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[词典考据] dog food@21世纪大英汉



发表于 2021-5-5 13:23:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 klwo2 于 2021-5-5 13:23 编辑
- p* N# _! |8 `* o& e8 S9 _* r2 h" T) ^* t
dog food 一般就是狗粮,可是21世纪大英汉词典说:- O& K# R% F& [2 j
3 H: V4 t) r3 r$ z) l2 l; L
dog food
! |# A$ u9 |! F/ s- ]美军俚语(美国海军于第二次世界大战期间吃的)腌牛肉末土豆泥
0 u" e1 X: ?* i, F- P6 H0 W
1 S% o; n  ?! w, ^( x4 e$ l0 Z$ A
1 x1 O9 r/ y0 w( P# B( S4 K* `% ^. H8 r
; b4 J3 J2 m6 x2 D. `
Green’s Dictionary of Slang" m9 Y# h" p' t+ c8 f* X
dog food n.12 t( Q7 b# H2 a" w
1. [1940s–60s] (US) any form of canned meat.$ {" b" p% A" o  @- m2 O: p0 N& S
2. [1970s] any food considered disgusting.5 X( s& O+ a# a, X. S- ]% r$ f4 n
dog food n.2; ?+ I1 p- A; k( l( n+ I
[1960s] (US black) a bribe paid to a corrupt police officer.
4 T! a: B+ j" I3 i* ^! zdog food n.3, K1 a! P+ {5 L0 Z# t5 a, t% A
[1970s+] (US gay) a soldier, viewed as a potential sexual partner.0 f. X6 b; v# a4 F
dog food n.4
% y( B  ]9 W9 x6 T2 ?[1980s+] (drugs) heroin.
% w. y7 p( V$ \% L7 Q) [# K

: O; h- I6 s- J4 g; W9 BGreen’s Dictionary of Slang 收了几个俚语意思,包括「毒品」义,不过没有21世纪大英汉的这个腌牛肉末土豆泥……
% ?9 H$ d2 w* b. f$ O) r# w. J* X5 o& \) [' n2 w7 T; I8 {  P2 x& a0 F
____________________________________________________6 j& R: M( |# _! S0 P: [+ S
" `5 [2 t& m4 `) L5 f0 b6 J8 {
Stevie Wonder 于1976年发行的歌曲,Village Ghetto Land, 歌词里面用了dog food:( o6 z, b" y: y3 c9 }! D

0 Y5 P& I8 V8 r6 C
Families buying dog food now6 \" `* |' \4 L4 n
Starvation roams the streets
. ^( [! ]: \6 I/ J& PBabies die before they're born
$ s$ ^" _5 p2 Y, ^% h* U/ FInfected by the grief
. p+ n+ d2 w  c. R/ n

/ G# R: Z8 b. g: V网易云音乐提供的中文翻译里,说「家庭依靠毒品来维生」……不妥
# E% o3 U- r$ L. i. P% z1 Z7 f  x
, P* A& p# P: U* s  r3 f7 n2)Green’s Dictionary of Slang 里面,毒品这个意义是1980年以后出现的,而歌曲本身于1976年发行,不合
1 E" S5 h- L) e: g3)如果要用俚语意义,「any food considered disgusting.」更妥,可以翻成「狗(才)吃的东西」
9 s: G) m3 @% o+ M! c' F5 y& N% S. _( H! o
  • TA的每日心情
    2019-10-30 01:00
  • 签到天数: 127 天


    发表于 2021-5-5 15:08:40 | 显示全部楼层
    Dog Food: Corned beef hash.
    8 c- q+ I6 A: {% i
    8 o! e5 i% L  x& Z8 v) Q/ d% TSource: https://www.wwiidogtags.com/ww2-slang/




  • TA的每日心情
    2023-1-18 23:24
  • 签到天数: 211 天


    发表于 2021-5-5 15:09:07 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 kyletruman 于 2021-5-5 16:38 编辑 6 c$ M. q2 i! y' x: z- b* ~
    % w: R4 O( D$ _& q) R
    wiki百科翻译成 犬粮,或称狗粮,dog food @ 中文wiki百科(dog food在英文wiki百科切换成中文界面),dog food @ Wikipedia
    . T$ s0 v% Q9 m! v6 S
    游客,本帖隐藏的内容需要积分高于 10 才可浏览,您当前积分为 0
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-2-8 08:54
  • 签到天数: 902 天


