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[词典考据] 「发物」的英文



发表于 2023-7-21 18:49:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 klwo2 于 2023-7-21 18:49 编辑 2 f, I) I' p, U: M. T: E. @1 w8 z3 L

# C8 l5 \6 F; y4 y; d《现代汉语词典》9 |, Y& X; K+ y9 y- a

: R1 L# D" |: M2 a
& C3 F& n+ N2 ?1 ^6 b7 Ifāwù 名 指富于营养或有刺激性,容易使疮疖或某些病状发生变化的食物,如羊肉、鱼虾等。
4 A& l) w0 [- k+ `5 o
《现代北京口语词典》:, O9 I1 Z2 z8 a6 T& }  S2 y

/ h3 C/ i0 e, S
! `/ b' q3 p6 x/ O  U
说到所谓的“中医概念”「发物」,各大汉英词典异口同声:stimulating food!
  E1 N6 W. o3 ]% \: A1 F, J
* m* F6 ^+ G3 l# c" v7 T/ r我横竖是没想明白,咱来一起看看stimulating的牛津高阶4释义:
1 \: [* Q, L8 U8 S' U+ e6 @) U5 p5 {- j: G
' v- Z: ^+ e. ]; I( _adj& c$ d; _$ _2 \4 k0 ~. F, b, }( V/ C
1 tending to stimulate; arousing 刺激性的;起激励作用的:0 R+ e7 x/ A. o% r6 S
the stimulating effect of coffee咖啡的提神作用。
: A" C+ g" \7 W" H; f9 @2 interesting or exciting 饶有兴味的;使人兴奋的:
& `4 E2 q- F+ S3 Ka stimulating discussion使人感兴趣的讨论* k4 ?+ C" P; V% B- k6 g' l/ D- Q
I find his work very stimulating.我觉得他的作品引人入胜。

& `1 B5 L9 |" U# _- Q2 f+ V  `stimulating明摆着是个正面词,咋能跟病人闻之色变的「发物」划上等号呢?你要说stimulating food是催情的食物,是提神的食物,我都能接受+ O, p' q3 _/ k; r) @- j6 i. }

& V- [3 W" q. q+ k. S) @' _& O9 w8 q: a* D2 r1 D6 o
( u5 p4 [  P/ @8 P+ }% r, C5 l9 w
从Google图片搜索结果也能看出,人家说brain stimulating food,那是健脑的食物,满满正能量。, @9 ^: `* ?8 c! U7 U- v: T3 Y
* Q4 ?& @6 R6 G$ R* k
说一千道一万,咱的汉英词典一个个都爱抱着《现代汉语词典》不放,不信我们一起看看:; G" Q6 v1 E7 z2 y# H9 ?- h
" }( f, {: y  D3 t1 s) m5 H
2 n- w8 h# x: }( I' f  Q9 w' T2 @3 F+ }# o) l9 O# ]; b0 k

. H" l& M' y+ B0 m  P6 B' p4 w6 `- B  C' J2 q
这俩义项明摆着是从《现代汉语词典》释义「富于营养或有刺激性」里头拆出来的。) ~) K2 p: i8 E
( H( A1 U  P8 X2 H6 L* I% |
0 X0 [& l- B; m# s5 [
  s$ C6 s& u( q5 `1 `) K/ P& p
名 中医 stimulating food (such as mutton and fish)
! ^4 F6 }5 V% K2 d7 y" q
7 n( U8 {, o$ J- q# G
# M6 m8 f7 Q! y5 a6 s; e
stimulating food (e.g., fish/mutton)

( C' {( k- H( _北外汉英词典:
; g' h- L6 P2 W: Q4 H- i
  @7 K4 Z, Q4 t7 x8 u
名 【中医】 stimulating food (such as mutton, fish, etc. ); excitant food

8 w2 b& M# |8 Q- r  i7 o( E吴光华:
) q5 M/ O/ k! B9 Y# c7 {; A' _: Q  w' v2 E
stimulating food (such as mutton, fish, shrimps, etc.)

