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[词典考据] jocular @新牛津/朗文



发表于 2019-10-4 13:36:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2 j0 ?) Q. @' y1 e, `
4 m( O; A8 Y" d7 i* ~
she sounded in a jocular mood( M% n' {2 _$ Z

4 |( w. Z4 C; m! c) [' [' Y& E: H* M  a% r; o; Z- Z; L) d
% g4 b% n6 K1 f9 B2 O( \* R3 m' G  R  X, J4 r/ D! Y) b3 Z
He sounded in a jocular mood.6 U" q9 ~) E7 A, u  Z9 ]  s9 {1 e

  S  n) l3 g$ `8 B/ b! g$ c. ^2 B2 {4 B# U/ ~
同一句话,差别有点大呀* `! Z5 O* [1 ]! U; {, B

% `) z2 w* Y9 }, L- u先说「新牛津」,新牛津这个「在开玩笑」,大概是「爱开玩笑」翻译出来的,可惜,我们找到的类似的句子,都不支持「在开玩笑」:
9 i5 n, j, r+ p! e' K9 u9 x/ [. \! q  f
Having somewhat recovered from my astonishment, I was able to take a further look at him, and could not restrain a laugh. He so much resembled Humpty Dumpty, who, as I had learned in childhood, did sit on a wall.% {8 n3 D" _3 q2 W; x& s6 I1 _' G
! Y2 c6 ^: D4 C: S8 Y- r
"Is there anything so ridiculous about me?" asked Captain McAlister in a tone of irritation. "You seem to be in a jocular mood, sir."5 ^( Y) t8 I. x- d3 Z
" M$ S$ D) H- J
"I assure you," I responded, I was only laughing from joy of heart at the happy chance of meeting you, Alister McAlister."

$ p1 S1 U: L0 s5 {. r# j/ G$ x) R1 O
—— 看您这么乐呵,我身上哪里不对劲吗?—— 哪里哪里,就是看见了你,打心眼里高兴。
1 s& v0 P" q0 ]6 g( X' A' T% ~% B( z! G. o9 j! S5 T4 n, ]3 A# \9 o
He was in a jocular mood all day.
) u' F- q! U; g4 [8 e

+ v. r) [$ [/ o( _  v; ]+ L% nWiktionary English,不能说「一整天都在开玩笑」" x: F; ]4 n1 C6 ?0 M% [
* b0 ?4 _& ]* p0 C) U# F
Michael was in a very jocular mood at the party .
Cambridge Online,不能说「聚会上都在开玩笑」
8 z' |1 K7 y! W# F6 d0 t; m# K2 [
Hell, Gatland was even in jocular mood when discussing the possibility the Wallabies are already spying on the Lions' training sessions.
9 `3 f' i- {6 a) ^Jun 8, 2013 - BBC
$ ^  X1 [* t6 B( b
* S9 H) Y8 W' X- V! X
即便是大家在讨论,澳大利亚橄榄球队是不是已经偷偷跑来看英国雄狮队怎么训练的时候,Gatland 还是一副顽皮打趣的模样,简直了。! W. e3 S+ v% W# T! X
- B3 y  m% s! n3 g- R5 |
再说朗文,朗文说「心情好」,大致意思没错,都能代到我们的例句里面,但是太宽了,「心情好」可以是很多方面的,而jocular 跟joke 同源:
" B! d% q# J  z
+ q1 b1 N: p3 k0 sVocabulary.com ; Q$ s0 c* {6 g4 H- m
. ]1 L' P. O: n4 Z. @; [/ A8 A8 ^5 L
Do you like to make a lot of jokes? Are you often silly? Are you usually happy? If so, then you are a jocular person.& G; N7 |- ]8 W# h3 |2 a2 L
Being jocular has to do with being both jokey and fun. A jocular suggestion is not a serious suggestion — it's a joke. Some people are more jocular than others: anyone who is ultra-serious and always frowning is not jocular. A comedian makes a job of being jocular. Class clowns can't stop being jocular, though the teacher might just see them as obnoxious. Being jocular is usually considered a good thing: it's not just about making a lot of jokes; it's about being happy and pleasant to be around.

9 z! V& Y9 K. n3 I6 d$ g
. N8 W  M6 V0 c- b
  • TA的每日心情
    2022-10-5 15:24
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  • TA的每日心情
    2022-10-5 15:24
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     楼主| 发表于 2019-10-4 16:10:33 | 显示全部楼层
    ericqjy 发表于 2019-10-4 15:19  j1 _+ I: u% c* ?

    8 t; I  }* P5 Q/ `  N) @* M这么说来,朗文5改了,我引用的5
  • TA的每日心情
    2022-9-25 21:09
  • 签到天数: 1136 天


    发表于 2019-10-4 19:02:50 | 显示全部楼层
    参考看看) ]% `  e. q' `. p2 o. T


    发表于 2019-11-16 21:22:23 | 显示全部楼层


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