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[词典考据] google translate(英文界面Google美国)的英文释义来自哪里呢?

匿名  发表于 2021-8-1 14:15:13 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 匿名 于 2021-8-1 16:40 编辑 . B0 N6 {) r  q3 ^0 J- A1 a4 x

! s8 ]# T1 M6 k  |4 ]2 e- ?& d比如查freestyle(这个单词我Google了一下,多指体育运动),下面有英文释义:
( Y7 C6 h9 L! J; e: |; \/ f) ^+ i! }( k2 C
Definitions of freestyle4 M* k: A- e5 r$ H2 F" p. A
, c5 i6 l7 K: d. [: `6 i1" ]4 p7 Q$ j. j7 c. o
denoting a contest or version of a sport in which there are few restrictions on the moves or techniques that competitors employ., N, A, ~4 {  C8 ?5 c
freestyle wrestling4 T0 v3 m2 ]( `# ^/ b
Noun8 a# `+ @! k! p! K  l+ c  S5 K
19 ^% s1 n& X( V2 t  O
a contest in which there are few restrictions, in particular a swimming race in which competitors may use any stroke.
; Z; c' F) L) R4 H: i8 tthe men's 100 m freestyle  I5 h: g  S% m$ l$ f9 m& P

3 W9 h/ k# B5 X2 l! ?; qExamples of freestyle
$ t- {7 Q! w$ {' R

+ y1 q  X- p& p) @# @the men's 100 m freestyle
6 w, s2 I5 `% h- n& A# O& M, M5 r2 Z) p# y( {% E
freestyle wrestling
" s1 B- T1 W( T) o/ F$ M) P/ F: M, A- x/ V( ]* `
不知道这里的英文释义来自哪部词典呢?(英文释义的义项排序有问题,不过下面的简明例句(Examples of freestyle)看起来一目了然)+ }" j# {2 x3 w1 F. W7 V) @. W
6 _. h8 B# L4 r' F7 f4 y
PS: 很多词典查不到发音的单词,可以点击Google translate的发音喇叭做出比较正确的发音, 比如ROG
  • TA的每日心情

    2021-7-8 21:03
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    发表于 2021-8-1 16:15:51 | 显示全部楼层
    和 Google英文搜索界面搜索"英文单词 + meaning" 一樣的來源




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