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[词典讨论] 词典里的Big Mess Construction,兼推荐Vocabulary.com Examples



发表于 2020-4-30 19:51:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 klwo2 于 2020-4-30 19:51 编辑 * p3 h, k8 H4 F- P  M0 s9 O
% y1 y1 c  w8 p0 f4 n; @2 Y$ g
缘由:9 @; v! P- G  @: Q; q" M0 o, K
  e+ w' [8 a, p$ T' ahttps://www.pdawiki.com/forum/thread-40235-1-1.html
, n& D- `; v$ E2 c, \, j" uhttps://www.pdawiki.com/forum/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=40246+ h0 x' D0 g; v. ]; M. F

) N& `. p% L& ]; `. |我发现Big Mess Construction好像是比较新的英语语法现象,所以利用Goldendict 全文搜索搜了一下「 as big a 」,你们猜怎么着,真的哎!
8 z8 n' o7 l# x4 y
7 Q; p6 I1 H& z2 u先说原句:Even though gas-fired heating and cooking can be at least as big a source of greenhouse-gas emissions, renewable heating gets minuscule attention.1 |& U3 ^; w  W* _7 S: T" J( C
5 g5 Q6 Q" h4 V8 a6 m* W- Y9 R* ]5 o
虽说用天然气取暖啊做饭啊也是挺大的一个排放源,排放起温室气体来,不比别的能源逊色,可是那些个可再生的取暖法、取暖能源也没多少人关注。. S( S, A; B' e4 ]; {; A* d# r
0 b5 y. J+ r6 R3 \  a! w8 g
这句子还是有点绕的。全文搜索发现,有的词典里面有类似的句子。牛津高阶10:3 F$ A) J' T+ l
& F) q. s8 ?7 p& b8 n" r6 w
Housing has become almost as big a problem as education.

+ O* {. X$ }/ i$ `! z# l% K4 ~8 v5 U老版的牛津高阶没有。3 \" {7 z/ s3 z! k: @- R( A4 C% U
6 W3 ^* a: \* A3 B+ ]
W3:; V) E( Z* a4 ~, t; v
) {+ x2 v5 v2 w! P8 G" i2 Z4 y
<Unanswered e-mail is as big a turnoff as unanswered calls. Consider using your ISP's autoresponder to acknowledge received e-mail. It lets the visitors know their message arrived and gives you an opportunity to thank them for visiting the site. —Victoria Hall Smith, PC World, January 1999>
8 L, X% P7 B3 ]- h+ O1 I5 a6 c
; h, M% j* ?5 J) j/ L& n0 W. K4 W$ f$ x  k0 N
OED:. T# Q1 E9 r  F

2 C+ _, H+ h3 k  v
1 T3 ~, G6 M& A* N& X  ]3 HVariety 10 Apr. 1/2: Z* K4 l& g& a  l, E
There is almost as big a market for bootleg disk records as there is for bootlegged books.

% r. \" m2 f- o/ b; u. m- O# l/ Q. b1929年的句子
- b7 `8 l7 |: b" O- s7 D# y# g- `1 W- L' U, M/ ?0 Y# @3 O
1958        & O" n/ _3 u1 ~* B) Q2 w8 g) @8 l
Spectator 7 Feb. 175/3& X. e% S' ]: M& ^
The Liu was almost as big a pain in the neck as the previous night's Preziosilla.
/ I0 q" o2 g7 W. i* {
3 K+ `# ?$ K3 h# X/ e
% C& X: ]* G1 E1 DWorld Book Dictionary, 2015:" r9 W" o8 d% }. V2 x  R
Intrapreneurs, the people who start new businesses inside established companies, will soon be as big a catchword as entrepreneurs (Economist).

5 }  v$ v& _: I! G- x经济学人原句,1985年$ F$ ?2 R$ _  O* ]5 r
# x% ]8 Z9 A+ b" Z  ]
是例子最多最丰富的是这本!!!Vocabulary.com Examples!!
. _' a3 p4 V8 a; h) b) p3 b) c6 y1 F( W
没有抱回家的赶快抱回家,学英语不能没有它!(金坷拉!)3 n) s6 W  `: s6 _
. Q  y, r! t1 @8 m3 L
随便一摘就是哗啦啦的句子,名报名刊名家!!2 u# U0 t2 R3 i* X

