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[语言求助] 特朗普的一句话没理解

  • TA的每日心情

    2020-4-6 09:29
  • 签到天数: 34 天


    发表于 2020-3-16 19:29:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    We have been in frequent contact with our allies and we are marshaling the full power of the Federal government and the private sector to protect the American people. This is the most aggressive and comprehensive effort to confront a foreign virus in modern history. I am confident that by counting and continuing to take these tough measures, we will significantly reduce the threat to our citizens and we will ultimately and expeditiously defeat this virus. # C( d! l7 G7 A

    3 v+ x2 e5 d, c( e3 ^
    " a" K& e. B: r6 w" M* w2 K
    关于新冠肺炎疫情的,这个 counting 是想说啥?" r. S6 N; _5 D: @, t+ J
  • TA的每日心情
    2019-1-23 10:04
  • 签到天数: 122 天


    发表于 2020-3-16 21:13:19 | 显示全部楼层
    You would be forgiven for not knowing what “counting” to take tough measures means. Why would that phrase have been included in Trump’s speech when “continuing to take tough measures” by itself gets the point across?
    + L- V3 L" ]0 G( M
    3 u6 B6 u1 U  c% E% yThe answer, as experienced observers of the president are aware, is that “counting” wasn’t included in Trump’s speech. This is an example of the coping mechanism Trump deploys, gliding past verbal stumbles by simply pretending that he meant to include the incorrect word in what he was saying, even if it doesn’t make any sense. He meant to say “continuing to take tough measures,” and instead said “counting” — then simply rewound himself with a cursory “and.”


    正解!  发表于 2020-3-17 04:36
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-11-22 21:36
  • 签到天数: 150 天


    发表于 2020-3-17 12:45:46 | 显示全部楼层
    mxh3698 发表于 2020-3-17 11:51
    , ~# l8 H' N$ N% dI am confident that by counting and continuing to take these tough measures, we will significantly  ...

    3 S: _. a. i6 B; p1 d. S2 C+ |% x2 ]首先以往记得有这个意思,查词是随手选了常用的词典确认一下  vocabulary.com,外刊例句多,词义是第二义项,也不是犄角旮旯。/ R1 b+ ~( o$ D+ w2 M( {

    " d; L4 @  j0 V- k" ^' N另外these tough measures是counting的宾语,也是continuing to take的宾语
    / J( Q3 r3 L! r4 s+ O# N" r这里是及物动词作 权衡 翻译,语义说得通呀
    * Q0 e8 ?1 ]9 j. c
    5 i! a, l0 s% d, n1 C/ N- x外刊特别是左派媒体喜欢调侃特朗普,大家也知道他有很多口误,很长时间也很多了。现在抗击疫情阶段还调侃一般口误?我解读为媒体调侃特朗普对疫情玩虚招,还在 权衡 而不是 继续采取 这些严格的措施呀,没准WP就是这种调侃呢?
      n  i' ], T* I: Q欢迎拍砖。
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-11-22 21:36
  • 签到天数: 150 天


    发表于 2020-3-16 22:16:37 | 显示全部楼层
    these tough measures是counting和continuing to take的共同宾语,incorrect不是说语法用词错误,WP原文是说川普没有对抗击疫情采取强硬措施
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-11-22 21:36
  • 签到天数: 150 天


    发表于 2020-3-16 19:54:07 | 显示全部楼层
    通过权衡并继续采取严厉措施& y( M, ]7 P' R+ b" }8 `2 E
    count 翻译成 权衡,,我记得还有翻译成 统计 的句子
  • TA的每日心情

    2020-4-6 09:29
  • 签到天数: 34 天


     楼主| 发表于 2020-3-16 20:09:18 | 显示全部楼层
    basiak 发表于 2020-3-16 19:542 F0 I  G6 L9 t# {" N% B" L
    5 F: b$ p" o7 _# I) }count 翻译成 权衡,,我记得还有翻译成 统计 的句子 ...
    ! I$ h. m/ m8 ]9 n% o$ ^
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-1-11 21:26
  • 签到天数: 313 天


    发表于 2020-3-16 20:46:19 | 显示全部楼层
      ^9 I# ~9 A& B% B. m川普说话,经常词不达意,这里有可能是口误
    / |5 m) r. _- t% p奥巴马的演讲比他的漂亮多了
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-11-22 21:36
  • 签到天数: 150 天


