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[词典讨论] The Oxford English Reference Dictionary



发表于 2013-9-9 18:47:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 Oeasy 于 2016-10-29 12:38 编辑
8 s  V& B7 X9 D+ o) f  j! p, w! ]& l, t8 {7 E

3 v7 j* m0 O' V. K- d: n) D. ?感谢 Langheping [英-英] 经典再现:The Oxford English Reference Dictionary 2nd Edition https://pdawiki.com/forum/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=14706
& K! i" e. w8 n9 U/ d+ D8 C& f# K+ W3 _  D9 K, X
; M( X( B  c1 G+ r, g& I7 f( Z: L注:以下内容语无伦次。
7 E  S& |: ^1 `" O8 @2 W- X===! u* q9 \) f" S0 Y, o
1995年的 The Oxford Encyclopedic English Dictionary封面:) d- O% d, n2 i& l

& S# Z6 M% ~  W  Y  u1 p$ F1999年的封面:, t# m! N# W" j

% O: l, ?# b2 X( N* ~) F2002年的封面:
# E0 \: c! x9 ]1 Y$ @& m% D, V3 l: Q3 V0 g2 z  X9 S! T
2002年的版权页:% {& b6 Y; Z# e+ r- ]' ], N
2 T, u+ k7 Y& v9 |- B7 N" m- ?, O+ D' S
+ i' s7 e- i6 q5 X2 Q& D
主编:Judy Pearsall, Bill Trumble
% H% j/ s; q" Z9 ^8 h/ \1991年有一本 The Oxford Encyclopedic English Dictionary
$ u1 C. X- G: u/ n. G: I, ~" X# Phttp://books.google.com.hk/books ... amp;ved=0CDYQ6AEwAQ
  W6 G# F/ d/ {9 S' U5 r' e
# x. I/ x8 @+ T1 D/ ~% eOERD第一版?和ODE3对比* z3 M7 N; t, u9 Z

8 m. Y+ M, J( \  y3 \) a$ z' I/ G4 ?- h4 S* }" T" G0 d4 }* Z8 @3 Y* \
* o4 ^& P/ w4 M% w2 Y9 E! hhttps://www.goodreads.com/book/s ... eference-dictionary
) m4 g- t2 y2 n! n" {& W) r( k$ [8 gThe Oxford English Reference Dictionary is a revised edition of the leading encyclopedic dictionary providing a comprehensive English dictionary (with more than 192,000 definitions) with proper name entries on people, places, science, the arts, politics, religion, and mythology. This updated revised edition also features a rebranded jacket illustrating the new series design for the Oxford English dictionary line.
, w* X% Z" y$ V8 v; r. O5 TThe Oxford English Reference Dictionary is more useful, more practical, and more informative than conventional dictionaries. It encompasses both contemporary and world English with up-to-date coverage of new words. Clear advice on English grammar, including full pronunciations, with fascinating facts about word origins is also included.- I2 N: m' X4 s- o0 z
But what makes the Oxford English Reference Dictionary truly stand apart from the Oxford English dictionary line are its encyclopedic qualities. A 16-page, full- color map section, including the latest border and name changes, is accompanied by a 100-page illustrated Factfinder with scores of quick-reference tables and illustrations: a chronology of world events, coverage of animal and plant kingdoms, astronomy, the human body, the solar system, the arts, architecture, music, and sports and games.(less)" ^( U2 Y8 H, I! z* v) q
Hardcover, 1804 pages
  ~( |; K8 F9 A! j) iPublished September 2nd 1999 by Oxford University Press4 o6 p+ s: l: u( j( W4 `* u
9 c0 t3 v1 S# U3 f+ k1 g6 \' |% B
2002年版本:/ ?4 e" w) J8 |
http://www.amazon.com/Oxford-Eng ... rsall/dp/0198606524
: g' c& o( B/ Khttp://www.amazon.co.uk/Oxford-E ... aries/dp/0198606524
% W1 H+ x- l9 T0 B6 V/ v老外网友对此典评价似乎不低。
9 [4 A" e/ }" [# U0 U3 _
6 h. c4 x- x0 P4 }. c1 i0 uhttp://www.abebooks.co.uk/978019 ... nary-0198606524/plp/ M8 Q' c$ z) N7 q% ]" V  y
http://books.google.com.hk/books ... tml?id=qDyxQgAACAAJ


 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-21 19:09:22 | 显示全部楼层
这里有个sdict格式的,http://sdict.com/en/view.php?file=oxford.dct ,转为mdict格式的方法见:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=349099


发表于 2014-2-21 21:03:47 | 显示全部楼层
Oeasy 发表于 2014-2-21 19:09 4 ?$ q9 W' k( \2 `. O( w6 C
这里有个sdict格式的,http://sdict.com/en/view.php?file=oxford.dct ,转为mdict格式的方法见:http://fo ...
3 `  K) @/ r7 ]- k! k- b

+ G$ d& L* G. v5 _3 m最近一些坛友与我交流,表达了想要学习制作词库的意愿,在这里给他们一个练习的机会:
( v. {$ d% {; H6 q% m( [) i: `SDict格式的转换需要装一些软件,有点麻烦。现在我把它转成文本了,编译出来的mdx排版很简陋,可以无上限改进:' y* W) G7 i5 ~; i) G- i
链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1qWAVukk 密码: kou3
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    发表于 2014-2-27 08:58:33 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2014-3-30 21:36:33 | 显示全部楼层
    thank you very much for the information...


    发表于 2014-3-30 23:14:53 | 显示全部楼层
    thanks again


    发表于 2015-11-21 10:18:32 | 显示全部楼层
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