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[词典校勘] [挑错专贴]@剑桥高阶英汉双解词典

  • TA的每日心情
    2018-10-23 09:01
  • 签到天数: 153 天


    发表于 2018-1-19 09:27:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 Japhet 于 2018-1-19 09:28 编辑 / F  S- z! h+ E7 ^5 k2 [% |2 j6 f

    7 M( W  U& s' l, Y5 s  w8 U( Yhttps://dictionary.cambridge.org ... se-simplified/elegy! I/ s7 `% l; L5 b# q2 \! M* o3 N
    《剑桥高阶英汉双解词典》中elegy一词的例句是Gray's "Elegy in a Country Churchyard" is a famous English poem. 格雷的《墓园挽歌》是一首著名的英国诗。这首诗的正确名称应该是“Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard“,剑桥高阶英汉双解词典在线版少写了一个"written",又查询了app,也是如此。另外,这首诗也没有这样的简称,因为“Elegy in a Country Courtyard”是英国另一位作家G. K. Chesterton(吉尔伯特·基思·切斯特顿)的诗。格雷毕业于剑桥,终其一生都在剑桥任教,是一位名副其实的Cambridge man,剑桥词典还犯这样的错误,实在不应该。





    发表于 2018-1-19 17:11:05 | 显示全部楼层
    楼主所谈的内容鄙人没有研究,不敢评论。但对这种较真精神,没说的,大拇指 to you !
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-11-5 12:37
  • 签到天数: 727 天


    发表于 2018-1-20 21:38:03 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 thinkinginlast 于 2018-1-20 21:51 编辑
    " q2 L9 ?9 p1 ?# \) n
    5 M( y" A) G  ~, v7 \# y' w( Y这位厉害了。请楼主报告O大,领奖否?
    $ {- E$ g  z8 T( s0 C# e5 ^: `/ x4 G
    是这首:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6a22dbb301011qqk.html8 f( y) p0 L4 P- X: c* G
    * c1 P7 ~; y# E2 N* {* U1 h! z2 {: J1 ]. O9 t0 n
    7 Y4 w) {; s2 x! p& Nhttps://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6 ... 11041713?fr=aladdin( v8 I2 Q/ o, I( {( M& @) `

    4 T# R) j4 p" _3 h8 YElegy written in a country churchyard
    9 |& H' L4 g, K; Z3 v! z
    $ I1 f+ \* `7 l8 v(ThomasGray)一生虽只写过十来首诗,但他却为18世纪的英国,也为世界奉献了一首最著名的诗篇——Elegy Writtenin a Country Churchyard(以下简称“Eleyy”)。4 K" L6 h# z2 ^- W+ X
    * o( G0 A; O. r; C" ?% g( u! }
    ( ^6 G6 f) j7 w" X% y. U$ LThe curfew tolls the knell of parting day,0 h* w& u- d! f+ u6 _+ t/ n
    The lowing herd winds slowly o'er the lea,
    2 S# g0 \+ \6 z7 Q6 bThe ploughman homeward plods his weary way,
    8 M  e) V; W, {  r( \, wAnd leaves the world to darkness and to me.4 q. p/ C) R  Z# Z$ ]1 \- ]9 n

    * _( m6 b0 Y. j6 i* qNow fades the glimmering landscape on the sight,1 t1 ]3 j; i7 y
    And all the air a solemn stillness holds,
      t1 [: z* T. M; x. s( XSave where the beetle wheels his droning flight,8 w& n$ o. h# U2 U
    And drowsy tinklings lull the distant folds:: }% {- g7 r; {/ a
    ) t1 m) X' p* H9 n
    Save that from yonder ivy-mantled tower
    - o* E0 |5 s! Z2 q) @5 g! NThe moping owl does to the moon complain$ J6 s- y% t* O% j
    Of such as, wandering near her secret bower,; W' t8 k6 w; D1 d1 o- J3 T
    Molest her ancient solitary reign.
    ' O8 N+ S8 r2 X0 a8 P& F
    6 G7 W3 U: `! vBeneath those rugged elms, that yew-tree's shade,
    , \) u. z4 z" m  oWhere heaves the turf in many a mouldering heap,8 O" X5 \2 u" {
    Each in his narrow cell for ever laid,6 s6 S: i  f! _! W2 m1 f
    The rude Forefathers of the hamlet sleep.1 Y. s3 X. S% M6 g; e; S8 |

