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[学习求助] 请问这句句子的主语是哪个啊?

  • TA的每日心情
    2023-6-11 12:43
  • 签到天数: 1541 天


    发表于 2021-8-29 10:05:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    But that I knew it over twenty-five years ago that I knew it while ** was being rejected by twelve publishers, some of whom decleared that it was "too intellectual", "too controversial" and would not sell because no audience existed for it — that was the difficult part of its history; difficult for me to bear.# E8 a  T8 g3 G) \5 o

    8 G/ j9 k; g/ \5 }/ E9 g, s4 r红色部分的三个主语是指同一件事吗?这句句子的主语是什么呢?谢谢
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-4-19 14:05
  • 签到天数: 1226 天


    发表于 2021-8-29 10:45:17 | 显示全部楼层
    前面两个that分别引导了一个主语从句的从句部分(和was the diffcult part of its history构成主语从句),第三个that复指前面的两个从句(部分)。


    谢谢:)  发表于 2021-8-29 10:46
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-6-11 12:43
  • 签到天数: 1541 天


     楼主| 发表于 2021-8-29 10:47:30 | 显示全部楼层
    rualantonio 发表于 2021-8-29 10:45& ?, C( E$ j9 Z. s/ r. h
    前面两个that分别引导了一个主语从句的从句部分(和was the diffcult part of its history构成主语从句), ...
    " @- q& w7 e  F; r


    前面两个that引导的句子就是主语从句,至于第三个that不宜省去,它的语法功能是复指前面的两个很长的主语从句,从而连接成一个句子。  发表于 2021-8-29 12:27
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-6-11 12:43
  • 签到天数: 1541 天


     楼主| 发表于 2021-8-29 13:23:53 | 显示全部楼层
    rualantonio 发表于 2021-8-29 10:45& [/ u& _$ |& `. k6 P1 y
    前面两个that分别引导了一个主语从句的从句部分(和was the diffcult part of its history构成主语从句), ...
    $ J" |; }; j5 j+ c- E
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-11-29 11:23
  • 签到天数: 783 天


    发表于 2021-8-30 09:22:42 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 lewpad 于 2021-8-30 09:27 编辑 $ p1 d+ {" ?% K9 L2 ^. F+ A

    / }$ G  N% [1 y) Q6 [) |4 H& o请注意第一个单词but, but that是一个短语,我觉得在这句子中but that是个副词短语,要不是,除非。句子应该是这个结构 but that.... that...that,每个that后面是一个独立从句,所以没有所谓的整个句子的主语。0 ^- `2 Z2 }7 u1 E' n" B4 @+ w! T
    / N6 ?' B# R1 Q5 e: F% T
    1 U- T! G+ z0 ^- v5 M; {, i
    但在词典的例句里, but that 是连词的作用。7 i; A1 l3 t: w7 K  q1 h. E$ Q
    4 W5 U& d9 ^. s4 u% l
    but 参阅AHD0 _* A, R2 {' S" W) c
    AHD:[bŭt] [bət] 非重读时
    % o- p$ ~% Y& R5 E  J' X. xD.J.[bʌt][bət]非重读时
    2 x! P  a) a3 n; G- L- D; s; r! x, V  rK.K.[bʌt][bət]非重读时: i! x9 K/ c  C  G
    7 m1 u7 k6 A+ h3 ~  H4 R
    7 q: f/ _, j# x: VWith the exception that; except that. Used to introduce a dependent clause:
    + v0 Z- ?6 I- _. P若非:除非;除此。用于引导一个独立的从句:
    7 p. `) `6 V1 g& k! m3 }" A! ~would have resisted but that they lacked courage.
      `" z. D. A' L" M如果不是缺乏勇气她们会抵抗的
    : D% B3 R, e* o$ t0 `1 v5 O' C. D% E( x8 U0 [
    $ d- f6 C6 O( w$ L7 q4 x9 ~5 gbut that
    2 P% O  v4 h/ R; z. _; T■(archaic)other than that; except that
    + S$ Q! f7 p9 Y5 u(古)若非
    0 H1 w5 @7 Q/ w  i* P5 ?- ewho knows but that the pictures painted on air are eternal./ o. `/ y5 G  \
    谁能说空中描绘的东西不能是永恒的呢?。% }* ?; x2 c6 ~# E+ {. [; s( x
    , v  ~# E- c5 z9 X6 D5 M
    韦氏国际1 L/ Q% J- N) D/ h, [3 c7 O8 [9 O
    1. ) _& [: G+ V$ ~; h4 X1 o4 o$ _
    a. : except for the fact — used to introduce a dependent clause
    . Z9 O7 A3 Z) I& y3 ^' \  < he would have protested but that he was afraid >8 c6 r: c8 s! I6 _
    b. : that — sometimes used more or less tautologically with that: used after negatives: [; y+ |& Y! @
      < there is no doubt but he was killed in the wreck >
    " b: x- S3 j; |1 e  < he did not question but that he would win >* d& Z+ s' {7 H8 B- N" c
      < it is 10 to 1 but the challenger will lose >


    根据上下文,不是你想的这个意思呀  发表于 2021-8-30 11:26
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