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[索引] 词库中句式表达大PK



发表于 2015-9-20 12:39:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 zhu1234 于 2015-9-20 21:59 编辑
+ M+ w/ u* z3 x, ]; [" O; a* q! M. \
/ r; c; M/ {# g4 ~" t' [0 i搜起来……,电脑风扇在咆哮,它会不会被搜坏?
3 l8 F  J  ^; J4 ]
( K5 S9 ~7 q" C* o: p" `2 Z8 O8 L& S
1、“it appears” VS “it seems” 1276 :4206" a/ K4 X0 I! _( d
2、"it's kind of" VS "it's hard for" 55 : 82
2 G  p' b' M4 H6 [  M; R3、"it is a pity" VS "it's a pity"  56 : 74" B. N* s0 J: i3 ]) K8 ~
4、"it is natural that" VS "it is strange that"  17 : 29
) k9 B4 Z9 F1 U: F5、"it was not until" VS "it wasn't until"  227 : 974 T7 t4 X# v/ {# m, v* l
6、"in order to" VS "so as to"  20925 : 6972) z& k' b2 @# n' \/ b
7、"be used to" VS "is used to"  2969 : 5140
4 a' p4 w; N# M$ V4 d8 [' V8、"be said to" VS "be thought to"  VS "be reported to" VS "be estimated to"  3006 : 1969 : 211 : 70 (* be含be、is、are、was、were、been)
* ]4 x( R9 x( j. F' F. g! o( \3 o9、"more and more" 1751
. ?: b; u# R7 Y10、"the former" VS "the latter"  4529 : 4205
) W- Y5 j+ c, e! U! T+ F11、"the last" 16147  \/ a, G2 n8 ~( `7 x. Z4 b2 I
12、"occur to" VS "occurs to"  VS "occurred to"  328 : 84 : 443
$ L. Q3 e% R, |& ]13、"it takes" VS "it requires" VS "it costs"  2145 : 404 : 449' {9 M( t  [! n; ^' }5 a
14、"interested in" VS "excited about" VS "satisfied with"  3921 : 418 : 778% Z) A: y- M5 b3 g# u+ n5 n
15、"pleased to" VS "surprised at"  631 : 3874 z+ K4 u1 r/ l6 R0 i
16、"disappointed at/about/in" VS "bored with"  64/77/83 : 2601 A9 r# A3 Q$ O& Z/ Z% T0 w5 i; `" {
17、"cannot help" VS "can't help"  VS "couldn't help"  175 : 386 : 268
: b8 ?; d' X4 s( j18、"feel like" 1292" \, J5 n: |( W! T+ X! [
19、"not so much" 518
: ]8 L0 j: Q; k9 V# D20、"in other words" 1407
/ f) I( a! D- z/ l" Y21、"only to" 4018' p, [2 e1 n: Y' S
22、"Generally speaking" VS "Strictly speaking" VS "Historically speaking" VS "Frankly speaking"  184 : 235 : 9 : 10
' a- H2 ^3 ^5 A1 w  u) |7 Z23、"would rather" 526
* T# F0 i7 Y+ M* b24、"could have" VS "should have"  VS "needn't have"  4514 : 4499 : 31# ^' Y% B" t) k5 O
