sentence Idioms, ed. A. P. Cowie, R. Mackin and I. R. McCaig (Oxford University Press, 1983)
    $ @2 Q; R  z! ^# B3 o104. The Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology, ed. C. T. Onions (Oxford University Press, 1982). O: i+ I9 ~( C
    105. Oxford Dictionary of English, Second Edition, ed. Catherine Soanes and Angus Stevenson (Oxford University Press, 2003)5 ?# u% G0 j' N  w8 w
    106.The Oxford Dictionary of English Proverbs, Third Edition, rev. F.P. Wilson (Oxford University Press, 1975)
    . s! B6 m8 a) f8 C# g107. Oxford Dictionary of Foreign Words and Phrases, ed. Jennifer Speake (Oxford University Press, 1997), y- h! C! E+ r- t( V3 [
    108. The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Slang, ed. John Ayto and John Simpson (Oxford University Press, 1992)
    ) X9 M* g- Z+ I/ c: f  j6 r6 O: p109. The Oxford Dictionary of New Words, ed. Elizabeth Knowles and Julia Elliott (Oxford University Press, 1997)
    8 X( T' ^* }/ y110. The Oxford Dictionary of New Words: A Popular Guide to Words in the News, ed. Sarah Tulloch (Oxford University Press, 1991)
    2 c  S! C) i( ?. m111. Oxford English Dictionary Additions Series, Vols 1-3, ed. John Simpson and Edmund Weiner (Clarendon Press, 1997)
    : p1 c  z- K( L3 S! S: R$ W112. Oxford Student’s Dictionary of American English, ed. A. S. Hornby, Dolores Harris and William A. Stewart (Oxford University Press, 1983)
    * n5 t) ^  P  K& Z% ]0 t113. The Penguin Dictionary of Religions, ed. John R. Hinnells (Penguin Books, 1984). `6 i# a. e/ G( Z$ B1 W7 I; G0 d
    114. The Penguin English Dictionary, Third Edition, comp. G. N. Garmonsway (Penguin Books, 1978)
    2 u: n' }0 [1 H( ^115. Petit Larousse Illustré (Librairie Larousse, 1980)
    + T6 p; B) p# r! K: X! |  l# `116. The Random House College Dictionary, Revised Edition, ed. Jess Stein (Random House, Inc., 1979)  l. `% X+ x( g( C5 X
    117. The Random House Dictionary of the English Language, ed. Jess Stein (Random House, Inc., 1973)6 ^; P  l. d# S# x! `* |0 ]+ F5 c
    118. The Random House Dictionary off the English Language, Second Edition, Unabridged, ed. Stuart Berg Flexner (Random House, Inc., 1987)
    & w  U' n- v! r2 W3 c' j119. The Random House Encyclopedia, ed. James Mitchell (Random House, Inc., 1977). b8 A8 E3 L. K4 G. l
    120. Random House Webster’s College Dictionary, ed. Robert B. Costello (Random House, 1991)
    5 z  m, N9 ~9 l. ~5 T) x" X& ^121. The Second Barnhart Dictionary of New English, ed. Clarence L. Barnhart, Sol Steinmetz and Robert K. Barnhart (Barnhart / Harper & Row, Publishers, 1980)
    ( a' Z4 [- B' X122. The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, Third Edition, Vols. 1-2, rev. & ed. C. T. Onions (Oxford University Press, 1973)
    7 ?4 ^. M# w  ~3 g0 z* N123. Shogakukan Random House English-Japanese Dictionary, ed. Shogakukan (Shogakukan, 1982)
    $ t" E2 k& A: F0 T) k9 q124. 6,000 Words, A Supplement to Webster’s Third New International Dictionary (G. & C. Merriam Co., 1976)
      Y9 b. \6 B( ~+ e3 B125. Slam-dunks and No-brainers, ed. Leslie Savan (Alfred A. Knopf, 2005)
      e; m& M# s% ?6 H( F7 R* q126. The Social Science Encyclopedia, ed. Adam Kuper and Jessica Kuper (Routledge & Kegan Paul Limited, 1985)