1 Z5 H, U4 L- S, z, l: H, ~9 u5 u) q新时代汉英大词典:
  n1 _, k/ S1 \& @0 }
# v6 M) _0 K5 R; K, o4 E& K
. h( I# E+ ~7 F- ]4 y2 y0 z. H, u# |; {* j9 {" q3 D' [
说实话,我也不知道这些个汉英词典,一天天的你抄我来我抄你,有什么意思。 0 V- g, D% `+ X
" F+ q. h6 f9 l
4 i) X8 q3 {! b% f0 [* u
% u; A% V) c8 l5 ^) j( M. \% j8 x

$ s" }7 `+ p  s# j1 e& d真是辣眼睛。其实「发物」的英文很简单,就是——trigger food
7 d# z# _# Z! J1 ]' {0 I8 J% ^( ]1 i- v, Q* v
$ y# |5 w6 f" y7 U1 s+ E0 z/ P5 Z3 a# s% p: A/ `
trigger food& j; A2 I( S/ @$ I; s2 h
noun [C]   /ˈtrɪɡ.ə ˌfuːd/   /ˈtrɪɡ.ɚ ˌfuːd/
: A7 a7 m2 \" B& R7 Za food that causes someone to have an allergic reaction
0 x" g/ ~" K. Y( e
3 ^1 S! h8 u8 @" e0 c9 ]Examples of “trigger food”
9 T, |. y, t/ W( ~1 W* ^Unlike use of medication, the removal of trigger foods will often even alleviate related systemic ailments.
$ n( C% K# V" ~3 Z$ HIndividuals suffering from these conditions can often decrease the severity of, if not completely eliminate their symptoms by identifying and removing trigger foods.
/ j4 t- F2 ?; }; B$ k% OPatients may be able to reduce sensitivity to trigger foods if they consume calcium glycerophosphate and/or sodium bicarbonate.5 F9 s7 i" g4 E- M9 ?* i

0 }% O. B7 L% ^3 f' t% o: n当然了,英语里的trigger food具体trigger 的症状,还是用西医术语表达的,但本质是一样的呀,就是让炎症/inflammation 扩大的东西
$ L& Y6 X9 G$ h& }6 G0 O: t4 L) t! i8 R
一起随便看看:https://www.romanwell.com/blog/t ... litis-trigger-foods: |  O& I/ J3 }$ ~

/ s" c$ _; e0 O0 ]0 O1 j+ l
First, what is a trigger food?
8 H) B* q0 P; ?A trigger food is any food that causes symptoms such as gas, bloating, cramping, pain, or diarrhea. Every person is unique and may have individualized trigger foods that cause varying symptoms.
1 {* L  S% p2 w7 n  W6 |: P
$ J% m+ {( @: ]7 J; PAre trigger foods inflammatory?
/ `8 @: ]4 t/ o, l4 ~) gInflammatory foods are foods which increase your risk for active disease when consumed frequently over time. Unlike trigger foods, inflammatory foods are not individualized. The foods that increase your risk for active disease depend on whether you have Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.2 v5 _, j( z# V/ c! ]6 j5 C
) I4 A: x( B1 ?3 f: B# o0 a
While there may be some overlap between trigger foods and inflammatory foods, it’s important to note that trigger foods are not always inflammatory, and inflammatory foods are not always triggers. It’s also possible for you to experience symptoms without having active inflammation.
" |5 J9 G1 Z$ G  y4 B
这里面还提到了Inflammatory food,Inflammatory的词根是啥?是flame,火呀,妥妥的「吃了会上火的食物」
; z+ o# e3 E, @' ^: A+ ?
( L1 Q1 g0 F. ]+ P一口咬定外国人不懂上火、西方人从来不会上火、上火是中国特色的人,到底见过多少世面,念过多少英文,实在令人怀疑。* Z/ N' M% i5 ^0 p3 d' D# ^
7 `+ h; d7 N4 a1 A
咋说呢?反正这个账是要算到汉英词典头上:动不动就说什么传传传传传播播播播播中华文化,能不能不要你抄我来我抄你,硬是把外国有的事物、外国有的讲法愣是弄成中华区独享? ( s- B; _) e8 A" H2 O
/ ^& e+ ~. z7 x
7 J2 F) H% u+ o# Z最后再插播一个,咱一起回头,看看《中华汉英大词典》(上):4 j# X  ?6 F4 E$ a. ^/ J& z
1 C5 V0 U" A: j% [3 c) Q
8 y. a! H0 Y/ ~+ d: s

' x" ]2 g4 q& |5 Z% @! `' J! V这个「food liable to cause one to break out」我实在是不想多加评论,大家一起看看ChatGPT是怎么说的:
; A" [% X' q9 Y+ p8 h+ r3 [$ N3 w- y5 E9 F; ?! Q' S* n' T