    发表于 2020-3-16 20:56:14 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 basiak 于 2020-3-16 21:06 编辑 % L  Q) s6 t% v: o9 J& J0 W
    HaroldHarold 发表于 2020-3-16 20:09" ]  ]- h# t( x" F4 b  l3 Z
    1 c4 J- ?4 m! J! [: a( x
    熟词僻义呀,vt:计数统计,计重,权衡   vi:起作用
    . r( _6 U8 K+ [/ K1 o+ t短语 count the cost 权衡得失 也学过+ ?8 U5 Z8 V1 ]9 f3 K4 Q! \3 m
    懒得翻字典,估计钱伯斯字典有同义词 weigh 权重、计重、权衡的意思
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-11-21 08:17
  • 签到天数: 1131 天


    发表于 2020-3-16 20:57:41 | 显示全部楼层
    We have been in frequent contact with our allies and we are marshaling the full power of the Federal government and the private sector to protect the American people. This is the most aggressive and comprehensive effort to confront a foreign virus in modern history. I am confident that by counting and continuing to take these tough measures, we will significantly reduce the threat to our citizens and we will ultimately and expeditiously defeat this virus. 我们一直与盟友保持经常的联系,并全力调动联邦政府和私营部门以保护美国人。 这在现代历史上对抗外来病毒方面最积极和最全面的努力。 我相信,通过增强和持续地采取严厉措施,我们将大大减少对公民的威胁,并且将最终迅速消除这种病毒。
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-11-22 21:36
  • 签到天数: 150 天


    发表于 2020-3-16 21:11:07 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-1-11 21:26
  • 签到天数: 313 天


    发表于 2020-3-16 22:44:35 | 显示全部楼层
    basiak 发表于 2020-3-16 22:16
    1 S% Y# C% x9 u4 Athese tough measures是counting和continuing to take的共同宾语,incorrect不是说语法用词错误,WP原文是 ...
    ) |3 k, g9 L3 b& i2 L
    上面一楼的解释(个人认为是正确的)阁下不妨看看——! A. j* B7 g2 O2 v6 @% w
    The answer, as experienced observers of the president are aware, is that “counting” wasn’t included in Trump’s speech. This is an example of the coping mechanism Trump deploys, gliding past verbal stumbles by simply pretending that he meant to include the incorrect word in what he was saying, even if it doesn’t make any sense. He meant to say “continuing to take tough measures,” and instead said “counting” — then simply rewound himself with a cursory “and.”
  • TA的每日心情

    2021-9-24 21:31
  • 签到天数: 131 天


    发表于 2020-3-16 22:51:55 | 显示全部楼层


    盘点这个翻译很棒  发表于 2020-3-18 21:23
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-11-22 21:36
  • 签到天数: 150 天


    发表于 2020-3-16 23:17:05 | 显示全部楼层
    mxh3698 发表于 2020-3-16 22:44) S% z3 q+ y# |0 ^0 D
    4 V- T+ X4 I4 d: e9 ^! HThe answer, as experienced observers of the pre ...

    : g% P0 j. {. Y+ C5 }楼主谈的是语法问题吧?+ ~9 s5 c5 C/ r2 p

    , W( g" x. b* ]& ~: h- y我把WP原文粘贴在下面,WP原文想表达川普抗击疫情是不是在玩虚招,措辞以往也出现过故意“错误”
    # N6 W+ ]7 \- ~
    ( ~6 z, f0 \: A6 l) C6 QOne of the less-commented-upon mistakes that President Trump made in his speech about the coronavirus Wednesday night was a bit of a verbal stumble.9 V$ i7 U4 Y3 {/ @7 l

    9 q/ A: g0 d! m( \“This is the most aggressive and comprehensive effort to confront a foreign virus in modern history,” Trump said near the outset of his remarks. “I am confident that by counting and continuing to take these tough measures, we will significantly reduce the threat to our citizens, and we will ultimately and expeditiously defeat this virus.”9 Z" c' c8 ?! K$ c

    * R( V& Q5 p# ^5 OYou would be forgiven for not knowing what “counting” to take tough measures means. Why would that phrase have been included in Trump’s speech when “continuing to take tough measures” by itself gets the point across?
    8 A3 ]8 Q' F- K5 \! k
    8 A  U0 m) s  g( m. C. g' O; VThe answer, as experienced observers of the president are aware, is that “counting” wasn’t included in Trump’s speech. This is an example of the coping mechanism Trump deploys, gliding past verbal stumbles by simply pretending that he meant to include the incorrect word in what he was saying, even if it doesn’t make any sense. He meant to say “continuing to take tough measures,” and instead said “counting” — then simply rewound himself with a cursory “and.”" r( ?$ \( o/ G5 m
    % x/ f: M% h2 d* e8 B/ l4 J
    In late 2017, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes documented several examples of Trump deploying this tactic.
    0 i2 \2 [: |3 n( d0 g2 Q: ?* F5 @. ?
    8 ~; w' F, v8 [1 c- s( @
    Sometimes, the rewinds are much more substantive than simply tossing in one odd word. CNN’s Daniel Dale, who fact-checks Trump’s speeches for the network, noticed a lengthy aside apparently spurred by misreading the teleprompter during the president’s speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference last month.
    0 g3 ]7 O3 j$ t7 g" u& p& v4 v# |2 p: U# l( k5 Z) }3 I( {
    Trump’s prepared remarks almost certainly had him saying, “We understand that our first duty and our highest loyalty is to the American citizens,” continuing on to attack his political opponents for violating “this sacrosanct principle.” But perhaps having gone on a riff about first lady Melania Trump earlier in his speech, that’s not what he said.9 l5 l3 O/ F) i' h4 g: x2 A