    - p/ T) b% ?3 y* t' NThe breezy call of incense-breathing morn,! j* f# m4 s3 U! r& |1 y9 y0 t6 ^
    The swallow twittering from the straw-built shed,
    6 {0 h# v$ i; {+ }. K# A0 SThe cock's shrill clarion, or the echoing horn,
    8 e  q2 j4 }* o/ N+ KNo more shall rouse them from their lowly bed.
    . S" f( i5 ^1 T. I: ?
    9 n& z. H" N0 |% R* }7 |1 E/ \For them no more the blazing hearth shall burn,
    % z0 ?. J. U# l6 t( U( WOr busy housewife ply her evening care:  s! N2 P) m& b3 v% U" r1 v- Z
    No children run to lisp their sire's return,
    / h  P& h/ H7 O/ M3 i, _Or climb his knees the envied kiss to share,3 c. Z' i4 _5 w+ O) [

      A& s8 i6 _% f8 P  u  n, SOft did the harvest to their sickle yield,8 h/ s1 c1 Y; S4 o
    Their furrow oft the stubborn glebe has broke;
    # X3 T3 i! ]$ r- v. ?7 MHow jocund did they drive their team afield!* h0 T; X& H9 D
    How bow'd the woods beneath their sturdy stroke!
    " Q; E8 X4 `( y1 k) p4 a; d8 N( E2 @0 U
    Let not Ambition mock their useful toil,$ }) _: Y8 m* c" m9 W0 e) i" T- I. j
    Their homely joys, and destiny obscure;
    ! R9 ~! n. x2 K# qNor Grandeur hear with a disdainful smile/ Z( b6 {" e6 G! ?
    The short and simple annals of the Poor.2 L7 O6 V! j9 ^4 E9 v+ \9 L% {

    " n, b4 {. g' F8 c9 A1 g( K- {* xThe boast of heraldry, the pomp of power,
    + m% z: p% E; p0 h0 c5 zAnd all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave,
    : Q. F; X1 {6 O( w0 v- QAwaits alike th' inevitable hour:-
    7 g9 `( {! ~$ s. |* AThe paths of glory lead but to the grave.
    , g& C* B0 {$ H, ?  g! X3 s/ I5 A. @+ v  x
    Nor you, ye Proud, impute to these the fault
    ( z! X. ~* e! V! `* w, \9 h; {3 g4 L$ RIf Memory o'er their tomb no trophies raise,7 L1 M9 a) [" s$ [+ p
    Where through the long-drawn aisle and fretted vault
    " B3 H/ j6 L$ E# k0 LThe pealing anthem swells the note of praise.( j+ ]7 m0 l" J" v& I- g; ]

    ) v& B, ?1 m* p( MCan storied urn or animated bust
    8 W- j7 ?! i$ }2 z5 v) q  QBack to its mansion call the fleeting breath?  O' _9 Z! k. q: X1 W  S4 ?; C% ~3 z
    Can Honour's voice provoke the silent dust,9 y# `4 p8 k/ a: p: I3 A/ B' }, n4 v
    Or Flattery soothe the dull cold ear of Death?
    # L2 u  L( b8 u* @
    2 W5 F! D* C9 X8 RPerhaps in this neglected spot is laid# o$ d6 M, Q( v0 M: s# b- V
    Some heart once pregnant with celestial fire;
    ' J7 D, y# g  r2 ], FHands, that the rod of empire might have sway'd,
    % C% x0 ~4 W; Y2 i% lOr waked to ecstasy the living lyre:& }2 x- Z: r+ `) V" e: S, m9 p1 L6 e

    1 u1 G  ^4 S1 RBut Knowledge to their eyes her ample page,/ m8 w! E% a1 T0 f2 S! [1 r) D1 j
    Rich with the spoils of time, did ne'er unroll;0 N( K, l& f2 F$ {7 Z
    Chill Penury repress'd their noble rage,
      ~2 b% W* l7 I6 z. y- n/ M/ C! tAnd froze the genial current of the soul.2 f+ C( B1 v# \$ y& y" c; ?; `- z
    $ M1 m- y5 X, Z. t! o9 _
    Full many a gem of purest ray serene
    & x1 h# e3 k8 TThe dark unfathom'd caves of ocean bear:8 a0 ]5 Y; i2 S4 Q9 B6 p& {
    Full many a flower is born to blush unseen,
    % H- j/ e* f# [6 VAnd waste its sweetness on the desert air.8 t( K( L9 T# I2 Z! E6 C

