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[词典讯] The Oxford Dictionary Phrase and Fable

  • TA的每日心情
    2018-8-8 03:13
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2019-9-6 16:11:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 喬治兄 于 2019-9-6 17:25 编辑
    # e3 ]- V# _' g1 ], O( h% `
    ) \6 H, T2 K6 D5 }/ o# [這不算新書也忘了哪帖看到 O 大和同好們聊到此書
    ; S& M- O5 i! P& }) N+ Q, i, l翻了下舊版有 1223頁的篇幅內容蠻豐富的一本好辭典
    5 A( ]3 S- S2 l2 ^7 A* V' ?碰巧看到 Amazon 推出 Kindle
    ) V1 }- r% {" D6 q8 R. [& B案頭應該是不能少的好辭典............4 N6 S8 r+ G" u$ S
    同質性太高的辭典再多個十本也沒什意思$ h0 g) U4 [5 w+ u7 A0 k# I
    不如收藏幾本另類辭典......1 i# r- T+ Z" u6 s/ r3 T3 V, }

    $ E- e. I3 L4 M  d4 lhttps://www.amazon.com/Oxford-Dictionary-Phrase-Elizabeth-Knowles/dp/01986098179 ^4 Z% F+ r0 p8 l
    4 T% m# [- j6 b5 M0 |
    The Oxford Dictionary Phrase and Fable    Elizabeth Knowles (Editor)' O! z5 m- p6 b
    Kindle  US$15.74
    6 E6 S4 I3 c3 x
    What is a ham-and-egger?
    7 K5 ^4 o# c3 t, @" c* GWhat are Anglo-Saxon attitudes?
    5 _/ J- y/ Z1 P0 `% n; ^* L7 CWho or what is liable to jump the shark?
    . ]+ \( P1 q2 E+ O, W* v: s8 ]/ yWho first tried to nail jelly to the wall?6 B/ @0 l; j. U8 x( U% z  A

    % a3 X. U! k# m; Y# x0 p0 g: l. VThe answers to these and many more questions are in this fascinating book. Here in one volume you can track down the stories behind the names and sayings you meet, whether in classic literature or today's news. This authoritative dictionary draws on Oxford's unrivalled bank of reference and language online resources to cover classical and other mythologies, history, religion, folk customs, superstitions, science and technology, philosophy, and popular culture. Extensive cross referencing makes it easy to trace specific information, while every page points to further paths to explore.# ~) `3 f. U( v( c7 l3 c& I
    + }3 f3 }7 `0 q  I
    What is the fog of war? % u) H8 c$ |' v- ?# p! y. v
    Who first wanted to spend more time with one's family?
    # j: }3 }5 Q" ^When was the Dreamtime?6 P6 s% ]7 g8 N9 V  }5 ]4 E
    How long since the first cry of Women and children first?
    1 l' _. z6 G2 J( o" T6 h! K& rWhere might you find dark matter?; _1 o( w( }: T) t9 ]4 ?
    Would you want the Midas touch?& _' E0 l0 R# }7 a6 F" l
    Should you worry about grey goo?
    $ e  w4 R$ b& ~* r3 t6 O$ E% F# U) o/ Y: t" N% P. c( |) o