25、"in the world" VS "on earth"  2527 : 1831. x8 T) o# f0 c, |; m* T" R
26、"What about" VS "How about"  630 : 6538 b' G1 c' f% R4 n
27、"How come"  15806 i, H( r5 I& u( K0 `8 R
28、"even if" VS "even though"  3753 : 4014
" L3 j9 A* E# ^" e+ X2 l$ q3 O29、"Would you be kind enough to" 9
5 f- f, e9 K# w# X( S* d1 C30、"Oh dear" VS "Fancy"  64 : 1752 k7 j0 [' C" W
31、"much less" VS "the very"  1080 : 54585 l; i- U5 j( R4 w  y1 E+ M8 u
32、"come close to" VS "Here comes"  151 : 353+ G9 B4 S& y1 K5 C$ R7 Z
33、"What if"  7998 N, u0 a; F6 `% R/ I4 A! N
34、"as long as"  2224
2 N( B+ [* K) e$ O4 g( Q35、"There is no"  73025 M) X9 w% l/ _
36、"I don't think"  1850
# h/ g' R9 z. h& i/ G# d37、"those who" 6744: d$ L; {2 e" k$ T; Y/ f2 o% F+ ?
38、"no sooner had" 1336 z* H# }  g8 {0 m
39、"not only" VS "but also"  5184 : 28966 [, T* m' b3 `9 p- Y0 {% B7 p# Z
40、"as well as" VS "as soon as"  9877 : 4490
, f3 g, B, B! J. E  }3 o) v4 Z41、"in that" 7533: T6 U. P7 j% Y# w/ d3 @
注:未分列的均为全写和缩写之和,如it is和it’s之和。均不区分大小写。
: [5 R6 G0 b' J: R全文搜"do is"、"Let's" 、"I can't see "就是噩梦,且停不下来。
5 Z1 K% [  I' j6 h& t: ^) {& }* h+ u) C7 {3 S+ w, l
搜索词库4 v, @1 X- I4 E9 M; V( c
, I% [; a& U+ p' {2 P21世纪双向辞典  D! u9 K$ _7 l2 Z, Z3 K( J$ v
6Thesaurus集合4 w' P* \/ V+ C, n  r  v
A Modern En-Cn Dictionary& J" V! `4 W4 ]/ K3 t) {3 O
6 z, R( c3 `' K- m8 A7 rAHD5, k( V" E  w7 O) g# O
9 h) u& x# ?& \% @; _, ~Book of English Usage_TAH
! K: Q, _0 _% Z/ {CALD3_剑桥高阶双解' u/ ?' H4 u9 k. H1 ?+ @) T1 i' r
CALD4, u8 M- M' R/ m, Q6 j* k, `- [" X
8 E; L7 _# T% \& pCollins COBUILD Advanced Learners Dic 8th_En-En
, d, m* [  E' X! S% }- b$ u% FCollins English Dictionary, 2015
* q/ X6 i' p  }Collins English Usage
) v$ u7 |! l4 O# HCollins Junior Illustrated Dictionary (2E)
  B( j" }: }/ ^, J6 c1 ]" j0 zCollins Thesaurus of the English Language 2015* ]. P6 J! y; j9 A# E
CollinsCOBUILD-BL" P" e- _# w7 i4 z6 t5 }7 J
CollinsEnEn.dsl.dz: c( U- e$ H% X9 A5 a7 S; g
Concise Oxford English 11_k
: I. E' g2 k: M  I4 ~5 JDictionary of Idioms, Phrasal Verbs and Slang
* N' P* l( h0 F4 \8 N# PDictionary of Newfoundland English% |- q! ]9 S) a7 D" l. r
Dictionary.com Unabridged 2015
. `1 I2 G6 U9 @+ y0 ~7 ?' IEn-En_Webster's_New_Dictionary_of_Synonyms( i* Z! O. _7 p* m, E# a5 j% P
* D/ x5 c% m- Y+ ^" ]  x& DGarner's Modern American Usage: T7 l5 Z) z$ g& l
JumpToDicts 3.01 S6 g$ Q( G' g" }) W
8 A/ X! U: }2 e, b- H3 W7 U; r3 DLongman Dictionary of Common Errors) m- i. G6 M7 _, m$ O
Longman DOCE5 Extras
/ F9 _1 W2 V3 s- l9 e. N6 [Longman Language Activator; |" ?7 {: E5 _; J1 A
Longman Phrasal Verbs Dictionary 2nd Edition
( R# \1 A0 r3 Z/ b3 e- p+ h' \Longman WordWise Dictionary
# ~* R0 Y0 P8 u6 u4 JLongman5& b9 K8 d5 m4 L: F0 v8 [% W2 y% C
Macmillan_麦克米伦高阶; [& v; q$ `2 K$ t
Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's English Dictionary.bgl
. R" L) \8 Y, R* DMerriam-Webster's Book of Word Histories3 Y. g6 @" X! L, Z8 N8 g! S. A
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary and Thesaurus, 2015. k/ t. [! |, z& C9 L
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Thesaurus, 2015$ e" _( u6 n. ~% C, w- Z5 G
Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms" ~2 I8 X) N$ ?2 w
Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, 2015
- C* o" {* A3 q+ }- QMerriam-Webster's Visual Dictionary( B3 R7 P0 a5 [% T6 d
Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder# M) F/ ~6 Z. m% i( P2 I7 \, `
mpic6 H0 o7 @4 o' t( N: O% }  A3 e
( Q6 B. b, p$ [. @3 eOALD7C& s+ z* f5 o6 x, _! B/ m7 q! {
OALD8_牛津高阶学习词典第8版# z# H  q) e8 ~8 O* B/ d
# ^0 k& P; ]2 OODE3
) A9 w. D, O4 m% E( `& YOLT_牛津学生同义词
9 W( p' R# W& yOxford American Writer's Thesaurus 2nd
% ?1 Z7 [0 M0 a+ U/ XOxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English 2nd4 ]; A9 a2 @% E7 w" o: T3 y
PEU(3rd ed)
