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[使用求助] [关贴-已解决]才解压的MDict,使用出现问题

  • TA的每日心情
    2020-5-1 18:40
  • 签到天数: 201 天


    发表于 2019-5-25 18:47:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 xxxsss 于 2019-5-25 22:17 编辑
    9 t8 J5 Q! A. W) v/ z6 g/ A" f+ W( t- _; ^5 Q* S
    6 ^5 u* g5 D4 H, v" ^

    * l5 C7 L2 z* w' @* T起因:由于卸载IE11引起程序一系列问题,# H1 D4 |  m/ C( _, }, r
    $ s3 A8 z; H- N8 E" f
    3 n7 ^# Z9 J# x, I  U0 g0 B" J/ J9 [! p  y! h2 Y
    --------------------; x: D7 _/ M& F
    问题简述:打开MDict版本2.0 RC6,载入词典,左侧词条展开正常,但是点击此条出现提示“Message:对象不支持此属性或方法 - URL:mdx://mdict.cn/eres/code.js - Line:904 - Column:Undefined - Error Object:Undefined”,
    2 U2 R& E5 b2 e/ Z; ]运行日志如下:05-25 18:45:32.185  DEBUG/MDictApp(4264): Home dir:D:/MDictPC/doc/, t! ?; ]& O7 M  z& P9 X) E
    05-25 18:45:32.187  DEBUG/MDictApp(4264): ICU inited with data dir:D:/MDictPC/res/
    , t8 Z1 q* m' @* `+ u* X+ g8 j0 q; w% p( w* p' H' D
    05-25 18:45:32.187  FATAL/MDictApp(4264): Fail to load ICU data
    / P' d" ~( h* q$ e! ^05-25 18:45:32.188  INFO/MDictApp(4264): Fail to init localization translation file
    1 ?4 \% X! b" m$ J* ]05-25 18:45:32.914  INFO/MDictApp(4264): Found 0 speech databases) ?! Y. p5 P  b9 V
    05-25 18:45:32.914  INFO/MDictPCApp(4264): Searching font files...
    , f$ r0 q/ P- A* f: I; o1 V6 ^05-25 18:45:32.915  INFO/MDictPCApp(4264): Found 0 font files
    ! G4 o/ u) P. l2 m, ~8 I2 Y& n05-25 18:45:32.915  DEBUG/MDictPCApp(4264): Load font resource done
    & h* z* o; O( w3 c6 K+ k9 Y05-25 18:45:32.915  INFO/MDictPCApp(4264): Begin loading html templates8 g8 t) i/ H# \3 S5 r
    05-25 18:45:32.915  INFO/MDictPCApp(4264): Html templates loaded
    * g. C. `! f8 Q$ M# U2 k05-25 18:45:32.915  DEBUG/MDictPCApp(4264): Creating mainframe
    0 [! E4 G& z5 \, e0 ^05-25 18:45:32.925  DEBUG/MDictApp(4264): OnCreating MainFrame
    ) i5 U- v4 |6 A% N( P! w; A05-25 18:45:32.925  DEBUG/MDictApp(4264): Registering message loop
    + Z) \0 b6 m  d( m8 F. H& j05-25 18:45:32.925  DEBUG/MDictApp(4264): Create view client! r: F% E8 `+ }; F
    05-25 18:45:32.926  DEBUG/CMDictView(4264): Creating input window and splitter
    0 `; M9 G! P1 f; S05-25 18:45:32.927  DEBUG/CMDictView(4264): Creating entry window and mdx view; A7 J% O5 T8 R$ ~- }9 K
    05-25 18:45:32.930  DEBUG/CMDXView(4264): Creating mdx view6 w# y( d& A/ q: V5 C$ h
    05-25 18:45:32.930  DEBUG/CMDXView(4264): Creating html view7 U1 ~- A; E- P9 o
    05-25 18:45:33.062  DEBUG/CMDXView(4264): Creating tab ctrl( J  Z- A6 j' t9 P: M0 X- F
    05-25 18:45:33.064  DEBUG/CMDXView(4264): Layout mdx view
    # o- c* P1 ^: t3 i, n2 r+ W05-25 18:45:33.065  DEBUG/CMDictView(4264): Setting up window* I9 H" ~5 M. P5 q