% I' A  j; b, A8 m* ?1 m
8 H. D4 v( s) t. O明明是要翻译“发物”,吃了“发物”以后的症状那是多了去了,《中华汉英大词典》硬是能翻成“吃了会长痘痘出皮疹的食物”,咋回事呢?说一千道一万,《中华汉英大词典》编者对break out的意思一知半解呗!!!——《中华汉英大词典》「发作」条下就写了break out,真不是我冤枉人家。9 h# r9 O% i0 N  {+ P% P; t, i. M
% [) r0 z+ c* j  O$ k/ ]
break out不是中小学必掌握的短语吗?牛津高高高高阶中中中阶初初初阶都有的吧?为什么就是不去查呢?) h, F% k; H$ b8 t$ a# M0 y

" L; Z/ P" Y, J; t真是不能多看这种词典,对心脏不好  e" H1 p% s9 |- X4 F


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  • TA的每日心情
    昨天 00:44
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    发表于 2023-7-23 20:45:14 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 badnumber 于 2023-7-23 21:09 编辑 ! r+ P) C- `: l) x: W  n  u

    # \3 n3 D0 A1 m+ X! utrigger food和“发物”的意思接近,但是老外理解的trigger food和中国人理解的不一样,比如The most common trigger foods are highly palatable foods filled with sugar, salt and unhealthy fats, (https://www.piedmont.org/living- ... n%20trigger%20foods,%2C%20cakes%2C%20cookies%20and%20pies)所以如果是辞典,最好还是解释性翻译,这样比较准确。当然,在特定的语境下,翻译成trigger food,如果不会造成误解,那也可以。4 Q: F+ x% ]  z- L
    同样的,inflammatory也不等于“上火”,如果要准确转达中医的概念,只能用解释性翻译。比如《汉英气功医疗词典》(齐卉之 杨照明主编,科学普及出版社1992年8月版):suffering from excessive internal heat (with such symptoms as constipation, conjunctivitis and inflammation of the nasal and oral cavities)


     楼主| 发表于 2023-7-22 15:20:31 | 显示全部楼层
    entropy 发表于 2023-7-22 14:04* C' X6 q' u; L+ o( P( U
    trigger food 这种用法不是 JJ Chojnowski 提出的,之前就有。+ {# a3 a: F" S& d' f3 t" c: M

    4 b* q6 |) n, I6 G. G- N" CThe Eating Illness Workbook - Page 31

    0 i7 R  X1 H+ z2 T+ s应该这么说,trigger food有时候也有点成瘾性,这种时候,eating disorder也算做食物的「负面影响」里头去了。# R$ e: W& ~- d% h5 @3 o, g
    . ~6 |3 U9 J, ]) X
    8 j1 `0 R0 g$ W$ J) {" W) l/ U5 C% z' ^% w& U& z" ~7 ~% W
    这样看来,「发物」跟「trigger food」的区别是,「发物」一般不包含「trigger food」里面「a type of food that can cause a person to overeat」的部分,只包含「a type of food that can cause a person to have a negative reaction」。如果要严谨,可以进一步把「发物」的英语对应词限定为 trigger food (that causes someone to have a negative reaction),当然了,这样做实际上就是把剑桥的释义再重复一遍了。5 E8 g" p% C. W9 |* L. Q5 y7 E
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-9 16:31
  • 签到天数: 440 天


    发表于 2023-7-21 20:52:08 | 显示全部楼层
    : a* e& ?9 p# A& D8 O1 P+ G3 h) u; X: U' o8 ?  v: ]4 y7 k
    " k& H8 I( V/ Y, S6 J* U9 }  Z/ o3 ]' S7 u: i" l
    有没有一种可能,手头只有一本词典) A9 V, x; [0 t
    7 S! T" o1 }% y, B
    ; ~& q7 N2 [/ G/ G* L# h) `$ ~* T& m  X/ g" x! H& E# q: Z( t
    感谢klwo2版主的 耐心词典词条考据
    3 ]# S. G: y' ^$ w1 ?3 r% I' Q, t' u" v1 d3 Q! R$ z

    # N' Y  V1 J2 C3 N% q! t0 K6 u5 G# k% ~( R+ T% l
  • TA的每日心情
    2022-5-20 13:36
  • 签到天数: 144 天


    发表于 2023-7-21 21:58:55 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2022-9-25 21:09
  • 签到天数: 1136 天


