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[语言求助] pick up 意思

  • TA的每日心情
    5 天前
  • 签到天数: 1498 天


    发表于 2021-2-2 22:55:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    1、The average snowiest month in areas that typically pick up over 3 inches of snow each year, based on 1981-2010 average snowfall data.0 k, [7 K# q7 N1 e
    ( X0 W+ L/ e, ^0 Z
    2、A broad swath from New England to the Great Lakes, northern Plains, Rockies, Cascades and Sierra Nevada picks up at least 6 inches of snow each season after March 1.# G/ ^+ p0 \$ N! j6 @8 o6 `
    ' q0 y% U! O" l( T8 s
    没有对应到合适的义项,请指教pick up是何意。
    ) C$ G+ u% K, x0 [/ v  {! Y: v谢谢!




  • TA的每日心情
    2023-6-11 12:43
  • 签到天数: 1541 天


    发表于 2021-2-3 13:53:03 | 显示全部楼层
    to get without great effort or by chance


    发表于 2021-2-3 09:44:44 | 显示全部楼层
    Hi ChenbinVip,
    ; y7 X& w+ D& h+ Y9 V* P7 [) w
    , R4 Q+ J! J9 }& W' z3 NI looked the phrase up in Freedictionary.com and came out empty-handed, too. 2 v0 ?8 M" f2 n
    ' s8 ?" H) S- s/ Q5 {, I2 u# X1 E
    But the idea in these two statements is very clear in and of itself, isn't it? Here a few other words or phrases can take the place of "pick up" without chaning its meaning, like "see, witness" or "gain" or even "harvest", but maybe "pick up" is a bit more vivid because it conjours up the image of a snowplough at work. Don't you think so?
    7 Y, x$ @3 l. ^+ d; Q+ g9 s6 d+ G$ u$ N
    That's why context is very important.
      j9 D- \  f- `' R# }- |5 U7 K
    # J, Y1 ?5 p; `! ~Hope this helps. ) q4 u* N5 Q! D# ]7 H. I- a

    0 X* ~) V. O* J" ~/ n8 [2 GPan.
  • TA的每日心情
    5 天前
  • 签到天数: 1498 天


     楼主| 发表于 2021-2-3 09:58:11 | 显示全部楼层
    非常感谢一大早给予解答!3 h( D! ~& ]$ B0 O) X
    这个词组和雪联系上似乎还是常有的,不知词典为何没有明确列出相关义项。我是听NBC Nightly News20210131  主播:Katesonow 讲美国大雪用的,The Chicago  area already picking up at least 9 inches, causing treacherous road conditions. 感觉挺生疏,手头基本ESL词典没有查到。
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-2 07:42
  • 签到天数: 1092 天


    发表于 2021-2-3 11:11:08 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2021-2-3 12:35:03 | 显示全部楼层
    chenbinvip 发表于 2021-2-3 09:58) b7 [: T6 s& n4 l8 N! i
    : h- A  w6 R8 }6 [4 t) z这个词组和雪联系上似乎还是常有的,不知词典为何没有明确列出相关义项。我是听N ...
    3 N2 R# [& ?3 |
    I am under the impression that "pick up" is often used in weather related contexts, such as ) y* b( L3 o- Z  N% c: S' }- ~
    ( B* L! g. H' N' B
    The wind picked up soon after we left the station; or This is when the rain picked up. $ v$ J+ d% @  k! f0 j
    ! v; I4 W4 l( E) b
    It's is a very common usage. Another one might be "I picked up English 8 years ago after I had left it untouched for many years". 7 D  R$ c8 F# M/ s6 U% t
    3 y- M! o: b1 w, Z
  • TA的每日心情
    5 天前
  • 签到天数: 1498 天


     楼主| 发表于 2021-2-3 12:46:10 | 显示全部楼层
    The wind picked up soon after we left the station; or This is when the rain picked up.风火雨作为施动主语,词典有义项:增强等意思。但上面的例句有地点作为施动主语,用增强等意思,好像也不太合适


    发表于 2021-2-3 14:13:09 | 显示全部楼层
    chenbinvip 发表于 2021-2-3 12:46; |) V  Q1 j; D- k1 r, ^
    The wind picked up soon after we left the station; or This is when the rain picked up.风火雨作为施动 ...
    5 P  W8 F0 u3 D! W$ ^' U
    You are right. It's a different usage.
    5 [* z, j) [+ ^8 m8 v& i6 ^' ]# \) o7 C) u1 ]3 F# M- p
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-6-11 12:43
  • 签到天数: 1541 天


    发表于 2021-2-3 15:02:15 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    5 天前
  • 签到天数: 1498 天


     楼主| 发表于 2021-2-3 15:42:44 | 显示全部楼层
    PHRASAL VERB        短语动词$ N9 C) k' s! G# z9 w9 r, [
    - W5 l+ Y* A+ e0 K4 e9 z, }If you pick up something such as a skill or an idea, you acquire it without effort over a period of time." n! f! i8 B" J2 _; m6 W% e. R
    [用法]  V P n (not pron)5 c- H  w0 ]9 H% o* u
    [用法]  Also V n P
    ( j: w5 ?# p% j2 C. l; W8 j[标注]  Informal
    , B, D* ~* A$ J% }& hWhere did you pick up your English?...
    # B+ s. G+ J, H你在哪儿学的英语?
    + C3 e. v3 H; \; r* D1 k" ?. `Young people are picking up ideas about good drugs and bad drugs.  n+ b2 k2 m) p* m: @
    年轻人正在形成毒品有好坏之分的观念。+ ~! q8 e/ G$ L5 b# J

    / z- K! V& J# m. f, m5 t6 G: N$ K不知谁点的反对。你是指这个义项吗?
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-6-11 12:43
  • 签到天数: 1541 天


    发表于 2021-2-3 16:26:25 | 显示全部楼层
    chenbinvip 发表于 2021-2-3 15:422 |% k/ @( q* d- Y
    PHRASAL VERB        短语动词
    0 n: N9 ]& O4 X0 L8 D# l[不费力地]获得,学会
    * z) q2 X, y% i3 uIf you pick up something such as a skill or an idea, you  ...

    8 V0 j4 _$ Q1 P) r还有分得更细的。
    7 }* {2 ]+ ^' iget by bits; acquire or gain as occasions offer; acquire casually
    & U9 w+ O# S3 o( ]4 T4 j0 f• picked up a few dollars doing odd jobs
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-6-11 12:43
  • 签到天数: 1541 天


    发表于 2021-2-3 16:28:02 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    5 天前
  • 签到天数: 1498 天


     楼主| 发表于 2021-2-3 16:54:22 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-6-11 12:43
  • 签到天数: 1541 天


    发表于 2021-2-3 17:08:51 | 显示全部楼层
    chenbinvip 发表于 2021-2-3 16:54
    9 W& ?$ D) e5 `0 Y8 w- n( X似乎有积、攒的意思。这个是哪本词典啊?中文也积雪这一说

    9 ]; K- L" _' ^+ t7 l2 k' c是韦3. webster international unabridged 没有中文版
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-2 07:42
  • 签到天数: 1092 天


    发表于 2021-2-4 14:17:08 | 显示全部楼层
    pick up over 3 inches of snow each year& ^9 q" a5 Z; M

    ! C/ q! F- R9 g5 x- X每年,一下雪我就捡,零零星星地,加起来超过3寸厚了,就像拾起一条3寸厚的雪被子那样
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