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[词典讯] 「文曲星大詞典免費翻譯App」權威授權「朗文當代大辭典」!



发表于 2014-8-7 14:43:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
; X5 L7 ~8 a; N) R& B3 Y6 [' @

( a& p% `3 o1 M" E
# {5 X% W$ C* n0 U2 o
, P+ L3 X7 u) T; u. r
: L) U/ i8 F& l有兴趣、时间、技术的同学,可以动手了。
7 g, R" ^* K* \1 Z& O
8 f% p1 ^9 _2 o& v2 J' I这词典,比外研社的朗文双解,内容要丰富不少。
7 m- i8 J: l1 F6 I朗文当代英语大辞典(英英· 英汉双解) ,商务印书馆,出版时间:2005-06-01 http://item.jd.com/10053524.html
, j3 m1 b) L( i: T& ?2 [朗文当代英语大辞典(英英·英汉双解)(新版) [Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture(English-Chinese)],商务印书馆,出版时间:2011-10-01 http://item.jd.com/10896734.html
+ t8 }4 ~3 |- T6 A5 F8 u# ^& F" g  J$ E5 Z  ^: x7 E- c, p
# \% V+ [9 u/ k
# U2 I( ?: g6 `! u& K" D+ Zhttp://www.gv.com.hk/ceb_news_view.php?id=18
' ~: z7 n6 y. F0 f  k- X
) y) J6 u& F2 D3 }$ J+ f* ]9 k  P3 f  2013.12.25
; u1 N$ G7 b! Q+ ]0 c0 K& j' U0 `1 Q# D; C1 O) O/ X5 E  [
哈電族「文曲星大詞典」免費翻譯App,全新收錄「朗文當代大辭典」9 z! c' Z6 x/ i5 D* Y/ D+ ?' ]

# {' p: L  b: b/ Y! p網路,讓我們不論何時何地都能獲得新資訊,透過智慧型手機或是平板,就能讓忙碌的學生及上班族不用受到地點及時間的限制,隨時隨地下載App輕鬆學習。而學英文當然也不例外,在茫茫App中要如何找到適合的App,其實不簡單。【文曲星大詞典】免費翻譯App,現在就幫您解決這個煩惱。【文曲星大詞典】最新版收錄了全球首創英語詞典與百科全書相結合的「朗文當代大辭典」,內含豐富的在線與離線學習內容、道地的真人發音、經典的考題例句、詼諧知性的圖文創作;此外還提供單詞本雲端備份功能及更多其它多元應用,絕對是您英語學習加分的最佳利器!
5 O# H& N- d# [0 r' ^& w, X+ D( q" d0 X3 l: E
遠見科技總經理 舒偉仁表示,【文曲星大詞典】是以設計哈電族電子辭典長達20年的經驗所開發的翻譯詞典App。最新版授權世界上最具權威性的英語文化教學辭典「朗文當代大辭典(英英‧英漢雙解)」,利用朗文語料庫網絡(Longman Corpus Network)編纂的學習型詞典,內含道地的英式和美式發音,同時涵蓋英式和美式英語。釋義淺顯易懂、例證典型豐富,讓您理解文化才能學好英語。* I$ k! S6 @% l3 d

4 s+ \% H* `$ Q# L【文曲星大詞典】有豐富的在線與離線學習內容,收錄遠見詞典20萬英漢/ 漢英詞條,不需連網就可查詢音標、中文釋義、例句、詞性變化及提供權威道地的真人發音英語詞典。【音節發音】是將英文單詞劃分音節,使用者只看英文單詞也會自然發音。【詞網詞典】依單詞詞性,提供精確的中英文釋義、例句與同反義詞。【考題例句】基於歷年的基測、學測、指考、統測試題資料庫,極具高中、大學入學考試指標性的參考價值。【四圖插話】依查詢的單詞提供中英雙語四圖例文,加深英文學習印象;【四圖隨選】則是在無符合的單詞時,為用戶隨機選取一套圖文,增加學習樂趣。此App適合學生、上班族、背包客及各階層學習英文人士者使用。
& [" T1 Z# e0 I! ~; ~9 j% e: g7 J! `( o8 t
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; \, M) J3 s" Z$ u  b  W7 N! s系統需求
9 T) a; V/ D7 J' B& L/ h. M
- L4 b0 T9 C7 ^6 ~, D. a' o5 q‧for Android 2.2 以上 OS- @+ r' h1 C1 \, e& Y( Y, W
# j5 h) R9 X; U7 N- s! N9 U+ {
‧iOS 5.0 或以上版本7 I7 `- s& t1 a/ F8 D/ \9 q
9 M7 [) H. ~0 ?0 {3 }) F& ^+ n
9 A" Y* @. ?5 u
) D, Y3 r9 j- R  i


