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[词典讨论] On the way to the perfect learners' dictionary: a first comparison of OALD5, ...

匿名  发表于 2016-6-6 01:52:17 |阅读模式

1 K8 t$ R, }( v* E) }, l, Thttp://ijl.oxfordjournals.org/content/9/4/321.abstract
$ c% A1 ~1 J' g+ ?& Z% T0 \8 D. t
On the way to the perfect learners' dictionary: a first comparison of OALD5, LDOCE3, COBUILD2 and CIDE2 o4 X2 U& u, i5 A, o4 n  X" X2 T
Thomas Herbst2 d% _6 Z; F, Z" d- J) R

* T$ a$ R4 x3 F% G, j) F% yInstitut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Bismarckstraβe 1, D-91054 Erlangen
$ L6 w. y% a0 `Abstract
1 S1 S- O' a9 V  L- ?& _
. B" {2 f; Q: v0 C8 F8 Q1995 has seen the publication of three new editions of English learners' dictionaries (OALD5, LDOCE3 and COBUILD2) and of a completely new dictionary of this genre (CIDE). In this article, these four dictionaries are examined with respect to definitions, valency information, example policies and access structure; etc. Two general conclusions can be drawn: firstly, the systematic exploitation of computer corpora has definitely left its mark on this generation of dictionaries and, secondly, despite some specific criticisms and weaknesses the overall standard of EFL lexicography is admirably high.5 x" t( i' y# h% @6 e

! R, ]2 F6 d8 j3 V% ]© 1996 Oxford University Press
; e2 g  Z5 r0 h! l& K9 {) d/ Z0 U; R7 E; _% W$ t+ q
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