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[词典讨论] abolish 条@[远东|国际]国际英汉大辞典 & WBD1979



发表于 2016-9-12 12:06:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

4 ^5 P9 |( Z- C远东英汉大辞典
1 a4 C7 _1 c4 j5 d! A/ Q       
0 S, j) m: f# l9 E' J, j国际英汉大辞典1 d* J  ^& v: V
. D: f. y! j+ AWBD,19797 l  w% A* \  K+ q2 u( E! I
8 I. e% T% H/ O6 \. w$ L


 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-12 23:27:11 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Oeasy 于 2016-9-12 23:31 编辑
& ~# s( b+ d. j& [+ T8 ^* q: K# B. _! ^3 t/ a

( `* E" g1 ~( `8 A
- ^7 K1 m! x! w' U% @; A--
4 t0 t0 w$ [) f/ N**远东英汉大辞典
$ A* v3 `$ S# z& C9 Y* wabolish
( L4 d2 h. K% tv.t.
5 l6 T0 U& j! f4 u1. 废止;革除。2 v5 s+ r! F' e5 O9 y/ v
We must abolish slavery. 我们应当废止奴隶制度。
- D! y7 P) }/ s) ]: p! E  ^0 zIf war could be abolished, armies and navies would be unnecessary. 如果战争可以废止,陆海军均将成为不必需的。# F, ?$ _8 B8 l
2. 完全破坏(人,或事物)。
. \% ^3 h5 N- J& H3 E# J1 z. uA fog abolished the landscape. 大雾把风景破坏了。
, J: @; E% y) O" U8 K! n  n-abolisher, n.
9 m' P3 ?1 j( \9 [【注意】abolish, annihilate, extinguish 均指结束或灭除某件事物言。
3 k9 \7 e: x. P! tabolish 仅用以指人为之且通常为长期存在的事物言,如法律,风俗习惯等:) U5 B: S* _1 ]
The principal abolished all secret societies. 那校长废除了所有的秘密社团。
8 A* m- o- |6 A0 C3 D7 j% c  Hannihilate 其使用范围较广,含武力之使用,且保留有其字面上之意义,指经不留已一痕一迹地扫除某事物或消除其殊异之性质或形式,以使之消失:
8 M; j' O! w1 I  @# s( CThree survivors told how the enemy annihilated the regiment. 三个生还者叙述敌人如何地消灭那一团。1 z; Z* P  U" R) b  x
extinguish 用以指可借压服性之武力或环境使之灭亡的事物或观念言:
% Z( S4 G/ L/ J: H$ D4 b7 |+ mYou may extinguish a nation, but not the love of liberty. 你能灭亡一个国家,但却不能消灭人们对自由的爱好。" t7 @# r2 N  U! o# j* w
--, n9 {% ]4 d7 z, }
+ _3 f# M6 j" {; e- f+ g' Xabolish
6 q: _& d% U# H% ~+ kv.t.% E6 o1 j! u8 Y$ {8 s  u
1. 废除(法律、习惯等):3 ]9 z# l5 G  w6 I5 p
abolish slavery 废除奴隶制度
! t6 k! c' x5 h# h/ o+ Jabolish all exploiting systems 废除一切剥削制度。5 \7 ~  e, X5 Q& b& }
2. 完全破坏(人、事物等):
4 }/ n% j$ V& ?A fog abolished the landscape. 大雾迷茫,把风景完全笼罩住了。
# j1 o+ c6 w9 C' K-abolisher, n.
  h4 w. e/ \* H" J0 `6 L【辨义】abolish, annihilate, exterminate, extinguish, eradicate, obliterate 这几个字都有“除去”的意思。
* }' b% h0 ], y3 J' _5 h% Uabolish 指“消除某种情况或规章等人为的事物”,如法律、习惯、制度等:
& t9 x5 R- F/ SThe college students voted to abolish all secret societies.: F/ n1 h, b8 p' f4 }1 e
annihilate 一字用得较普遍,含有使用武力不留痕迹地去完全消除的意思:
- ]$ a" [8 T0 j( IThe survivors told how the enemy annihilated the regiment.
$ r9 ?/ o# r" q7 I, y7 Wexterminate 含有“用审慎的方法消灭”的意思,且多指大规模的扑灭:  `6 B; {6 [* C& f
They exterminated insects by spraying with DDT.
, D, f+ s& S! D6 s1 D1 ^extinguish 一字比较正式,指用强大的力量消灭,其比喻的用法有“死”的意思:
# B+ O9 j# X4 i' Y$ |, s, r$ `extinguish a fire/ Z2 Q1 W3 X- A' ?8 g" H
You may extinugish liberty, but not the love of liberty.: i  v& _0 _; H& D4 k/ R
eradicate 原指连根拔去,使其不再生长,故有根除,使……断根之意:
0 V/ E- k& J- R& _. T  B, HThe new vaccine eradicated all traces of the disease within three months.
3 ^* z0 Y+ l. lobliterate 亦指消灭得不留痕迹之意,惟多指事物而言:
: e( S2 `& D3 q' B$ xThe heavy rain obliterated all foot-prints.
+ s$ t! _# M7 w+ e6 P7 {5 l1 \+ }) Z+ x6 |--. G2 O+ u6 v% z" F" U7 X
**英汉大词典 第 2 版5 S9 P$ S3 \3 e" u
abolish: d! T$ F$ g' V/ T4 a
1. 彻底废除(法律、制度、习俗等);废止7 v) c7 m: ^/ p! Y, l
abolish slavery 废除奴隶制9 G" V1 h; ]% G4 ^* s! V; Q4 g
abolish abuses of power 彻底铲除滥用权力的现象
& ?& d$ [4 j* O- _3 @2 b4 U% ^9 {1 g2. 完全破坏% ~# `  `& p. U+ Q" r3 x1 F8 {
A fog abolished the landscape. 大雾把山水景色笼罩了个严实。5 Y0 W, m- U3 t- U3 r" ^