    " |8 ~+ n4 I; ]7 G3 p2 C" ~127. The Stories of English, ed. David Crystal (Overlook Press, 2004)
    0 j5 w# ]. O" Z4 i8 ]9 x$ X128. A Supplement to the Oxford English Dictionary, Vols. 1-4, ed. R. W. Burchfield (Oxford University Press, 1972, 1976, 1982, 1986)( H$ |9 T% n: z/ O
    129. The Third Barnhart Dictionary of New English, ed. Clarence L. Barnhart, Sol Steinmetz and Robert K. Barnhart (The H. W. Wilson, 1990)
    9 G8 A& \/ }: y( x; N  P4 `/ d130. 12,000 Words, A Supplements to Webster’s Third New International Dictionary (Merriam-Webster Inc., 1986)3 H) n. R: G1 l! F
    131. 20th Century Words, ed. John Ayto (Oxford University Press, 1999)5 m/ w: h$ F3 s7 l$ I- K
    132. The Universal English Dictionary, ed. Henry Cecil Wyld (Routledge & Kegan Paul Limited, 1977)8 F$ d  w* ?! z
    133. Use the Right Word, A Modern Guide to Synonyms, ed. the Editors of the Reader’s Digest, the Funk & Wagnalls Dictionary Staff (The Reader’s Digest, 1971)
    - u" F; b/ q( f" b1 I134. Van Nostrand’s Scientific Encyclopedia, Fifth Edition, ed. Douglas M. Considine (Litton Educational Publishing, Inc., 1976), d4 ]0 @" d8 Z" X1 s$ \' u
    135. Webster’s American Biographies, ed. Charles Van Doren (G. & C. Merriam Co., 1975)2 [  P; i1 k8 a9 c  R
    135. Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged, Encyclopedia Edition, Vols. 1-2 (William Collins Publishers, Inc., 1979)
    4 J6 W) }' J+ z; y136. Webster’s New Biographical Dictionary (Merriam-Webster Inc., 1983)
    9 z& g3 M# O) E- u4 `! A: D/ u" ]137. Webster’s New Geographical Dictionary (G. & C. Merriam Co., 1980)
    0 G& [) |1 S7 r+ b0 O138. Webster’s New World Dictionary, Fourth Edition, ed. Michael Agnes (Simon & Schuster, Inc., 1999)6 l6 x1 {7 V. n1 z
    139. Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language, Second College Edition, ed. David B. Guralnik (William Collins Publishers, Inc., 1980)
    . k( }9 g. ^6 M: F' [$ |140. Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language, Second College Edition, ed. David B. Guralnik (Simon & Schuster, Inc., 1984). Z+ F2 m; b4 N  v7 K
    141. Webster’s New World Dictionary, Third College Edition, ed. Victoria Neufeldt (Simon & Schuster, Inc., 1988)3 c8 I, @# D# M
    142. Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, ed. Frederic C. Mish (Merriam-Webster Inc., 1984)
    " _9 m9 {0 K. R+ p+ f% Y143. Webster’s Sports Dictionary, ed. Robert Copeland (G. & C. Merriam Co., 1976)
    - |5 U; D0 z+ R) y, t2 P6 _6 ~144. Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged, Vols. I-III, ed. Philip B. Gove (Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 1981)
    * A* \7 N' L' G% o2 c145. Who’s Who 1988 (A. & C. Black (Publishers) Ltd., 1988)+ M( X  N. _( s/ Y. J' _
    146. WordSpy: The Word Lover’s Guide to Modern Culture, ed. Paul McFedries (Broadway Books, 2004): {1 B& S' d1 ~
    147. Word Watch: The Stories Behind the Words of Our Lives, ed. Anne H. Soukhanov (Henry Holt and Company, 1995)
    ( w; H5 c) ?: Y( m# h: g( @148. The World Book Dictionary, Vols. 1-2, ed. Clarence L. Barnhart and Robert K. Barnhart (Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1981)
    . A$ S% D3 M, G/ C- a  f2 C5 f% y8 {

