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[词典讯] 汉字英释大辞典

  • TA的每日心情
    2019-12-27 19:51
  • 签到天数: 9 天


    发表于 2019-1-20 19:59:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    - X% e/ |8 k+ x& ahttp://book.ucdrs.superlib.net/v ... amp;fenlei=08021203% C: k$ T7 p* R0 d
    【作 者】吴光华主编+ e7 `/ G, B. R: @% Z
    【形态项】 1437% V8 p: G8 S5 U" z- }: M6 {
    【出版项】 上海:上海交通大学出版社 , 2002.01
    0 {# L/ k' a1 H【ISBN号】7-313-02899-76 Z. K5 \. r9 K
    9 R( b7 k4 v) |7 {% j【原书定价】178.00' t( E( ~& a& a1 c7 e
    【主题词】汉字 汉字 字典4 H6 r3 I0 K: l
    【参考文献格式】 吴光华主编. 汉字英释大辞典. 上海:上海交通大学出版社, 2002.01.
    0 E1 z9 o& N9 ~0 z内容提要:" O+ d, W- J$ M4 J; ~
    本书字典内容分为前言;体例;汉语拼音音节查字表;汉语拼音查字表;部首查字表;笔画查字表以及正文七部分。; i0 m  e! r  I, ?$ P: Y, ^" ]1 j
    # D5 A5 O1 z  U; u, I上海:上海交通大学出版社,2002 — 1676页% P+ K# ]! i! o/ U  ]5 g; t
    Shanghai: Shanghai Jiaotong University Press, 2002. - 1676 p./ x/ g0 M8 l/ S) `; q
    ISBN 7313028997《汉字英释大辞典》是一部用英文来解释汉字的汉英词典,它源于已经出版的《汉英大辞典》,经过诸多专家学者的8年努力,在《汉英大辞典》1100。个单字条目的基础上,把单字条目的数量提升到29000个,为汉英两种语言的使用者提供了前所未有的广阔空间,成为讫今为止国内外汉英词典中所列单字字头最多的一部词典。7 Q. g9 p1 q. w- W' t" t
    ) p. _& @0 N  P* V* A% X# ]随着时代的发展和中国经济实力的增强,中国与世界各国的交往越来越广泛,越来越密切,使用英语的中国人和使用汉语的外国人将越来越多,汉语热在许多国家兴起,汉语将成为世界上最强大的语言之一,发挥举足轻重的作用。为顺应这一历史潮流的发展,我们编写了这部《汉字英释大辞典》,以补充汉英词典的不足。With 29,000 entries and 100,000 phrases, this is the largest and most comprehensive Chinese chracters dictionary with English annotations or explanations, covering both social sciences and natural sciences. The most impressive feature of this dictionary is that readers can look up many rare Chinese characters not easily found in comparable dictionaries. The other important feature is that it provides many examples to illustrate the meanings and uses of the Chinese characters and set phrases with clear and accurate English translations. The entries are arranged in pinyin order, with both simplified and complex spellings wherever applicable, followed by Chinese definitions and English translations, and in many cases, by examples of sentences and phrases. There are four easy ways to find a Chinese character in the dictionary: by syllables, pinyin, radicals, and strokes.9 N, T3 M$ f5 ^! X  D! b: Z
    This dictionary is one of its kind and is an indispensable and worthy reference tool for individuals and organizations engaged in Asian or Chinese studies
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