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[词典求助] 双解牛津高阶第9版比第8版除了新词之外还有那些新特点?

  • TA的每日心情
    2019-10-12 09:43
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2019-12-24 18:21:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 learnfun 于 2019-12-24 18:24 编辑
    * u2 w! B0 J" P. D. B
    . u* Q6 U! l* z$ t有没有大大能介绍下或者有相关文章可以拜读一下呢?& Y( Y' A0 B: {- e7 P% B
    + l! [. p: Q5 g5 g" {+ G


    发表于 2019-12-24 20:25:28 | 显示全部楼层
    9 H: B8 R# `7 n9 H8 n! ^
    4 W3 g$ p" W6 L/ f- J我慢慢发现,牛津高阶4的李北达翻译版,不应该说「翻译得好」,应该说「远超同行水准」,不然无法解释,为什么李北达的团队明明翻译得准确得当的条目,原文一字没变,跑到后人那里,就连连翻车了……




  • TA的每日心情
    2020-2-1 17:44
  • 签到天数: 122 天


    发表于 2019-12-24 19:38:34 | 显示全部楼层
    多了很多学习信息,比如你查wax and wane,牛九会提供一张Alliteration in idioms的表,里面举了好多例子
    , w0 T! _1 r9 B' ~" D) B3 L! i
    7 D6 q6 e( a8 J5 Rbelt and braces (beat somebody) black and blue born and bred chalk and cheese chop and change done and dusted down and dirty in dribs and drabs eat somebody out of house and home facts and figures fast and furious first and foremost forgive and forget hale and hearty hem and haw kith and kin mix and match part and parcel of something puff and pant go to rack and ruin rant and rave risk life and limb short and sweet signed and sealed spic and span through thick and thin this and that top and tail something tried and testedtrusted wax and wane$ o* M- O$ b& u- t) Q4 y

    & S! D$ d/ k+ j, \5 e/ m' i这种信息对二语学习者还是很有益的。当然,还有很多语法词法用法的信息,变得更learner friendly了,不过对于单纯查词典来说,有点太复杂了,不简明了,不过本来这个词典就是学习型的,所以,应该说改的更适合学习者学习使用了。
    4 H' e( x: g2 g% O+ O




  • TA的每日心情
    2023-11-25 19:42
  • 签到天数: 326 天


    发表于 2019-12-24 23:08:02 | 显示全部楼层
    增加了文化内容:. B5 a/ O" T1 b% o7 y
    3 m$ v2 |' g2 Z* `5 ^/ J  R8 o) }, ^3 E% a
    7 p7 ?7 n4 e* ABefore Christmas, in the UK and US, people send Christmas cards to their friends and family showing traditional Christmas symbols such as Santa Claus, angels, holly and snowmen. Shops are decorated for Christmas from September and in the weeks before Christmas people do their Christmas shopping, buying Christmas presents for friends and family. In schools in Britain at the end of the Christmas term children often sing carols, decorate Christingle oranges and perform a nativity play representing the birth of Christ, which parents are invited to watch. A few days before Christmas, families decorate a Christmas tree, a fir tree covered in lights and colourful decorations, in their home. Many people go to midnight mass in church on Christmas Eve. Young children believe that Santa Claus will bring them presents during the night and they usually wake up to find a stocking, a long sock filled with small presents, by their bed. Presents wrapped in coloured paper are put under the Christmas tree and on Christmas morning many families open their presents together. Families try to get together at Christmas and celebrate with special food. In Britain people eat mince pies and Christmas cake, and in the US they make Christmas cookies. They share a special meal, Christmas dinner, which in Britain usually consists of roast turkey or goose and vegetables, followed by Christmas pudding, a rich pudding made with dried fruit that is served with brandy burning on it and eaten with brandy butter. People pull paper crackers which make a loud bang and contain paper hats, jokes and small toys. On the day after Christmas, called Boxing Day in Britain, many sporting events take place, and large shops begin their sales.




  • TA的每日心情
    2021-9-28 14:33
  • 签到天数: 158 天


    发表于 2019-12-25 09:35:38 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 atauzki 于 2019-12-25 09:37 编辑
    3 R" i2 G5 h6 T- [0 V: R+ z
    * @+ M5 ^* e+ N& I: y网上搜下简介不就知道了,(加了个speak yourself,至于楼上说的有些是在线版独有的内容,别搞混了)


    发表于 2019-12-25 12:18:35 | 显示全部楼层
    klwo2 发表于 2019-12-24 20:25
    7 _$ f' d# d9 G5 S: b新词新义搭配一本别的词典不就行了
    + }* z; h( W0 G0 _6 v6 {* y; a4 s& h- v: |, ^& s
    我慢慢发现,牛津高阶4的李北达翻译版,不应该说「翻译得好」,应该说 ...