    9 o: R, A; g: X  w+ D) F& ^“We understand that our first lady and highest — ” he said, catching himself and redirecting, “and you have to remember this: When our first lady came out, she said to me today, ‘Say hello to everybody.’ And she said that ‘your first duty and your highest loyalty’ — and this was coming right from her — ‘is to the American citizens. And you really have to let the people know.’ This is — Melania told me this. Can you believe this?”& c" Q; P3 J. R* k9 j* ]# c

    : j$ D( c8 g0 Y2 v) Y9 `. `The crowd applauded.
    $ ?/ g1 a3 `  v/ _0 s7 Y2 r( u  H) y6 e& l
    “She’s like giving me a history lesson. Our first lady is giving me a history” — more applause — “Our highest loyalty to the American people. I said, ‘Okay.’ That was pretty good. Thank you. Thank you very much. I’ll tell her. I’ll tell her that was the single-best line in the whole speech.”
    - c" l( O  k! Z7 W5 a# h# Y8 s6 D( T  U1 ?
    He went on to disparage the “American left.”4 w- A, K- h1 k8 h8 b- C
    4 f2 V# N0 r+ m/ {4 j- A0 t9 u
    It’s not entirely clear what motivates Trump to defend his mistakes in this way. Slate’s Ashley Feinberg has speculated it may be a function of his disinclination to wear reading glasses. Normally, though, such slip-ups don’t really matter, and the cause for them is relatively unimportant.- |& p) O( b6 ?+ G! _/ u

    8 C! L) I" a5 W" \0 |" W& pAt another point in his speech Wednesday evening, though, Trump may have had a more significant slip-up.
    ) M5 Y" S: p; f7 h  X2 A" u
    $ ?% M+ b5 w  \% uHe’d announced a ban on travel from Europe to the United States.# k, W1 `; k5 d" i0 y0 Q# z
    " `% O2 A$ ~: e7 Y7 }
    “There will be exemptions for Americans who have undergone appropriate screenings,” Trump said, “and these prohibitions will not only apply to the tremendous amount of trade and cargo but various other things as we get approval. Anything coming from Europe to the United States is what we are discussing.”' A' I+ k6 u8 v# |1 B' u1 p3 c9 L

    5 s& \& O" P3 {. V% ]8 wThis wasn’t actually right. The administration wasn’t announcing a ban on cargo or trade. Dale speculates that perhaps Trump had seen “not apply to” on the teleprompter, read it as “not only apply to” and then had to append the “various other things” to justify the use of “not only.” That theory is bolstered by the inclusion of “tremendous.” Trump’s speech was heavy on reminders of the health of the economy; pointedly exempting the “tremendous” amount of trade with the European Union would send a signal that Trump was keeping economic concerns at the forefront.$ b1 m4 n7 e2 Z
    ' Z6 {) }0 Q0 W$ X1 o
    Later reporting indicated European leaders had not been informed about the new restrictions before Trump announced them on live television. During the 10-minute window between his comments and the White House’s clarification about their scope, imagine the scramble from European trade partners: a ban on any trade or cargo? The implications of Trump’s statement were probably short-lived but not insignificant.) H) f3 V2 O4 \8 w* z6 \% N- i8 M( Y

    ' X' r  B- E# I  t2 BPerhaps something changed between the moment when Trump read his remarks and the later walk-back from his White House. Perhaps Trump had intended to curtail all trade, though, of course, people are the most worrisome vector for transmitting the virus.0 o5 E5 T" J  w

    / L3 v4 d8 X7 s: c5 fAnd perhaps Trump wanted America to know that his team was counting to take tough measures.
    ! T9 p# W, d/ W0 Z0 J8 A( ~! C# k8 G4 m- G2 P$ t
    Update: The Wall Street Journal reviewed draft copies of Trump’s speech. They did not include the word “only.”