 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-25 09:14:53 | 显示全部楼层
  1. <div id="longman"><div class="word">. ^' y" y$ d  |8 i0 I3 m1 G
  2. <div class="headword">*test<a href="voice://test1"><img class="lm-voice-btn" src="file:///android_asset/html/images/lm-voice-btn.png" width="36px" height="36px" /></a><a href="envoice://brelasdetest"><img class="lm-envoice-btn" src="file:///android_asset/html/images/lm-envoice-btn.png" width="36px" height="36px" /></a></div>
    & m8 D- {, O# t; D4 K% e. p3 R
  3. <div class="phonetic">/t&#603;st; test/</div>, D0 Z2 G" }( b6 ~1 S
  4. <div class="pos"><I>n</I></div>9 W* ^0 M- }1 |  ]( \
  5. <div class="define"><div class="nataccep"><B>1 </B>a number of questions, exercises, jobs etc, for measuring someone’s skill, cleverness, or knowledge of a particular subject; short examination 测验﹐考查﹐小考:</div>7 B9 @; F7 J: \+ B: \- J/ C
  6. <div class="example"><div class="foreign">a history test</div>( [: k+ r# x, B. I0 ~7 L4 q6 B
  7. <div class="native">历史测验</div>
    + I$ g9 z+ a# U: \. I1 r* U! O
  8. </div>
    ' h1 ^7 u# Y! `) }8 ]9 e9 q
  9. <div class="example"><div class="foreign">an intelligence/aptitude test</div>
    4 t) X7 `! S/ |' \0 T
  10. <div class="native">智力 [能力] 测验</div>
    6 k" I- b  }5 S6 v
  11. </div>3 s: Z6 R' O' f5 I& p
  12. <div class="example"><div class="foreign">You can’t drive a car unaccompanied by an experienced driver until you’ve passed your driving test.</div>
    6 ^( s/ t; a$ g
  13. <div class="native">你只有通过了驾驶考试﹐才能不要有经验的驾驶人员陪同而独自开车。</div>% H; N7 m# Q; u/ j" @3 u/ w/ V
  14. </div>
    2 k& [4 V% m# I
  15. </div>
    - z! V" d; _* Z5 z
  16. <div class="define"><div class="nataccep"><B>2 </B>a short medical examination 身体健康检查﹐体检;〔医疗〕化验:</div>8 i# `, z) d( s4 P
  17. <div class="example"><div class="foreign">an eye test</div>% ]: A( j+ Z# t
  18. <div class="native">视力检查</div>
    6 u* [' s' s0 }. }; p
  19. </div># a' n% d, ?: O2 g
  20. <div class="example"><div class="foreign">a blood test</div>
    # E) e: |" V/ w( U
  21. <div class="native">验血</div>* B2 N8 ]5 h; Q. D# [# A  M# L
  22. </div>3 R* K6 @: S1 D  ?3 p1 h$ Z
  23. </div>
    & ]8 E, w% K# A) {+ J
  24. <div class="define"><div class="nataccep"><B>3 </B>an occasion of using something, such as a machine or weapon, to see if it works properly 试验; 检验:</div>
    4 y( G; U0 Z. k- d' Q3 y
  25. <div class="example"><div class="foreign">nuclear weapons tests</div>" [  j0 H% p1 W7 w9 I
  26. <div class="native">核武器试验</div>
      Z1 q8 F$ K( a5 q9 T1 X! F
  27. </div>2 C  W3 P; P, D; Q4 Y
  28. <div class="example"><div class="foreign">This new aircraft is undergoing safety tests.</div>( D' h- n( u' r1 A
  29. <div class="native">这种新飞机正在接受安全性能检验。</div>8 V# u/ {, n- G& [
  30. </div>
    * p& D2 I& U# h8 |
  31. <div class="example"><div class="foreign">Tests have shown that these new tyres are significantly safer.</div># d) M5 A" }, Y3 ^4 h
  32. <div class="native">试验已经表明﹐这些新轮胎要安全得多。</div>
    # T; N  W' O( x# k
  33. </div>
    4 [4 Q3 y4 D  s. e# t
  34. </div>
    7 O" _) H3 [1 F
  35. <div class="define"><div class="nataccep"><B>4 </B>any situation or condition in which the qualities of something are clearly shown 考验:</div>
    ( l# W3 ]) \2 a" o% n
  36. <div class="example"><div class="foreign">The difficulties she faced were a real test of character.</div>8 E; W: J- z: d1 t0 r3 P
