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[词典讯] The Oxford Dictionary of PHRASE, SAYING, & QUOTATION

  • TA的每日心情
    2018-8-8 03:13
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2019-3-15 19:22:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 喬治兄 于 2019-3-15 19:41 编辑 % |5 D- u; j7 ?. J, h6 l
    ( H* C' _+ g2 x7 n
    1 Z& P& R( p: o  m6 D5 f# J6 I每當翻 Quotation 的書往往不知所云
    & n/ b0 y9 x/ M* V' ^但此書特點是有較多點的解釋其 Phrase, Saying, and Quotation  的意思或出處! {' n/ D9 Q& {- [8 `
    是其他 Quotation  的書比較看不到的意含
    : l$ J1 a) K6 y" M& p( g% @7 N或許是比較適合缺乏英美文學素養底子的人士0 k7 e8 @2 w% B

    & u" G! `+ Y$ S& O' \" B# d0 A3 i& h- U4 E4 t
    The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase, Saying, and Quotation Paperback – November 13, 1997
    " J  A' L  Q+ t- i3 X1 _by Elizabeth Knowles (Editor)3 s& o6 `3 g; r1 @
    Sometimes a good quote will do, such as "A man in love is incomplete until he has married. Then he's finished" (Zsa Zsa Gabor). Or perhaps "Marriage has many pains, but celibacy has no pleasures" (Samuel Johnson). Other times, a proverb seems just right, such as ""wedlock is a padlock" or "marriages are made in heaven" or "marry in haste, repent at leisure." Now, in The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase, Saying, and Quotation, readers and writers have over 10,000 quotations, proverbs, and phrases, in one convenient volume, the only such reference book available. 2 s' x9 S* O# b8 V$ b0 ?& [2 {
    The Dictionary covers over 350 themes, providing a wonderfully diverse range of topics, including actors and acting, animals, the arts, bores and boredom, elections, food and drink, kissing, madness, the past, schools, science, taxes, virtue, the weather, and youth. Thus, under Absence, we find quotations such as "The more he looked inside the more Piglet wasn't there" (A.A. Milne), proverbs "absence makes the heart grow fonder," and phrases "gone with the wind." Explanatory notes are given wherever needed, and cross-references point the reader to other relevant themes in the volume. Finally, readers can also consult two different indexes, one organized by author and one by keyword.2 @8 e2 Q2 E4 ]4 s5 ?
    Whether you are interested in ambition or conscience, madness or marriage, or business or politics, you will find here the quotation, proverb, or phrase that suits your needs. The Dictionary of Phrase, Saying, and Quotation belongs on the reference shelf of writers, public speakers, occasional toast givers, and everyone else who enjoys that which they've "often thought but never so well expressed."/ N4 Y! M$ r( o8 l  S

    1 H; P" b' k1 {; g2 g0 _( [' Q9 t6 @# n9 H+ R


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  • TA的每日心情
    2019-4-5 17:07
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2019-3-25 21:54:28 | 显示全部楼层
    nice job man
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