. a8 e/ x" ?$ p$ \
150. Ms. Johnson, while not a native of Louisiana, was as big a champion of the region as anyone.
7 m2 Q; d0 Y/ o8 c, P6 e6 m0 LJul 25, 2015 - New York Times
179. This one seemed as big a mismatch with the Harrison twins and bevy of big bodies to control the struggling Gamecocks.: N  H/ H. I0 l6 s
Jan 24, 2015 - Washington Times
42. "It put a little dampener on it, but it's just as big a race," Gay said.* W- g: ?( m0 {$ N8 M. T8 `7 q
Dec 13, 2010 - The Guardian
26. “That was about as big a shot of adrenaline as you could ask for,” Robinson said.% f& |% ~& A# E6 O7 ~% {
Jul 4, 2015 - Washington Times
53. According to the film, nearly 50% of young white Americans believe discrimination against whites is as big a problem as discrimination against blacks.
- u1 o8 ]: p5 _Jul 24, 2015 - Time
96. For now, caveat emptor is going to remain as big a part of sushi culture as soy sauce and wasabi.
9 |. z4 P  h( |( x$ aFeb 21, 2013 - Time
& @- Y3 m; u+ Q) U
我知道有人要笑话我,这不是老宝贝了嘛,怎么又广告起来了?只当是给新来的看看呗!2 Y- y9 L/ y5 X8 p- K3 C) m
" Y; H' ~) {3 {3 F& K" E
例句第二多的是Urban Dictionary,不过这本有点太俗了,就不多说啦。
# w* Y: k6 d" m* R, M3 a% y


  • TA的每日心情
    2020-5-4 09:17
  • 签到天数: 6 天


    发表于 2020-4-30 22:11:05 | 显示全部楼层
    "Housing has become almost as big a problem as education."
    5 Q$ x/ N, _0 n/ H) S' k这个句子并不是BMC吧。这是as……as的结构。 在比较结构中,有as+adj+冠词+名词+as+比较对象这样的结构,还是很有规则的。


     楼主| 发表于 2020-5-1 10:12:36 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 klwo2 于 2020-5-1 10:13 编辑 - e  z! k: G4 Y
    rococoeer 发表于 2020-4-30 22:11" a/ }7 [3 H& k! V% b
    "Housing has become almost as big a problem as education."
    , h- ]3 \0 n4 K1 b这个句子并不是BMC吧。这是as……as的结构 ...
      e# T) i! i6 f3 @$ }' D. J7 L  L2 C
    Big Mess Construction是语法学家叫出来的术语,人家也没说不规则啊,请看Van Eynde, Frank. 2007. The Big Mess Construction. In Muller, Stefan (Ed.), ¨ Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase StructureGrammar, Stanford Department of Linguistics and CSLI’s LinGO Lab, 415–433.Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.:
    ) |3 X0 L7 D' f2 S3 l
    In English noun phrases the determiner canonically precedes the prenominal adjectives, both the lexical and the phrasal ones.
    0 `( f5 V& h9 ~6 R( L8 t(1) a. a big house* ]( U$ r2 y" K6 p% x& H  S$ o# C
    b. a very big house( C* K' |6 b& n  H+ T0 z& ~' g
    (2) a. * big a house
    ' K. \: {/ U) k$ |( [b. * very big a house
    8 m) d/ T" S+ q9 s  u8 u: ZA notable exception are the adjectival phrases which are introduced by as, so, too,  R: t- K6 Q7 O5 D) |
    how, this and that.
    When they occur in a nominal which contains the indefinite
    , F, y0 ~: z. \$ y6 J! H5 B# W% sarticle, they precede the determiner (Huddleston and Pullum, 2002, 435).

    5 {/ w7 l' m8 e+ X: R, r' _六个典型词是as so too how this that。
    4 P( Q) ^* s* {8 a7 c$ J
      S; X! t2 n  E# b- b/ w; m这个概念是Berman, J. 1974. Adjectives and adjective complement constructions in English.Ph. D.thesis, Harvard University.里面提出来的,你找作者理论去。- N3 Y3 r' Z; D3 }
    : b! L/ m! f0 o# P
    随便找找提及Big Mess Construction的论文,有如下例句:2 i  i& ^5 o  N
    ( J. ~9 x8 i+ k, ]
    Bob didn’t write [as detailed a proposal] as Sheila did.
    2 j5 e) U+ A9 p6 DBob didn’t write [as detailed of a proposal] as Sheila did' ~) w1 Z. Z# `; @
    8 }) q$ l8 [! S3 F# Q! v# V
    我可没说不准别个叫它as...as...结构,问题是:" y  n& C( m2 t2 M- |

    3 R, Z; L: w6 E1. 明摆着这个现象是不限于as的, so too how this that 都能这么用,也不一定非有第二个as不可,哪能以偏概全呢?- d. V4 ?# U( p
    2. 传统语法书里头没提及as...as...能这么用,你要认可这是as...as...,得扩充传统语法
    7 r3 u! }1 b' w& F6 g" C3. 要点也不是非要叫什么名字,而是怎么叫方便研究、方便解释。Big Mess Construction现象的要点是,凭嘛形容词能放到冠词前头?「一棵好大的树」「一个跟姚明一样高的小伙子」凭什么能说成「好大的一棵树」「跟姚明一样高的一个小伙子」?你要是归纳成「跟……一样」的特殊用法,就偏了呀* `, `8 a7 a. o3 B4 E

    ; k  ^, V  J) q1 E; F6 Z% {3 B7 T8 k% O" V
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