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[语言求助] come away believing何意?

  • TA的每日心情
    2023-2-15 04:29
  • 签到天数: 72 天


    发表于 2021-10-15 21:28:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    Walking along the beach, you see what looks like a picture of Winston Churchill in the sand. It could be that, as in the opening pages of Hilary Putnam’s book Reason, Truth, and History, (1981), what you see is actually the trace of an ant crawling on the beach. The much simpler, and therefore (you think) much better, explanation is that someone intentionally drew a picture of Churchill in the sand. That, in any case, is what you come away believing.
    2 M- d. X( ?) ?+ W) j: c4 ?6 X  ?
    词典上come away没一个对得上的。
  • TA的每日心情
    昨天 12:56
  • 签到天数: 861 天


    发表于 2021-10-16 09:13:55 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 fydy01 于 2021-10-16 16:07 编辑
    % ^9 y+ w+ w  k: ^
    ) q! g3 n, a7 }& dWalking along the beach, you see what looks like a picture of Winston Churchill in the sand. It could be that, as in the opening pages of Hilary Putnam’s book Reason, Truth, and History, (1981), what you see is actually the trace of an ant crawling on the beach. The much simpler, and therefore (you think) much better, explanation is that someone intentionally drew a picture of Churchill in the sand. That, in any case, is what you come away believing.
    ) j1 e( U) f; `& @5 c沿着海滩行走,你看到沙子上有一张看起来像温斯顿·丘吉尔的照片。可能正如希拉里·普特南的《理性、真相与历史》(1981年)一书的开篇所说,你看到的其实是一只蚂蚁在沙滩上爬行的痕迹。越简单的解释,(你认为)就越好,因此就是有人故意在沙地上画了一幅丘吉尔的画。无论如何,这就是你离开时所相信的。
      Z, Z5 q' [9 Q5 o0 i- q+ M5 R* r* \( t5 f
    此处come away的意思并不复杂,就是“离开”,一般词典上都有解释。come away表示“离开”,跟常见表示“离开”的go away,区别在于,说话人所在的角度、立足点的不同。例如:
    1 h2 u1 L* B; M0 |- E( h+ u& c& C; ]5 l
    When did you come away from the tea party? 你什么时候离开茶话会的?  3 }2 ]1 O0 D1 T  k8 @& i
    5 W& _4 B9 i8 ]! M" ~" \: E5 @$ L3 a6 g) N: @
    而go away 所表示的“离开”,则是最常用的,几乎没有约束,可以用于各种场合。例如:2 t3 R* j. u) N) u# [: o3 S

    7 Q4 u4 j2 k9 C; ]2 B9 kWe talked for a while and he went away.我们聊了一会儿,他就走了。3 d* V: P+ M+ G2 F$ s
    When did you go away from that house?你什么时候离开那所房子的?
    ' I. [4 U. _1 g* I# S$ Z, G1 X" ]
    另外,come away表示“离开”,往往同时还“带着某种感觉或想法”,后面可以接doing sth. 或者 with sth.结构。例如:5 i( A' p& D' N' ~6 {
    & y9 i0 ^% O; b# h" n) [( n
    We came away thinking that we had done quite well. 我们离开时感觉我们做得很不错。" g- Y) u& J" q( x, c
    I came away from the meeting feeling uncomfortable. 我极不自在地离开了会场。) O, Y( X2 G# N6 I6 a' ]* M$ H

    8 C/ s& x( Y7 |' `4 C$ g1 y; ^# h上文中的例子也是如此。
    7 t! Q3 {& L: r
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-6-11 12:43
  • 签到天数: 1541 天


    发表于 2021-10-15 21:38:05 | 显示全部楼层
    We come away thinking that we had done quite well.我们离开时感觉我们做得很不错。(LODCE)
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-2 07:42
  • 签到天数: 1092 天


    发表于 2021-10-16 10:10:45 | 显示全部楼层
    Oxford Dictionary of English 3e6 p& D1 W, O' B: Y- k4 t

    ' f- N( F. t: O. D9 e) s  D9 o. ?
    come away! t& y1 i4 k0 S3 a9 B* M

    ( m% N1 F$ F" `8 T% nBe left with a specified feeling, impression, or result after doing something:
    6 y  j3 `# z5 c9 P- ?  ?⇒ she came away feeling upset
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