    答案就在这篇文章里,LOL  发表于 2020-3-17 11:14
    这篇文章,阁下相比也没仔细看吧?18楼,鄙人不才,划了划重点,请不吝赐教  发表于 2020-3-17 10:31
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-8-6 03:05
  • 签到天数: 2 天


    发表于 2020-3-17 01:36:48 | 显示全部楼层
    . \1 J9 e% t$ \- z  jhttps://theintercept.com/2020/03 ... -europe-backtracks/& [+ N  a. J# D- p# h: \

    3 N& a  R( N' l6 j9 i9 N
    ! j, G% `0 p% a+ P% t) z$ R' a
    ! H* k" J- F/ _" t$ Z" D+ L
    . `  T9 J3 c' e0 m5 O  L
    . H1 R/ n5 O% r0 {, {( S% V  z# O


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  • TA的每日心情
    2021-8-6 03:05
  • 签到天数: 2 天


    发表于 2020-3-17 01:44:02 | 显示全部楼层
    ldoce6 发表于 2020-3-17 01:36
    + }, t% ]: T) `是口誤,當日這个蠻夷特朗甫説錯的還不止一个半个字,引起不少批評。
    8 V; }! Q/ c# L2 k) U) Thttps://theintercept.com/2020/03/12 ...

    $ X, b+ @3 P6 j5 Z# z重新上圖, sorry; Q2 }& v$ T9 t+ G+ z! }5 ~. i


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  • TA的每日心情
    2023-3-20 15:17
  • 签到天数: 423 天


    发表于 2020-3-17 03:31:33 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-1-11 21:26
  • 签到天数: 313 天


    发表于 2020-3-17 04:15:04 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 mxh3698 于 2020-3-17 04:33 编辑 ( Z+ w0 V* z) P+ i5 y6 C
    basiak 发表于 2020-3-16 23:17
    * A/ R& N9 d8 V4 _0 S! s) x; [楼主谈的是语法问题吧?! \7 E' r' l+ @2 Y1 d' ~$ P; O( j) D

    4 t2 `8 s! O# m; b9 V# F我把WP原文粘贴在下面,WP原文想表达川普抗击疫情是不是在玩虚招,措辞以往也出 ...
    9 a" `( p$ M. {, `+ @% D  Y
    ( X7 A5 l: O  ], G& T# a# c: O8 H如果按照题目和主贴的话,俺觉得应该说的是 counting一词的词意# O, A9 y* x! b
    看了报道,不管川普是无意口误,然后顺势把整个要说的话转到另一个方向;还是有意口误(也就是说口误作为一种策略),这个counting都是不可理解的,毫无意义的9 O$ K+ I: g. d8 b
    ; p4 ~- z. n* d
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-1-11 21:26
  • 签到天数: 313 天


    发表于 2020-3-17 04:27:49 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 mxh3698 于 2020-3-17 04:29 编辑 # K; M" v9 J$ z% u  \$ i: }1 \& ~5 W9 g
    basiak 发表于 2020-3-16 19:54
    ; D! i" P2 L0 W9 G' O0 U通过权衡并继续采取严厉措施
    . j" ~: Y" n" W. p! Q5 ecount 翻译成 权衡,,我记得还有翻译成 统计 的句子 ...
    " L3 Q6 z5 [& {# O

    ' i  x" j0 u; [. R% f" V/ S2 i9 f楼主主贴的标题+问题,我的解读是:counting一词的词意。
    5 g+ p6 }# z% T/ k事实上,从阁下最初的回答来看,阁下也是这样理解的——  x# k  |' _% t! W5 K" w+ [
    ! N, K+ {( y4 r
    % Q8 K$ B2 q, b- S/ b  b" b9 ]count 翻译成 权衡,,我记得还有翻译成 统计 的句子+ n: \/ G/ b5 j; z- A3 R2 D" P& q
    ) r/ u& T) ^) s# [1 _" X& `
    熟词僻义呀,vt:计数统计,计重,权衡   vi:起作用$ D' w1 L5 Z/ m2 k, }, |& e5 q( n) |6 I0 J$ m( |0 f4 P
    短语 count the cost 权衡得失 也学过
    , e' l& `1 \6 |懒得翻字典,估计钱伯斯字典有同义词 weigh 权重、计重、权衡的意思
    # o& p. i3 v5 B) a" Z' _- R5 C4 e0 y* P/ n, l0 t$ }
    " p0 @4 ?$ D2 T- c6 ]1 C
    4 a6 K) x+ r8 q
    - h8 J1 R( L7 I) J* s
    these tough measures是counting和continuing to take的共同宾语,incorrect不是说语法用词错误,WP原文是说川普没有对抗击疫情采取强硬措施
      n7 X# }2 q# _( w0 p
    3 \+ D4 k" q8 T& c这里想说几点——
    + @' R5 V; a0 F& s% \/ |  \6 c1、楼主语焉不详,有做出不同解读的空间4 C) ?! q2 H4 A& Y- ?
    2、但是,如果楼主说的是语法问题的话,那就很没意思了9 L! [+ _0 j: h8 V1 k
    / ^& i$ _4 P  G2 T; B- q4 R! P4、楼主的英语水平,在其他的几个帖子里也可见一斑——很高,不是一般的高& Z* P1 f% b4 s' u$ v' k) Y: C* D
    ( n8 ]' R1 B; M$ n8 T; n: R/ h* C7 w0 i) X
    以上本人的猜度如果有脱靶的情况(不管是对楼主还是对层主),请接收本人诚挚的道歉:对不起,我以小人之心度君子之腹了,我错了。% k& @8 |7 l' l( D, W0 H

