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[词典讨论] food security/food insecurity



发表于 2020-12-28 10:51:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
「food security/food insecurity」这一组词很容易联想成中文的「食品安全」,联想成有没有化学添加剂、有没有瘦肉精之类的问题
2 D* F) l: Y" G0 T- K. k5 k0 I
% I# [& F+ c3 d* F不过中文的「食品安全」实际上对应的是「food safety」
$ n4 D+ G1 J( |& f+ D) E! Q) {: E& z+ ]7 _* a
「food security/food insecurity」是一组政治黑话,意思就是「老百姓饿不饿肚子,饿死没饿死」4 X% P! r& X: }9 ^9 j2 \! ?% c

6 E# B6 }" I% c; L4 e5 P* xTime:
) z( M2 z( l& Q) P
* N; G. k* Q7 p$ t( B" x' bMillions of Americans Face Food Insecurity. The Biden Administration Must Make Helping Them a Priority* P5 s8 N, q! Y: _

! h# x; p, f2 z, h" ?(Americans 能做「挨饿」的主语,可谓2020奇观)
8 o; I: X3 q' \3 d. U: n' @' K1 U' d9 g( Z* l& N' \- F. D) p% w
这不就是牛津高阶9里的例句翻版吗?7 S: {. r; ?1 L) z4 h+ k

! w/ K( l* V7 CMillions will face starvation next year as a result of the drought.  F+ n- y; K+ N: N
- c' g% I4 T5 {% q$ W
由于发生旱灾,明年将有数百万人面临饥饿的威胁。9 g4 @! B  S' ^% Y7 Z- |" H

" s( o3 S. s" b+ x7 d( i9 p! r  R- @. l3 l5 ^
可惜牛津高阶9的译者放着好好的中文不说,「明年将有数百万人挨饿/快要饿死」,非要东施效颦说什么「面临饥饿的威胁」,可以推测,再过几年,「面临粮食不安全的威胁」这样的句子也会频频亮相的2 p& V& g4 Q2 c- `  t3 c2 u8 ?" O! M
8 g! I) R9 l) X/ \( \7 u" G9 V8 n
21世纪大英汉词典只收food insecurity:食品无保障(指因无法得到均衡食谱)。
# |9 L4 g8 u) V) ]1 x" O: j5 y+ ^9 G2 W6 \
21世纪大英汉这是被政治黑话迷惑了,其实nutritious、均衡并不是要点,affordable、reliable、sufficient 才是要点呀!* _( D  |6 t7 R) L- Y( q7 A& m

  Y+ K* B1 p5 d# y  n剑桥英汉:" `9 i- C& P- l& L& C, r' U& q4 I

. }; w6 c3 D# P' I% W3 J" j5 [  k& p7 G
% {# V1 `" s* s


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 楼主| 发表于 2020-12-28 11:45:47 | 显示全部楼层
RickVincent 发表于 2020-12-28 11:07
) N( K* M+ ~: Y9 [% m( Q& j8 r: w感谢K大科普。基本理解就是宏观的粮食安全与否。。。
4 X' N% @, F, [* \( H* ]* @6 O

9 h0 F; W: Q+ |政治黑话,可不就是「说得通,可偏偏不是老百姓口头说的话」吗" r2 u- ?# F' M. N! I6 e# I  y
0 e/ K/ O& q1 C4 r1 C# ?( a& L
口语里谁拿形容词secure表达「我不饿,我吃得很饱」呢?, H/ I% O/ W8 E; P( m
' l2 R# G) W2 V
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    发表于 2020-12-28 11:07:16 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2022-9-25 21:09
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    发表于 2020-12-28 21:39:27 | 显示全部楼层
    https://www.peacecorps.gov/educa ... sues-food-security/
    7 O; o3 p4 ?: H( I  J* z
    ! A  a4 |9 K  C: o# [
    According to the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), food security means having, at all times, both physical and economic access to sufficient food to meet dietary needs for a productive and healthy life (2). Put more simply, families are able to afford and obtain enough nutritious food. A family is food secure when its members do not live in hunger or fear of hunger (2).. P+ {+ g0 }/ N' n3 P- y

    5 R7 M! i6 U5 w$ [5 Z& dThe World Health Organization (WHO) defines three main aspects of food security. 1 @2 r4 Q' x# Y1 G$ r! M9 o' }% J, o

    0 X, F4 P  h" H; a3 l* B0 u3 jThe first is food availability,having a sufficient supply of food available on a consistent basis (3).4 w, a1 d. \+ |

    # |$ P0 ]* |* R; K4 LThe second aspect of food security is food access, having sufficient resources to obtain appropriate foods for a nutritious diet (3).
    4 q( C9 p& R. J0 I# S( R9 s, ^7 w6 x  j' `" `1 o
    The final aspect of food security is known as food utilization, or consuming a nutritious diet. This means that people make appropriate use of food, based on knowledge of basic nutrition and care, and have access to water and sanitation for preparing food and maintaining proper hygiene (3).

    9 H! H( a  l: q; F" f/ n
    ; o& E% n: i! U* i6 p节录一些定义,有兴趣建议看原文。
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