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[语言求助] 音乐剧《猫》中的一段歌词没有看懂

  • TA的每日心情

    2020-2-23 10:00
  • 签到天数: 100 天


    发表于 2020-1-26 21:37:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 TinaIsBunny 于 2020-1-26 21:39 编辑
    3 {# W# [2 J% J! v3 o0 z, u, ]- M" k. g1 C- q6 Z4 ]1 P
    这是音乐剧《猫》中,老首领的一段唱词,没怎么看懂,尤其是assign 那里。  W6 W+ _8 Q6 S* n! H7 U
    请帮分析一下,应该如何理解# J- O$ f8 j& j' \1 w

    . q, r+ }8 E  G! y# q* K' P
    $ n  d7 q8 B" h! [8 _
    2 W* }* M/ n% P0 I; G% {5 `[Old Deuteronomy]
    % `) F& D& W( v, D0 e8 t! o" KThe moments of happiness
    % r  }( ^* P2 B" E; q+ }7 C7 \We had the experience but missed the meaning
      D/ P+ Q" X5 n& O$ C6 K$ vAnd approach to the meaning restores the experience.( {" C2 s  u, \% p: U+ F* P
    In a different form beyond any meaning we can assign to happiness4 K& y" p- ^" ~7 o2 [
    The past experience revived in the meaning
    3 e7 u) `% v7 a) cIs not the experience of one life only
    ) I0 D  S7 @: `# v& @8 c7 R5 |But of many generations
    & l8 t6 ?& B) T+ bNot forgetting something that is probably quite ineffable& w% X5 F% X" i2 [8 O6 c
    ; {+ o# B  D; A7 Z  T, N

    1 a+ y) O5 U" N0 V$ W/ b5 W: O
    : D, q, [9 g( ?. Q2 a/ ^8 ]4 T" u  m3 w9 j4 {. ~, A/ _7 X) G) `' D
  • TA的每日心情
    2020-3-25 07:07
  • 签到天数: 5 天


    发表于 2020-1-26 22:03:00 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 elusty 于 2020-1-26 22:07 编辑
    $ q( o  k  @% }: i* ], y
    ! l  M) U* L" v% @  k好像,你的标点符号不对,所以也就不好理解(定语从句):4 u& d( G0 s& v6 g
    The moments of happiness—not the sense of well-being,
    8 K- T9 _' R& x7 rFruition, fulfilment, security or affecton,
    # ^6 n  d7 a* `. c; \Or even a very good dinner, but the sudden illumination—
    ( L( L" p* d* i. E, K, h+ r  s5 XWe had the experience but missed the meaning,
    ( |; }8 @$ A6 K, \And approach to the meaning restores the experience7 {  M( h/ v2 I: `
    In a different form, beyond any meaning$ y8 K5 t" U' l$ E! f5 w" B
    We can assign to happiness. I have said before
    . ]/ }( f1 l- k( MThat the past experience revived in the meaning
    3 f: B- b# l" dIs not the experience of one life only! r8 x* h9 p5 \9 Q) O
    But of many generations—not forgetting
    ! ~4 g, X+ C+ n) @: }Something that is probably quite ineffable:& C8 v+ W  F3 l
    The backward look behind the assurance7 u6 @+ w; y0 y
    Of recorded history, the backward half-look' H3 d6 G! U7 }( @
    Over the shoulder, towards the primitive terror.
    0 E) }! j2 b8 x7 j8 f! ^
    - J& A! P  `! W: V! V% ?* Q
    5 }1 R5 V/ Z$ C' Z
    //////////////# ^9 w4 E( x: k
    For Eliot, the passage of time ought to teach us much about permanence: many people merely pass through experiences and miss their meaning. He ties this idea to the deceptive notion that momentary happiness is more important than well-being. It is the “meaning-of” which restores the meaning of experience: “We had the experience but missed the meaning,/And approach to the meaning restores the experience/In a different form, beyond any meaning/We can assign to happiness …”
    & M9 f/ r4 U5 m% s- G! B$ ]( |! `
  • TA的每日心情

    2020-2-23 10:00
  • 签到天数: 100 天


     楼主| 发表于 2020-1-26 22:55:50 | 显示全部楼层
    elusty 发表于 2020-1-26 22:03) ~* @( m3 R& k: p$ `; h4 ^
    好像,你的标点符号不对,所以也就不好理解(定语从句):: y. m6 O# J) |3 b0 R3 Z
    The moments of happiness—not the sense of we ...
    : b  i: W, b. o7 F# B4 {8 s4 `5 l$ `
    The backward look behind the assurance
    + X6 \4 W  Y6 @( s2 POf recorded history, the backward half-look
    2 W2 Y8 A  f( Z" Y) d) B: @/ rOver the shoulder, towards the primitive terror
    + t: n! Y: K4 D. Z5 N
    7 b2 T7 H2 K5 x3 F0 b0 p这段什么意思啊。1 J1 A5 A9 f6 u, \7 P
    ; P+ h8 |( H$ n: ~! o# M* o% W

    9 V1 |4 g* O1 ~. h* Z/ J$ z还有解释中的这句话是什么意思啊
    # X% H/ e% k) [% HIt is the “meaning-of” which restores the meaning of experience:
  • TA的每日心情
    2020-3-25 07:07
  • 签到天数: 5 天


    发表于 2020-1-27 11:02:34 | 显示全部楼层
    / d/ a3 ^4 ^4 q5 C& x5 X6 b% ]回顾历史记录中确信背后的真相,越过(表象)的肩膀,观察最初的恐惧. e; F" ^( o3 G' D
    ****# j& m# r+ `% N7 k0 k


    发表于 2020-2-4 20:03:38 | 显示全部楼层
    歌剧歌词是Four Quartets节选的文字,原文这样标点更容易阅读和理解。The moments of happiness not the sense of well-being, fruition, fulfilment, security or affection or even a very good dinner, but the sudden illumination — We had the experience but missed the meaning.And approach to the meaning restores the experience in a different form, beyond any meaning we can assign to happiness. I have said before that the past experience revived in the meaning is not the experience of one life only but of many generations—not forgetting something that is probably quite ineffable.
    ; B  i+ [: L! O+ a& z9 A: \" q- ?* j" g- \7 z' A
    翻译可以参考,哈( d! X7 s! v. Q! R, Z( j* X
    http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201804/547671.shtml  a9 p6 R+ L" E* M1 C- S" i$ W4 q
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