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[词典考据] common criminal 一定是「臭名昭著的罪犯」吗?



发表于 2019-12-8 15:37:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
问题的起源,是诸多ESL 词典在common下面举例:, i2 E' D8 O$ R' a6 i1 s
5 O' @* h- C$ J5 a% Y+ g( b9 P
" R$ z3 Z/ g9 y4 q3 b: u6 T
% K+ x, w( j4 t8 Q$ G1 l5 M% Q8 \2 D
ORDINARY 普通的 [only before noun, no comparative] ordinary and not special in any way 普通的,平凡的
% U+ D# r+ n+ `( x2 C# o7 T# ^0 F, P' b  ]* [/ A) u) y
He insists that he is a revolutionary, not a common criminal.5 n: |/ R+ {3 H/ `# e, Z0 A2 G' ?
牛津高阶:: {" `: i- r' \+ ]

; k4 a4 E& I$ W, q$ }  M0 j% l
[only before noun] ordinary; not unusual or special 普通的;平常的;寻常的;平凡的
% k! r& N/ M+ f: o) |. y% m
/ k! n( M8 P/ z0 uIn most people's eyes she was nothing more than a common criminal.. n: \9 B; s/ a$ z. u$ y

4 m+ h+ R5 p6 e  F
2 \3 k( Z) h3 u. k! t/ G还有:英語常用詞疑難用法手冊:
0 u" `$ P& ^1 z- {
2 b0 E; o! \0 b& q+ v
4) 一般的、不特别的。
' `+ R: D" g& p+ F5 y
# M& e0 X4 H- x9 G* }: zthe common man 普通人
! \3 v8 R8 }  Lthe common people 老百姓
+ ?3 [* s% X; o4 S, GHe was treated like a common criminal. 他受到像普通刑事犯那样的对待。
0 C. ?$ X; i3 S9 d/ OIt's common decency. 这是起码的教养问题。
) X/ v# U* x& ?/ U
9 B6 Z" d$ T9 x$ N8 X" O
' E& r/ g5 L' v" _% s+ O9 s
" w6 a4 p0 B" U. h" V英汉大词典:
) e  z/ a" G5 o, @9 ~8 a/ x- C% e4 `" ~# `
8. 众所周知的;臭名昭著的
1 _. O, B# C+ V1 Q& C. _% Ma common criminal 臭名昭著的罪犯
Webster's New World College Dictionary:
. }: z! N* n& z/ F, W& s7 M8 T/ C; _, i+ {; z; g/ R
4. widely but unfavorably known [a common criminal]

" z5 J% z# p$ L3 K& x5 B- x. _4 Q& M' `1 y4 L
网上有人发文章《谭译|common加上criminal可不普通啦! 》(http://www.sohu.com/a/151435067_256852),认为common + criminal 的搭配「应是“众所周知或臭名昭著的罪犯”,而非“普通罪犯”」。/ }6 ~4 G% Z+ a" \

- y* L& i9 h9 q/ U5 A% S7 A, n: g先说common criminal为什么可以是「众所周知或臭名昭著的罪犯」,因为common的主要意思有两层,按照SOED的分法:
# G1 K9 n( g+ U0 M. }& E' b4 I4 i( U0 ?$ T( c0 H6 N
1. Of a public or non-private nature. ——共同、共有、公共
6 U" |1 q$ ?: t$ x2 W/ D2. Of ordinary occurrence or quality. —— 平常、不稀奇、平凡,甚至低劣
6 T; |  V8 ~" `; a( x, k/ O5 [; H, a" ^$ @2 j9 M) i- |
SOED在Of a public or non-private nature. 这个分类下面有个小义项:
, @4 Z6 h4 i' P0 H( m! s, c6 C2 h  H9 a  I1 y+ Z8 ^9 L) E
5.Generally known; spec. (of an offender or offence) public, notorious, habitual. ME.  Q5 a) e9 `  @  ~% {
J. Wesley Baptized liars and common swearers.
8 e$ g; ?: s  A/ K# l5 @* I$ gcommon nuisance etc.
广为人知、大家都知道。元照英美法詞典:; E, [- z8 m6 o! O8 i* K

2 [& U$ B2 V6 \- v+ x, q" Q
common nuisance& r$ j5 n0 r' w( d$ B1 w1 N6 e
公害 7 [' s: f9 n* @6 D: b
8 W, j7 K) U  b+ W(→public nuisance; nuisance)