    发表于 2023-7-22 09:38:10 | 显示全部楼层
    讓人欲罷不能的食物也叫 trigger food。
    ) k" h7 j4 D) r- x$ b  r' ~
    3 y- [' x8 p: whttps://www.google.com.tw/books/ ... Foods/OG3ksgEACAAJ?' Q. |9 m: w, E
    A trigger food is any food that causes you to overeat. For me this includes pizza, nuts, Oreo's, cake, brownies, sweets, and chips and salsa. I can't just have one. The goal of "Trigger Foods" is to help people recognize foods that make them overeat. Once those foods are recognized we show you how to control the urge to eat them and how to lose weight or maintain your current fitness level.
    / |& @4 z0 Q( {# e+ h

    ( b7 T6 J1 l7 ]" @+ p
  • TA的每日心情
    5 天前
  • 签到天数: 1605 天


    发表于 2023-7-22 09:59:09 | 显示全部楼层


     楼主| 发表于 2023-7-22 10:33:09 | 显示全部楼层
    oversky 发表于 2023-7-22 09:38( ], u6 ]! c$ K6 X" V
    讓人欲罷不能的食物也叫 trigger food。+ t7 j, L, b3 `9 [2 z! @8 ^

    5 w* G# A8 |  v. Ihttps://www.google.com.tw/books/edition/Trigger_Foods/OG3ksgE ...

    8 }( [% ?" ?' o我倾向于认为这是作者本人的个人用法。原因是:8 a" ]. U( `" R8 V' y% a
    9 k! h' Q; H. Q4 w. n, D) s
    (1)从他的名字JJ Chojnowski看,是个波兰裔,英文不太牢靠
    1 F6 [% R! s1 W6 c# C" l8 O(2)让人欲罢不能的食物,可以说guilty pleasure food,完全没必要用trigger food,只不过trigger food有时候也有点成瘾性,作者大概有点混淆( i9 w8 Z7 `- i9 F4 A  n! H0 J
    (3)跟他的书配套的网站yourtf.com已经倒掉了,可见书卖得并不好,影响力一般,跟剑桥英语词典自然不能比( G6 y( \; S* W5 C1 c3 n; I

    - G3 [0 v, f2 m其实亚马逊上书的标准并不算严格,有些机器翻译的中医书也会上去


    发表于 2023-7-22 12:01:09 | 显示全部楼层
    klwo2 发表于 2023-7-22 10:33
    " E9 k+ x9 P! Z- L5 \, C. U- X我倾向于认为这是作者本人的个人用法。原因是:* {1 j- q. X# ]3 l- H
    & R$ t% `) y& I& E) M) G$ [$ }. v
    (1)从他的名字JJ Chojnowski看,是个波兰裔,英文不太 ...

    6 C- H" C# w- W2 ^trigger food 的确可以指 "foods that can trigger a binge",节食/健身人士常用。0 j  T0 L6 T' _1 D5 o& \$ ?  J

    " g# J& G+ {+ }1 V3 NBack to my own story… so, my trigger food is peanut butter. I just have to finish it until I’m scrapping the bottom of the jar. My record was finishing a 500g peanut butter within 3-4 days., t1 a1 W4 g+ D4 O9 q4 _, T- D. g7 |

    ' }0 d" H1 d% r( j0 }If you husband wants ice cream or chips in the house (your trigger food), keep them out of sight or ask him to buy a flavor you don't love.
    ' Z, h( e4 S- Q! |
    . E3 p, m7 y4 S$ `' W) PFor example, I know my trigger food are Oreos. Since I lived with two other brothers who liked to eat Oreos (in a responsible way), they would always end up back in the food drawer. Instead of trying to fight my urge to eat the Oreos, I asked my brothers to keep the boxes back in their rooms. This way they could still have them, and I wouldn't have to worry about fighting against my urge to eat them all day.


    发表于 2023-7-22 14:04:45 | 显示全部楼层
    klwo2 发表于 2023-7-22 10:33
      G/ x  I3 E+ e# {" i- n我倾向于认为这是作者本人的个人用法。原因是:; i3 O  ~  E1 A! u6 ]) J  d

