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发表于 2016-2-1 04:47:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


发表于 2016-2-1 09:03:33 | 显示全部楼层
7 \1 t. f% m1 K5 Q0 ]" i4 y/ J( a' k* g9 V
Windows Phone is dead By Tom Warren on January 28, 2016 05:59 pm @tomwarren 4 _/ n  a6 o" R+ R
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( ~( H6 I9 X  n% w$ W" TWindows Phone started off life as a promising alternative to Android and iOS five years ago. Microsoft positioned its range of Windows Phone 7 handsets as the true third mobile ecosystem, but it's time to admit it has failed. If a lack of devices from phone makers and even Microsoft itself wasn't enough evidence, the final nail in the coffin hit today. Microsoft only sold 4.5 million Lumia devices in the recent quarter, compared to 10.5 million at the same time last year. That's a massive 57 percent drop. Even a 57 percent increase wouldn't be enough to save Windows Phone right now.- q8 k9 Y* d/ v' Y% r. I6 ]
今年Lumia机子的销量大幅下滑57%。9 d( ^8 }* J2 h) p2 I7 G$ ]8 T
9 t# n  r! ]8 E- P6 ?' K1 H( P9 u( j' T

6 a3 H5 t" Z; L- u6 CMicrosoft and Nokia have sold a total of 110 million Windows Phones compared to 4.5 billion iOS and Android phones in the same period. IDC recently reported that 400 million phones were sold in the recent quarter, meaning just 1.1 percent of them were Lumia Windows Phones. Microsoft does not have any compelling Lumia handsets, and the Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL were both disappointing flagship devices with unfinished Windows 10 Mobile software.1 b9 J' {: v9 n
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With Lumia sales on the decline and Microsoft's plan to not produce a large amount of handsets, it's clear we're witnessing the end of Windows Phone. Rumors suggest Microsoft is developing a Surface Phone, but it has to make it to the market first. Windows Phone has long been in decline and its app situation is only getting worse. With a lack of hardware, lack of sales, and less than 2 percent market share, it's time to call it: Windows Phone is dead. Real Windows on phones might become a thing with Continuum eventually, but Windows Phone as we know it is done. It won't stop Microsoft producing a few handsets every year as a vanity project, but for everyone else it's the end of the line. Farewell, Windows Phone.+ l* t' f; j+ q9 ]4 q/ K4 }

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