klwo2 发表于 2021-5-5 13:23:19

dog food@21世纪大英汉

本帖最后由 klwo2 于 2021-5-5 13:23 编辑

dog food 一般就是狗粮,可是21世纪大英汉词典说:

dog food


Green’s Dictionary of Slang
dog food n.1
1. (US) any form of canned meat.
2. any food considered disgusting.
dog food n.2
(US black) a bribe paid to a corrupt police officer.
dog food n.3
(US gay) a soldier, viewed as a potential sexual partner.
dog food n.4
(drugs) heroin.

Green’s Dictionary of Slang 收了几个俚语意思,包括「毒品」义,不过没有21世纪大英汉的这个腌牛肉末土豆泥……{:4_100:}


Stevie Wonder 于1976年发行的歌曲,Village Ghetto Land, 歌词里面用了dog food:

Families buying dog food now
Starvation roams the streets
Babies die before they're born
Infected by the grief


2)Green’s Dictionary of Slang 里面,毒品这个意义是1980年以后出现的,而歌曲本身于1976年发行,不合
3)如果要用俚语意义,「any food considered disgusting.」更妥,可以翻成「狗(才)吃的东西」

loveaffairs 发表于 2021-5-5 15:08:40

Dog Food: Corned beef hash.

Source: https://www.wwiidogtags.com/ww2-slang/

kyletruman 发表于 2021-5-5 15:09:07

本帖最后由 kyletruman 于 2021-5-5 16:38 编辑

wiki百科翻译成 犬粮,或称狗粮,dog food @ 中文wiki百科(dog food在英文wiki百科切换成中文界面),dog food @ Wikipedia
**** Hidden Message *****

Gyngreenlie 发表于 2021-5-5 15:37:01


klwo2 发表于 2021-5-5 17:27:40

loveaffairs 发表于 2021-5-5 15:08
Dog Food: Corned beef hash.

Source: https://www.wwiidogtags.com/ww2-slang/


把Corned beef hash叫Dog Food,应该就是因为两者看着像闻着也像:

Even though that canned hash looks and smells like dog food it is not healthy for them...

kyletruman 发表于 2021-5-5 17:34:08

本帖最后由 kyletruman 于 2021-5-5 19:11 编辑

klwo2 发表于 2021-5-5 17:27

把Corned beef hash叫Dog Food,应该就是因为两者看着像闻着也 ...

21世纪大英汉部分释义来源是Collins English Dictionary(之前看过Oeasy版主的帖子,那个帖子的具体位置我记不清了),另外,dog food只找到了涉及beef方面的语料库:The dog food industry was spending an incredible $50 million a year on advertising. Commercials centered around the "beef wars," with competing companies all claiming to have the most pure beef. (Bonanza star Lorne Greene did a TV commercial for Alpo …holding a sirloin steak.)https://www.neatorama.com/pet/2013/05/20/Kibble-Me-This-The-History-of-Dog-Food/, Have you ever wondered, when looking at the ingredients of your dog’s favorite kibble, what “meat meal” is? Or how much cow is actually in a “beefy” can of dog food?https://nycdoggies.com/wellness/dog-food-the-story-of-kibble/,in which the actor Lorne Greene dishes up a can of beef chunks for his golden retriever. https://newrepublic.com/article/115349/dogfooding-tech-slang-working-out-glitches,21世纪大英汉编纂者可能是从语料库中总结出来的释义。

woaini123 发表于 2021-5-5 20:07:23

Dr. eye dictionary online 查这个dog food居然有四个释义。。不知道他的汉译哪里来的,第一个解释还是个新义:“内部试用;内部试用的软件”。

woaini123 发表于 2021-5-5 20:08:45

loveaffairs 发表于 2021-5-5 15:08
Dog Food: Corned beef hash.

Source: https://www.wwiidogtags.com/ww2-slang/


dliaas 发表于 2021-5-6 00:21:56

Urban Dictionary 里面的“狗粮骗局”

dogfood scam
1. A old school scam used by bums to get money by using a can of dog food and a can of cornbeef and hash. The can of dog food is emptied and cleaned out and the cornbeef is placed in the dogfood can. The bum then sits outside a grocery store eating from the dogfood can and is given money by strangers that think the poor bum is eating dogfood.
2. Any scam where a bum lowers himself to a unethical level, such as pretending to have no legs.

MYsedulous 发表于 2021-5-11 20:14:14

本帖最后由 MYsedulous 于 2021-5-14 11:06 编辑


Green的书太大其实并不全,引他的东西一定要注意。研究美国俚语不是最早的但绝对是学术性的开山鼻祖是Harold Wentworth和Stuart Berg Flexner(此君就不用我介绍了)合著的Dictinary of American Slang, 在该词典dog food条就有此解。
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