    ' P" T& [. R9 b7 `4 ?) w' u
    ; C- s. x$ o. P  |


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    科学研究,写paper就是不断置疑的。权威论阴谋论还是算了吧。  发表于 2020-3-17 09:02
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-1-11 21:26
  • 签到天数: 313 天


    发表于 2020-3-17 04:53:47 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 mxh3698 于 2020-3-17 05:08 编辑
    0 v" D% `5 D8 F% c$ G- {8 `# ^
    basiak 发表于 2020-3-16 23:17- W* g. A3 G/ E5 Y: h. @1 Q! Q9 h2 W
    楼主谈的是语法问题吧?7 O* r1 y! |# O% J3 o

    & i) y% r- z2 [5 z我把WP原文粘贴在下面,WP原文想表达川普抗击疫情是不是在玩虚招,措辞以往也出 ...

    ) _) J( a. v' B0 |4 WOne of the less-commented-upon mistakes that President Trump made in his speech about the coronavirus Wednesday night was a bit of a verbal stumble.- j# w3 g- P5 C! x
    1 o: P- p& y9 T9 \1 J
    , m6 I* L1 [( v& o+ J# F. s  Z“This is the most aggressive and comprehensive effort to confront a foreign virus in modern history,” Trump said near the outset of his remarks. “I am confident that by counting and continuing to take these tough measures, we will significantly reduce the threat to our citizens, and we will ultimately and expeditiously defeat this virus.”+ n$ ^9 d3 p, X7 i: p: ?
    8 E4 q0 k  h( `2 B4 B$ z3 l. T. Y8 K' [2 Z! q  E0 P6 p- |
    You would be forgiven for not knowing what “counting” to take tough measures means. Why would that phrase have been included in Trump’s speech when “continuing to take tough measures” by itself gets the point across?
    6 ]3 u4 U) `' Y( C! N) ]0 h! y. x- q( @. R: L- J
    The answer, as experienced observers of the president are aware, is that “counting” wasn’t included in Trump’s speech. This is an example of the coping mechanism Trump deploys, gliding past verbal stumbles by simply pretending that he meant to include the incorrect word in what he was saying, even if it doesn’t make any sense. He meant to say “continuing to take tough measures,” and instead said “counting” — then simply rewound himself with a cursory “and.”- A& f( x) T9 g* d) b3 |
    9 K' z5 v  [: O2 H' @. q$ Z7 u1 Y. J8 h: ~; j0 [; }1 S
    In late 2017, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes documented several examples of Trump deploying this tactic." g6
    / m- K% b* {8 w7 S9 u. v+ F============S5 Y+ @0 W" s! }6 X8 I# S  G4 b" T
    " B1 H& [3 H& M% t( ?9 a$ d# F. h1 }6 [
    * @; P8 V% C& I: {( ~; x9 k% A( {6 M3 C
    8 z  u  I0 N3 D  }4 z  `1 b
    2 a% N" ~5 f& R+ B7 @
    / O9 K( z+ {8 H: I对于 counting一词的解释,到此为止。5 L: D( u/ a! `) q+ G9 o
    结论:Trump口误,但是又不想改口,所以就  口误+and+正确的词,作为自己掩盖口误的一种应对。
    9 n# T, v  D& K( Z# T5 T这应该就已经解答了楼主在主贴提出的问题。
    + I1 t2 S( J4 [; w4 z- v
    : H4 M* U& p& Q+ |

