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[语言求助] no more 的翻译

  • TA的每日心情

    2023-7-4 23:24
  • 签到天数: 390 天


    发表于 2020-2-23 23:25:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    German commanders proved no more circumspect. “We were always warned by the wireless messages of the Russian staff of the positions where troops were being concentrated for any new undertaking,” bragged German general Max Hoffmann in his 1924 memoir. “Only once during the entire war were we taken by surprise on the Eastern Front by a Russian attack.”% r1 u: T: V9 x3 K5 f: L4 \

    3 X" z, g: n9 Z% E' ?" k3 \开头第一句 按字面看是 是德国指挥官不再谨慎小心...../ |2 q0 {: N( D" M

    * `4 u4 E0 D( c3 E5 X9 u但是从上下逻辑看,后边是德国将军xxx炫耀说,我们我们只有一次被苏联人突袭- ~* R& K, B: d
    * y5 s/ h0 V3 ^0 H7 }' g& Q
  • TA的每日心情

    2020-4-6 09:29
  • 签到天数: 34 天


    发表于 2020-2-28 10:30:13 | 显示全部楼层
    . Y8 _& Q' E) g
    German commanders proved no more circumspect.
    + b& h& i& t; f% J- B; H$ R这句话本身就是“德国人再谨慎不过了”的意思5 @8 F3 Y" z( h* A! ~) F, q

    2 J% r1 S3 t7 ]& v+ K如果想说“德国指挥官不再谨慎小心.” 应该是
    1 f+ V& r. F' Q6 LGerman commanders proved not circumspect any more.
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-1-11 21:26
  • 签到天数: 313 天


    发表于 2020-2-24 10:43:49 | 显示全部楼层
    不知道具体的上下文,但楼主的理解似乎有点问题——9 U4 Q2 }0 y8 t5 a
    German commanders proved no more circumspect. “We were always warned by the wireless messages of the Russian staff of the positions where troops were being concentrated for any new undertaking,” bragged German general Max Hoffmann in his 1924 memoir. “Only once during the entire war were we taken by surprise on the Eastern Front by a Russian attack.”
    : s8 Z% U* t9 w6 k1 B* ~( w$ L  ]- q2 e& L6 {3 b
    开头第一句 按字面看是 是德国指挥官不再谨慎小心.....
    . o, V0 p6 M! M-----------------------------------------------------------------
    & q7 O- o) R* k* D* g; C9 B似乎不是不再谨慎小心
    7 \$ o. i# W. v1 rno more circumspect后面似乎省略了 than X,是一个比较。
    4 l0 D+ g9 A! x6 z比较:German commanders were not cricumspect any longer.
    , g, A3 w0 E* Y0 C6 S后面一句说的是不再谨慎小心。
    : w2 j3 l* c$ I
    , d& _7 r0 j# e# B但是从上下逻辑看,后边是德国将军xxx炫耀说,我们我们只有一次被苏联人突袭,第一句翻译为德国人再谨慎不过了似乎更符合逻辑
    $ T* t) @% j. {2 o  {- l
    4 \7 D1 R( c' [& |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------& H& b: o1 o) B3 s6 V
    上面说过这是一个比较句,完整的句型是——1 L, a7 c2 d, d% n7 Z
    X prove/be no more circumspect than Y
    * P* I8 q2 K, g# c/ K谁跟谁比较要看 X、Y分别是谁
    . D- ^- g8 n5 c$ K: m1 g$ T: F" P' \6 i( {
    再谨慎不过的说法应该是         cannot be too cautious/careful& y0 i+ ~# U1 L# _2 Y- K6 @

    , \+ R( N3 W5 D一定拙见,请不吝赐教。
    0 r9 \5 f( O: f


    发表于 2020-2-24 17:18:21 | 显示全部楼层
    德军指挥官原来也并非是考虑周密。而是因为他们破解了俄军的密码,能提前得知俄军的行动。/ S9 m$ \+ T6 |" d' P. h
    circumspect, thinking very carefully about something before doing it, because there may be risks involved.
  • TA的每日心情
    2022-7-8 10:39
  • 签到天数: 171 天


    发表于 2020-3-1 11:39:01 | 显示全部楼层
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