  37. <div class="native">她所面临的困难是对她的品格的一次真正考验。</div>1 x* I* c0 N7 ~/ _, A; L
  38. </div>
    7 f6 K( k9 s* h% B3 ~% H& S" ^
  39. <div class="example"><div class="foreign">This round-the-world voyage will really put his sailing experience to the test.</div>3 s0 B9 n) `7 x8 Y- H* f
  40. <div class="native">这次环球航行将使他的航海经验真正经受一次考验。</div>: g0 B5 \2 G2 x& s6 r! f
  41. </div>
    : y# F1 u/ v: G& ~
  42. <div class="example"><div class="foreign">This old song has stood the test of time. (=is still popular, or still seems good, even after a long time has passed)</div>$ I" x; \% X$ M7 w
  43. <div class="native">这首老歌经受住了时间的考验。</div>
    ' O* F% q8 R9 l! ]1 I
  44. </div>
    7 D5 Z' H. T" r3 B( O, X- |
  45. </div>, L1 x5 [' }# \
  46. <div class="define"><div class="nataccep"><B>5 </B>something used as a standard when judging or examining something else〔用作检验其他事物标准的〕判断准绳; 试金石:</div>
    8 ^/ N+ k# {) ^
  47. <div class="example"><div class="foreign">Employers will use this agreement as a test in dealing with future wage claims.</div>
    " }8 D$ V) k4 u$ w- d3 k
  48. <div class="native">雇主们将把这份协议当作处理未来要求加薪的判断准绳。</div>6 ]# V" o0 T4 w' C- A5 `& Y
  49. </div>' [4 Y$ y3 `! G- D+ g# J) f
  50. <div class="wordref"><img src="file:///android_asset/html/images/see-also.png" width="24px" height="24px"> <div class="pick">TEST CASE <div class="wordid">TEST CASE</div></div></div>
    ) ~) Y0 W3 h# ]1 P1 F  {
  51. </div>
    0 b2 |& ?& M$ E* n) {
  52. <div class="define"><div class="nataccep"><B>6 </B>(<I>usually cap. </I>常大写) a TEST MATCH 板球 [橄榄球] 国际比赛:</div>, k' U+ z! W# L! H9 j1 _' d
  53. <div class="example"><div class="foreign">Botham will not be playing tomorrow, the last day of the Third Test.</div>' }$ {7 y3 j# i- v. T9 u% ]
  54. <div class="native">博瑟姆将不会参加明天也就是第三届国际板球决赛最后一天的比赛。</div>! t1 s3 p, I" Q' s8 I
  55. </div>
    4 n. P9 D2 m  K, W6 T# L, i
  56. <div class="wordref"><img src="file:///android_asset/html/images/see-also.png" width="24px" height="24px"> <div class="pick">ACID TEST<div class="wordid">ACID TEST</div></div>, <div class="pick">BREATH TEST<div class="wordid">BREATH TEST</div></div></div>3 o$ _5 F% a$ Y) |) Z/ ^
  57. </div>
    + m$ _" K( k: `; C" y- r/ r
  58. </div><div class="word">
    " K- M, a2 A/ X) b$ I
  59. <div class="headword">*test<a href="voice://test1"><img class="lm-voice-btn" src="file:///android_asset/html/images/lm-voice-btn.png" width="36px" height="36px" /></a><a href="envoice://brelasdetest"><img class="lm-envoice-btn" src="file:///android_asset/html/images/lm-envoice-btn.png" width="36px" height="36px" /></a></div>( [" N, A9 Z  I0 d! }3 F
  60. <div class="pos"><I>v</I></div>
    $ c3 U/ r; E+ _5 R" R  k; C
  61. <div class="define"><div class="nataccep"><B>1 </B>[T] to study or examine by means of a test 试验; 检验; 检查; 测验:</div>1 x% S& d+ T& `4 _5 E
  62. <div class="example"><div class="foreign">to have one’s eyes tested</div># _# b' P7 F, `4 S% }3 ?
  63. <div class="native">检查眼睛</div>: s5 C7 e2 c: p2 F0 ]; B2 b
  64. </div>
    , U3 D2 v3 w6 n! ]  `+ v; d
  65. <div class="example"><div class="foreign">The teacher is testing the students on their French.</div>7 V% r# Q, ]/ H$ a) n
  66. <div class="native">那位老师正在测验学生的法语。</div>
    6 D* @, l+ V9 a6 D
  67. </div>
    4 c) g" P4 G; Z% ^# {
  68. <div class="example"><div class="foreign">a new agreement that bans the testing of nuclear weapons</div>
    ; [% U" P  S  [' U' J+ B2 r
