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[词典讨论] Karen(卡伦)的俚语意义,爱起英文名字的要小心哦



发表于 2020-6-19 11:15:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 klwo2 于 2020-6-19 11:15 编辑
7 _1 W* v1 |" Q. g9 v! ]0 k2 C0 j0 }  b2 Y& z$ }2 A4 ^4 U$ Z
3 E7 H7 w4 v+ U! H$ r& ?. Z  K! d, W; T
0 o6 y, y2 S6 v8 v如果查稍早时候的Urban Dictionary,卡伦还是个人见人爱的角色:
0 M) d+ x3 ]& @/ b/ A! D0 l- x5 d( k$ G  I5 j
Karen- o7 u% m2 u, v, b* D
Karen is the perfect woman. She has no flaw. She's funny, sweet, smart as hell, and above all, she is extremely gorgeous. She doesn't let anyone push her around and she has a great personality. She has some awesome goals set and always wins my heart. Has great taste in guys. Don't listen to what the other jack-off put. Everybody loves Karen.
: X# E0 H0 W/ W
不料,这几个月英美闹Covid-19,搞出了一大堆新词新意就算了,Karen 这个普通女性名字不幸遭殃,居然成了「女性防疫猪队友」的化身,the Atlantic 报导:
% C7 Q. S8 a- I1 Z2 m5 n
How ‘Karen’ Became a Coronavirus Villain8 J& s. F2 D# L5 }# X

3 u+ p6 y) G5 h: v2 W( v2 ~A popular joke about entitled white women is now a big pandemic meme.
( X6 U6 |( P% H$ h
https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2020/05/coronavirus-karen-memes-reddit-twitter-carolyn-goodman/611104/1 P; k# t( Z$ ^- _
9 l& W" J6 L' B7 M+ }& D) L
latimes 专栏:3 p4 i( r9 l) r- z& s$ d
6 D& e# m/ e: ~* t6 N
Column: Is the ‘Karen’ meme sexist? Maybe, but it’s also apt
3 B2 ]& e( V; v) {; Z) n
https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2020-05-23/column-karen-meme-white-women-behaving-badly" ]; n9 E# Z7 X

' Z, W  [) V5 \哗啦啦,我的鳄鱼泪都要流下来啦
, j3 ], }, Q/ {. X2 H( M( D5 l" a8 F/ L4 {% d3 D
不过好在原本就叫Karen的人并没有真的被这事儿困扰,只不过偶尔囧囧的怪怪的……2 ?* F  r" }. c  L( V
) X, X( ^  @% a+ Q. c. D* v
; Q" E- |5 v9 h9 F9 t9 G
6 |3 z$ }. i) l/ f/ [0 SSo how do actual people named Karen feel about this?
  d/ Q, }5 A" {: v% m; F2 s/ M, V/ u' R
Sun told CNN no one has ever seriously called them a "Karen." Sure it comes up, they said, and sometimes they use it jokingly. But they don't think it's a slur at all.
1 L/ }" V& i0 ]6 y& Y! ?, T; v7 |( `0 K8 l, R
"There's no real systemic oppression there," they said. "It won't prevent you from getting married, or getting health care, you're just acting entitled and rude and that's why you're getting called a 'Karen.'"

" t3 S; i) [: h  ~' u% t喂鸡百科在今年4月份出现了「Karen (slang)」这个词条,喂鸡百科真是学英语不得不备的呀:
# t7 ]% E. T5 N9 U* s, s: }0 N3 ^) K* s9 }/ Q
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karen_(slang)5 N, _2 d/ L6 H1 T( W* J- s4 Q% D" R
, O5 _3 Y9 e" u2 c' b
Karen is a term used in the United States for a woman perceived to be entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is considered appropriate or necessary. A common stereotype is that of a racist white woman who uses her privilege to get her own way at the expense of others. Depictions also include demanding to "speak to the manager", being an anti-vaxxer, or having a particular bob cut hairstyle. As of 2020, the pejorative has increasingly been used as a general-purpose term of disapproval for middle-aged upper-middle-class white women.