    & Q3 R; n. L- c' Q' a! I0 O3 b

    2 ]2 u( R3 d$ C% h5 |% ]
    ! [* f  h% j* a# O4 M
    6 q1 f) {3 `( a; ^, [+ z
    8 q/ Q" V  x0 L5 n& X
    Sometimes, the rewinds are much more substantive than simply tossing in one odd word. CNN’s Daniel Dale, who fact-checks Trump’s speeches for the network, noticed a lengthy aside apparently spurred by misreading the teleprompter during the president’s speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference last month./ S( V& r; P0 [: ?+ n" o6 K+ `5 F( T0 u* T' x) ?
    ! v5 E' C/ i) p- W( H
    Trump’s prepared remarks almost certainly had him saying, “We understand that our first duty and our highest loyalty is to the American citizens,” (这是川普准备好的讲稿)continuing on to attack his political opponents for violating “this sacrosanct principle.” But perhaps having gone on a riff about first lady Melania Trump earlier in his speech, that’s not what he said.1 S9 v2 u* [' I/ l8 n
    1 A; B9 l% u  H6 H$ ~2 t( M+ z- T
    We understand that our first lady(口误) and highest — ” he said, catching himself and redirecting(意识到了,顺势改口), “and you have to remember this: When our first lady came out, she said to me today, ‘Say hello to everybody.’ And she said that ‘your first duty and your highest loyalty’ — and this was coming right from her — ‘is to the American citizens. And you really have to let the people know.’ This is — Melania told me this. Can you believe this?”! l3 j6 N2 a* H. m
    5 e9 f, [; m: c' f! X& [4 n8 C8 K" r; T3 i
    The crowd applauded.* B* o; G0 m; a
    4 M9 e) ~0 t7 c, s* t: z
    “She’s like giving me a history lesson. Our first lady is giving me a history” — more applause — “Our highest loyalty to the American people. I said, ‘Okay.’ That was pretty good. Thank you. Thank you very much. I’ll tell her. I’ll tell her that was the single-best line in the whole speech.”
    ) {! w+ b+ H  e$ N* H; R: O& t7 t+ M2 C& k) Z  E  q* X  k; L- C& p
    He went on to disparage the “American left.”# i% g/ \( U% h1 K: R! B! S, }1 C7 d" E9 l8 c* k: g
    & L3 q8 ]6 L. L0 v* o
    It’s not entirely clear what motivates Trump to defend his mistakes in this way. (原因追究)Slate’s Ashley Feinberg has speculated it may be a function of his disinclination to wear reading glasses.(一种可能性:老人家了,眼睛不行了,但是又不愿意带老花镜) Normally, though, such slip-ups don’t really matter, and the cause for them is relatively unimportant.. l% r1 f# V1 |: b
    % C5 T5 J9 x" `) X) L$ S4 G2 Z/ o4 a; H+ E9 W/ `; S$ Z  D! i
    At another point in his speech Wednesday evening, though, Trump may have had a more significant slip-up.(这次口误可能要严重一点点)# N8 e" I7 r2 B& B+ c5 y4 ~

    + X; [5 ^- {- p6 G3 CHe’d announced a ban on travel from Europe to the United States.
    5 e5 F/ \( d6 W: a
    ! _7 j2 G, A" r  Q% C' t$ f“There will be exemptions for Americans who have undergone appropriate screenings,” Trump said, “and these prohibitions will not only apply to the tremendous amount of trade and cargo but various other things as we get approval. Anything coming from Europe to the United States is what we are discussing.”
    % j) [/ @& k3 _" p, a* h: A* ^4 ~! {0 w& R% R# G  W+ {+ e
    This wasn’t actually right. The administration wasn’t announcing a ban on cargo or trade. Dale speculates that perhaps Trump had seen “not apply to” on the teleprompter, read it as “not only apply to” and then had to append the “various other things” to justify the use of “not only.” (解释:没戴老花镜,看错了)That theory is bolstered by the inclusion of “tremendous.” Trump’s speech was heavy on reminders of the health of the economy; pointedly exempting the “tremendous” amount of trade with the European Union would send a signal that Trump was keeping economic concerns at the forefront.
    2 P9 }6 v& R+ Y7 V3 l" i4 P8 N, q% H5 b# g5 `
    . Y' \; E, k$ R; M9 _4 XLater reporting indicated European leaders had not been informed about the new restrictions before Trump announced them on live television. During the 10-minute window between his comments and the White House’s clarification about their scope, imagine the scramble from European trade partners: a ban on any trade or cargo? The implications of Trump’s statement were probably short-lived but not insignificant.4 ~# V, S& t% F9 V1 e2 m(川普是口误,但是一时之间,美国的欧洲贸易伙伴可是吓得够呛,虽然只是short-lived,然后就醒过味来了,呵呵), ]  I) v7 p' p% z" j0 Z
    8 L( `* Q: X% u8 j5 k+ G- `
    Perhaps something changed between the moment when Trump read his remarks and the later walk-back from his White House. Perhaps Trump had intended to curtail all trade, though, of course, people are the most worrisome vector for transmitting the virus.6 d9 L% p; I/ R8 ~+ ^
    & Y- l/ d7 V& J% r2 {+ {# F  }% Y" H! n; X7 c- }  R  i7 ?0 q$ x
    0 ]) b2 }- ^. @. Z6 hAnd perhaps Trump wanted America to know that his team was counting to take tough measures.(表面上是对可能原因的猜测,其实呢,是用川普的口误对川普进行的嘲弄,呵呵)7 j# n7 r& \& A+ I/ [
    / p4 q( M; ]: r" K
    * |- I- n$ Z0 z: ~
    % H: y% ?& P7 d! f$ X结论:
    # u( y, f' o; p1、川普的 口误 并非是故意的; B4 T4 E0 c9 m
    2、上面WSJ(?)的报道,说的是口误问题,不是     WP原文想表达川普抗击疫情是不是在玩虚招
    , v0 V$ X5 H( l) B
    4 T0 b. N+ @8 a' `) x4 r. J
    7 P* Y# u! X3 n- e6 {) v- v2 [
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-11-22 21:36
  • 签到天数: 150 天


