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[建议/讨论] Group on WeChat, QQ, Telegram, give which one a try?

  • TA的每日心情
    2018-5-18 05:02
  • 签到天数: 27 天


    发表于 2019-7-5 23:54:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 GL_n 于 2019-7-9 18:48 编辑
    ) q4 L; H) u7 M- _* w' ~, { 8 o, {. Y( ~& T9 i
    PDAWIKI论坛上有不少热心于做词典的人,留下了一些做词典的经验帖子,对于新手学习做自己的词典有莫大的帮助,但这些帖子分散在各个地方,寻找起来比较费劲,且目前又缺乏志愿者做整理的工作,所以萌生了建立一个群组的想法,希望能让热心做词典的人集中在一起,然后,大家既可以及时、高效的交流经验,又可以增强社区的凝聚力,岂不快哉。当然,除了做mdx格式的词典,还可以发展一下做macOSX系统上的Dictionary格式的词典,这两方面的词典制作都颇有可研究和讨论之处。8 _/ T6 L5 P$ H; v& e

    ! b" g! {; G1 p另外,在既有的语料基础上制作完成一本词典后,一般而言,此成品远达不到完美显示的地步,仍需要对其展示的形式做不断的润色和修改。正如写一篇文章,文章所欲表达之内容确定后,还有一个大问题仍悬之于心,即文章的修辞和风格,二者皆乃形式之范,以此返观词典之制,所余者,则涉网页功能之调整,此又下辖三事:css,html,js。劳于此三事之力,或不亚于词典框架之确定。6 t' Y4 Y" I+ Z1 `- @

    ' G% b+ E  a* G) |) D7 ~( Z# S以上所论,于词典之制虽是鸟瞰,但可由此勾勒一片广阔的、问题迭出的任务丛林,进,可折腾;退,可临赏。事于词典之制的诸君同好,若有意于聚而论器,或可有此一尝。
    6 l1 z5 D, c) I
    9 y& c7 a  r% N" W8 F( K) X  D& v; r目前有三种选择:微信,QQ,以及Telegram(中文名叫电报)。其中,电报的数据加密性是最好的,安全等级也是最高的。: C& }  z8 n2 a2 F  N
    & k0 G& ^: t" U5 i
    There exist many enthusiastic mdx-makers on PDAWIKI forum, and they have left plenty of helpful posts on how to make dictionaries in mdx format. The information contained in those posts are very useful for newbies to establish their own first mdx dictionary, but those writings were scattered throughout the forum. It's thus somewhat difficult to reach them, and at present there are almost totally lack of volunteers to do the work of collecting and arranging those materials. In addition to making mdx, we could try to make some dictionaries used on macOS in the format DICTIONARY. I think it‘s well worth making dictionaries adaptable to macOS with the increment of people using Mac. In short, there may be abundant emergence of research and problems in both .mdx-making and .dictionary-making. In the light of situation above, I come up with a plan, just mentioned in the title, with which we can be deep and timely in conversation with each other, furthermore, it could stimulate the interaction between the members of the PDAWIKI community. It's not so bad an idea, right? 9 P8 U$ q0 Z' u
    ! w; X' Y9 B6 n0 i! z! }- n6 l
    Generally speaking, we need to do lots of subsequent processing after finishing a dictionary, such as how to display entries with which color and how much line height, and it's probably far from satisfactory and perfect. Just as writing a readable and coherent article, you should elaborately choose the style and rhetoric used in article, and this is very important matter beyond the article's content scope, which belong to the form category. As for its counterpart for making dictionary, the corresponding affairs refer to regulating the web elements, which actually involves checking and optimizing the codes of html, css and js. You should even put more efforts into rendering beautiful and elegant appearances, on the screen or other displaying device, of the corpus compiled in mdx format.
    ' q$ \! W+ I+ D
    5 M7 M+ U1 k. ~4 eAs mentioned above, I just raise the observation of scattering of helpful posts, then draw a briefly sketch on making two types of dictionaries. We could envisage that we will encounter a number of difficulties and confusions in the procedure of making dictionaries in future. What should we do when struggling against problems beyond our ability? Consult other connoisseurs, or look for the answers on Internet? Whatever approach you will adopt seems like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Well, if the connoisseurs and gurus for making dictionaries are all together in one WeChat, QQ or Telegram group, what will happen? You can imagine that by yourself. So what's your opinions about organizing a discussion group on WeChat, QQ or Telegram concerning the dictionary making? I want to know how many people support this proposal.
    # A! |) K: F- P# o4 n% E' n4 W( A, Z9 C: V% N, G
    BTW: 4 y* @5 v! q* f  X9 p7 g- x$ T
    1, WeChat is a messaging and social media, and it is very popular in China. You may even call the WeChat "China's app for everyone". If you come from other countries certainly you can use this app so long as you download its international release.
    " {$ C- n( ~3 ~/ x- w2 s. M; `% ~% |/ i% `& o7 E' ^0 V
    2, Telegram is a cloud-based instant messaging and voice over IP service. Telegram client apps are available for Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Windows NT, macOS and Linux. Messages and media in Telegram are encrypted when stored on its servers, and the client-server communication is also encrypted. from wiki
    + `0 [& p6 H6 R  f9 M
    1 o0 r! c' O# ^7 b3, QQ  is a messaging and social media. Both QQ and WeChat are produced by the same developer: Chinese tech giant Tencent.$ D; [- C( n5 w, K  D
    , @1 g" |7 {8 `
  • TA的每日心情