    发表于 2021-5-5 15:37:01 | 显示全部楼层


     楼主| 发表于 2021-5-5 17:27:40 | 显示全部楼层
    loveaffairs 发表于 2021-5-5 15:08
    : H/ _* x" Z" j2 N7 Y; sDog Food: Corned beef hash.
    2 g. P3 p  n1 g. @/ ?! R! O1 \$ r! J3 V$ }# X$ g) A* G
    Source: https://www.wwiidogtags.com/ww2-slang/

    - x. v4 K( v) f, V多谢,21世纪大英汉倒还真参考了些偏门书
    - D) n7 h, y8 ?0 R
    , V9 \! x; ~8 u# B把Corned beef hash叫Dog Food,应该就是因为两者看着像闻着也像:
    . |4 s. N, N3 Q5 N4 F- E! \" b
    6 r- |5 J: K  _* K9 Y( G
    Even though that canned hash looks and smells like dog food it is not healthy for them...

    $ {; V2 H4 S4 r* _7 _6 ?7 G3 {* V4 h. H' w8 {
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-1-18 23:24
  • 签到天数: 211 天


    发表于 2021-5-5 17:34:08 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 kyletruman 于 2021-5-5 19:11 编辑
    2 [  s- F  Y) }4 N0 T! K( B
    klwo2 发表于 2021-5-5 17:273 X; s( o/ [/ n+ f
    $ s) [+ Y1 A) T- }/ \+ N" s' f9 u6 ?. A
    把Corned beef hash叫Dog Food,应该就是因为两者看着像闻着也 ...
    5 x0 b8 P$ [1 _  C" c1 N

      J9 a/ Y* U+ \21世纪大英汉部分释义来源是Collins English Dictionary(之前看过Oeasy版主的帖子,那个帖子的具体位置我记不清了),另外,dog food只找到了涉及beef方面的语料库:
    The dog food industry was spending an incredible $50 million a year on advertising. Commercials centered around the "beef wars," with competing companies all claiming to have the most pure beef. (Bonanza star Lorne Greene did a TV commercial for Alpo …holding a sirloin steak.)
    Have you ever wondered, when looking at the ingredients of your dog’s favorite kibble, what “meat meal” is? Or how much cow is actually in a “beefy” can of dog food?
    in which the actor Lorne Greene dishes up a can of beef chunks for his golden retriever.
    https://newrepublic.com/article/115349/dogfooding-tech-slang-working-out-glitches,21世纪大英汉编纂者可能是从语料库中总结出来的释义。; K  F  Z' j. v5 r7 G# w" _. n
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-11-29 11:30
  • 签到天数: 335 天


    发表于 2021-5-5 20:07:23 | 显示全部楼层
    Dr. eye dictionary online 查这个dog food居然有四个释义。。  不知道他的汉译哪里来的,第一个解释还是个新义:“内部试用;内部试用的软件”。
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-11-29 11:30
  • 签到天数: 335 天


    发表于 2021-5-5 20:08:45 | 显示全部楼层
    loveaffairs 发表于 2021-5-5 15:08( c6 c! \6 w/ N- B
    Dog Food: Corned beef hash.* I$ x  ]/ I+ b" k( X

    * [: x0 X! H) G. ZSource: https://www.wwiidogtags.com/ww2-slang/
    1 d9 [& @. J, m! [3 m: y
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-3-16 06:41
  • 签到天数: 1380 天


    发表于 2021-5-6 00:21:56 | 显示全部楼层
    Urban Dictionary 里面的“狗粮骗局”" l  y  S8 S# d3 F6 ^$ l
    1 `  f. Y% u1 m0 C1 K& o+ Q+ m3 q
    dogfood scam1 _# }" |4 y9 |  ^
    1. A old school scam used by bums to get money by using a can of dog food and a can of cornbeef and hash. The can of dog food is emptied and cleaned out and the cornbeef is placed in the dogfood can. The bum then sits outside a grocery store eating from the dogfood can and is given money by strangers that think the poor bum is eating dogfood.- d% t! g( a. i  \& l/ }9 j% i' M& ?
    2. Any scam where a bum lowers himself to a unethical level, such as pretending to have no legs.





    发表于 2021-5-11 20:14:14 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 MYsedulous 于 2021-5-14 11:06 编辑
    $ V6 q8 v& `) h9 p( }1 G2 _+ P3 C5 T* E' }. q
    2 r$ C2 S" ?4 S* y2 n7 E& }0 Y) D# ]- o4 Z" C: k' C
    Green的书太大其实并不全,引他的东西一定要注意。研究美国俚语不是最早的但绝对是学术性的开山鼻祖是Harold Wentworth和Stuart Berg Flexner(此君就不用我介绍了)合著的Dictinary of American Slang, 在该词典dog food条就有此解。
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