    发表于 2020-3-17 08:38:34 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 basiak 于 2020-3-17 08:52 编辑
    5 r  {1 r/ Z$ t0 b+ Q- @3 B# I5 v: f2 ^5 ~
    WP是偏左派,保守派,我的解释也说的通呀。迷糊了。。。WSJ是偏右,是举的不加only例子5 V6 Z% O: y. W) R& _# W6 a: p
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-1-11 21:26
  • 签到天数: 313 天


    发表于 2020-3-17 09:00:22 | 显示全部楼层
    basiak 发表于 2020-3-17 08:38
      L$ ?$ _' F  \WP是偏左派,保守派,我的解释也说的通呀。迷糊了。。。WSJ是偏右,是举的不加only例子
    5 k0 G* t9 {( | ...

    ! p* {) s3 E' |0 e5 N; s1、要说的话,在18楼已经说了,兹不赘。
    ; F, B% i' D+ z; l6 U2、counting是口误,这应该是没有问题的* k: ^: W% f+ p* U) q
    0 o# A" J) l" C3 e* O& B; f1 f* t4、楼主的脑袋里应该是标准答案的
    0 |+ _5 U2 g; ^6 W- ?4 b2 W8 Z
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-8-25 10:07
  • 签到天数: 1227 天


    发表于 2020-3-17 09:40:53 | 显示全部楼层
    trivialstuff 发表于 2020-3-16 21:13
    * i) m+ K: @" y  [1 y5 Whttps://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/03/12/how-trumps-refusal-admit-mistakes-may-have-exacer ...

    + m. i3 H% J3 [9 i+ x6 v1 _: r& Q真是神了,华盛顿邮报网站居然专门有一篇文章讲这个
    ' y2 h, v& x* f' D亏我刚才还查了半天 count 有没有别的什么义项
    - X+ ^$ h# v# f6 d- f这文章后面还举了特朗普的其他口误,简直笑死人,还有把 first duty 说成了 first lady,为了圆回来,后面只好讲了半天第一夫人的事 ……


    哈哈,原本没想那么多,带上zz思想看文章反而让人迷糊了。  发表于 2020-3-17 09:48
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-1-11 21:26
  • 签到天数: 313 天


    发表于 2020-3-17 10:32:43 | 显示全部楼层
    mxh3698 发表于 2020-3-17 04:27
    $ }; e; P% ?' @& F& e  I% k* ^6 f楼主主贴的标题+问题,我的解读是:counting一词的词意。
    " ^4 R2 a) z7 U) [! x事实上,从阁下最初的回答来看,阁下也是这样理 ...
    , d* ]3 }- x' C+ W& o
    阁下的 权威阴谋论 从何说起呢?不明白
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-11-22 21:36
  • 签到天数: 150 天


    发表于 2020-3-17 10:53:40 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 basiak 于 2020-3-17 11:19 编辑
    / c, c. C* P5 w; ~
    mxh3698 发表于 2020-3-17 10:32
    7 ?5 V6 s$ G: U6 d1 \" P7 R! u阁下的 权威阴谋论 从何说起呢?不明白

    1 I' u# J8 Y* y- L打住吧,只是夸张的调侃罢了。如有冒犯,那我道歉。
    ! \! `. [3 N: c* {, s- r可能有些狭隘,用英文好(潜台词就是对的)来回答疑问,用揣测楼主(钓鱼贴)发问来回答疑问。+ Q& w. i( |) i! [
    : G. G( ~! @2 n5 M补充: 我起初(现在也是)只针对句子回答问题,后来代入zz,特朗普是极右派。两个动词语法没问题,意思有偏差。口误的解读也就有了右派媒体删掉,左派媒体调侃。3 Y* P" \' x: ?: _
    5 H$ C2 D, a; K- L
    0 _: f( e- ], }0 A
    / [( y% X# [9 A7 f- G- d
    % i3 Q8 m& T1 S. l6 j$ h8 J
    . P5 N& {  d4 ~$ B% R+ r, z
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-1-11 21:26
  • 签到天数: 313 天


    发表于 2020-3-17 11:12:58 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 mxh3698 于 2020-3-17 11:38 编辑 " N& I1 E4 N1 _% [, D& u3 B
    basiak 发表于 2020-3-17 10:53  ^; S: j9 W' e1 \+ p8 S
    $ d9 j9 b" E: N; V( L, Y* g3 H可能有些狭隘,用英文好来回答疑问,用揣测楼主发问 ...