7 J6 ~! _2 V) `' @
' p4 }' u1 y- }2 ^# K/ qWorld Book Dictionary:
. `# p$ D+ [+ B- s  E3 n: L' T( K# u3 _8 M- r0 Q9 w% X
generally or publicly known; notorious:4 K, `& g3 F' P# F+ x
a common pickpocket, a common liar.
# t2 t# d" J  l) ?1 [
$ P- l8 T- A7 i3 r: U" D远东英汉大辞典:3 T! p3 O0 T! Z% v& |( J; q. W' I
3 }  W( N3 k' e1 E& k% b- ?
9. 聲名狼藉的。a common thief 一個聲名狼藉的小偷
, L) q( C' A7 j8 {. N

) `" N' H! H; n8 D6 T21世紀大英漢詞典:
: x) b' w3 L  Y
/ i3 {3 b8 n4 \- ?. Z
0 B8 _1 Q" n+ B) U0 J

2 z% o% }# K$ V/ `2 K1 ^问题来了,common能表达「众所周知或臭名昭著」,是不是意味着common + criminal 的搭配 只能表达「众所周知或臭名昭著」,绝不能表达另一层意思「Of ordinary occurrence or quality.」呢?) ?' x* V7 M  v1 V8 u3 Y: Y* x

/ i" b* S* C9 Z. D当然不是!- ~0 q6 x( R  h/ M9 b# X2 c7 \! l

! t% W* X( r9 Z5 @) M韦氏高阶:
& d/ Y- i( q5 \, `. f7 S1 q7 B- m) k! s4 x6 p5 v. i& u% A
a : without special rank or status平凡的;无特殊地位的
( F0 O8 |$ e9 }' b- s, L: l2 R1 a% p+ d" W* k
You're nothing but a common [=ordinary] thief!2 ~* H4 g* H7 r4 X! E$ Q

# v: f: p2 c' E! L- I) r5 A
7 T  l9 W* h, {9 M编者已经贴心地说了「=ordinary」,那就应该照着「Of ordinary occurrence or quality.」理解啦
+ b; n( D3 Z* u4 F. X& k/ j  P+ j
再看下面这些google books 里面搜来的例句:
& J% d* L0 \) z
2 Q' v/ f; d5 J( A: }On his release, MacDermott was again anxious to deny that he had been given any special consideration. He was treated like a common criminal, he insisted, just like all the other DORA prisoners$ o, h$ [; R; K) u
, B7 n( h( t# s, B) O
很明显common是跟special 对立的
; @9 }8 ]1 Y1 i  F; g1 i$ `9 b0 l
% j: z: d$ V6 E2 f. s0 q
They treated me like a common criminal 'The way people are offended by it. Like, a guy wrh a list of convictions as long as yer arm, who can't believe that he was treated like a 'common criminal!' That somewhere there must be this one common criminal, and everyone else is a special class of criminal!
很明显common是跟special 对立的8 ~3 h0 Y/ Y- \( L1 ]
4 J- q4 e) r+ [9 A& _9 A
% L+ B2 M  |; |! {1 `6 Q: M- C7 }& O% j  S
common 自带「Of a public or non-private nature. 」「Of ordinary occurrence or quality.」两大意义,跟criminal 这类词搭配的时候,既可以表达第一类意思(公共+罪犯 =公众都认识的罪犯),也可以表达第二类意思(普通+罪犯=普通罪犯)。第二类意思是字面意思,一看就知道,所以英英词典着重解释第一类意思,但绝不是说没有第二类意思呀!
4 _# G& E+ x3 D
+ s" v# f/ A1 H7 a& JESL 词典举例,只举了第二类意思,也不是说第一类错误,只是没提而已,万万不可搞出非此即彼的事情来!6 q; q3 G  k  U2 N

2 Q2 ], ~; a9 T' z
% W- g! A" v  G/ X( Acommon criminal& e. W# I8 s5 ?
6 f6 u. |& M& ~$ g3 `1 q: \2.惯犯
1 |2 c" H3 a8 l5 H6 P/ T
+ Q; P/ g% S. b) N; {  C. f! w
21世纪英汉大说「惯犯」,大概是从SOED「Generally known; spec. (of an offender or offence) public, notorious, habitual. 」这里看来的,不过还是说「人所共知的罪犯」比较好。
& s" k7 t0 v# `$ l
0 w6 g3 S8 }: X/ E/ Y+ \3 w1 T: e3 z& i, }4 [' m9 L) X/ U  G
  • TA的每日心情
    2020-2-7 09:31
  • 签到天数: 21 天