$ _) B- i6 _7 k2 @5 ^$ @, P: b--2 a% [+ C" @; _, v5 v! w# k' l
a|bol|ish «uh BOL ihsh», transitive verb.
1 Y4 W" m8 O$ D1 X2 P) A1. to put an end to; do away with (a law, institution, or custom) completely: Many people wish that nations would abolish war. Slavery was abolished in the United States in 1865. SYNONYM(S): annul, stop, suppress.
! R2 K9 ?) X" ~) Z6 r0 H2. Obsolete. to destroy: Thus … shall the Bastille be abolished (Thomas Carlyle).
; O0 [/ o2 h, ?; s2 D5 f[< French aboliss-, stem of abolir; fusion of Latin abolēre destroy, and abolēscere die out]7 h' }0 ^6 \9 k/ t0 A" D. R
–a|bol′ish|a|ble, adjective.
+ M- B8 w) ^" r" f& o1 |, ~–a|bol′ish|er, noun.4 x1 T  k6 O& r( R# O2 r0 V
–a|bol′ish|ment, noun.
8 \& _/ l' N  C/ ]- sSynonym Study 1 Abolish, annihilate, extinguish mean to put an end to something. Abolish now usually applies to man-made things other than concrete objects, such as laws or customs, usually long in existence: ! _' x& S& Z5 h* E
The college students voted to abolish all secret societies. ! C' E  d  p$ O: l' G
Annihilate, more general in application, suggests the use of force and retains its literal meaning of reducing to nothing or of destroying completely: , a( U# L+ |+ q
Three survivors told how the enemy annihilated the regiment.
- A3 s) m* \6 O3 C7 qExtinguish, a rather formal word in this sense, applies to things or ideas that die or are blotted out by overpowering force or circumstances: 2 e( H9 Y. i0 O4 R. H  C9 q/ o8 @
You may extinguish liberty, but not the love of liberty.2 Q; ?, |2 I$ z
, o7 R6 X% i' f7 l) a, b
3 d7 o- _4 f7 r


发表于 2019-3-31 12:04:31 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情

    2022-3-25 16:19
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    发表于 2019-7-31 01:22:48 | 显示全部楼层
    nosubstitute 发表于 2019-3-31 12:04
    9 }" n3 y: o2 B. a' O远东的用法说明很好,可惜找不到电子版本。
    0 R. W1 O. C3 N2 f2 D


    发表于 2019-9-23 10:17:46 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2019-12-20 10:43:19 | 显示全部楼层
    richard2017 发表于 2019-7-31 01:22
    5 N% o9 U' w6 H3 @! Q4 Z9 F; n2 Z楼主显然有电子版啊
    . o4 o. \( T2 z8 z! }
  • TA的每日心情
    2022-9-5 17:19
  • 签到天数: 21 天


    发表于 2022-8-6 06:06:59 | 显示全部楼层


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