    8 G, M/ u- q% A( B(1)从他的名字JJ Chojnowski看,是个波兰裔,英文不太 ...
    % ?0 x! j3 R# M4 s! \
    trigger food 这种用法不是 JJ Chojnowski 提出的,之前就有。
    ' E! P8 X6 q8 g  X+ i# U
    * D2 ^- m0 G: p- V/ {  \$ Q! jThe Eating Illness Workbook - Page 31
    ; }6 @" y7 B% A7 P# EJoan Ebbitt · 1987 · Snippet view; e3 F. x, F3 M4 w1 A9 M
    Even when you have promised that you will have "just one," after tasting a trigger food you tell yourself, "I'll have just a little bit more." If you stop eating the food, your body craves that food even more.
    5 \% a) Y8 \. G: Y, t8 p2 w! T; i- J  P
    另外 WikiHow 也提到了:
    1 f" S! T$ S: ~! X  w
    ) d5 _3 W3 w$ U( T  ]/ D, X% M" c% RFatty, sugary, and salty foods are potential overeating triggers. Try eating just 1 potato chip from the bag, or munching on a single cookie from the sleeve. It’s hard, right? Health experts agree that calorie-rich, unhealthy snacks and desserts are big trigger foods, as people tend to eat them in large portions.
    ! F7 W( [9 d" N. A8 M/ }, a' b# R$ H+ e
    " L7 E9 A3 |1 d2 a* t: ^2 m$ L" P  f8 C2 x; W  r; F
    还有 Thesaurus Net 的解释:1 D' T, C$ B8 g. T2 C6 n/ n

    4 T. b' Q& L2 T4 d( b* ?When one thinks of the term "trigger food," the first thing that comes to mind is usually a type of food that can cause a person to overeat or have a negative reaction. However, there are other terms that can be used to describe this type of food. For example, "binge food" refers to a type of food that can lead to overeating or bingeing. "Temptation food" is another term that describes a food that is hard to resist and can lead to unhealthy eating habits. Additionally, "problematic food" or "risk food" can also be used to describe foods that are best avoided for individuals trying to maintain a healthy diet.
    : Q" \2 i- [5 {: m6 v; o8 t/ i% L: p1 H* U
  • TA的每日心情
    昨天 00:04
  • 签到天数: 2232 天


    发表于 2023-7-22 20:49:59 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 RickVincent 于 2023-7-22 21:15 编辑 8 \$ C/ R$ |8 n, c

    - V& z4 [/ `9 [5 d# Z学习了!K大的考据!" a8 H- `5 x& X; o( E

    1 Y/ C+ Q& J* b( I3 S1 T1 D本质上说,发物就是导致过敏和炎症的食物。过敏源,可能是特异性的,也可能是人造的、人体消化不良导致问题的,如最近发现可能致癌的阿巴斯甜等。
    ) q0 b! c$ l4 C' `! q至于在讨论的tirgger food可能的导致过食的涵义,则未必落在“发物”和"tigger food"的交集部分。


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  • TA的每日心情
    2022-9-25 21:09
  • 签到天数: 1136 天


    发表于 2023-7-24 18:20:49 | 显示全部楼层
    trigger food和“发物”的意思接近,但是老外理解的trigger food和中国人理解的不一样
      P* e" Q7 r( x# g& c

    ! y6 U. l, S1 u2 z& Q4 H& _的确如此,例如下面例举的牛肉、火酒、鸡、鹅、羊,和一般西医认知的过敏源不一样。# Z$ X0 `: n( G8 j3 A: N+ D* A$ s3 x
    ( A! L/ [! l. j
    & o0 E! P8 h. u% m: Z7 ?
    ) p3 ^) {( t/ a3 ~8 s) x$ @1         头生白屑,乃肝经风盛也。山豆根浸油涂之,或研细以乳汁调涂。4 {- h/ R. c" F6 F2 Y* ^! X0 a
    2         又方白芷 零陵香各等分研末,浸香油涂之,候三五日篦去。不过二三次,永不再发。. X) \( B7 p7 g8 ^+ i( ]
    3         祛风换肌丸
    ' z% v$ y5 O) M0 b* O" d  E, V7 V4         《正宗》 治白屑风及紫白癜疯,顽风顽癣,湿热疮疥,一切诸疮,搔痒无度,日久不绝,愈之又发者,极宜之。& T% s  }+ a4 H0 }6 ], i
    5         天花粉 何首乌等分 威灵仙 苦参 苍术 牛膝 大胡麻 生甘草 石菖蒲川芎 当归各减半上为末,新安酒叠丸绿豆大。每服二钱,白汤送下。忌牛肉、火酒、鸡、鹅、羊等发物。

    " F, ]0 [; ]+ [6 o" B) A  ^  e2 M/ l; S
    2 U5 |. c1 f; O- O( T3 f& C西医讲的过敏应该没包含这种。" ]8 E1 p0 n- D* V6 }

    $ k; b0 y0 I& U* rhttps://ctext.org/wiki.pl?if=gb&chapter=9156008 a3 z/ W( N# {3 `: z' P
    0 e0 j: R1 w7 x- g, r/ a) t$ S14         凡跌破头脑手足,血流不止,急忙无药,切不可用香灰按上,每致害痛,极难收口。可即用吃的烟末一撮捣,在患处扎好,莫透风,莫食发物,即止痛,最易完口。《传家宝》


     楼主| 发表于 2023-7-25 11:12:22 | 显示全部楼层
    badnumber 发表于 2023-7-23 20:453 a9 r9 J; v" Z! \( O
    trigger food和“发物”的意思接近,但是老外理解的trigger food和中国人理解的不一样,比如The most commo ...