    & _( ~& t8 T2 Y" ], w0 v


     楼主| 发表于 2014-8-14 10:02:49 | 显示全部楼层
    jazzmood 发表于 2014-8-14 09:10
    ) [6 @  O* c# c2 T$ y* v* x4 E. V手上的远东英汉大辞典是1971年版的32开内部交流版,没有找到参考书目。
    # ?, \% ~4 b! i& e  j; q手上的The World Book Dictionar ...
    0 V, U. z0 a) k. T$ A% n/ K: n1 b

    # D& A+ G5 p( T5 c# o* Q) B, M5 @* d1 h  Q. B9 c
    {:5_227:} * o! v) ^% g' A, G6 \7 [
    WBD:  You may extinguish liberty, but not the love of liberty.0 E# V( G) m2 X, f$ y+ Y4 w* ]; N
    远东:You may extinguish a nation, but not the love of liberty.
      w/ h/ L' {# D. s" O8 G1 E0 v
    + n# B; g. Z, Y: |7 W( K6 q; G0 w* f# j+ `, e* Y

    & I% a5 u$ x* s# l看了几页,确实有“释义和汉译文不通顺”的小问题,当然,通顺与否是很主观的判断,那个年代那个地方的编译者可能觉得很通顺。
    4 G$ H7 I5 T' s" p
    ) S, h, t- X5 O! B4 p# L7 m《英汉大词典》等珠玉在“后”,《远东》式微,出版社连电子化都懒得弄了吧。+ [9 b- @0 f, e1 L# e
    % H) p! J! P+ k/ p

    - R% F1 o2 c" R6 ~- Q8 i; v; z4 h# A6 I


    发表于 2014-8-14 10:06:29 | 显示全部楼层
    Oeasy 发表于 2014-8-14 09:52 * p0 i2 g( M0 c
    ! k  J# l& i2 Z5 E/ \5 h: g# T) _0 n" D6 J
    《英汉大词典》(第2版) ...
    : p1 }; i8 G& {1 a2 v& a! S

    ( }5 x4 W# i, X7 j: G% c' G) }o版的“自讨没趣”这个词很贴切。很多词典都有意无意地回避某些东西。
    ) J0 V% z0 J1 E颜教授的《新时代。。》(比网络版多了很多图片),是为数不多(如果不是唯一的话)的国人编的双解词典,前言也只字不提蓝本(winston)。


    发表于 2014-8-14 10:12:08 | 显示全部楼层
    Oeasy 发表于 2014-8-14 10:02 ! a) L; C% \5 v( b+ T
    WBD:  You may extinguish liberty, but not the love of liberty.* x3 }  g  {& k9 K
    远东:You may exti ...

    6 ]: S. v4 a6 c& ?* F) |, v" m远东这刻意改的好像有点弄巧成拙啊。:-), ^& O4 K' ^& W


     楼主| 发表于 2014-8-14 10:13:25 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 Oeasy 于 2014-8-14 10:18 编辑
    5 K$ o0 d, m. q' F: I3 ~' W
    belleyeah 发表于 2014-8-14 10:06 5 ?+ I8 x$ l4 n' y
    3 v# V& ^2 n6 \1 c9 A* L+ R' |颜教授的《新时代。。》(比网络 ...

    / t% Z/ m3 ]( C5 u1 I9 K" T# i0 r, o7 c
    0 ~# t) {& k$ Y/ g2 \4 o; t) g2 X1 I9 ~3 P4 f0 G7 `* t
    - G0 g9 h+ o5 a3 _% a1 ?1 n2 ~( a( l4 t. J
    http://www.dictionary.net/ 去对比下
    * h2 o( c! g- [$ h  [, T0 k' ^1 g) ]4 L1 k" k/ {! [0 l
    The Winston Simplified Dictionary. By William Dodge Lewis, Edgar Arthur Singer. Published 1919
    & Z8 q9 A/ g3 Y( k; v) z, n7 p; m& O, Z8 f" c. s* ]2 C, c
    To put to the proof; to try to find a particular substance in; as, to test rice for starch; to compare with a standard. - See more at: http://definitions.dictionary.net/test#sthash.6UzU89sJ.dpuf
    1 {7 r4 [) l! e5 Y2 Z, \+ i- p5 J
    6 C# l) C2 N% e: q$ h颜氏" s( x  m8 I' F4 s3 }

    " J9 P0 k9 }9 U. B9 @: wv.t.: B) f  g! Q+ a6 D7 `) k: }
    &#9658; To put to the proof.         测验。 &#187; He had his eyesight tested. 他做了视力测验。 1 v- b0 U3 _0 D4 k. y" @  i
    &#9658; To try to find a particular substance in.         【化】检验。 &#187; to test rice for starch 检验米中所含的淀粉质。 ! h- B3 C& V! U6 y
    &#9658; To refine.         精炼。 &#187; to test gold in a furnace 于炉中炼金。


    发表于 2014-8-14 17:08:11 | 显示全部楼层
    belleyeah 发表于 2014-8-13 21:33 / [9 l6 K' g6 Y1 s' h) a: |
    ' w6 H) N& }9 `) {
    传闻英汉大以WBD为蓝本,这个蓝本也是WBD?  p: ~' b- }) C# K
    World book Dictionary 为何如此备受推崇?