    9 _7 m  J6 g: A/ u9 ahey,我没有回答问题吗?, r* e' B; r/ s2 u
    ) f$ y" W- @# _7 h另,我的揣测有没有道理,楼主心里应该是清楚的。您呢,可以去看看你的第一次回复,和楼主对你第一次回复的回复,然后自己在揣摩揣摩,咂巴咂巴滋味,* U) y' ]4 v7 \1 K% F
    呵呵我自己的观点,第一次回复的时候就摆出来了(本帖4楼),君可以自己去看6 ^. `# E8 t" n. Y; V3 @

    $ [- P- A- Z) C6 h/ k: I
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-1-11 21:26
  • 签到天数: 313 天


    发表于 2020-3-17 11:51:14 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 mxh3698 于 2020-3-17 11:52 编辑 4 r2 s  D$ {' h! v. D7 |7 E
    basiak 发表于 2020-3-17 10:53; h  D/ x1 B% ?' |
    " L( @/ P2 s" ^1 C2 O+ R. ~0 j2 n可能有些狭隘,用英文好(潜台词就是对的)来回答疑问, ...

    & u; y9 ~* W, S: H7 }I am confident that by counting and continuing to take these tough measures, we will significantly reduce the threat to our citizens and we will ultimately and expeditiously defeat this virus.
    : ~+ Z' i1 j0 x  C
    6 a$ \# E( P0 G6 g' P好了,撇开其他的问题不说,只谈语言——语法没问题吗?: U; P% K$ W1 t# ?6 z/ v
    不知道阁下所说的语法包不包括 词的搭配?8 q. x0 g( L- u* a/ j: B

    1 [5 Y/ v- l+ S$ H6 \' P1、count显然不能和 to take these tough measures 搭配,和take these tough measures 搭配的是continue: [7 v. L+ t; D; z
    2、那么,在这里,count是及物动词还是不及物动词呢?) \. G# Z; O' R& t' z% O# [  `
    * U8 c6 ~6 G5 t' k' d) L
    1 [VERB] V, V to num: M: {' x8 l2 g% s0 N7 v7 s
    When you count, you say all the numbers one after another up to a particular number.
    " T' J9 e2 w1 k+ `4 i0 ^0 \1 vHe was counting slowly under his breath...
    ( W& a% z! a  E" Y9 {Brian counted to twenty and lifted his binoculars.
    4 p+ u# B  \$ Y. `7 c2 [VERB] V n, V num, V-ed, also V! d* M( u! W7 p9 x
    If you count all the things in a group, you add them up in order to find how many there are.- b" O, J1 k: N! t9 b
    I counted the money. It was more than five hundred pounds...
    , z" s* G6 m. @! ]  z, UI counted 34 wild goats grazing...( Y% ]4 I+ ^' V: ^, J
    With more than 90 percent of the votes counted, the Liberals should win nearly a third of the seats.* R+ k9 O' H' Y% Y8 Z8 p% V' C
    9 t" G6 l( d) c% b, N5 c9 g
    ' i  C$ b  E7 T0 z( j1、做不及物的话,是“数数”的意思吗?
    + u3 \4 `3 C3 y  Y& I8 ~, \8 U& q显然不合适/ U  l: k/ ]% X
    2、做 及物动词讲的话,counting these tough measures, i4 R7 j( s8 I
    $ X6 a% O2 r% Q% }' X% o+ ^5 G7 f$ N
    ; H4 B" ]; J) Z4 p! a" t这就是为什么我的第一反应就是:这可能是个口误。
    3 i0 U0 q5 w" L我的直觉也被老美的报道验证了。* w- w% Z5 }, c

    , m# I/ o0 r: Q- E' ]3 t要说阴谋论的话,君可能是adherent of conspiracy theory,什么zz,left, right 都一下涌现在脑际* Y5 T% N5 J7 B2 @* {9 J

    : r* E- G" B# r7 E- J特朗普应该是美国总统里英语最差的一个,对他的遣词造句,根本没有必要朝复杂的方向去考虑,呵呵
    % q! n: u" n* n4 f0 c4 G" y% I) M, |

    9 n' z2 c- a/ l  [$ e7 N
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