    8 N, c- Y0 i2 N( l$ ]Some village-Hampden, that with dauntless breast' F! d8 i! r2 r* f. N7 k/ n. d
    The little tyrant of his fields withstood,
    ; z, d& K/ b7 A- OSome mute inglorious Milton here may rest,
    & E! k( B4 Y$ TSome Cromwell, guiltless of his country's blood.8 C& c9 Q7 S  W. M/ b3 b
    7 ^1 `, M7 l3 W  I; V
    Th' applause of list'ning senates to command,) |  W+ {* g3 a0 A) G& q
    The threats of pain and ruin to despise,. ~- D! P* f' t, C: I
    To scatter plenty o'er a smiling land,
    0 |! O+ ~3 M+ c# LAnd read their history in a nation's eyes,
    8 ~8 v) _4 Z8 a  e5 |/ @/ M2 t) S5 R: Y; [  J
    Their lot forbad: nor circumscribed alone& D' j: }% z" |7 c( B
    Their growing virtues, but their crimes confined;
    7 t" V% a3 g; K- P$ O% e/ U- p, jForbad to wade through slaughter to a throne,/ R1 `8 T- g' K; M7 B. E+ C
    And shut the gates of mercy on mankind,
    : u) U# c6 @$ J% \! K" \/ \8 o
    # z1 d% ^8 \! @3 Y, K+ i9 J* P* EThe struggling pangs of conscious truth to hide,
    + \5 e: K: Q; C& iTo quench the blushes of ingenuous shame,# C, D: x9 g$ b
    Or heap the shrine of Luxury and Pride3 T" g' P1 N+ {! T
    With incense kindled at the Muse's flame.
    9 W+ n/ J( a3 U/ K5 p
    6 A: e2 |) m6 {8 Q% B7 eFar from the madding crowd's ignoble strife,. T2 Y+ q) T, N& c2 G: X$ z5 a
    Their sober wishes never learn'd to stray;
    - G- ~0 E8 u. t% @6 s" o& {Along the cool sequester'd vale of life
    8 d  W. Y2 K8 ~& [They kept the noiseless tenour of their way.
    8 E; w  d+ M9 q+ s2 y+ V3 p6 P
    $ ]% A* r2 W: N; O' pYet e'en these bones from insult to protect
    , J7 |4 B" u6 i3 JSome frail memorial still erected nigh,4 Q) a" P4 x( ~: o
    With uncouth rhymes and shapeless sculpture deck'd,; t! \# p/ W" o' {$ P& s
    Implores the passing tribute of a sigh.
    4 z* C* Z' F0 G% j& I  c) b# o/ F+ a
    9 [2 ]# W1 p: Q" d4 s2 VTheir name, their years, spelt by th' unletter'd Muse,
    ) L$ H& b7 R1 U( J; @The place of fame and elegy supply:
    6 h9 H8 x9 Z  ^3 h$ W! XAnd many a holy text around she strews,. B  W- C- S8 G6 H/ z4 ]3 v* [
    That teach the rustic moralist to die.
    % V# }2 X  j" L, D' ?. x! r. j$ H3 w: b2 v2 {* ?( p4 k) Z1 H
    For who, to dumb forgetfulness a prey,
    % Y9 J" O1 @8 k- l+ o- J6 MThis pleasing anxious being e'er resign'd,. H8 N' @6 V$ k) T5 \
    Left the warm precincts of the cheerful day,
    ! C2 v  E+ G9 n; \2 PNor cast one longing lingering look behind?2 c. w3 a) s* w8 U/ K" P, x0 v

    - ~& o% i5 [9 F- _" t+ i; \- tOn some fond breast the parting soul relies,
    ! B0 H8 m9 F- I, y- P6 |Some pious drops the closing eye requires;
    ( @& f3 R- B* w3 j# PE'en from the tomb the voice of Nature cries,2 E" z, e' @2 ^
    E'en in our ashes live their wonted fires., p' J2 t0 R8 U8 O/ t$ q

