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[使用求助] 如何把朗文双解修改成supermemo可用版?



发表于 2012-4-16 17:38:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
目前的版本,因为单词与音标之间还隔着词性等信息,导入到supermemo后,音标不能正常显示。把朗文双解修改成supermemo可用版的解决办法是,把如图所示Zdic词典里红色框所包含的部分删除掉。当然,如果能够把它移到音标下面去,制作的词典就更是原汁原味了。! ^. w; w- Q4 \$ }
以下以下是部分源文本:/ `3 w& k2 f/ K4 @- r- ?8 ]7 G
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'bout //STEBLUEFONT//'bout//STECURRENTFONT//\n //STEGRAYFONT//adv, prep//STECURRENTFONT// //STEPURPLEFONT// //STEGRAYFONT//spoken informal//STECURRENTFONT////STECURRENTFONT//\n/baut; ba//STEBITMAP=9014//t/ \n//STEBOLDFONT//1//STESTDFONT//. about //STEPURPLEFONT//【口,非正式】//STECURRENTFONT// 关于: \n\n //STEGRAYFONT//What are you talking 'bout? //STECURRENTFONT// 你在说什么? \n% ^3 {9 Y4 [# n! r% @9 M6 J
worship //STEBLUEFONT//wor·ship//STEREDFONT//1//STECURRENTFONT////STECURRENTFONT//\n //STEGRAYFONT//v past tense and past participle//STECURRENTFONT// worshipped , //STEGRAYFONT//present participle//STECURRENTFONT// worshipping //STEGRAYFONT//also//STECURRENTFONT// 又作 worshiped , worshiping //STEPURPLEFONT// //STEGRAYFONT//AmE//STECURRENTFONT// 【美】//STECURRENTFONT//\n///STEREDFONT//'//STECURRENTFONT//w//STEBITMAP=9020////STEBITMAP=9029////STEBITMAP=9016//p; //STEBOLDFONT//'//STESTDFONT//w//STEBITMAP=9018//://STEBITMAP=9029////STEBITMAP=9001//p/ \n//STEBOLDFONT//1//STESTDFONT//. [I,T] to show respect and love for a god, especially by praying in a religious building 敬奉(神)〔尤指在教堂、庙宇等祷告〕: \n\n //STEGRAYFONT//They all worship the same god. //STECURRENTFONT// 他们信奉同一个神。 \n
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+ ~0 s* i0 K  l. Q7 h1 z2 q+ g5 U8 c3 B& n2 y$ v  |9 t; T
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