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[语言求助] 这句话没看懂

  • TA的每日心情
    2023-2-15 04:29
  • 签到天数: 72 天


    发表于 2023-4-11 11:57:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    We have to accept responsibility for how to live with the hand we are dealt.
    : G) d3 E/ j) A- [' M- T
    # w  {2 `# }7 f) c0 c0 u: M# T3 A


    发表于 2023-4-11 15:44:35 | 显示全部楼层
    "the hand" here means "the hand of cards"; "that we are dealt" means "that we have". Basically it means "play the cards as they are dealt (to you)". It's often heard in movies. 6 r0 I; o2 U5 o
    & j* A% R. N7 N, R
    : n6 t& ~+ K3 ~& Y5 ?, w" ?9 t' ]. L


    发表于 2023-4-11 12:52:21 | 显示全部楼层
    Answer from Bing Chat
    3 h# W5 n/ Y- _) f, P1 U) S1 R1 f! }+ L% x
    One possible way to rephrase the text is: We cannot escape the consequences of the situation we face. We have to deal with it in the best way possible.
    6 \! N1 d. B: N$ k
    ! X- n, F; u0 BThe meaning of ‘hand’ in the text you gave before depends on the context and the usage of the phrase ‘the hand we are dealt’. According to the search results12, this phrase is an idiom that means ‘the situation we face’ or ‘the circumstances we are given’. It comes from the card game of poker, where each player is dealt a hand of cards that they have to play with. So, ‘the hand we are dealt’ is a metaphor for the things we cannot control in life, such as our genes, our family, our environment, etc. In this context, ‘hand’ does not refer to the body part, but to the set of cards.. M) @0 Q0 G+ B8 Y' \: k+ X
    0 U, G+ }; ~. C! V! |

    ! R; N8 ^1 g, c9 p! f  J- K韦氏词典 deal5 V6 B$ |+ }* Z4 h1 B$ O
      p; ]! j' {0 M9 \$ `
    : to give cards to the players in a card game 发牌
    ) v! }$ [+ o0 v: [0 g* A1 ]% z( f- u* z7 l' M
    — often used figuratively: W; V" U/ N2 [9 Y
    1 T% d2 A7 F- U- a
    She was dealt a bad/cruel/terrible hand in life. [=many bad things happened to her throughout her life]
    ) J: x' ^# h9 M$ @7 m她生平遇到了很多糟糕/残酷/可怕的事情。. }9 G  t5 n1 K; F, w4 Z* w2 {
    ; q% ]" ~  U$ O* n; h6 ], m& f
    You have to play the hand you're dealt. [=you must accept and deal with the things that happen to you in your life]
    2 l- R( |8 p* Q$ G  K3 l) ?4 l你的人生有什么样的一手牌,你都得玩下去。
    5 j) ]: `3 W) @: V: S/ J7 [8 a
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