    - K4 N+ K. B5 I0 D) H8 tFor thee, who, mindful of th' unhonour'd dead,
    % b- S, _& w' z' J2 M, LDost in these lines their artless tale relate;" p( Y/ g% x5 L" C% s0 C# V
    If chance, by lonely contemplation led,# c" I6 c0 S# @4 r2 n& ?7 ~  D" a
    Some kindred spirit shall inquire thy fate, --; r6 I2 ?. C8 E6 p) I, L
    + Z; Z* l; q! F0 a# V. g
    Haply some hoary-headed swain may say,
    + k' J; r" A& Y/ A"Oft have we seen him at the peep of dawn5 Y* w$ f- l# }& O! R
    Brushing with hasty steps the dews away,
    / r- _7 n- p9 c- |+ D6 i4 T5 gTo meet the sun upon the upland lawn;9 d/ y  m5 P& @4 f
    , N. k+ J  I1 s3 r+ J8 Y" O* P2 G7 {. ]
    "There at the foot of yonder nodding beech
    4 [+ i8 c9 Y8 I9 Y" PThat wreathes its old fantastic roots so high.
    ; o4 [/ N& M4 s: h) N5 u+ M* BHis listless length at noontide would he stretch,; C3 J. j* Q! l( z5 ^
    And pore upon the brook that babbles by.& R: S+ R: c$ E
    * W) f9 `: M+ _% k4 B+ ?/ ]
    "Hard by yon wood, now smiling as in scorn,
    3 R* H( _7 x. V- Z1 o+ S  gMuttering his wayward fancies he would rove;* i; `1 V. v5 \" [8 K6 q
    Now drooping, woeful wan, like one forlorn,( f3 J1 {3 T0 l. Y) V6 e0 ^
    Or crazed with care, or cross'd in hopeless love.
    1 J( a& l- W. m9 r
    9 U" f5 M. w! H( l; k% h6 x+ m"One morn I miss'd him on the custom'd hill,
    . b/ ]3 D8 ^$ _Along the heath, and near his favourite tree;
    . I9 e' t8 T  K7 M- ?Another came; nor yet beside the rill,9 O6 ~9 U' q- S7 \5 ~
    Nor up the lawn, nor at the wood was he;
    . b0 a1 T) W5 R* T
    1 A, R  ]8 q6 j! h"The next with dirges due in sad array# q- T: K* _+ R( E1 H
    Slow through the church-way path we saw him borne,-
    ' W' Y, ^# o$ N9 ?Approach and read (for thou canst read) the lay' S- i5 i  f  f& `/ o
    Graved on the stone beneath yon aged thorn."6 w2 A, u& Q  f  {& C& i
    ( X8 i3 W* I  ]) O

    $ ]% J- b/ e, r  z0 i1 [8 yThe Epitaph  c4 \# J  _5 d# I9 M( g
    Here rests his head upon the lap of Earth
    1 ^. i  K0 I* k0 pA youth to Fortune and to Fame unknown.6 j0 z; K6 i9 {+ f; \6 |
    Fair Science frowned not on his humble birth,
    9 f3 m! h1 N/ V! R- z: |3 b. ^And Melacholy marked him for her own.
    3 g1 T: `+ o4 f* U7 x( }1 t. E3 _( i$ e( n  _+ b; w0 q6 g/ S4 E
    Large was his bounty, and his soul sincere,9 A$ Z* X  X+ G' @
    Heaven did a recompense as largely send:
    8 O: W8 s6 k! k0 E% jHe gave to Misery all he had, a tear,7 A5 q, B. B' V2 M. f
    He gained from Heaven ('twas all he wish'd) a friend.
    8 U* p1 v: R' w, N7 u
    ) B$ _. J% ?7 x( ^- {- L3 J+ qNo farther seek his merits to disclose,- p7 B% y1 ^, N( ~7 Y+ `3 G5 y
    Or draw his frailties from their dread abode# o. G& m; L6 z, W/ i- p
    (There they alike in trembling hope repose)," B1 r" B. @; Y
    The bosom of his Father and his God
    3 u! T& b; }9 t, N 4 h  X4 `1 H. \: G
    : y9 j0 s6 B" q, x) a( H* i2 U) g
    5 @( u, Y- K; f$ t7 V
    - p, U+ v, V% Q7 E! z晚钟响起来一阵阵给白昼报丧,/ z1 e& Z1 J1 P
    6 ]: ~: e) Y5 z1 z' ?6 T' R  r耕地人累了,回家走,脚步踉跄,
    / h" M9 c7 v. ?. j把整个世界留给了黄昏与我。
    . H9 x# s, P6 \6 F
    9 \2 d% ~* _$ y- @4 M7 S( u& f, L苍茫的景色逐渐从眼前消退,
    : g4 ~- I( {$ ~& l一片肃穆的寂静盖遍了尘寰,
    & L( x) B% k: I. U5 }只听见嗡嗡的甲虫转圈子纷飞,8 U, e: r8 @0 J: P
    - N6 }8 |; X( p* a- ~; q
    * O) {; F2 i/ N; k+ y只听见常春藤披裹的塔顶底下
      v  \1 z4 Q. f5 V0 @一只阴郁的柢枭向月亮诉苦,
    3 c0 x8 D) {+ V/ A" |& l9 m- r怪人家无端走进它秘密的住家,9 A* u2 B9 I/ P, d4 X
    ( e5 j9 V0 h- H6 R. f; n" g8 m7 T3 E2 ]( p2 P9 [
    峥嵘的榆树底下,扁柏的荫里,  i9 I9 k; l; i2 H3 g( l% l
    ! O' Q" k! ]/ t各自在洞窟里永远放下了身体,0 P7 ?1 x' c7 b2 ?$ r! n
    小村里粗鄙的父老在那里安睡。1 _* T$ x  Z) j9 F$ ^

