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[学习讨论] Smiley's People翻译2

  • TA的每日心情
    10 小时前
  • 签到天数: 735 天


    发表于 2023-12-3 07:09:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    By now the stranger had been staring down at her for some time, however. And he was staring at her still. “I have the misfortune to suffer in my back, monsieur,” she confided to him finally, in her slow and classically enunciated French. “It is not a large back but the pain is disproportionate. You are a doctor, perhaps? An osteopath?”
    6 Z1 W. `( G& H" t那人已经盯着她看了好一阵子,现在还在直勾勾地看着她。“先生,我很倒霉,脊椎酸痛,”最后她还是用一种推心置腹的口吻开了口。她的法语说得很慢,发音清晰,标准。“脊椎不大,却痛得厉害。你是医生吧?没准是个正骨科医生?”
    7 B  ?" w" X  ?
    ; d: o8 A3 p& t: P/ f( KThen she wondered, looking up at him, whether he was ill, and her joke out of place. An oily gloss glistened on his jaw and neck, and there was an unseeing self-obsession about his pallid eyes. He seemed to see beyond her to some private trouble of his own. She was going to ask him this—You are perhaps in love, monsieur? Your wife is deceiving you?—and she was actually considering steering him into a café for a glass of water or a tisane when he abruptly swung away from her and looked behind him, then over her head up the street the other way. And it occurred to her that he really was afraid, not just traqué but frightened stiff; so perhaps he was not a policeman at all, but a thief—though the difference, she knew well, was often slight.
    9 T7 i, ?  {4 h, A- F8 |( T说完,她抬头看着他,心想他是不是病了,如果是,那么她的玩笑就开得不合时宜了。他的下巴和脖子闪着油光,双眼无神,好像专注于什么事,而对别的一切都视而不见。他好像不是在看她,而是在想自己的什么麻烦事。“先生,你大概在谈恋爱吧?你妻子背叛你了?”她正准备这样问他,甚至考虑将他拉进咖啡馆喝杯水或花草茶(用晒干的植物叶或花泡制的茶————译注),就在这时,他突然将目光从她身上移开,先是转过身扫了眼,又从她头上看过去,向街道的另一边张望了一下。她忽然感到他好像很害怕,不只是担心有人抓他,而是对什么东西怕得要命。这样看来,他也许根本不是警察,而是小偷————尽管她很清楚这两者往往差别不大。
    7 P2 S6 x$ H2 Q' b
    ; I  t7 o/ W$ M6 Y8 I“Your name is Maria Andreyevna Ostrakova?” he asked her abruptly, as if the question scared him. “你叫玛丽亚·安德烈耶夫娜·奥斯特拉科娃?”他猝不及防地问了她一句,问话的口气仿佛这个问题倒把他自己吓到了。
    , G( O; H7 W- I/ u; g
    / B# G+ W8 T6 [: ?! nHe was speaking French but she knew that it was not his mother tongue any more than it was her own, and his correct pronunciation of her name, complete with patronymic, already alerted her to his origin. She recognised the slur at once and the shapes of the tongue that made it, and she identified too late, and with a considerable inward start, the type she had not been able to put her finger on.
    : _7 M$ W- [' z' n2 K8 Z2 _他说的是法语,但她知道,和她一样,法语并不是他的母语。他能说出她的名字,而且发音准确,甚至连她父亲的名字都知道(苏联人的名字多分三段:名字,源于父亲的名字,姓。这里的安德烈耶夫娜就是源于父亲的名字,说明她父亲的名字是安德烈耶夫————译注),这让她对他的来路产生了警觉。她一下子认出了他的发音和口型,心里猛然一激灵,之前一直无法确定他是哪种类型的人物,现在她终于明白了,可惜已经太晚了。
    " I6 o$ Y; K( |- S0 ?0 Z1 ~5 z0 P* S3 B
    “If it is, who on earth are you?” she asked him in reply, sticking out her jaw and scowling. & |$ b5 f7 o0 i6 V. s9 \% G
    “就算是,你到底是谁?”她下巴向前突出,沉下脸反问他。; u2 {) y* `$ e+ Z- l" ^
    ' G. Y1 h9 L- L3 d3 l! q& O4 w
    He had drawn a pace closer. The difference in their heights was immediately absurd. So was the degree to which the man’s features betrayed his unpleasing character. From her low position Ostrakova could read his weakness as clearly as his fear. His damp chin had set in a grimace, his mouth had twisted to make him look strong, but she knew he was only banishing an incurable cowardice. He is like a man steeling himself for a heroic act, she thought. Or a criminal one. He is a man cut off from all spontaneous acts, she thought.: @/ ~4 `& B( g3 L; Z; g4 o' X: L
    * E0 N- j, {% Z
    1 f; H$ C: z( N2 `, M1 }" O& x9 r“You were born in Leningrad on May 8, 1927?” the stranger asked./ K! j. \7 Q. n+ [- [2 n
    “你1927年5月8日出生在列宁格勒?”陌生人问。, {& O5 _8 [* }( I0 a4 J, `

    0 ?% C8 N6 Q1 n  r' M  \' XProbably she said yes. Afterwards she was not sure. She saw his scared gaze lift and stare at the approaching bus. She saw an indecision near to panic seize him, and it occurred to her—which in the long run was an act of near clairvoyance—that he proposed to push her under it. He didn’t, but he did put his next question in Russian—and in the brutal accents of Moscow officialdom.
    ' v* l& T$ t7 R当时她很可能说是,但事后又不确定说了什么。公交车来了,她看见那人抬头盯着它,眼里满是惊恐,犹豫不决,几近惊慌失措。她忽然有种感觉————从后来发生的事情来看,简直是先知先觉————那人打算将她推到车轮底下去。他倒是没有这样做,但问了下一个问题,用的是俄语,带着莫斯科官僚那种粗暴无礼的口音。) a4 o% W1 ?& }7 m2 B9 g

    # ]. h- i9 a  s( w  c“In 1956, were you granted permission to leave the Soviet Union for the purpose of nursing your sick husband, the traitor Ostrakov? Also for certain other purposes?”/ e( g4 R8 q) n# t5 j$ @. r
    . Y# `! @" Z) y" F- \$ D" L: N" j( u( `2 i7 a
    “Ostrakov was not a traitor,” she replied, cutting him off. “He was a patriot.” And by instinct she took up her shopping bag and clutched the handle very tight.0 W9 O6 i3 R0 O1 n1 t" V
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