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[语言讨论] 音标与实际发音不符@naked -ed?

  • TA的每日心情
    2018-7-9 20:41
  • 签到天数: 60 天


    发表于 2018-2-25 12:34:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    naked中ed发音。美式发音,到底是 id 还是 əd
    ' H$ Z! ?2 L, D" |$ t) v" ^/ A) ^) \! A& z/ B+ ]. T, w& y7 J8 Z
    3 ^( S% D" g( i' D英式:" n" m2 O3 I+ S6 ?& K
    $ k  E, w8 K5 I
      l; k3 b9 [6 R6 ]6 i
    - l# G. a+ F9 `7 h; U
    5 M( l2 [% t6 H5 l' T所以,/ w6 Q& `& [" P7 ~5 E6 ^; E
    MW:* }/ K9 B% D* |3 S! B
    ) t' r, Z' @. G* ?; B! Z

    * M7 m' ^" `3 J+ A  T; m2 FAHD的表音符号比较特殊:
      \8 Y, G: l0 O) y* P0 [: V' l( p2 R$ W* v

    # n+ E, u4 s, t( P( D6 o4 a
    1 Z  ]5 L4 u- V( h) O; D/ ~9 C但恕我耳浊,听读音听不出来什么差异,感觉都是id7 Y+ o0 H/ B$ F2 X. U

    , ~' m# Z9 D* D1 A! C) n然后有意思的来了,朗文的-ed读音,标注如下,但朗读和标注并不一致:3 O' ^2 h7 E- ^, h7 }

    : e+ q  |; W& ~6 _9 C( H6 C+ @, X4 K6 I$ V. Q
    不知道大家怎么看,美式的əd和英式的id有多大差别呢?4 `; _/ x7 Y& Z
    + I3 z) Q4 ]9 A! w) e% _
    0 [1 x& ~+ R5 }, n0 ^


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    发表于 2018-2-25 13:04:41 | 显示全部楼层
    This discussion on Reddit may shed some light on the question raised above.7 k/ \1 ~' t3 n" f
    1. https://www.reddit.com/r/linguistics/comments/45szna/the_suffix_ed_in_american_english_can_be/
    5 S+ x! h# ?4 l4 m
    - h- Y' M/ F' B/ f" _
    The current IPA key used in the English Wikipedia writes this reduced vowel that can be either [ɪ] or [ə] in shorthand as /ᵻ/ following the Oxford English Dictionary (e.g. needed /ˈniːdᵻd/, rested /ˈrɛstᵻd/).( S1 e. e) {6 _7 H! R
    ...3 H2 u0 _+ U. O8 ?# t! f  d
    There are some words where you would use /ᵻd/ for -ed even after consonants that are not /d/ or /t/, especially adjectives such as rugged /ˈrʌɡᵻd/ or naked /ˈneɪkᵻd/. In American English, [ə] tends to be higher and more like [ɪ] when it's next to /ɡ/ or /k/ (witness the eye-dialect spelling 'Linkin' for Lincoln), so in reality it would be difficult to decide if you're actually hearing [ˈrʌɡɪd] and [ˈneɪkɪd] or [ˈrʌɡəd] and [ˈneɪkəd] for these examples.

    / h( m& a1 U* }1 I% w; u* {; p0 j2 D* @


    感谢鱼大的回复,豁然开朗:)  发表于 2018-2-25 13:12
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