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[词典科普] The Kodansha Kanji Dictionary 講談社漢英字典



发表于 2023-5-28 13:27:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
这本字典在我的硬盘上躺了很久了,有人说缺个六一礼物,那这套就算六一礼物吧。5 E; `9 @) E; W5 }+ k# D
% y* h' D4 O" m$ ?
. c; A2 O& d5 P1 O( u
6 g. S8 F/ p( h* S8 v字典的特色是什么呢?用作者的话说,就是:
- z2 K9 z5 {7 ?( z9 m
8 k: ]  l% P9 Z  c8 M
Modern linguistic theory has been effectively integrated with sophisticated information technology to produce a powerful tool that can be used by learners and educators with equal ease. For the first time, users have at their fingertips a wealth of information on kanji that is linguistically accurate, easy to use, and carefully adapted to their practical needs.
0 O0 t3 z! R7 I$ }8 |7 T$ G4 XThanks to these and other features, this is the most in-depth and most comprehensive kanji-English dictionary ever compiled.
0 m2 V; S0 J7 @1 I
作者动了很多心思,结合语言学成果,精心设计了不少功能,让全书的体例贴合学汉字的人的需求。书中还有丰富的附录。; {7 q$ q- L4 n& N/ Z& h

# E9 v( {- \- N4 c. d3 L: K2 J& {+ D( i  A( F0 t

! n6 k  p1 D: C! o: v! s这字典是给学日语的人编的,我们主要看看它的独特体例,省得想起汉英词典,总是《现代汉语词典》汉英版的样子。至于其他的收获,就看个人啦。
' |& P9 Y3 j8 ~: R6 s, D! O
& x$ E6 {* b- @最近我挺忙的,夸赞该字典的话就不多说了,慢慢体会吧
8 g( o$ M$ G" I9 t5 m( a. d9 d1 O9 w) y# |, H
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9 d% o7 k1 ^" z7 W( B0 ]- e, k( i


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发表于 2023-5-28 14:33:32 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Oeasy 于 2023-5-28 14:34 编辑
" E3 j: W9 [' `2 V
) o2 W1 D. ~2 ^$ ^$ I3 w4 C: U$ W/ x4 w7 M2 q- T4 b
讲谈社的 Furigana Japanese Dictionary 更是不错,适合有英语基础,又想入门日语的人。
; x! j: K' l/ O9 b& `9 }: R& `: P+ F: |0 S8 V

9 G! Y. q" e+ ^, O1 Y# b- L; |5 s& W: Y5 h& `* a& a




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