    8 D0 o8 I5 J  a香气四溢的晨风轻松的呼召,! y; t, v* e0 d0 d
    燕子从茅草棚子里吐出的呢喃,& G# g8 V# B& u
    公鸡的尖喇叭,使山鸣谷应的猎号' f% m7 v, r! b  L+ _
    " w& @3 J, p$ m7 X1 M: L% [. ~/ j! F+ m1 y  F" D2 P! |/ I, w+ _5 I- n/ U
    在他们,熊熊的炉火不再会燃烧,2 |$ p$ w9 B9 b2 Y: O$ L- p
    忙碌的管家妇不再会赶她的夜活;7 ^) n5 Z  ?! [6 |9 e' y
    8 b) L' j# G0 s6 |" W* A5 t! u8 W为一个亲吻爬倒他膝上去争夺。9 w1 B& x" N4 R. J) L) B! [
    3 j( y. A1 e8 t. O( z
    ; r/ ~& d7 g* _. J6 X5 S3 K顽梗的泥板让他们犁出了垄沟;; G# y* V% G7 w
    4 t8 J2 l8 n% U8 J- t4 O, @0 b! W他们一猛砍,树木就一棵棵低头!
    ; \. g, z/ j6 k! f) Q  k# v: L) ^
    “雄心”别嘲讽他们实用的操劳,6 _( D1 P1 f. S) C6 q4 |, I3 N( q
    家常的欢乐,默默无闻的命运;. Q3 `1 F, J' I" t6 h
    “豪华”也不用带着轻蔑的冷笑, J2 }5 I4 S" z; f- i
    9 K) \  d0 G. f9 J2 g+ j
      S" O( X. P8 I4 Z& c1 a: j* k门第的炫耀,有权有势的煊赫,+ w3 U  e: W* H/ K7 `2 I3 F9 o5 n
    凡是美和财富所能赋予的好处,( ~, S) ~/ m' g# `3 a, n5 _
    前头都等待着不可避免的时刻:+ g8 l: R. k& R* S
    2 h) r7 i) U$ ~) U# U6 E) l+ w! T& @2 E: t4 T
    骄傲人,你也不要怪这些人不行,. b( M1 P( q9 \4 s* g
    “怀念”没有给这些人建立纪念堂,' ~1 w2 X$ _- {7 `5 i
    . j0 t) i1 Y6 |* y8 ?/ B+ ^洋溢着洪亮的赞美歌,进行颂扬。- b* T/ R4 k) B
    , L+ F( O+ |3 b/ |8 q; \$ K
    : j) Y3 ~! m; O: M& ~' n难道能恢复断气,促使还魂?4 @0 e; J: k) ?% {* _
    - G" C3 Z1 P* o“献媚”能叫死神听软了耳根?' K+ S2 R" R% J2 I* y

