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  • TA的每日心情
    2021-1-11 21:26
  • 签到天数: 313 天


    发表于 2020-7-5 18:04:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    IT WAS A MUSEUM, in a way like any other, this Musée de l’Homme, Museum of Man, situated on a pleasant eminence with, from the restaurant plaza in back, a splendid view of the Eiffel Tower.& B  r1 Y* k* Z) {
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-4-6 14:30
  • 签到天数: 563 天


    发表于 2020-7-6 05:52:03 | 显示全部楼层
    回复楼主,小子不才,学习英语仅仅几年,有幸为楼主答疑。但句式语法全忘,略表歉意。5 k* Z9 b7 [- i
    It was a museum, in a way like any other, this Musée de l’Homme, Museum of Man, situated on a pleasant eminence with, from the restaurant plaza in back, a splendid view of the Eiffel Tower.7 a) P. ]  C8 X) R' t/ \( K# H  K% A
    整句去除修饰语后是It was a museum situated on a eminence  with  a splendid view of the Eiffel Tower..2 b/ N( X+ \- ^. A. h6 m
    It was a museum(, in a way like any other,) (this Musée de l’Homme, Museum of Man,) situated on a pleasant eminence with(, from the restaurant plaza in back,) a splendid view of the Eiffel Tower.% C. m$ n1 O; d9 j; [+ {
    值得点出的的是(this Musée de l’Homme, Museum of Man,), Musée de l’Homme为该博物馆的法语名,作者为英语学习者解释,翻译为了Museum of Man, N3 I. T3 p( j( Z4 w: j' [: J
    (, from the restaurant plaza in back,)做出了对博物馆地理位置的修饰,时对其卓越的激励位置的补充5 W2 K; e" U& e& j  u: F# y" y  w
    顺便做个小译:; G7 e( X( t: f7 `
    It was a museum, in a way like any other, this Musée de l’Homme, Museum of Man, situated on a pleasant eminence with, from the restaurant plaza in back, a splendid view of the Eiffel Tower.
    " u1 r4 u1 g6 F. M与其他博物馆相同,Musée de l’Homme这座博物馆(即Museum of Man)坐拥着卓越的地理位置,从它背后的美食广场望去是埃菲尔铁塔的绝妙景色。




  • TA的每日心情
    2021-4-24 08:20
  • 签到天数: 634 天


    发表于 2020-7-6 08:31:33 | 显示全部楼层


    对,eminence记3个词义,1个[U], 2个[C],一般乌合之众只知道第一个  发表于 2020-7-6 13:03
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-4-6 14:30
  • 签到天数: 563 天


    发表于 2020-7-6 18:03:05 | 显示全部楼层


    瑕不掩瑜  发表于 2020-7-7 10:26
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