    05-25 18:45:33.068  DEBUG/MDictApp(4264): Create command bar1 m; u: O3 [, h& d) O4 |- Z& D
    05-25 18:45:33.074  DEBUG/MDictApp(4264): Create tool bar
    + T! _1 {. l* h3 `$ @) f5 f05-25 18:45:33.075  DEBUG/MDictApp(4264): Create re-bar& L$ {0 w" ~1 d/ E1 R' s  ~
    05-25 18:45:33.083  DEBUG/MDictPCApp(4264): Init TTS engine
    5 z- M/ t! L. S1 z! p& T05-25 18:45:34.171  DEBUG/MDictPCApp(4264): TTS inited* c: d/ C2 K% ]. r1 c. E
    05-25 18:45:34.171  DEBUG/MDictApp(4264): Fill toolbar combox of TTS engine1 C# A9 x! f  O" R
    05-25 18:45:34.188  DEBUG/MDictApp(4264): Install task bar icon
    1 V1 F1 q5 p* S% U9 `1 d0 U4 T05-25 18:45:34.191  DEBUG/MDictApp(4264): Register hotkey
      y3 B# Q. n4 H4 ~05-25 18:45:34.191  DEBUG/MDictApp(4264): Restore last window size and position
    2 }" U. Q9 ^  o' R' ~' ^% P05-25 18:45:34.228  DEBUG/MDictPCApp(4264): Mainframe created+ _/ `- }0 Z& Y$ B1 B- N( @
    05-25 18:45:34.228  DEBUG/MDictPCApp(4264): Create and register handler factory
    $ E- ]: m& w; @& v05-25 18:45:34.228  DEBUG/MDictPCApp(4264): IWebbrowser helper object inited. P2 c$ p+ m+ y; i4 e/ v, }3 M
    05-25 18:45:34.228  DEBUG/MDictPCApp(4264): Open last dict. I) |3 [2 J& Z) \% n
    05-25 18:45:34.237  DEBUG/MDictPCApp(4264): MDict App init completed# C1 a8 Z2 w0 Q1 g
    05-25 18:45:34.237  DEBUG/MDictPCApp(4264): Show welcome page
    # W( B+ D# ^) N; {& I05-25 18:45:34.245  DEBUG/MDictPCApp(4264): Fail to get icu display name! t$ z: C3 t- o0 J  @) O
    05-25 18:48:10.766  DEBUG/MDictApp(4264): Closing CMainFrame
    # ]9 C3 b$ i: j$ q4 w" Y8 P05-25 18:48:10.766  DEBUG/MDictApp(4264): Release TTS tokens1 c/ E5 J$ M7 @  c, k
    05-25 18:48:10.783  DEBUG/CMDictView(4264): Destroying CMDictView
    1 ~# e7 p) |  i) m! I, [( L' X4 @05-25 18:48:10.784  DEBUG/CMDXView(4264): Destroying CMDXView
    2 s/ H7 z3 H' U- K* T% [05-25 18:48:10.802  DEBUG/MDictApp(4264): Destructing CMainFrame
    8 g# i8 k' a6 |( m7 e05-25 18:48:10.810  DEBUG/CMDictView(4264): Destructing CMDictView
    # l! a6 Z% `0 u# H  j8 i2 i* U# P& o* |05-25 18:48:10.810  DEBUG/CMDXView(4264): Destructing CMDXView2 }8 q- F- t3 n; {% F: [( ]
    05-25 18:48:10.811  DEBUG/CMDXView(4264): Htmlview released% n+ L, n) D7 B1 l
    : Q4 c9 y0 C5 N1 x

    & Q* ?* C) O  t6 U! A4 R' u% y1 r' T. D) b4 \  W
    3 b+ E1 V* @0 |" p- y/ j, [+ S+ z" i) H
    4 x; b. x9 C6 _( V2 F------$ j# s/ \0 Q& {3 i# d& k( s9 [; N6 F
    9 B  k5 W5 I3 x4 U4 M. M- ]0 o
    1 j9 z7 [3 P' E3 A8 I5 ?, y5 ?2 S5 e/ P




  • TA的每日心情

    2019-8-31 08:44
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2019-8-9 20:51:30 | 显示全部楼层
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