     楼主| 发表于 2014-8-15 12:26:31 | 显示全部楼层
    bt4baidu 发表于 2014-8-14 17:08 / T5 }8 ?& i1 l8 i/ V3 e: W) c
    传闻英汉大以WBD为蓝本,这个蓝本也是WBD?2 E- R% Z; }$ [5 z
    World book Dictionary 为何如此备受推崇?

    2 Y" m$ L& B$ N+ Z8 f; u" z* {! [, S+ d$ V# C
    [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Book_Dictionary [/url]
    * }" @" e$ |# W( Z9 G: ?+ z$ z3 w; H/ n* o1 O, T. o
    Like the encyclopedia, it is designed to be user friendly to young people, yet comprehensive enough to be useful to adults. The definitions are designed with consideration for the age at which a person usually encounters the word. Quotations or sample sentences are offered with many words. Most proper names are excluded, leaving their treatment to the encyclopedia.
    - L4 J+ K1 M9 O

    9 m# {9 y: ^2 L: h, Phttp://itunes.apple.com/app/id406158413 $4.99- i2 m  E( A( `& N& y. C. R1 @( z

    ) \% g" I9 U3 Y+ S- K
    Description2 ?4 Z; P; A! u7 h" H
    The last thing a dictionary needs to be is intimidating. Yet many adult dictionaries are just that due to complicated structures and word meanings. This dictionary, from the editors of The World Book Encyclopedia, combines all the features of a traditional dictionary with the readability of World Book. The result is an ideal dictionary that can be used for a lifetime.
    4 u8 i. e  T3 h. F  _8 ^
    8 Q3 R1 ?# ~( G4 i) d4 I
    ( Q, R" u, Q- o; hWords likely to be used by students are defined in a simple manner for better comprehension. The Dictionary also presents informative illustrative sentences that help clarify word meanings.
    : t( V& n' G0 O4 J2 o
    : x  i9 H. o! k6 [8 w
    2 g* s5 _7 I" F; z9 \; _1 dBut this is by no means an abridged reference work. It features more than 225,000 entries, 3000 illustrations, notes on how to use prefixes, suffixes, capitalization and punctuation, pronunciation guides, and more. It's the final word in state-of-the-art dictionaries.$ {8 N6 L, a" W0 g$ p4 c
    + ^' A! f2 B5 m8 @* q' e9 U" y# G4 W
    1 x  z5 y- u% {, X2 Y7 j

    + R2 B* I4 ^3 ^& u! [Product Reviews:
    & |5 ]3 F7 [+ E. I$ c
    1 q# Z- j1 D6 g% V4 k" U) B" This dictionary is highly recommended... It is especially helpful for high school and college students in theirs preparation for writing research papers and book reports. "* k8 q3 O1 Y1 F1 p
    9 I% ]8 V' z0 N" O7 a
    -- American Reference Books Annual 2011& I0 f/ g4 H! _9 P+ s

    , l; I) L  w( U0 f5 O5 {8 B* a“The number of entries (225,000) in this set puts it in the comprehensive section, but the price is closer to that of an unabridged dictionary. Because it is to be used in conjunction with The World Book Encyclopedia, biographical and geographical entries are not included. In addition, because it supposedly reflects the way people should speak, offensive language is not included. The definitions are clear and concise, with the most common meaning first. Sentences or quotations enhance the meanings, as do numerous line drawings.”
    0 [: u0 w3 r" N; \' s8 G
    ! q+ F2 l4 D. w& [8 |-- Booklist, May 2009