    8 k; X" |2 o5 p6 F+ O4 e, u# q# f# y$ q. N& p5 t1 Z8 V) @

    ! S+ y9 ]* u- q* qEditorial Reviews8 \- l, w! f# t# F9 c- g/ T: `

    9 G* i% x8 F. D$ h8 l; O- `6 g2 u
    From Booklist
    This new edition of the Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable has been substantially updated and revised since it was first published, in 2000. Although the first edition was a hefty 1,200 pages, this new edition is 805 pages. The reduction in size is comes from trimming the number of biographical and geographical entries, such as Ferdinand of Aragon and Zurich. The first edition also had numerous single-word entries, such as fault, faience, and zucchetto, that could be found in a regular dictionary. These types of entries have been taken out and replaced by many more contemporary phrases. Gone, too, are the boxed entries for special categories. The second edition has also changed the formatting of its entries, listing all phrases using the same word under that word, with numerous cross-references to related phrases. The first edition listed all phrases separately.
    What makes this new edition especially valuable are the many new entries from politics, popular culture, science, and contemporary language, such as axis of evil, chaos theory, elephant in the room, glass ceiling, ground zero, Sunni Triangle,and many more. All entries explain what the phrase means and where it was first used. The second edition has also expanded the number of phrases from classic literature, history, mythology, religion, and figurative language using Oxford's extensive word and language online resources.
    The major competitor is Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, the seventeenth edition of which was published in Great Britain last year. Brewer's was first published in 1870 and has always been very classically oriented, with numerous entries for the names of mythological characters, persons from the Bible, and historical personages, which were deleted from the Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. Without seeing the new Brewer's, it's probably safe to say that, although the two dictionaries have considerable overlap, each has a wide variety of entries that are unique.
    The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable is a highly useful tool to help understand what phrases mean and where they come from and should definitely be added to all reference collections. It is recommended that libraries keep the first edition since many entries in the first edition have been deleted from the second. Libraries should also have Brewer's since its focus is more classical and it includes phrases that are not found in Oxford.Merle Jacob
    " G2 y- z6 M2 m% wCopyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved
    1 t5 x) R  W0 X2 g9 G

    : R1 f8 s. S+ {5 t
    ) N& s7 K* H4 Q5 D1 q5 c& t

    & ?' u/ {2 m& k+ t4 n此作者還有一本 concise 似乎可以用借的......https://archive.org/details/concisedictionar00eliz7 |$ |, t+ _8 l

    & u' W# \# ]3 L( Q3 N& W5 G( x) C# K) r0 ~- |# c! R
    The concise Oxford dictionary of phrase and fable by Knowles, Elizabeth (Elizabeth M.); Oxford University Press
    9 x# S* i( i- v8 o2 o/ _+ {
    # Q0 E& k; H+ d9 U, S4 z1 w' X$ ^1 e) R, X2 ~+ ?
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    5 {( b; P  S1 }- h; p* j! d+ \- _& q9 M" t' X

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    2 k+ R8 W  t* Y8 C/ Y& ^9 W
    / N6 d; h* }. W  [' T
    . i  b* p7 U7 H- T( N


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  • TA的每日心情

    2019-9-29 20:45
  • 签到天数: 37 天


    发表于 2019-9-6 17:37:45 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-8-8 03:13
  • 签到天数: 1 天


     楼主| 发表于 2019-9-6 18:18:23 | 显示全部楼层
    张琴琴 发表于 2019-9-6 17:37. A8 I4 e5 v2 P# }" A/ R: O6 ^

    1 [; E9 R- n" Z/ t/ L琴琴 女仕:% i! k6 x/ v( ?" ]# V9 f* b
    都有 Kindle 文字版
    1 ?& d2 P1 J% {應該很多人能搞定
    ; C9 V3 T" u& l再搞圖片版.......那豈不是讓貧道的命休已....
    0 h  |4 c) x- T5 l5 Z. H* ~1 h哈..哈..哈..哈
    . p' o; {- L; }/ J. t! C) P
  • TA的每日心情
    7 天前
  • 签到天数: 1571 天


    发表于 2019-9-6 18:34:23 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-8-8 03:13
  • 签到天数: 1 天


     楼主| 发表于 2019-9-6 18:44:17 | 显示全部楼层
    SAP 发表于 2019-9-6 18:348 V6 M) T* y+ m( W5 U
    9 n. E  R1 b% h& C& S; A: X
    SAP 兄:' S( O$ u: h3 O
    . U" x# c2 `$ f8 y但還是買 kindle 版吧
    + T% t. R8 a  j0 j8 V, C應有高人能解的$ J2 `/ s9 ]2 k9 z& t" ~4 b
  • TA的每日心情
    7 天前
  • 签到天数: 1571 天


    发表于 2019-9-15 13:30:34 | 显示全部楼层
    喬治兄 发表于 2019-9-6 18:44$ k3 @/ O/ u" c, B' O# u2 F
    SAP 兄:
    & k# \+ n2 e/ p, s5 S不太清楚國內是否有銷售; C1 e8 A. N+ d& h% r
    但還是買 kindle 版吧

    * O; ?" n& J( F( C& c好的,持续关注中,谢谢乔治兄。
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