9 j& K3 B/ d8 R这里说,Karen 主要指颐指气使型的白人女性,动不动就「你们经理人在哪里?本宫我要投诉!哼!!」
0 |3 H5 S# v- `! t, {
" M' F: U: ?* T( v* e这种以自我为中心的娇贵人儿到处晃悠,自然是口罩也不戴,手也不洗,看见别个戴口罩洗手还一肚子怒火,爱去海滩就去,爱上超市买买买就上,哪儿人多,专望哪儿扎堆,人挤人人山人海人人人人……然后就中招了
% z+ n+ t& c0 R" V- P* h0 ~, p& C" V. u
7 k: p- T& P6 }  S5 O& v& z
" U( y2 r- W3 Q  p& u' l
Green's Dictionary of Slang% k/ S5 w. Y7 j
Karen n.
6 i' s( R% S% r* M  Q$ G1 O- n4 M! L- H" u- ]
[the stereotyping of the given name as (upper-)middle-class (in US)]
  l  ?7 R& Y, \6 e" F; h" d(orig. US) an over-privileged (upp-)middle-class mother, stereotyped as invariably demanding to ‘see the manager’ when unhappy with service, e.g. in a supermarket, by a person of colour.$ V" M" i" G) l, b4 E# x
  f5 e; L6 }: H& F9 U
3 ]$ y5 G# l1 H7 ]4 M        Urban Dict. 13 Mar. [Internet] karen typically never a name given to a baby but somehow karen always turns up asking to see the manager.% A) x% {) w" T8 y: J; R) }$ g6 [
7 K9 l) V$ C9 L2 u9 M8 L4 v        Guardian 13 Apr. [Internet] ‘Karen’ is commonly used in the US to refer to a strident middle-class white woman who talks down to people of colour, usually in serving-staff positions.
: A6 B9 J+ F) D5 o
2 l. q1 A6 I( J0 g9 m0 X3 [1 P# l5 @2 q
想看到这个解释,记得 下载 nhb42上个月才发布的Green's Dictionary of Slang: Online Edition, 2020!!(顺便给作者加分送米~)7 I& y) `0 Q& f
——————————————————————————————————————————————————; Q1 m! C1 L" ]" ~

' w+ @1 ?7 T/ D好端端的一个姓名,就这样华丽转身变负面了,喜欢起英文名字的要注意赶赶时髦呀~
; p1 D# `7 N7 x7 O/ H0 g. Q0 h6 ^) K# K0 h/ R' z: p
搬出The Oxford Dictionary of Family Names in Britain and Ireland 看一看:% I9 }  m& Y6 S, d/ d* U# E

' l& g! h3 @4 {% P$ o0 n
Karen2 L- {7 ]$ B( o9 A; h
( |3 q/ y8 Y' T- ]• Current frequencies: GB 61, Ireland 4
4 @( M$ y  s+ r. w* ?: q1 ]• GB frequency 1881: 1 ; U$ |+ f( Y3 h& p0 s9 m
1 Irish or Manx: unexplained.
9 @. ~4 R& `! c: T( s6 tEarly bearers: Henry Karen, 1600 in IGI (Padstow, Cornwall); Francis Karen, 1629 in IGI (East Newlyn, Cornwall); John Karen, 1784 in IGI (Douglas, IoM); Mart Karen in Census 1841 (IoM); Edward Karen in Census 1851 (Renfrews); Patt Karen, born in Ireland, in Census 1871 (Staffs); Patrick Karen, born in Dublin, Ireland, in Census 1901 (London). 2 The rapid increase in frequency of this name during the second half of the 20th century may be due to immigration, but if this is right, the source is unidentified: perhaps the Karen people from SE Burma.

7 f) s& X$ F7 U- W) m% I这名儿是20世纪下半叶才火起来的,并不是什么历史悠久的大姓,喜欢起英文名的没有必要非起这个不可嘛~
0 o/ E4 Y- W- B# M/ j7 a* y% x: l& s- Y, g" t( l, ?/ v/ l
  • TA的每日心情
    2020-9-30 15:12
  • 签到天数: 636 天


    发表于 2020-6-19 14:50:31 | 显示全部楼层
    John, Dick, Cherry... 现在又多了个Karen。真是防不胜防。
  • TA的每日心情
    2019-10-12 09:43
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2020-6-22 14:50:34 | 显示全部楼层

    5 C$ T+ m1 i: P4 y/ W; VJohn, Dick, Cherry, Karen任何一个只要当了美国总统,或者世界知名,那么即可改写这个名字的种种负面意思
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