    * j' ^( k. g' O' r8 ~! U1 V也许这一块地方,尽管荒芜,
    * w: R& P( `4 G9 |& w/ M4 |) c就埋着曾经充满过灵焰的一颗心;
    7 B  U* @- N! t* N4 o  `2 o4 M一双手,本可以执掌到帝国的王芴
    / O$ ^# E: K$ y1 H' h  G或者出神入化地拨响了七弦琴。
    $ G% p) g' v4 o  Y
    , \- f& a6 K. B+ w4 r& W6 k可是“知识”从不曾对他们展开
    5 y5 C" ]5 }# S6 ?, F% W7 W& M它世代积累而琳琅满目的书卷;1 g* M; m9 i; h2 b
    9 H$ q+ d4 V2 |冻结了他们从灵府涌出的流泉。3 K7 e) g# ~7 g! ^$ @
    $ Y3 {7 ~" s9 p1 r, x% M3 G0 u
    世界上多少晶莹皎洁的珠宝# U! y5 n  ^! x/ `3 ~* Y
    埋在幽暗而深不可测的海底;, m" }' b, M: l2 h) R( K
    世界上多少花吐艳而无人知晓,) n, G6 F$ U% e6 N& ?0 P
    把芳香白白地散发给荒凉的空气。$ X) V: r( n4 D" {: _5 F3 L

    : d8 Y8 a5 ]( m" C: W$ o也许有乡村汉普顿在这里埋身,2 D! I  v. t% X8 @- h
    6 \- i1 @+ |9 m$ o0 ^9 @也许有缄口的米尔顿,从没有名声;2 G8 c) u/ {* x. r- \
    ) [) f& q9 J, S' w  t8 u- K8 E4 g* ^, H
    3 e% h! ~' I4 _2 Y% I无视威胁,全不顾存亡生死,
    : t( q# a$ V5 P( Y# |$ Y3 h3 t" q把富庶,丰饶遍播到四处八方,7 c8 t; s8 g# @: {& S9 m
    打从全国的笑眼里读自己的历史——! v! v7 a4 k$ H& F1 p: o8 Z

    * z1 Q. g. G' [) F" |) W! k他们的命运可不许:既不许罪过
    * f/ V1 d. o, Q有所放纵,也不许发挥德行;
    ) ^- G7 b6 t$ R$ y$ @+ t" \; n不许从杀戮中间涉登宝座/ T, Q! V. t' }; p. r3 z) v
    从此对人类关上仁慈的大门;/ i" m; l5 e0 j  n+ i2 V/ h: P( @9 |

    % L2 v: @; P% z. ?- B2 r& v不许掩饰天良在内心的发作,7 H( m/ m$ W7 }# o2 V' q" q
    . t( }% S1 R" R/ J不许用诗神的金焰点燃了香火
    : G. W4 j- a: E锦上添花去塞满“骄”“奢”的神龛。
    % t) @5 ]9 S) k! h3 J- O- s4 Y- T
    * b$ b. M5 F) j- B' v远离了纷纭人世的勾心斗角,8 {$ d+ ]  t# y6 |
    他们有清醒愿望,从不学糊涂,+ @  Z3 t' G" F$ p  D' L+ d
    顺着生活的清凉僻静的山坳,6 j" b/ ^3 h1 b# L# b) n' q6 P. Q
    * D! u$ V$ q7 W# f0 e
    - G/ n; A; j/ F可是叫这些尸骨免受到糟踏,
    ) C8 b% w" W7 d% Z- n  Q3 |  R4 y还是有脆弱的碑牌树立在近边,  m/ g; f6 P# w$ X% d/ }
    0 a* V8 d; B- @1 p/ k- C请求过往人就便献一声婉叹。
    6 l6 A- e( _) I8 I9 \6 Q, b
    9 X$ [- {$ k; k0 _- e" C无闻的野诗神注上了姓名、年份,# A9 s3 K: S: b& X% W  n8 N+ a; k, Y
    另外再加上地址和一篇悼词;5 R+ {; w, ^; E$ h+ q/ w' `
      s( D9 \; f5 Z  O' Y教训乡土道德家怎样去死。  O. \2 _, _' @: `9 W( E
    5 j* _  k1 F$ {; r$ W+ I
    ' X  a" q, z$ G( y5 s坦然撇下了忧喜交织的此生,
    , k. B8 L) \% n/ j6 ?+ w- k, ^谁离开风和日暖的明媚现场
    5 z, i5 x; p9 e+ K' e5 c而能不依依地回头来顾盼一阵?9 u- u* |" G5 i$ p" t" ^% X- E
    + h/ }: R9 g  P, f: }8 G' N
    辞世的灵魂还依傍钟情的怀抱,9 H% U6 Z) g& W2 l
    临闭的眼睛需要尽哀的珠泪,3 Z+ q0 c  I! j/ r) [+ J
    3 J2 a% @( d9 X$ |- P# W/ U他们的旧火还点燃我们的新灰。
    & u: ?8 b9 w% @& m5 o+ d
    ! J' v' H3 c7 K1 J% g至于你,我关心这些默默的陈死人,# p$ l, L! |9 ~+ v
    用这些诗句讲他们质朴的故事,$ u2 H& d  }1 X- d4 D/ I& m4 Q+ D
    ) W3 W1 ]3 y7 Y+ |) O一位同道来问起你的身世——  ?6 N- e- F& b4 ~1 [& z: u