    : K& m* z  O9 @" n: p% m5 h) u) N7 ?
    , y+ }! M6 q; V说白了,WBD是给母语为英语的小朋友编写的,虽然成年人也可以用。绝大部分英语学习者,英语水平肯定是不如人家四年级小孩的,直接用人家的 college (collegiate)词典,比较吃力,退而求其次,发现WBD好懂,就用它了。1 o. n1 g7 }2 E  z# d4 Z% ]6 g: e
    ( S8 L% {  W9 q& ]6 \! D! \
    WBD三四十年前在两岸三地火了一阵,很大原因是因为那会儿Leaner's Dictionary还没流行起来。
    , Z- T6 G# b  _- `! k/ g3 ~8 e4 L4 D% I5 Q  w' X, ?
    牛高原版版次信息:1948,1963,1974,1989,1995,2000,2005,2010; u+ Y0 @/ P0 M0 f
    繁体字本:                          1970,1984,1994,           2004,2008,2013
    / C5 @7 E7 U* p: I8 n! G简体字本:                                      1988,1997,           2004,2009,2014
    . ?$ Q+ O- r  Q+ N& p
    0 u: r  ?# W  c+ S, z# ?. T=====3 p/ E; S* b) r0 D0 C6 }* G
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 1978年第一版才出版。
    , ]# ?6 @9 y" L7 {$ \
    8 d5 q: r* r& _' t8 @# j------------+ P4 t: K5 f! v) @
    现在牛朗剑麦柯韦一大堆学习型词典,噱头一个比一个多,WBD就没落了。你看那Mac APP 才买4.99刀,都没人买。
    & H% y$ t% _8 Y& w2 X: b: Z9 Z7 b" F8 l! U  u. F2 y
    ------------2 R6 s/ B/ M# d; E
    不过,我是WBD的粉丝。我觉得这是最应该出双解版的词典。) Y1 h4 n! t" S; C
    & ~8 h5 {" z" d) E  k4 A
    2 R, T! F4 z$ F* k/ f  j
    8 z; n' y" c5 W5 F- s0 d


    发表于 2014-8-15 12:44:20 | 显示全部楼层
    Oeasy 发表于 2014-8-15 12:26 1 q/ p% x; [" H# h# }) V9 X5 B
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Book_Dictionary [/url]

    1 s: q" w4 Z# w4 T. d2 z0 |2 t  h专业!# j7 g+ S1 j8 _8 k" O  o# A

    * c6 g# L9 [& `WBD确实蛮好懂的,我读这个词典有种读日语《大辞林》的感觉8 d8 r6 s1 e6 C
    解释简洁、精确、易懂,例句丰富,收词量大。符合本人选词典的条件。1 I" Z' P& a: i5 \9 c

    / M) X$ ^; e8 X; Q6 i学习型词典最大的问题是释义比较啰嗦,不够概括;很多时候为了照顾程度低的读者,写得很长,绕来绕去,反而不精确。常常查完了学习型还得查别的才能得到比较准确的含义。& N1 P8 E- {' A2 c1 h. P- z" I! O
  • TA的每日心情

    2018-6-16 00:08
  • 签到天数: 197 天


    发表于 2014-9-21 08:47:49 | 显示全部楼层
    " A' I; N7 ^  L# j0 {
    , Z  Z: m% ]" U9 Q% S5 n不知道技术难不难哈。


    发表于 2014-9-21 20:01:27 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2014-9-21 20:08:13 | 显示全部楼层
    sculiuchang 发表于 2014-9-21 08:47
    - }6 C+ R" v1 b* _以前读研的时候,在跳蚤市场见过远东,本以50元购买,而不得。现在后悔的不行了哈。虽然陆谷孙的已经取代为 ...
    . Q3 \5 w$ ^: h$ d; z+ C, v
    0 s1 _/ C( y$ x! Q+ C" ^


    发表于 2014-12-14 02:34:37 | 显示全部楼层
    office 2003完全安装版里面有一个词典,好像也是这本吧,那本词典很不错,超级难破解的啊!!!


     楼主| 发表于 2014-12-14 08:59:21 | 显示全部楼层
    zhplren 发表于 2014-12-14 02:34
    0 e/ b4 Z! u) W7 Joffice 2003完全安装版里面有一个词典,好像也是这本吧,那本词典很不错,超级难破解的啊!!!
    " i2 h2 Y. c& s! @
    3 P  n# X, g- h# v6 M) z1 U


    发表于 2014-12-14 18:50:44 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2014-12-14 18:59:50 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2014-12-22 10:34:17 | 显示全部楼层
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