    2023-5-28 11:36
  • 签到天数: 616 天


    发表于 2019-7-6 02:10:00 | 显示全部楼层
    & x/ ~8 }) ~, U用来交流思想的话微信群绰绰有余2 t" C* T# @% U7 |( {9 j& r
    % J2 q  Z5 x! R/ r3 _总之我支持楼主的建议,大手子们技术的发展了,论坛上的好东西就更多了
  • TA的每日心情
    2022-8-10 09:09
  • 签到天数: 940 天


    发表于 2019-7-6 03:19:12 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2018-5-18 05:02
  • 签到天数: 27 天


     楼主| 发表于 2019-7-6 04:18:27 | 显示全部楼层
    28836919 发表于 2019-7-6 03:19
    $ h& b! N; H7 z5 z2 M" t讲真,从工作的角度来看的话,完全不理解微信群有什么可取之处。没有群空间,没有群公告,没有群相册,连消 ...
    $ n/ r$ ^' s( P
    0, QQ不好用。2 e' L1 F( y- Y" U1 ^  q% |3 y
    0.1,而且用的人越来越少。+ ~& e" t7 B; G+ M6 c1 B
    6 f+ Z: u1 u: l/ g* N. y2,纯text交流,有无群空间或者群相册,影响不大。
      p# m  s) F& @8 X2 i0 O$ w% V
    4 L; k6 }) }/ k, [" d* P  a理想的交流工具,至今还没有诞生。选微信,为无奈之举,矮子里拔将军,而已。
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-9-16 20:49
  • 签到天数: 1035 天


    发表于 2019-7-6 10:34:31 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2019-7-6 12:37:09 | 显示全部楼层
    论坛里还能看见数年前的老帖0 A2 Y  h. M+ B1 J. P% \
    8 Q7 b, S! w6 U; e1 @: K
    & v# m  e2 C9 l, L+ M) @* w0 r
    8 o7 W( I' q) }' y, w7 H4 B
  • TA的每日心情

    2019-2-16 11:33
  • 签到天数: 56 天


    发表于 2019-7-6 15:12:26 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 cici920 于 2019-12-15 17:57 编辑
    1 L  j, l/ n% t% [# J7 ~
    8 c1 d' e% [3 I! z" h/ W微信真不太适合群聊,功能上比 QQ 少不少东西,而且没有同步聊天记录的功能,只能在手机上使用。
    $ U9 s, U0 Q0 F7 V, C/ \8 Y# y. ]  J9 }
    电报  和 QQ 的功能上差不多(不涉及安全问题),消息多端同步,外部图片预览,机器人,简易 Markdown 编辑器,自带的文档编辑器等。
    2 k5 \1 F" R1 h4 v2 U
    + g% Q* ]. t( Y/ S6 i$ k$ m7 A' [! o& B3 j, M6 u8 I/ G# }
    如果不小心涉及敏感词,不如电|报。* r5 o( E7 P/ Z; }$ q




  • TA的每日心情
    昨天 05:49
  • 签到天数: 1272 天


    发表于 2019-7-6 17:05:25 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2019-7-6 17:45:46 | 显示全部楼层
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