    " f! ?# s1 Q( h* ^7 k, c6 i5 Q, D也许会有白头的乡下人对他说,
    ; ?  v* K, V: Y0 L7 L“我们常常看见他,天还刚亮,
      ~; t; [5 [( F1 }9 }! @4 y9 f8 a就用匆忙的脚步把露水碰落,& J  z2 o7 L3 p0 e4 h8 b4 D/ K$ V
    6 E0 M' ?& h' @3 T+ B4 t  T7 @9 Y" ?, m& {# b+ f* \
    " ~% u5 q0 Q$ e$ R% x树底下隆起的老根盘错在一起,$ J; ]+ d) N( x! Q5 s
    & A3 e1 S) K5 V, i' b悉心看旁边一道涓涓的小溪。! l9 O6 V+ U4 `0 ]- F1 E
    * @1 V& ?0 j+ q: X" i7 L
    “他转游到林边,有时候笑里带嘲,* p& X1 z1 R6 s8 i0 V3 x. G
    念念有词,发他的奇谈怪议,2 {" J7 A5 W5 V4 F
    ( v+ j. L& o% t# z- J像忧心忡忡或者像情场失意。
    2 \% A5 C' M7 a: }) f' }- C7 j# B  Z0 x4 _
    $ k- m7 J7 Y! U9 h  ]; r0 ^! k! I灌木丛,他那棵爱树下,我不见他出现;
    " V, z/ E: D8 h第二天早上,尽管我走下溪流,2 g/ F. H4 o! C1 q
    # r1 d  h8 s. T( M+ ~7 u) [. f: t7 r
    4 ]  J/ K6 i" W0 |  G7 T; g7 ~唱着挽歌,抬着他向坟场走去——3 O1 _% I3 o. b
    请上前看那丛老荆棘底下的碑碣,! F) \6 \* u8 E0 R
    (你是识字的)请念念这些诗句”:: R  j  s) ]; u: e+ C& G1 c
    0 W, l8 K- \1 a; @* d- F) ^) e. K. i
          墓 铭' ~1 I- B: l2 H- X) v, b- d* Q

      i) t% A, t0 ]/ F: s' u) Q这里边,高枕地膝,是一位青年,
    1 Z* ^( K9 @- K7 e7 H+ X- e生平从不曾受知于“富贵”和“名声”;7 V0 c: `3 p' y% {& b
    “知识”可没轻视他出身的微贱," x. t" ?& J* Z, j6 D9 N& R
    % o8 u8 s* n0 [8 O8 ^6 ]
    , a- z& ~" P! Q1 P- ^他生性真挚,最乐于慷慨施惠,
    3 [! [: k! @$ H6 l$ d上苍也给了他同样慷慨的报酬:
    / l4 ?8 A6 ?6 I  p! B# Y1 ^; z他给了“坎坷”全部的所有,一滴泪;7 Y5 M; ^. I" x" e$ K
    & ]4 l/ M, p' @6 w' ~# e/ P+ |) q8 \6 M% H2 E# a
    6 Q0 T) x6 y0 h. v: w3 ]也别再把他的弱点翻出了暗窖
    ' C) a" ~/ q6 u7 L$ C. M(他们同样在颤抖的希望中休息)。5 [* F, V$ L6 @5 A
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-10-23 09:01
  • 签到天数: 153 天


     楼主| 发表于 2018-1-21 13:15:18 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-10-23 09:01
  • 签到天数: 153 天


     楼主| 发表于 2018-1-21 13:17:05 | 显示全部楼层
    thinkinginlast 发表于 2018-1-20 21:38! {$ C! B4 i3 j( L" [& p6 r/ K# M
    这位厉害了。请楼主报告O大,领奖否?- g9 [, A/ U2 F! \
    % M2 a1 W6 ]( i/ B

    4 T/ c6 I0 o; n谢谢!这首诗的译文有很多版本,装帧最好的那版《墓畔挽歌》获评2012年度“中国最美的书”。
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-10-23 09:01
  • 签到天数: 153 天


