pdawiki007 发表于 2019-6-15 13:15:53


本帖最后由 pdawiki007 于 2019-6-15 13:34 编辑

There is that big stone in the road, and not a man in the country but is too lazy to move it!


请问那个逗号后面的句子结构是怎样的?尤其是那个but是怎么回事?还有not a man 是单独的主语还是和前面的there is 连起来的?

trivialstuff 发表于 2019-6-15 20:38:25

本帖最后由 trivialstuff 于 2019-6-15 23:26 编辑

there is... not a man in all the country but that is too lazy to move it.
原文应该是要表达这个意思: (至于语法有没有问题,考虑到年代有点久远,还是保留意见吧。)
there is not a man (one) that is too lazy to move it.
(= there is no one except those who are too lazy to move it. → Everyone is too lazy to move it.)

堂堂一大国,除了那些懒得去移走石头的人,就没别的人了。→ 堂堂一大国,尽是那些懒得去移走石头的人。

补一个 "but" as a relative pronoun 的讨论帖:

1906248282 发表于 2019-6-15 13:24:24

本帖最后由 1906248282 于 2019-6-15 13:41 编辑

not ... but = 无例外,全都 all

意思相当于:all men in the country are too lazy to move it (there is not any one who is an exception)

奇奇怪怪 发表于 2019-6-15 18:23:12


An hour later, there came down the road six merchants with their goods on pack-horses, going to a fair that was to be held near the village. When they reached the stone, the road was so narrow that they could hardly drive their horses between it and the wall. “ Did any one ever see the like ? ” they said. “ There is that big stone in the road, and not a man in the country but that is too lazy to move it !

sabrina2111 发表于 2019-6-15 16:10:33

but is not too lazy to...作定语修饰man,相当于who is not too lazy to...

霓裳羽衣 发表于 2019-6-15 13:31:21

这句话确实有问题,这样改会好一些吧 There is a big stone on the road, and nobody move it in the country, because all of them are too lazy!

霓裳羽衣 发表于 2019-6-15 13:45:10

霓裳羽衣 发表于 2019-6-15 13:31
这句话确实有问题,这样改会好一些吧 There is a big stone on the road, and nobody move it in the count ...

原句语法不对,表述不清,不只是not but的问题

霓裳羽衣 发表于 2019-6-15 14:03:19

霓裳羽衣 发表于 2019-6-15 13:45
原句语法不对,表述不清,不只是not but的问题


夏浮罅 发表于 2019-6-15 18:51:23

这个not…but的用法就类似 cannot…but的用法,更多地表示强调。其实上面的也有另一种可以记住的理解,可以等于all。但是我个人觉得all并没有太多的强调

夏浮罅 发表于 2019-6-15 18:52:01

这个not…but的用法就类似 cannot…but的用法,更多地表示强调。其实上面的也有另一种可以记住的理解,可以等于all。但是我个人觉得all并没有太多的强调

pdawiki007 发表于 2019-6-15 19:12:44

奇奇怪怪 发表于 2019-6-15 18:23

An hour later, there came down the road six merchants with their goods on pack- ...


thresh 发表于 2019-6-15 19:59:56

but 后边省略了一个主语~可以用that作为从句引导做形式主语,也可以用all man in the country还原进去

pdawiki007 发表于 2019-6-15 21:25:03

本帖最后由 pdawiki007 于 2019-6-15 21:36 编辑

trivialstuff 发表于 2019-6-15 20:38
there is... not a man in all the country but that is too lazy to move it.
原文应该是要表达这个意思 ...

There is not a man in the country but is too lazy to move the stone = There is not a man in the country who is not too lazy to move the stone. (就没有不懒的人)



trivialstuff 发表于 2019-6-15 23:19:38

本帖最后由 trivialstuff 于 2019-6-15 23:21 编辑

pdawiki007 发表于 2019-6-15 21:25



这里有关于 "but" as a relative pronoun 的讨论:https://forum.wordreference.com/ ... 56910/post-16490431,里面的母语者们都倾向于把 but 理解成介词而非关系代词。

根据报纸中的原句,从“but 作介词 + 省略” ( (one) that is...)这种角度来理解似乎能自圆其说,而“but 作关系代词”这种角度反倒走进了死胡同。

csw016 发表于 2019-6-16 10:04:48

2, 结构。not ... but

以下几点讨论是大家没有谈到的,我提出来, 有兴趣的可以讨论、指正:
3, not ... but 是连接结构,或说平行结构。其意思是: 不是 ... 而是 ... 。此结构的最重要的一点,是所连接的部分在结构上要对等或一致。
4," not a man in all the country but that is too lazy ... "结构的确比较混乱, 如果改动一下, 会更易于读者理解。
5.1, 改法一: not one man but all in the country are too lazy. 即: one man 跟 all 对等。
5.2, 改法二: not that one man in the county is too lazy to move it but that all in the country are too lazy to move it.
   not that ... but that ... 连接句子。
6. 可能有人说, “嘿,你改动太多了!”我这只是为了让句子的意思更明了,而采取的权宜之计。写作中,作者有时通过话语表现人物的性格。 生活中,我们肯定都会遇到过一些人,喜欢说一些古怪的话-- 结构,词汇。
7, 口语中,很多人, highbrows included, 会犯一些语法错误, 如 主谓不一致等,不要 make too much fuss over these mistakes.
8, 阅读方面,以当代的规范报刊、图书为首选(葛传槼先生谈到过这个)。如 纽时, 华邮,卫报,电讯报, 纽约人,经济学人等等。

pdawiki007 发表于 2019-6-16 15:41:44

本帖最后由 pdawiki007 于 2019-6-16 15:46 编辑

csw016 发表于 2019-6-16 10:04
原句是There be 句型,不是not one man 作主语。

There is not a man in the country but is too lazy to move the stone.

大橙子 发表于 2019-6-18 08:43:26

本帖最后由 大橙子 于 2019-6-18 08:45 编辑

这里 but 确实应该是代词,等于 who not
1- There is no father but loves his children.
2- There is no father who doesn't love his children.

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary:
that not : who not
nobody but has his fault — Shakespeare
World Book Dictionary:
who not; which not:
None visit him but are fed.这是比较老旧生僻的用法,所以很多词典里没收录

渔夫和妖怪 发表于 2019-6-18 13:57:19

本帖最后由 渔夫和妖怪 于 2019-6-18 14:04 编辑

but acts as a negative relative: That..not, who..not.

and (there is ) NOT a man in the country but is (who is NOT) too lazy to move it!

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