  69. <div class="native">一项禁止核武器试验的新协议</div>. ~$ h& y" X2 T  D8 N* b1 `9 D
  70. </div>! E, B0 ~# A1 \2 ~1 A
  71. <div class="nataccep"><B> (fig. 喻)</B></div>
    7 H7 A. A9 L, D) q9 y
  72. <div class="example"><div class="foreign">I think he made these proposals mainly to test public opinion.</div>5 |3 l. n3 Q$ B+ r" d
  73. <div class="native">我想他提出这些建议主要是为了试探舆论的反应。</div>
    6 d! ]! w4 s; R2 E% J! l: n
  74. </div>+ W# k- d5 F7 g) M; g4 `/ [- h3 j
  75. </div>
    + h. S- K- {0 z5 c% ~" ~3 d
  76. <div class="define"><div class="nataccep"><B>2 </B>[T] to provide difficult conditions for; TAX<sup>2</sup> (2) 考验:</div>
      a$ q3 W% q7 `2 V- }
  77. <div class="example"><div class="foreign">These wet roads really test a car’s tyres.</div>! Y( R3 h1 S2 q# `: _
  78. <div class="native">这些泥泞的路对汽车轮胎是真正的考验。</div>
      p- E9 D3 p) L! f8 [3 i: e5 k
  79. </div>% ?2 F: l3 C7 w  v$ x
  80. <div class="example"><div class="foreign">These are testing times (=a difficult period) for our country.</div>
    % ?6 u1 A0 h) a6 k3 v2 _/ y
  81. <div class="native">这对我们国家来说是一段经受考验的困难时期。</div>, j  h& m+ L! P% o! h% z% P
  82. </div>
    9 }" i3 p* P2 O; |, B! N
  83. <div class="example"><div class="foreign">Listening to his continuous stream of empty chatter really tested my patience.</div>- q! R: z  w. W% C
  84. <div class="native">听他那没完没了的连篇空话对我的耐心真是一大考验。</div>. a' e4 X1 ^$ b7 L* I7 e& h$ A' a
  85. </div>
    9 ~+ Q$ V; `3 X8 G  o2 O
  86. </div>
    % d. l+ _: p6 S2 H$ ?7 X
  87. <div class="define"><div class="nataccep"><B>3 </B>[I; T (<B>for</B>)] to search by means of tests 勘探﹐探测:</div>8 r3 I% `9 H$ x" v8 h* Z* ~
  88. <div class="example"><div class="foreign">The company is testing (the ground) for oil.</div>
    1 x1 h7 l& c; {' G# c
  89. <div class="native">那家公司正在勘探石油。</div>" i3 m# z5 S$ n% B5 c
  90. </div>* e, P: w' y7 n2 \; O: B
  91. </div>6 g) _! H! j2 `2 z: I, H) ~7 ~3 d
  92. <div class="define"><div class="nataccep"><B>4 </B><B><B>test the water </B></B>check people’s reaction to something before carrying out a plan〔实施一项计划之前〕探测反应﹐试探:</div>2 z) S. O$ _1 S% W) H; v; m' G7 X
  93. <div class="example"><div class="foreign">We should test the water before we introduce a smoking ban in the staffroom.</div>. h# H$ @/ P' A8 O/ B! @8 k
  94. <div class="native">我们在办公室实行禁烟之前应该先探探员工的意思。</div>
    3 p+ Z  j4 K$ D8 D0 G+ S& G5 ~% }: Z
  95. </div>: Q, w; H; E* h
  96. </div>
    % ]& Y9 j. Q7 R3 N
  97. <div class="subword"><div class="headword">— ~er</div>
      l2 r. `' u  Q, u7 O
  98. <div class="pos"><I>n</I></div>
    2 n! D2 Z1 W9 \0 P2 }
  99. </div>
    # @  O5 f- S) R2 [( s1 Z0 B2 g* |
  100. </div></div>


 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-25 09:23:32 | 显示全部楼层
1 t, D( |& i% |3 U* E% {" ?

' m. k$ r  q3 D% S6 W: |; Z$ H! ]


发表于 2014-8-25 11:59:51 | 显示全部楼层
Oeasy 发表于 2014-8-25 09:14
: P: p  _8 U" @. w5 ^4 Y4 t

. h- i- k, c& f& ]破了?谁干的?


没破,就是抓包看了几条。  发表于 2014-8-25 16:40
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-1-27 00:16
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    发表于 2014-8-25 14:06:17 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2014-8-25 18:45:55 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2019-2-16 10:38
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    发表于 2014-8-28 22:17:20 | 显示全部楼层
    这本词典的精华在于其“文化注释”部分, 如哪位大神能做成MDX,功德无量啊。
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