    发表于 2019-12-9 10:15:56 | 显示全部楼层
    所以楼主的意思,该怎样翻译,就看具体的文章情景。 & X  ^/ P' Z* X. `5 u8 }/ g) I
    common 解释成臭名昭著,我觉得也就是往下引申了一层的结果,就是为普通大众所知的,也就是臭名昭著吧,


    没错  发表于 2019-12-9 10:47
  • TA的每日心情
    2019-12-18 19:08
  • 签到天数: 5 天


    发表于 2019-12-20 10:05:27 | 显示全部楼层
    I suppose a "common criminal" in current English means an "ordianary criminal" in most cases. The other meaning a "notorious criminal", if not never used, is probably rather old-fashioned. 1 `( }9 H* o* d( E; J' j5 k. A: `
    3 Z- D) B$ h% }8 G
    ; r! v5 ~. ~4 S( |+ _5 N# O
    To make it certain, I have consulted English speakers at italki.com and wordreference.com.7 E' P! A) ~/ I8 @
    : {" p8 f# N! X, J
    There have been no answers that mentioned the sense of "notorious", which reminds us that a "notorious criminal" was not even an option of the meanings of the phrase in their mind.7 I6 o( g4 b) j3 s
    / A8 b3 L. Q4 E% v. f
    7 S0 n, V& Z. S$ ^. G
    % r; T3 ^8 p$ E, i
    ; |$ S8 F, H& r# [. u" A
  • TA的每日心情
    2019-12-18 19:08
  • 签到天数: 5 天


    发表于 2019-12-20 10:06:39 | 显示全部楼层
    Is a "common criminal" an "ordinary criminal" or a "notorious criminal"? Are the two meanings equally often used in contemporary English?& s, X6 Y. e' {1 A. s0 I+ v# U
    & t: h" @* Y) z- U' t; u
    I have several use examples as follows, is it possible to decide at the first sight/hearing which meaning is carried in each sentence without more context(and I actually do not have)?$ P) [2 ]; e# C! a* d' {7 X

    ' D  s/ I: ~" B+ ?1. He also berate Carter for inviting Soviet dissident Vladmir Bukovsky, whom he called " a common criminal", to the White House?  ]7 {+ p3 j2 O) c8 X+ q) I
    ) ^' z6 R  P) J4 |& ?, ~
    2. Because of one minor offence he was branded a common criminal.. p. z4 Q0 p$ a
    9 p1 w, j3 g2 U
    3. The government insisted he was a common criminal.
    % E, i$ T2 R5 s' t: ~' x& u- g& Y- P7 h( v, F) y. w8 Z: T
    4. A Canadian judge upheld the deportation on Thursday of one of China's most wated figitives, calling him a "common criminal".
    3 n1 a4 [0 t+ U1 x- x7 n+ _+ l( L  Q0 o8 x5 D4 s1 i4 D. j* o" x
    5. As for pictures of Mr. Strauss-Kahn in handcuffs, the French may see a famous politician treated like a common criminal.
    0 _/ L7 v0 G6 N$ k% @
    ( K9 ^& n& P) _% K# ]  F) m6. He refused to wear the blue uniform of a common criminal, going naked or in underpants.
    . C, o6 M% s& G, S2 N6 }0 z3 \" ?% Z* _4 X: n) p1 _3 }/ V
    7. In most people's eyes she was nothing more than a common criminal.
    1 I: W8 N4 S: I6 C
    0 V; h! F8 }& S  ^
  • TA的每日心情
    2019-12-18 19:08
  • 签到天数: 5 天


    发表于 2019-12-20 10:39:29 | 显示全部楼层
    The previous post was what I have presented in the forementioned forums. I have collected the examples from Bing Dictionary. 0 X$ K; m3 e6 ^9 J$ U$ e
    & c- I1 b7 K6 e$ a3 g6 h& Q6 B
    Among them the sentence 2 seemingly has a meaning of "notorious criminal" with "common criminal", but I strongly suspect its source: It's may probaly have been created without a specific context by a non-native English speaker just to show the sense of presumable "notorious".$ J! z' d& f4 g/ c! Z

    ' i' u0 c7 z7 a# ]( z3 v0 s
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