- N6 g1 R% e+ [0 A5 tPhrases meaning and origin* K7 b: u0 }! z# d
Shorter Oxford English Dictionary 6th- X! O, b( }+ Q1 V8 }
The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms
5 H  `1 t3 r$ Y& a% f& X# z: Z: {! {" MTuttle Concise Chinese Dict2 [0 H) }5 E3 c) o+ ?6 p  t; ?
2 S9 X  j* |/ b4 v7 YWebster's_New_Dict_of_Synonyms( L8 P  _+ C& J) B4 m% X) |) C
word by word# y% y* m. g# A  l) F4 ]5 T1 n) u
yes-chinese& A% t/ u) ~6 S2 V. z
大学英语多功能词典3 d) Y- f$ y8 P8 j
3 B+ V; Y3 X! r5 b" N, v% H& @3 ~高阶英汉双解词典" f# u0 Z, V, o0 t$ {7 E; ^  n
葛传椝英语惯用法词典# j: r7 b) D6 z5 s9 _: ^& Q1 Z& O
汉英大辞典) i( B( v% m& L( j7 q" Z
汉英双向难译词词典$ G  r- J4 [$ d4 g7 s
. ^6 `$ w# h' Q+ T红宝书# M" S) R/ T: l2 J" C
5 @4 k. q/ ^8 P考点900词典' I2 L4 h; ?7 h% z4 Q  Z- h
% {0 a( A3 M& T8 T) S; Z+ h0 X! L考点四级词典
, h( ?4 [8 ?- h, {0 _) v朗文搭配
5 M; Q( Z" y7 U# ]# H# K' p, A$ y朗文当代英语词典英汉双解第4版& r/ D' o* Z! s3 N; \; x* N
朗文英语联想活用词典' r8 _. l, J6 d
牛津搭配语词典第2版! ^1 V& c" x+ _) M8 y8 C% S
牛津短语动词词典- E2 t+ h! C5 u3 F, o$ K
, _6 K6 [  B. Z; p: p7 C+ X' h牛津高阶英汉双解词典
( y3 ^+ v5 \8 q牛津高阶英语学习词典第八版
4 |; ?7 `# V  n0 K( g牛津英语搭配词典/ t; y% }0 p% ~5 W/ k! o1 [9 ~1 G
5 Z1 e+ C3 f; u牛津英语习语词典
4 u0 ?$ p6 m2 g普林斯顿wordnet3.0
9 N. h# _4 W7 G" ]6 C) A) V世界英语俚语词典
/ Q9 t. [% J, t1 ~, l现代英汉汉英词典
8 b2 w/ k" J5 ?: j4 O新编学生英汉双解词典
3 E, m4 [1 C( x8 ?( N0 G7 ]' x新编英语短语用法辨析词典
$ k' I% T' Q/ s! o新汉英词典! }" n! @) _+ V" x6 u& ]
新汉英大辞典1 P' N# [# u/ S8 \) Z0 B
新牛津英汉双解大词典2$ I( v* B; Q4 k# B/ j, k8 y0 e; ?
新世纪大学英语惯用法词典) f9 y2 F6 d- r! |/ w
# ~3 F: a& ]: y9 P新英汉详解词典
0 N2 _) {5 H/ X- h英汉双解英语反义词辞典$ }, Q* v& a" Q9 A; ]
英汉双解英语同义词词典. \4 X% k; a( }7 Z
% Z. A/ Y& D& R! F7 H英语常见问题解答大词典1998( |# M. v9 @, x/ C! D6 U5 e
英语常见问题解答大词典2005% [0 x$ n, Y' Q2 ?
6 r, k, @8 o( L' ?9 z英语常用词疑难用法手册
3 t1 O1 a2 y6 K. b  f$ G( D英语常用词用法详解大词典4 o* B8 P/ \5 G
英语常用短语动词用法辨异词典, U, G6 G: k" T+ {; P3 W
7 _5 V# T' f: d# y& m/ ~0 t! y" `! W' w英语词语辨析/ J5 g+ B3 G1 S! _
英语词语辨析2: p$ H, X5 S; {. k3 d
英语短语词典' m4 N' j* s" A. q, `6 s; ?5 S6 q
7 L* s! x4 j0 n英语拟声词词典
1 ~1 a3 Y- S- S. R9 q英语形容词用法词典
7 |  S2 J9 g) ]% S英语谚语
% @+ X2 f7 R6 s- S( G
  • TA的每日心情
    2020-11-6 22:08
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    发表于 2015-9-20 16:36:43 | 显示全部楼层
    What a good idea!
  • TA的每日心情
    2022-9-25 21:09
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    发表于 2015-9-20 21:46:34 | 显示全部楼层
    如果是不带语音的版本,可以试试丢到 ramdisk 内。" {* P7 v. [# x& q# ]- t8 F
    + S# ~5 ^0 W9 p


    发表于 2015-9-21 15:34:27 | 显示全部楼层
    Very interesting!
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