    : h; l9 x+ b# R9 hsugar, salt and unhealthy fats在10楼的说法里算「发物」& s/ h" E* a5 y6 v

    . G: k2 d! }5 z" h- D

    1 u8 w8 g3 ^$ |7 e4 P1 Y
    / j0 @* R8 d: p; B; Dhttps://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/63592922)这是科普中国的账号发的,也是部分对得上的呀?为何坚持认为 「老外理解的trigger food和中国人理解的不一样」?( D: [( l2 [$ H0 \6 l" b6 K+ |

    ( j* \' b5 |+ l8 Z. Ftrigger food不是严谨的西医术语,而接近「民间讲法」,「发物」其实也不是历史悠久的传统中医术语,是比较晚才出现的:. v: v( [: w! R1 Y/ E/ d0 ?. I
    1 z0 B% M/ R) l. z: f. q8 j
    汉语大词典订补:7 |3 m0 S: _/ g  p. i
    $ m; P: c, b8 C5 z" D4 E5 |
    发物% o! W8 c$ v$ H, D  p
    , F) b) c# v% Z  z" l八卷551页“发物”条:“指有刺激性容易长疮疖或引起某些病变的食物,如梭子蟹、虾等。”无书证。
    . M6 O* M4 q+ m* z: Q' ~按:清陆以湉《冷庐杂识》卷五:“宜忌羊肉发物四十九日。”) ]: \) A5 k0 I2 w+ [
    ; C' r1 R- t9 a3 U" _. k
    中国人理解的「发物」到底是啥?如果我们有时光机,穿越到某个朝代,当时都不一定有「发物」的概念。所以我认为「老外理解的trigger food和中国人理解的不一样」这种论断未免武断。
    0 @9 {( ~2 E8 X( a7 R1 _/ B8 \5 r2 v. P7 d


     楼主| 发表于 2023-7-25 11:14:33 | 显示全部楼层
    oversky 发表于 2023-7-24 18:20
    / G( k0 f7 l. d# Z2 Z9 e7 Y. V9 s% D的确如此,例如下面例举的牛肉、火酒、鸡、鹅、羊,和一般西医认知的过敏源不一样。* [4 Q+ y1 s6 l9 i. n3 B$ L
    9 E6 E$ L+ V+ T. Z! J: |
    https://ctext.org/ ...
    ; `+ n9 ?7 q7 ?5 v2 S9 ?
    对肉过敏很常见(虽然不是最常见的)啊:https://www.verywellhealth.com/meat-allergy-828918 h$ |2 ~6 j0 a/ \# e

    ' E3 ?( k: U. n# B( c* L你大概没去医院做过所谓的上百项过敏原检测有些过敏原,一辈子听都没听过
  • TA的每日心情
    2022-9-25 21:09
  • 签到天数: 1136 天


    发表于 2023-7-25 23:07:07 | 显示全部楼层
    klwo2 发表于 2023-7-25 11:141 q2 ^% q* x& c! A7 C- B9 [$ m  `
    - x5 h# {1 f7 T( F+ ~
    + I; \2 _" E2 z你大概没 ...

    , j  A( |- \8 L2 y$ _9 @小时候家人有带我去做过气喘过敏源。
    4 r' u( Z, v3 l7 l+ U不过那时没那么多项。! v3 Z# `8 [7 k5 i2 m& X
    " K* S; p$ Y6 o6 _1 U1 d* J. l而且还是皮下注射,
    / X! A# n4 {- J6 J比一般打点滴还痛。* x4 c6 \- o. t8 c
    最后说我还太小,看不出来。. L8 q( a* K. Z( e) V3 V
    2 C$ J& J1 s: M7 r- g是我这辈子哭最惨的一次。. l! X& h6 V; T8 J2 z9 l" A
    % ~6 y' o4 _$ z1 m, i$ c% p8 @
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