    : k. k3 d# D1 l5 j能否举个例子?
  • TA的每日心情
    2022-9-25 21:09
  • 签到天数: 1136 天


    发表于 2019-12-25 13:06:37 | 显示全部楼层
    klwo2 发表于 2019-12-24 20:25
    " c- t6 [) K1 [: ?新词新义搭配一本别的词典不就行了
    & Q9 e0 r' c! T. i8 Q) n1 Y0 Y% L% C7 E0 X* t5 T* n0 Z; ~; ^$ D; [
    我慢慢发现,牛津高阶4的李北达翻译版,不应该说「翻译得好」,应该说 ...
    / j. y& x- V6 ?5 p1 i
    1 B- d) M0 T6 \透过译文的比较,更容易发现“推”“敲”之间的唯妙之处。


    发表于 2019-12-25 13:54:09 | 显示全部楼层
    oversky 发表于 2019-12-25 13:06+ ?  @' _% z7 w) C$ a) Y% d/ U* u% j
      ^% m* x- L. R& q3 g5 b. h* X8 B透过 ...
    ) f9 _/ E' k4 m, q: J% S
    & T+ K0 W' W3 E6 F$ ^4 y* Y
    - R# v+ _8 }* P其实李北达团队做的事情,并不高深,无非勤快、肯思考而已。论坛里面的各位也能做:
    ) a6 H# [: O0 E0 K- f: d. i- _, @! q9 R; s1 o4 \  X
    6 D# }4 e7 c9 c+ J$ B8 N1 r3 p& ^9 D
    本词典翻译过程中,喜见《汉语大词典》前几卷相继出版,《汉语大字典》、《简明不列颠百科全书》、新版《Oxford English Dictionary》等汉、英、科技等工具书先后问世。感谢众多无声老师相助,本词典的译文有了可靠的依据,减少了许多错误。

    2 H) X- h# t$ k& h) c3 y8 V! l2 Q3 J% o3 B+ B
    9 S/ E% m$ l9 X6 Z% s! N
    4 G+ A7 o7 V5 X又比如,这篇文章里面回忆牛津高阶4编译往事:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_3d26669401016juf.html
    ; O. o+ N' D  r# }  ?6 [5 s; E1 T/ \- J: u9 w8 [$ K
    5 c8 q& d: L) C( D' b“小季6 n0 c7 p6 G& D
    你对白话文的掌握1 E# |& o3 R; ~6 V4 @5 i2 ?7 W6 Y
    有不少问题; n5 m4 w; `% i
    你去看看《红楼梦》吧”4 f" X; a% K% f7 G* V7 I* [7 m4 q$ ]

    " c; B  |8 |+ {% C$ ]我立即遵旨
    # t7 A8 E; N+ a, ^$ k买来《红楼梦》
    ( c  o3 o- S: ^( I( R1 G- G/ x% g) J- {. M. @; V
    6 B  E# t7 a# J6 }- w, A感慨很多
    & {& g: L2 P! ]# E% q: M2 X给我爹写了长长的信5 p* }6 ?* O8 D% d" v- w
    2 S7 E5 ^) ?. g$ q& Q! M2 Q& i9 b0 ?
    过不了几天# Y2 h9 w2 |4 S! A7 K: b3 m9 d
    李老师又来电话了/ m. ]1 H" P# t% ~+ d" c' Z
    - ~2 x9 S$ w- T$ g. r' P" N  G你对现代汉语基本语法的掌握
    7 s6 F1 M/ y( E' F% U也有很大的问题
    5 H( Q4 [1 J  K$ s你去复习高中语文吧”$ B1 x: O4 s% Y  x

    8 U, l7 V4 D, O" E0 w8 Q+ `于是,我就买来了高中语文
    ) n8 j; J# q2 l开始从头学起......

    . J# C! k6 f  Q8 O$ c7 }  [2 L& i0 K9 _5 _
  • TA的每日心情
    2022-9-25 21:09
  • 签到天数: 1136 天


    发表于 2019-12-25 14:11:27 | 显示全部楼层
    klwo2 发表于 2019-12-25 13:548 [3 u4 y" n# q1 l/ [( g- a, x
    直接把多个mdx放在一起就行了嘛,何必硬要塞进一个mdx,又不是纸书时代,看一本纸书很难对照另外一本2 S  F3 `+ u: k9 y  I# u
    & A4 m" ]% J, S9 P' E/ t
    其 ...
    ! A' ~4 N) d: `  ~+ S/ m
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