     楼主| 发表于 2018-1-21 13:47:15 | 显示全部楼层
    thinkinginlast 发表于 2018-1-20 21:38& e8 {' D& T( S! |7 r/ b) Z
    这位厉害了。请楼主报告O大,领奖否?" f% q% a" I3 \9 T) W! N
    , k& |% K# B" `
    : D1 O$ c% y, B  ?( J3 D
    相反,日本小学馆random house英和大辞典反而没有出错,不过其母本是三大韦氏之一的兰登书屋韦氏辞典,应该说是美国人没有弄错英国的诗作,英国人反而弄错了本国的诗作。再感叹一句,个人感觉,日本制作的辞典app是app store上辞典app里最好用的,尤其是物书堂的作品,图标也好看,可见日本人的审美与细致,反而中国出品的辞典app大都不好用,英美官方出品略好,mobisystem公司出品的词典app太差劲。


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  • TA的每日心情

    2018-6-15 18:18
  • 签到天数: 249 天


    发表于 2018-1-21 15:23:29 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
    Japhet 发表于 2018-1-21 13:47# a  t; g+ ~; _- u" W5 b
    相反,日本小学馆random house英和大辞典反而没有出错,不过其母本是三大韦氏之一的兰登书屋韦氏辞典,应 ...
    " E8 w1 M+ e( X* Q% A5 q' q
    * M) q) O8 W3 t4 R% ?, ?; U3 ]
    但mobi system的词典普遍极易破解内购,因此也留了几个
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-10-23 09:01
  • 签到天数: 153 天


     楼主| 发表于 2018-1-21 18:00:13 | 显示全部楼层
    afreeelf 发表于 2018-1-21 15:230 v0 c: w7 n) W3 A
    但mobi system的词典普遍极易破解内购,因此也留了几个
    5 U9 M( _& ^$ X
    作为参考也挺好的,毕竟这家公司旗下的词典最多最全,只是很好奇它为什么不好好做呢,几乎旗下 的每本词典都是一股浓浓的山寨味。
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-10-23 09:01
  • 签到天数: 153 天


     楼主| 发表于 2018-1-27 00:33:02 | 显示全部楼层
    又去查了OED在线版,OED用的是An Elegy, wrote in a Country Churchyard (1751). 这后面应该更深的文化背景,我也跟剑桥词典写了信,他们已经收悉,正在查证,希望他们后面能给我较为详细的解答。
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-10-23 09:01
  • 签到天数: 153 天


     楼主| 发表于 2018-1-27 00:34:29 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 Japhet 于 2018-1-27 15:15 编辑
    9 I; o8 e- e5 t: @; S5 y- R
    % Z2 T/ J( Z4 o% Y最新进展,剑桥大学词典部今天上午给我回了信,他们表示会马上修改这个错误。
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-7-9 20:41
  • 签到天数: 60 天


    发表于 2018-1-30 12:48:50 | 显示全部楼层
    词条:Stretch9 x6 B  ~# _: L; W9 O( _
    https://dictionary.cambridge.org ... -simplified/stretch
    5 G4 t0 y7 [* l9 F7 f
    , c& `9 @7 {: _5 RMany families' budgets are already stretched to breaking point. 许多家庭的预算已经撑到了极限。; o+ e1 v, _$ ^: ^+ A
    We can't work any harder, Paul. We're already fully stretched. 我们无法再更卖力了,保罗。我们已经竭尽全力了。
    2 W8 @( y8 {/ Q' c" F* a" ^  i* y
    - S8 T! P6 X; I% N) ?' y( e先是看到了“无法再更卖力了”这个表达,我也无法再更感到不自在了。继而又看到了上面一个例句,“撑到了”,个人也不是很喜欢这种表达,感觉是为了把stretch这个语义表现出来而生造的,不过一时也想不起来什么样地道的表达,感觉和预算搭配,汉语是不是更常用“紧张”,比如说,许多家庭的预算已经紧张到了崩溃的边缘?
    ; U' v' z  k- u+ I# T% D- P8 ?( b7 O- A$ ~+ V
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-8-21 14:27
  • 签到天数: 10 天


    发表于 2018-2-25 10:20:17 | 显示全部楼层
    非常好的挑错贴  应该固定弄个专题什么的
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-5-25 10:19
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2018-5-25 21:03:18 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-12-5 12:04
  • 签到天数: 5 天


    发表于 2018-12-5 12:13:44 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2020-2-5 12:40:49 | 显示全部楼层
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