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[语言求助] circumstantial voice,我想知道中文里把这个语态方面的术语翻译成啥呢?谢谢指教

  • TA的每日心情
    2022-2-7 08:49
  • 签到天数: 243 天


    发表于 2021-1-18 16:53:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    circumstantial voice,查遍国内词典而不得。。。。谢谢指教!


    发表于 2021-1-18 19:42:22 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 klwo2 于 2021-1-18 19:47 编辑
    # Y1 p; g" c3 b* L, x, R9 @. _, V, C" |  |2 R" G
    老兄,可以用读秀查的呀……. d8 F+ R4 o( z7 L

    # R& d4 X- S' e' V9 L) X: k+ E! S0 s0 y2 U7 [: x! M0 ~

    . P6 g/ @7 C7 M. H: T: A: ~" E+ \. v2 H# i
    + d1 P% m8 t7 i3 h

    7 s2 G7 _- v) V- _# M可见学界习惯用「环境」对译circumstantial& C/ J& c  x% D( K2 G$ _" Y. I

    0 C3 v1 [4 |5 |! T当然了这些文献基本上都是韩礼德学派的,难免有人要问,circumstantial voice 的circumstantial 是不是就是韩礼德的circumstantial?
    ) S9 C8 l+ S9 L" X9 `" e8 N! F* ?
    ! @' S8 A& _8 i3 Y0 O这也不难证明。
    % w* v, F5 G! H) T- V* z6 W  x+ Z: N) F8 Y$ z
    The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Linguistics:* l' g+ B: G( T

    ! T8 ~  K* `& Q, p
    circumstantial (Adverb, adverbial) . t- M4 c- W- Y) N7 D2 B' W& K
    which indicates the external setting, in space and time especially, of an event etc. E.g. both in Chicago and yesterday are circumstantial elements in We met her in Chicago yesterday. From French, where ‘circonstant’ or ‘complément circonstanciel’ would be variously applied to these and other adjuncts (1) forming the periphery (1) of a clause.
    4 o  @/ ?4 n" h1 M* n% E, ?. J
    1 h7 s7 K) I& B. x& @) v. D& L
    从这个定义可以看出,韩礼德的circumstantial 就是该词典定义的circumstantial ,上头第二张图可证。. J& x. e8 ?+ B0 |, c4 I  }
      @1 M9 f; f4 a8 S) q1 D
    再说circumstantial voice 的circumstantial,喂鸡百科的定义好像有点毛病,我看了External links那里,文章里讲了马达加斯加语里的Circumstantial Passive:  P3 V/ l8 {# e& j9 R% N

    4 O" C; R" e6 F8 G( M; j
    In Malagasy, the subject comes last, as seen with the placement of Rasoa above. Now we’ll do an ordinary passive, with the direct object ‘the clothes’ becoming the subject (and therefore appearing at the end of the sentence):) p, R9 [3 V  H0 a' A; f
    $ g) q1 b# T& F: |  K2 l$ ^$ Q3 Y' E
    sasana-dRasoa              amin’  ity    savony ity    ny   lamba9 M9 J# P. Y( i7 D5 q/ U" H! T; V7 o
    wash.PASS-by-Rasoa  with    this  soap     this  the  clothes! v4 j. X+ G0 b( K# Z2 {+ L3 P2 P, E4 S$ z
    ‘The clothes are washed with this soap by Rasoa’
    3 S3 r7 a* @3 P+ [: K
    + e% N7 x, r+ f7 ]2 gNow what if you wanted to make ‘this soap’ the subject? In English, you can’t. It’s not just that ‘this soap’ is the object of a preposition instead of a direct object: Sentences like This bed has been slept in or We were fired upon are quite common. But for some reason it just doesn’t work when the verb takes a direct object as well as a prepositional phrase. You end up with something weird like This soap was washed-the-clothes-with by Rasoa. For this soap to be the subject, you have to do a major workaround, something like This soap was used by Rasoa to wash the clothes. In Malagasy, though, it’s not a problem. You just have to have the right tool, and that tool is the circumstantial passive.
    ) w0 x/ u% c; c5 \) q1 `0 g

    # j9 ^; O6 f6 v; O不难看出,这个circumstantial 也是词典定义的circumstantial ,那就套用汉译「环境」呗


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  • TA的每日心情
    12 小时前
  • 签到天数: 1353 天


    发表于 2021-1-18 22:25:10 | 显示全部楼层
    看国内翻译韩礼德的功能语法理论对我来说是一场灾难;不知道楼主所指circumstantial voice是否和 transfer verbs有关:例如 “Most of the transfer verbs undergo argument alternation between the recipient/goal and the transported theme by means of locative/circumstantial voice (LV/CV) marking.” 这里的circumstantial voice场景语等同于locative  voice定位语。
  • TA的每日心情
    2022-2-7 08:49
  • 签到天数: 243 天


     楼主| 发表于 2021-1-18 23:13:07 | 显示全部楼层
    @L'agun @klwo2 感激两位的指教,我对独秀的利用能力的确有待提高。我读到的文章涉及到被动语态中宾语的升格,主语的降格和删除等,因而似乎符合喂鸡百科,所以我不确定是否能用韩礼德的功能语法术语的中文翻译。。。
  • TA的每日心情
    2022-2-7 08:49
  • 签到天数: 243 天


     楼主| 发表于 2021-1-18 23:46:46 | 显示全部楼层
    ' v1 i$ j# }4 j1 j谢谢两位的热心指点!


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